The two killers are nowhere to be seen. The survivors might notice a big closed gate at one end of the housing area.
Darius continues to carry his friend, just looking for a place they can rest for a moment without the risk of something like that happening again.
Darius can hear the singing, but it's far away. It's still pretty darn creepy though.
Eventually he comes to what looks like an old farm building. Some red lockers rest against one wall, and there is a sparking generator in the centre. Some stairs lead downwards.
He stands outside of the farm doors, whispering “Yeah an old farm building is a definite nope. I’ve seen horror movies, one of us will die if we go inside. [gp]ing idiots don’t realize the singing gives at least one of them away.”
A window pops open, and a bearded head comes out. "Ya gonna just sit there an' wait for yer girlfriend ta die? Cm'on, get in 'ere, it's safe fer now!"
He looks to the bearded head, thinking there’s only two before saying “Not my girlfriend, maybe later, and do you own a poncho?” He grips his metal bat tightly, waiting for them to answer first.
The man gives Darius a skeptical look. "She may as well be," He mutters, before disappearing. A few seconds later he comes out. "No poncho's in 'ere, lad. Not my type o' clothing, especially with that madman on the loose. Anyway, the lullaby's gettin' closer, so are ya goin' ta stand there like a madman or are ya gonna come inside?"
He stands up, rushing the group to join them in the building “Do you have locks on the doors or boards on the windows? Do you have blankets or spare clothes? Do you have firewood?” He asks, “If you don’t I can still patch of this wound good enough.” After getting inside he takes off his shirt, left in a T shirt, before ripping it into strips and tying it up for the wound, stopping the bleeding and keeping the ice there.
"Yes, yes, yes, no, yes." The old man answers the questions in order.
There are 3 other people there. Two young men who are almost identical except one of them has very straight blonde hair and the other has black dreads, and a girl who looks about 7.
Alexia drops her pipe as soon as she gets inside, seeing the 7-year-old. "Why is there a child here?"
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Pokemon Master, Hero of Hyrule, Jedi Knight, Minecrafter, Celestial Being Beyond Comprehension, Bounty Hunter, Salmon Runner, Nailmaster, Yarn Yoshi Enjoyer, Animal Lover, Math Rock Roller, Nerd King in all Aspects.
(And, of course, Dragon Tamer. It is in the name, after all)
“Good, we won’t be able to stay here long if my movie knowledge is right, but at least we can have time to figure something out.” He looks to them people “Do any of you know if there are vehicles that fit all of us? Or where several working vehicles are?” He says.
"Vehicles?" The blonde guy scoffs. His brother sighs. "There are no vehicles in trials, kid. You gotta power the generators to open the gates, then make a dash for it. The thing is, We've lost our tools, so we can't repair this one, or any of the others."
"Ok. Answer me one thing. What the [gp] is a trial, and how do you know?"
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Pokemon Master, Hero of Hyrule, Jedi Knight, Minecrafter, Celestial Being Beyond Comprehension, Bounty Hunter, Salmon Runner, Nailmaster, Yarn Yoshi Enjoyer, Animal Lover, Math Rock Roller, Nerd King in all Aspects.
(And, of course, Dragon Tamer. It is in the name, after all)
“Good, we won’t be able to stay here long if my movie knowledge is right, but at least we can have time to figure something out.” He looks to them people “Do any of you know if there are vehicles that fit all of us? Or where several working vehicles are?” He says.
"Vehicles?" The blonde guy scoffs. His brother sighs. "There are no vehicles in trials, kid. You gotta power the generators to open the gates, then make a dash for it. The thing is, We've lost our tools, so we can't repair this one, or any of the others."
"Ok. Answer me one thing. What the [gp] is a trial, and how do you know?"
"A Trial is what you're in right now. The blackrobes grab people to try to sacrifice them, but want to have some fun while doing it, so here we are. As for how I know, this is my third trial."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Star Wars and Warhammer nerd. Yup. I'm both.
Pronouns he/him. WASSUUP!
Titles bestowed by Drummer: The Unstrikable Warrior, Expert of Dragons and Knowledge, Master of the Blade, Merciless champion, The Rising Power, Risen from the Depths, The Potential of Darkness!
