Adohand’s Kitchen

For all things random or unrelated to D&D or DDB - Adohand is STRONG!
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Lord's Rest Inn >>
by Nikoli_Goodfellow
125,250 180,253
The Universe Smörgåsbord >>
by Baalzeboop
21,748 48,690
✪ -The World's Pearl: A Bizarre Adventure- ✪ >>
by Shiverquill
121 270
The Absolutely Anything Thread >>
by DaethedirWyndsaber
3,117 8,337
Jeff the Evil Roomba Cult >>
by TheMadGibber
1,397 3,806
The Speedwagon Foundation >>
by himynamesare
136 379
Onions Are Like Worms >>
by AnnoyedCecaelia
21,232 47,761
Quotes >>
by PJtheARCH3R
1,413 6,474
Goodbye >>
by EJODM18604
15 90
What are some interesting homebrew races/classes? >>
by ValCer0
7 1,359
The knights who say ni >>
8,682 16,146
Join this to make characters with stuff I bought! >>
by BigBrainGoblin
133 991
Armageddon (inspired by rebirth) >>
by drizztlonedruid
6 67
Prisoners of the Demonweb >>
by MonksAreGreat70
1,643 3,465
Anything BUT whatever dumb ass 💩 WotC has recently done or is currently doing, literally ANYTHING >>
by IamSposta
5,499 32,748
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