Roll out your favorite owlbear rug and get the fire started, because the 2023 holiday season is underway! Celebrate alongside us with over 20 days of gifts and special offers in this D&D advent calendar. You can open the first door of the calendar on December 1st. Then, come back each day to discover new treasures!
Hope they're good! Last year was pretty nice.
What were they? I'm also wondering what they'll be.
EDIT 1: December 1st, 2023: Oh man, I can't even drink coffee for religious reasons. What the heck? Why coffee? Geez...
EDIT 2: December 2nd, 2023: Save ten dollars on a product I'll probably never buy? Oh my gosh, it's so amazing!
EDIT 3: December 4th, 2023: Discounts, discounts, and more discounts! When will the discounts ever end? Discounts are the last thing I want! I want free stuff, not discounts, because I said I'd never spend a dime on this, and look what they're trying to do!
EDIT 4: December 5th, 2023: More discounts. Ugh. Please, can't we get some free stuff? Like the Tabaxi race or Lizardfolk race? Subclasses? Please?!
EDIT 5: December 6th, 2023: Finally, a non-discount! Unfortunately, I can't play the game.
EDIT 6: December 7th, 2023: Good heavens, I'm not going to buy these ornaments, so I could not care less if they have a discount.
EDIT 7: December 8th, 2023: So many pins, so many pins. and yet they only have a discount...
maybe they'll be dice
Anyone do this last year? what were the gifts like?
I remember it being mostly coupons/discounts. You can see last year's advent calendar here.
Mostly discounts on this site and other sites, but there were some cute printable pdfs for foldable things. The snowy owlbear foldable was really cute.
Do not open on the 24th. It'll be a beholder for sure.
5 Yay! ❤️
sick it was cool idk i just started dnd like 3 moths ago lol
Really looking forward! Last calendar had some good discounts and some free books.
Hope for another monster compendium. Maybe a planescape one cause we didn't get one for it yet.
Let's roll the dices!! It is very cool!! =D
last yeat felt like a cashgrab that was shoehorned in at the last minute.
since this year they actualy start at 1 they might have thoght about it a little more =)
of courso most of it will be deals on some products but thats to be expected, its a business after all.
As someone who lives outside the US... this advent calendar isn't off to a great start...
I don't understand why the gifts are discounts and coloring pages. Most smaller games and such will give out a few skins as a thank you. Is it really that much to ask for character sheet backgrounds and a new skin for dice?edited:
Reposting this for others! Thank you everyone for sharing!! Happy Holidays!!
Old Advent Calendar: longer works :/Free Paper Stuff In Calendar!! ^^^^From calendar, free site content:
Links to other free stuff:
Free Animated Dice 24th?:
Free Content:
Free Content 17th:
Free Dice:
Free Content:
Free Content 17th:
Free Dice:
Free Content:
Free Content:
Free Animated Dice 24th?:
Free Content:
Free Content:
Free Animated Dice & Bundle:
Front Page:
Free Book:
Free Fortune Teller:
What does the rest of the world do with a "gift" voucher of 20% off that can only be used in USA? It's a bit frustrating...
"US Only" is a great first day gift for a global brand.
Would be nice if people outside of the US could benefit from this.
Well day one is useless for anybody outside the US, *yawn*