The two killers are nowhere to be seen. The survivors might notice a big closed gate at one end of the housing area.
Darius continues to carry his friend, just looking for a place they can rest for a moment without the risk of something like that happening again.
Darius can hear the singing, but it's far away. It's still pretty darn creepy though.
Eventually he comes to what looks like an old farm building. Some red lockers rest against one wall, and there is a sparking generator in the centre. Some stairs lead downwards.
He stands outside of the farm doors, whispering “Yeah an old farm building is a definite nope. I’ve seen horror movies, one of us will die if we go inside. [gp]ing idiots don’t realize the singing gives at least one of them away.”
A window pops open, and a bearded head comes out. "Ya gonna just sit there an' wait for yer girlfriend ta die? Cm'on, get in 'ere, it's safe fer now!"
He looks to the bearded head, thinking there’s only two before saying “Not my girlfriend, maybe later, and do you own a poncho?” He grips his metal bat tightly, waiting for them to answer first.
The man gives Darius a skeptical look. "She may as well be," He mutters, before disappearing. A few seconds later he comes out. "No poncho's in 'ere, lad. Not my type o' clothing, especially with that madman on the loose. Anyway, the lullaby's gettin' closer, so are ya goin' ta stand there like a madman or are ya gonna come inside?"
He stands up, rushing the group to join them in the building “Do you have locks on the doors or boards on the windows? Do you have blankets or spare clothes? Do you have firewood?” He asks, “If you don’t I can still patch of this wound good enough.” After getting inside he takes off his shirt, left in a T shirt, before ripping it into strips and tying it up for the wound, stopping the bleeding and keeping the ice there.
"Yes, yes, yes, no, yes." The old man answers the questions in order.
There are 3 other people there. Two young men who are almost identical except one of them has very straight blonde hair and the other has black dreads, and a girl who looks about 7.
Alexia drops her pipe as soon as she gets inside, seeing the 7-year-old. "Why is there a child here?"
"Don' ask me," The old man says. "Them blackrobes usually go for adults, but Em was part of our group from the start."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Star Wars and Warhammer nerd. Yup. I'm both.
Pronouns he/him. WASSUUP!
Titles bestowed by Drummer: The Unstrikable Warrior, Expert of Dragons and Knowledge, Master of the Blade, Merciless champion, The Rising Power, Risen from the Depths, The Potential of Darkness!
The two killers are nowhere to be seen. The survivors might notice a big closed gate at one end of the housing area.
Darius continues to carry his friend, just looking for a place they can rest for a moment without the risk of something like that happening again.
Darius can hear the singing, but it's far away. It's still pretty darn creepy though.
Eventually he comes to what looks like an old farm building. Some red lockers rest against one wall, and there is a sparking generator in the centre. Some stairs lead downwards.
He stands outside of the farm doors, whispering “Yeah an old farm building is a definite nope. I’ve seen horror movies, one of us will die if we go inside. [gp]ing idiots don’t realize the singing gives at least one of them away.”
A window pops open, and a bearded head comes out. "Ya gonna just sit there an' wait for yer girlfriend ta die? Cm'on, get in 'ere, it's safe fer now!"
He looks to the bearded head, thinking there’s only two before saying “Not my girlfriend, maybe later, and do you own a poncho?” He grips his metal bat tightly, waiting for them to answer first.
The man gives Darius a skeptical look. "She may as well be," He mutters, before disappearing. A few seconds later he comes out. "No poncho's in 'ere, lad. Not my type o' clothing, especially with that madman on the loose. Anyway, the lullaby's gettin' closer, so are ya goin' ta stand there like a madman or are ya gonna come inside?"
He stands up, rushing the group to join them in the building “Do you have locks on the doors or boards on the windows? Do you have blankets or spare clothes? Do you have firewood?” He asks, “If you don’t I can still patch of this wound good enough.” After getting inside he takes off his shirt, left in a T shirt, before ripping it into strips and tying it up for the wound, stopping the bleeding and keeping the ice there.
