
A scoundrel who uses stealth and trickery to overcome obstacles and enemies
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Please help me make a Rogue? >>
by jgtelford
9 904
AT/Sorcerer >>
by Anerian
3 690
Swashbuckler Rogues! Dual Wield Feat vs +2 Dex @ Lvl 4 >>
by Cade_Redcask
11 9,098
rogue warlock >>
by koopanerd
2 754
Thief Rogues and Bombs >>
by BustyRusty1
1 1,609
Help with Rogue Assassin build please >>
by The_Dirty_Lizard
8 2,261
I am New >>
by TotoyBlack
19 775
Magical Assassin >>
by DaftGenius
9 3,105
I need help with a backstory for a Bugbear Rogue, who is also a noble. >>
by SeujikFankhild
2 925
Help with my backstory Eladrin Elf Rogue Haunted One >>
by iamchris027
2 1,775
AL Seashbuckler (but rogue mastermind) >>
by MightyMickey88
4 666
Scout / Druid multiclass >>
by Branoc
17 5,977
Ninja Assassin Rogue >>
by HeroZero
1 1,685
Goblin rogue assassin backstory ideas >>
by Morlac
1 863
On the fence on Feat or ASI >>
by Anrui
11 2,885
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