Maybe I missed it, but was there ever an update on how to designate which version of a spell (or any rule) a homebrew item references? I was making a custom magic item for my campaign that granted the use of a spell 3 times a day, and while when I select the spell from the menu I can get the 2024 version, when the include it in the description using the tool tip (using bracket-spell-bracket), the hover over and link points to the Legacy version. I homebrew monsters a fair amount, and plenty of them have spells, so this will come up again.
I assume when they switched gears to no longer default things to the 2024 versions, it messed things like this up (there really needs to be a sitewide toggle between 2014 and 2024 rules, not just in the Character builder!).
Maybe I missed it, but was there ever an update on how to designate which version of a spell (or any rule) a homebrew item references? I was making a custom magic item for my campaign that granted the use of a spell 3 times a day, and while when I select the spell from the menu I can get the 2024 version, when the include it in the description using the tool tip (using bracket-spell-bracket), the hover over and link points to the Legacy version. I homebrew monsters a fair amount, and plenty of them have spells, so this will come up again.
I assume when they switched gears to no longer default things to the 2024 versions, it messed things like this up (there really needs to be a sitewide toggle between 2014 and 2024 rules, not just in the Character builder!).
Is there a trick?
instead of
Where did they post this? Is there a summary of these changes somewhere?
User figured it all out: (
Creating Epic Boons on DDB
DDB Buyers' Guide
Hardcovers, DDB & You
Content Troubleshooting
Thanks! Very helpful.