"Yes, yes, yes, no, yes." The old man answers the questions in order.
There are 3 other people there. Two young men who are almost identical except one of them has very straight blonde hair and the other has black dreads, and a girl who looks about 7.
“Good, we won’t be able to stay here long if my movie knowledge is right, but at least we can have time to figure something out.” He looks to them people “Do any of you know if there are vehicles that fit all of us? Or where several working vehicles are?” He says.
"Vehicles?" The blonde guy scoffs. His brother sighs. "There are no vehicles in trials, kid. You gotta power the generators to open the gates, then make a dash for it. The thing is, We've lost our tools, so we can't repair this one, or any of the others."
“Why yall scoffing at me like you didn’t lose your tools.” He points to the brothers “You two are [gp]s, stop talking. Thanks.” He picks up his friend “Got any beds? Or we could just use a stack of blankets.”
"Do we look like we can carry a full-on bed from one of those houses?" the blonde guy says, before being silenced by a slap to the face from his brother.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Star Wars and Warhammer nerd. Yup. I'm both.
Pronouns he/him. WASSUUP!
Titles bestowed by Drummer: The Unstrikable Warrior, Expert of Dragons and Knowledge, Master of the Blade, Merciless champion, The Rising Power, Risen from the Depths, The Potential of Darkness!
Alexia sits down to think. "Ok, so there's strength in numbers, so we should stick together in order to fix the generators. How many of them are there? Also, does anyone know real medical care? Kirke isn't looking so good."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Pokemon Master, Hero of Hyrule, Jedi Knight, Minecrafter, Celestial Being Beyond Comprehension, Bounty Hunter, Salmon Runner, Nailmaster, Yarn Yoshi Enjoyer, Animal Lover, Math Rock Roller, Nerd King in all Aspects.
(And, of course, Dragon Tamer. It is in the name, after all)
Alexia sits down to think. "Ok, so there's strength in numbers, so we should stick together in order to fix the generators. How many of them are there? Also, does anyone know real medical care? Kirke isn't looking so good."
"As long as she stays warm and her wound stays covered that is all we can do for now. She shouldn't strain herself so I'll carry her everywhere we need to go, I'm the fastest runner out of all of us."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Local Jokester, Viber, Doctor, and Therapist, I do my best to make your day better, and if I fail I'll try again tomorrow.
"Life is like a roller coaster, and you just took your seatbelt off."
The old man sighs. "Ya got any tools? We can't fix the generator without 'em."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Star Wars and Warhammer nerd. Yup. I'm both.
Pronouns he/him. WASSUUP!
Titles bestowed by Drummer: The Unstrikable Warrior, Expert of Dragons and Knowledge, Master of the Blade, Merciless champion, The Rising Power, Risen from the Depths, The Potential of Darkness!
*Cool, more of the peeps who signed up are posting!*
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Star Wars and Warhammer nerd. Yup. I'm both.
Pronouns he/him. WASSUUP!
Titles bestowed by Drummer: The Unstrikable Warrior, Expert of Dragons and Knowledge, Master of the Blade, Merciless champion, The Rising Power, Risen from the Depths, The Potential of Darkness!
*Cool, more of the peeps who signed up are posting!*
*oh yeah also are we still aloud to PM you an idea for an ability that fits your character*
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Star Wars and Warhammer nerd. Yup. I'm both.
Pronouns he/him. WASSUUP!
Titles bestowed by Drummer: The Unstrikable Warrior, Expert of Dragons and Knowledge, Master of the Blade, Merciless champion, The Rising Power, Risen from the Depths, The Potential of Darkness!
Alexia drops her pipe as soon as she gets inside, seeing the 7-year-old. "Why is there a child here?"
Pokemon Master, Hero of Hyrule, Jedi Knight, Minecrafter, Celestial Being Beyond Comprehension, Bounty Hunter, Salmon Runner, Nailmaster, Yarn Yoshi Enjoyer, Animal Lover, Math Rock Roller, Nerd King in all Aspects.
