After resetting all of the *required options for a third time, and re-saving the item again. It has appeared. Yay bugs and working through them. Thanks for the attempts to help, y'all. Being reminded to be more stubborn and redo the work paid off.
For enabling access to homebrew content? In the Character Builder, HOME "tab", Character Preferences section at top. Switch the "Homebrew Content" toggle to on.
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Helpful rewriter of Japanese->English translation and delver into software codebases (she/e/they)
For enabling access to homebrew content? In the Character Builder, HOME "tab", Character Preferences section at top. Switch the "Homebrew Content" toggle to on.
This is the Link to my affected character. I am playing the Icewindale: Rime of the Frostmaiden. I picked up a Horned Fiddle Magical Item. I had to custom create it, but I do not know how to get the program to allow me to Attune it to my P.C.
This is the Link to my affected character. I am playing the Icewindale: Rime of the Frostmaiden. I picked up a Horned Fiddle Magical Item. I had to custom create it, but I do not know how to get the program to allow me to Attune it to my P.C.
The Item is Horned Fiddle, Abigail (I named it Abigail)
Attunement slots are at the bottom of the equipment page. Any item that requires attunement and is equipped will be listed there with a check box to attune it.
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Lightning Strike - A rebranded Fire Bolt for Wizards & Sorcerers.
Spirit Bomb - A holy fireball for Clerics, Paladins, & Divine Soul Sorcerers!
Sword Dancer - A Cleric subclass specifically for the Drow goddess Eilistraee.
This is the Link to my affected character. I am playing the Icewindale: Rime of the Frostmaiden. I picked up a Horned Fiddle Magical Item. I had to custom create it, but I do not know how to get the program to allow me to Attune it to my P.C.
The Item is Horned Fiddle, Abigail (I named it Abigail)
When you look at it on your character sheet and the sidebar slides out, at the bottom where you see the “equip” and “remove” buttons, once it is equipped a third ”attune” button will appear.
Thanks, dude, but since this instrument is considered "Other Gear" or "Basic Gear" I cannot equip it, which doesn't make sense to me because I have to "Attune" to it?1
I'm aware of "I did something wrong"! But I don't know where I went wrong! Lol! What I did was from my character sheet: 1) Clicked on Manage Equipment 2) Clicked on Custom Item 3) Create new Item 4) Created said Item
HOLY COW! Thank you for the link! I'll explore it more when I get the chance to do so! I have an important dr.'s appointment this am!
I'm aware of "I did something wrong"! But I don't know where I went wrong! Lol! What I did was from my character sheet: 1) Clicked on Manage Equipment 2) Clicked on Custom Item 3) Create new Item 4) Created said Item
Creating custom equipment is not designed for creating magic items, thus the reason you can't attune it. But as you have discovered, the link Sposta gave you will get you on the right track. Sposta is one of our local homebrew experts, so if you run into difficulties homebrewing the item, post in the homebrew forum and Sposta or someone else can help you.
Have you enabled Homebrew Content in the character's HOME | Preferences?
If so, did you only just recently make that homebrew? It can take up to 20 minutes for homebrew changes to percolate to character sheets, so it's likely available now. Try reloading the character sheet.
If still no, is that Shield in your Homebrew Collection? Even if it's one of your Creations, it needs to be in your Collection to show up as an option to add to a character.
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Helpful rewriter of Japanese->English translation and delver into software codebases (she/e/they)
After resetting all of the *required options for a third time, and re-saving the item again. It has appeared. Yay bugs and working through them. Thanks for the attempts to help, y'all. Being reminded to be more stubborn and redo the work paid off.
I’m also having this issue. I created a homebrew magic item and cannot seem to find it in the list for adding equipment to my character.
Link to character:
Link to homebrew Magic item:
I am having trouble Adding this to my character!
Quick problem, quick solution. Thanks!
Where is the setting option for it?
For enabling access to homebrew content? In the Character Builder, HOME "tab", Character Preferences section at top. Switch the "Homebrew Content" toggle to on.
Helpful rewriter of Japanese->English translation and delver into software codebases (she/e/they)
Thank you, helped a bunch.
This is the Link to my affected character. I am playing the Icewindale: Rime of the Frostmaiden. I picked up a Horned Fiddle Magical Item. I had to custom create it, but I do not know how to get the program to allow me to Attune it to my P.C.
Here is the link to my character for you to look at:
The Item is Horned Fiddle, Abigail (I named it Abigail)
Attunement slots are at the bottom of the equipment page. Any item that requires attunement and is equipped will be listed there with a check box to attune it.
Lightning Strike - A rebranded Fire Bolt for Wizards & Sorcerers.
Spirit Bomb - A holy fireball for Clerics, Paladins, & Divine Soul Sorcerers!
Sword Dancer - A Cleric subclass specifically for the Drow goddess Eilistraee.
Quicksilver & The Scarlet Witch - A pair of magical firearms for your Gunslinger or Artificer.
When you look at it on your character sheet and the sidebar slides out, at the bottom where you see the “equip” and “remove” buttons, once it is equipped a third ”attune” button will appear.
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Thanks, dude, but since this instrument is considered "Other Gear" or "Basic Gear" I cannot equip it, which doesn't make sense to me because I have to "Attune" to it?1
Well, I have no idea how you created it, but you didn’t do it correctly if you can’t equip it:
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I'm aware of "I did something wrong"! But I don't know where I went wrong! Lol!
What I did was from my character sheet:
1) Clicked on Manage Equipment
2) Clicked on Custom Item
3) Create new Item
4) Created said Item
HOLY COW! Thank you for the link! I'll explore it more when I get the chance to do so! I have an important dr.'s appointment this am!
Creating custom equipment is not designed for creating magic items, thus the reason you can't attune it. But as you have discovered, the link Sposta gave you will get you on the right track. Sposta is one of our local homebrew experts, so if you run into difficulties homebrewing the item, post in the homebrew forum and Sposta or someone else can help you.
Trying to Decide if DDB is for you? A few helpful threads: A Buyer's Guide to DDB; What I/We Bought and Why; How some DMs use DDB; A Newer Thread on Using DDB to Play
Helpful threads on other topics: Homebrew FAQ by IamSposta; Accessing Content by ConalTheGreat;
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Thank you!
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU, for all your help! I figured everything out!
I'm having the same issue
Have you enabled Homebrew Content in the character's HOME | Preferences?
If so, did you only just recently make that homebrew? It can take up to 20 minutes for homebrew changes to percolate to character sheets, so it's likely available now. Try reloading the character sheet.
If still no, is that Shield in your Homebrew Collection? Even if it's one of your Creations, it needs to be in your Collection to show up as an option to add to a character.
Helpful rewriter of Japanese->English translation and delver into software codebases (she/e/they)
I am also having trouble
Please see below he General FAQ #5: ( already have that item on your character sheet, you just need to equip it and Attune to it.
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