Choose a manufactured metal object, such as a metal weapon or a suit of heavy or medium metal armor, that you can see within range. You cause the object to glow red-hot. Any creature in physical contact with the object takes 2d8 fire damage when you cast the spell. Until the spell ends, you can use a bonus action on each of your subsequent turns to cause this damage again.
If a creature is holding or wearing the object and takes the damage from it, the creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or drop the object if it can. If it doesn’t drop the object, it has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks until the start of your next turn.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 2nd.
* - (a piece of iron and a flame)
So I tried to use this against a cleric who had plate armor that had resistance to flame but the spell didn't work can some one explain I hough it would have been haveld sorry if this violates any rules I don't know where to go on forums I'm new anyway hope some one sees this and explains I'm very puzzled by it
As far as I understand resistance is half damage and immunity is zero damage, But in the end it's whatever the end decides.
Personally I would say half damage for resistance as it makes more sense.
In official rules, it'd be half damage if it was just resistance. The effects of the spell would still apply, however. If it didn't happen like that, then your GM was using their own rules instead.
If the target is wearing a ring or several rings can I use this spell on the ring or rings?
So on a target wearing metal armor, this spell could scale at 9th level to 9d8 recurring damage each round with no saving throw and causes disadvantage on attacks and ability checks. If the target wants to stop the hurt, they need to spend 5-10 mins (50-100 rounds of combat) taking their armor off or have dispel magic handy. In the time it takes to remove your breast plate you would have taken 450d8 damage. 900d8 if its plate mail.
The spell only last a minute so 9d8 and each turn is 6 seconds so that’s 10 rounds so it be like 90d8 if concentrated the whole time
At second level you could easily recast 5-10 times though and keep it up until they die.
the true strength of this spell is not it's damage it's in that you can impose at the very least Disadvantage on a target regardless of whether he passes or fails his save, our lvl5 party managed to defeat an angel thanks to this spell as other spells that normaly act as goto debuffs like Slow had no chance against the angels save rolls.
I recently used heat metal on the trigger of a foes crossbow. He not only took damage but was unable to fire and it runined his weapon. 10/10 would use again
I haven't had the spell used in any campaign I have played but saw how powerful it could be when I watched the Save or Dice stream where the Druid used it to very good effect.
So next time I play a character that can take this spell I will!
It's a manufactured metal object, so yes. But only one of them.
A necklace, a holy symbol, or a set of jailer's keys could also be valid targets. Less deviating, but could definitely have some fun RP possibilities.
Also, part of an armoured vehicle.
I am curious as to the wording in the spell: it says "Choose a manufactured metal object, such as a metal weapon or a suit of heavy or medium metal armor, that you can see within range"
"Such as" is not really a restriction as other spells clearly state object sizes if such limitations apply. So if one were to have a giant metal lockbox/ vault for example, it still fits the description of a manufactured metal object.
(So would an iron tower technically)
Or am i mistaken?.
This is very much a Rules as Intended Vs Rules as Written spell. I take it in the same vein as the Interact with an Object action. i.e., if you can carry it, it's an "object", rather than a vehicle or a building. However, there's nothing to say you couldn't target a smaller part of one of those, like the handle on a safe door or the sheet of metal armouring a wagon.
The spell doesn't necessarily damage the object though, or set anything on fire, just deals damage to anything in contact with it.
Op spell
I think you may want to re-read the spell. you seem to be missing a lot of basic things on this one. Concentration for example, maximum duration, "no saving throw"??
There's no saving throw on the spell taking effect, it just works--and there's no saving throw on the damage, anyone in contact with the item when you use a bonus action to inflict the damage simply takes it. The only saving throw the affected get are in whether they are forced to drop the targeted item (if they're able to, as you can't 'drop' equipped armor, only an item you're holding).
Their hypothetical situation would be if you continued recasting it every minute if concentration wasn't broken and the target chose to remove their red-hot armor. In combat, probably not going to happen. If you cast it while hidden on a target outside of combat, though, they just might try to strip it off... and die in the process if you keep recasting it at duration because of the damage they're accumulating over the time it takes to remove the armor. They're mistaken on the max damage, though, because they used the full 9th level spell damage for each recast in their hypothetical--that would require either five or ten 9th level spell slots.
so can I buff my steel defender with heat metal?
It would technically deal damage to the steel defender every turn
I play a Warforged, what if my armor is a part of me? Would I auto-fail the save and take full damage on the Spell?
You take full damage regardless if you fail or succeed. The Con Save affects your character's ability to power through it unwaveringly.