(And, of course, Dragon Tamer. It is in the name, after all)
01001110 01100101 01110110 01100101 01110010 00100000 01100111 01101111 01101110 01101110 01100001 00100000 01100111 01101001 01110110 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110101 01110000
"Ok. Answer me one thing. What the [gp] is a trial, and how do you know?"
Pokemon Master, Hero of Hyrule, Jedi Knight, Minecrafter, Celestial Being Beyond Comprehension, Bounty Hunter, Salmon Runner, Nailmaster, Yarn Yoshi Enjoyer, Animal Lover, Math Rock Roller, Nerd King in all Aspects.
(And, of course, Dragon Tamer. It is in the name, after all)
01001110 01100101 01110110 01100101 01110010 00100000 01100111 01101111 01101110 01101110 01100001 00100000 01100111 01101001 01110110 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110101 01110000
"A Trial is what you're in right now. The blackrobes grab people to try to sacrifice them, but want to have some fun while doing it, so here we are. As for how I know, this is my third trial."
Star Wars and Warhammer nerd. Yup. I'm both.
Pronouns he/him. WASSUUP!
Titles bestowed by Drummer:
The Unstrikable Warrior, Expert of Dragons and Knowledge, Master of the Blade, Merciless champion, The Rising Power, Risen from the Depths, The Potential of Darkness!
Currently inactive for most of the week.
"Don' ask me," The old man says. "Them blackrobes usually go for adults, but Em was part of our group from the start."
Star Wars and Warhammer nerd. Yup. I'm both.
Pronouns he/him. WASSUUP!
Titles bestowed by Drummer:
The Unstrikable Warrior, Expert of Dragons and Knowledge, Master of the Blade, Merciless champion, The Rising Power, Risen from the Depths, The Potential of Darkness!
Currently inactive for most of the week.
"Do we look like we can carry a full-on bed from one of those houses?" the blonde guy says, before being silenced by a slap to the face from his brother.
Star Wars and Warhammer nerd. Yup. I'm both.
Pronouns he/him. WASSUUP!
Titles bestowed by Drummer:
The Unstrikable Warrior, Expert of Dragons and Knowledge, Master of the Blade, Merciless champion, The Rising Power, Risen from the Depths, The Potential of Darkness!
Currently inactive for most of the week.
“Generarors. Fix it.”
Kirke drops the toolkit she found in the starting room.
I’m a decent DM and an above average rules lawyer
I have several complete Pokedexes | I may be stupid, but at least I’m not smart!
Stay Paranoid!! My Drummer given title is… Swift as the Dragon
May the dice roll ever in your favor
Darius puts Kirke next to the fireplace “You need to rest for as much time as you can.”
“I’m finnnnnnn…”
she slumps over
I’m a decent DM and an above average rules lawyer
I have several complete Pokedexes | I may be stupid, but at least I’m not smart!
Stay Paranoid!! My Drummer given title is… Swift as the Dragon
May the dice roll ever in your favor
He uses the remaining strips of his shirt to warm her up. Before getting up’s
Alexia sits down to think. "Ok, so there's strength in numbers, so we should stick together in order to fix the generators. How many of them are there? Also, does anyone know real medical care? Kirke isn't looking so good."
Pokemon Master, Hero of Hyrule, Jedi Knight, Minecrafter, Celestial Being Beyond Comprehension, Bounty Hunter, Salmon Runner, Nailmaster, Yarn Yoshi Enjoyer, Animal Lover, Math Rock Roller, Nerd King in all Aspects.
(And, of course, Dragon Tamer. It is in the name, after all)
01001110 01100101 01110110 01100101 01110010 00100000 01100111 01101111 01101110 01101110 01100001 00100000 01100111 01101001 01110110 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110101 01110000
"As long as she stays warm and her wound stays covered that is all we can do for now. She shouldn't strain herself so I'll carry her everywhere we need to go, I'm the fastest runner out of all of us."
Local Jokester, Viber, Doctor, and Therapist, I do my best to make your day better, and if I fail I'll try again tomorrow.
"Life is like a roller coaster, and you just took your seatbelt off."
"Nothing is beautiful because it lasts."
The old man sighs. "Ya got any tools? We can't fix the generator without 'em."
Star Wars and Warhammer nerd. Yup. I'm both.
