Medium Undead, Neutral Evil
AC 8    Initiative +2 (12)
HP 15 (2d8 + 6)
Speed 20 ft.
Mod Save
STR 13 +1 +1
DEX 6 -2 -2
CON 16 +3 +3
Mod Save
INT 3 -4 -4
WIS 6 -2 +0
CHA 5 -3 -3
Immunities Poison; Exhaustion, Poisoned
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 8
Languages Understands Common plus one other language but can’t speak
CR 1/4 (XP 50; PB +2)

Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the zombie to 0 Hit Points, it makes a Constitution saving throw (DC 5 plus the damage taken) unless the damage is Radiant or from a Critical Hit. On a successful save, the zombie drops to 1 Hit Point instead.


Slam. Melee Attack Roll: +3, reach 5 ft. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) Bludgeoning damage.


Humanoid zombies usually serve as guardians, servants, or soldiers for evil magic-users. In rare cases, foul magic might result in widespread reanimation of the dead, unleashing hordes of zombies to terrorize the living.


Zombies are unthinking, reanimated corpses, often gruesomely marred by decay and lethal traumas. They serve whatever supernatural force animates them—typically evil necromancers or fiendish spirits. Zombies are relentless, merciless, and resilient, and their dead flesh can carry on even after suffering grievous wounds. While they can follow simple orders, they rely on primal drives rather than thought. They fulfill commands by working tirelessly or battering through foes, but they are easily stymied by barriers or unexpected circumstances.

Zombies are usually created from Humanoid corpses, but the remains of other creatures can also become zombies. Such monstrous zombies might possess the strength they had in life or a measure of their supernatural abilities, but they employ such abilities haphazardly at best.

Habitat: Planar (Shadowfell)UnderdarkUrban

Treasure:  None

Monster Manual (2024), pg. 346


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