Pronouns he/him. WASSUUP!
Titles bestowed by Drummer:
The Unstrikable Warrior, Expert of Dragons and Knowledge, Master of the Blade, Merciless champion, The Rising Power, Risen from the Depths, The Potential of Darkness!
Currently inactive for most of the week.
The person I introed on the first or second page *I forget* is just following the group, very clearly okay with the others seeing them
Sig but long ^w^
Furry Febuary Prompts:
Hybrid, Silly, Fluffy, Afraid, Mantled Beast, Sleepy, Glitched, Shark Hybrid, Dragon, Cat, Arson, Chibi, Protogen, Feathers, Wolf Hybrid, Elegant, Kind-Eyed, Sad, Happy, Dinosaur, Owl, Ox Hybrid, Leopard, Colorful, Snake, Hyena, Bat, Your 'Sona
💛🤍💜🖤 🩷💛💙
(My char's doing that too.)
KOBOLDS WITH CANNONS! A RP thread about Small humanoids with Huge weapons.
Proud member of the EVIL JEFF CULT! PRAISE JEFF!
Homebrew Races: HERE Homebrew Spells: HERE Homebrew Monsters: HERE
MORE OF ME! (And platypodes/platypi/platypuses) (Extended signature)
The survivalist assesses your character, looking them up and down "You there! Safety in numbers?"
Sig but long ^w^
Furry Febuary Prompts:
Hybrid, Silly, Fluffy, Afraid, Mantled Beast, Sleepy, Glitched, Shark Hybrid, Dragon, Cat, Arson, Chibi, Protogen, Feathers, Wolf Hybrid, Elegant, Kind-Eyed, Sad, Happy, Dinosaur, Owl, Ox Hybrid, Leopard, Colorful, Snake, Hyena, Bat, Your 'Sona
💛🤍💜🖤 🩷💛💙
*Cool, more of the peeps who signed up are posting!*
Star Wars and Warhammer nerd. Yup. I'm both.
Pronouns he/him. WASSUUP!
Titles bestowed by Drummer:
The Unstrikable Warrior, Expert of Dragons and Knowledge, Master of the Blade, Merciless champion, The Rising Power, Risen from the Depths, The Potential of Darkness!
Currently inactive for most of the week.
*I did post at the start... but no one interacted :(*
Sig but long ^w^
Furry Febuary Prompts:
Hybrid, Silly, Fluffy, Afraid, Mantled Beast, Sleepy, Glitched, Shark Hybrid, Dragon, Cat, Arson, Chibi, Protogen, Feathers, Wolf Hybrid, Elegant, Kind-Eyed, Sad, Happy, Dinosaur, Owl, Ox Hybrid, Leopard, Colorful, Snake, Hyena, Bat, Your 'Sona
💛🤍💜🖤 🩷💛💙
*oh yeah also are we still aloud to PM you an idea for an ability that fits your character*
Sig but long ^w^
Furry Febuary Prompts:
Hybrid, Silly, Fluffy, Afraid, Mantled Beast, Sleepy, Glitched, Shark Hybrid, Dragon, Cat, Arson, Chibi, Protogen, Feathers, Wolf Hybrid, Elegant, Kind-Eyed, Sad, Happy, Dinosaur, Owl, Ox Hybrid, Leopard, Colorful, Snake, Hyena, Bat, Your 'Sona
💛🤍💜🖤 🩷💛💙
Star Wars and Warhammer nerd. Yup. I'm both.
Pronouns he/him. WASSUUP!
Titles bestowed by Drummer:
The Unstrikable Warrior, Expert of Dragons and Knowledge, Master of the Blade, Merciless champion, The Rising Power, Risen from the Depths, The Potential of Darkness!
Currently inactive for most of the week.
KOBOLDS WITH CANNONS! A RP thread about Small humanoids with Huge weapons.
Proud member of the EVIL JEFF CULT! PRAISE JEFF!
Homebrew Races: HERE Homebrew Spells: HERE Homebrew Monsters: HERE
MORE OF ME! (And platypodes/platypi/platypuses) (Extended signature)