My DM has added a number of unique items to the game and I would like to add them to my sheet with the mechanics set up properly. I have added them using the 'custom item' feature but it does not really work for getting the mechanics to set up properly in the sheet so I created the items using the Create Magic Item tool but I still can't add it to my sheet.
Hello! Please ensure that you have turned "Homebrew Content" on in your character sheet settings. On is with the slider to the right-hand side.
If this doesn't help, please provide a link to the affected character, as well as a link to one of the homebrew items you're trying to add, and we can take a look for you.
I can't find where I can get a link for the homebrew item. Where do I get that?
If you created the homebrew, you can find it in your My Creations page. If someone else in your campaign made the homebrew, please ask them for the link.
Does that player have “Homebrew Content” enabled for the character sheet? On the “home” tab of the character creator, the switch should be red.
Is the item a weapon in which the character is non-proficient? And if so, is the “proficient” box checked in the equipment manager? If so, that would be why.
Is the “common” box checked in the equipment manager? We cannot currently homebrew non-magic items. If the common box (should really say “nonmagical”) is checked that would be why.
Thanks for responding! Homebrew content was enabled for that character (and it was a wondrous item rather than a weapon) but it seems like it was just a matter of being patient, the item now appears when searching and I've been able to add it to their equipment. Thank you!
Appropriate boxes checked. Homebrew turned on. I am seeing shared homebrew content from other users. No luck seeing what I made on the character sheet.
This has been persisting over the space of a week with multiple newly opened instances of *beyond. Computer restarts, logging in and out. My DM made up the item, so he is aware of it's properties, but I would like to have it on my sheet to track uses per rest and whatnot.
This has been persisting over the space of a week with multiple newly opened instances of *beyond. Computer restarts, logging in and out. My DM made up the item, so he is aware of it's properties, but I would like to have it on my sheet to track uses per rest and whatnot.
Who made the item, you or the DM? It is unpublished so I cannot tell.
Whoever made it must have the item in their collection and your PC must be in a campaign with that person if it isn’t you who made it.
Do you have “Homebrew Content” enabled for the character sheet? On the “home” tab of the character creator, the switch should be red.
Is the item a weapon in which the character is non-proficient? And if so, is the “proficient” box checked in the equipment manager? If so, that would be why.
Is the “common” box checked in the equipment manager? We cannot currently homebrew non-magic items. If the common box (should really say “nonmagical”) is checked that would be why.
If none of those are the issue, try this: Whoever made it should re-save the item. That should trigger the system to pick up the most recent version and push it through the system. After that, it should be available after at most 20 minutes. See if that works.
My DM has added a number of unique items to the game and I would like to add them to my sheet with the mechanics set up properly. I have added them using the 'custom item' feature but it does not really work for getting the mechanics to set up properly in the sheet so I created the items using the Create Magic Item tool but I still can't add it to my sheet.
Hello! Please ensure that you have turned "Homebrew Content" on in your character sheet settings. On is with the slider to the right-hand side.
If this doesn't help, please provide a link to the affected character, as well as a link to one of the homebrew items you're trying to add, and we can take a look for you.
Thank you!
I am having the same problem. My setting is on for homebrew, but I can't add my homebrew in. Please help!
Please provide a link to the affected character, as well as a link to one of the homebrew items you're trying to add, and we can take a look for you.
Link to Character Sheet
I can't find where I can get a link for the homebrew item. Where do I get that?
If you created the homebrew, you can find it in your My Creations page. If someone else in your campaign made the homebrew, please ask them for the link.
I know where the homebrew item is, I just don't know how to get a link for it. Do I just copy the web address at the top of the page?
Hi, I'm having trouble with this as well. Looking to add
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Here is the link to my homebrew item. CLICK HERE. Here is the link to my character sheet. CLICK HERE
I also am having trouble. If you don't mind, can you add to and to
I have tried to add the items in any way I can think of, but none have worked.
Thank you :)
Same issue.
Same issue is happening to one of the players in my campaign, I'm unable to add a homebrew magic item to his equipment.
Does that player have “Homebrew Content” enabled for the character sheet? On the “home” tab of the character creator, the switch should be red.
Is the item a weapon in which the character is non-proficient? And if so, is the “proficient” box checked in the equipment manager? If so, that would be why.
Is the “common” box checked in the equipment manager? We cannot currently homebrew non-magic items. If the common box (should really say “nonmagical”) is checked that would be why.
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Thanks for responding! Homebrew content was enabled for that character (and it was a wondrous item rather than a weapon) but it seems like it was just a matter of being patient, the item now appears when searching and I've been able to add it to their equipment. Thank you!
Appropriate boxes checked. Homebrew turned on. I am seeing shared homebrew content from other users. No luck seeing what I made on the character sheet.
There is currently a bug in the DDB systems that is causing issues with homebrew stuff. See this thread here.
Try logging out and then back in, and wait 15 minutes. That should cause the servers to clear any cached information that may be incorrect.
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This has been persisting over the space of a week with multiple newly opened instances of *beyond. Computer restarts, logging in and out. My DM made up the item, so he is aware of it's properties, but I would like to have it on my sheet to track uses per rest and whatnot.
Who made the item, you or the DM? It is unpublished so I cannot tell.
Whoever made it must have the item in their collection and your PC must be in a campaign with that person if it isn’t you who made it.
Do you have “Homebrew Content” enabled for the character sheet? On the “home” tab of the character creator, the switch should be red.
Is the item a weapon in which the character is non-proficient? And if so, is the “proficient” box checked in the equipment manager? If so, that would be why.
Is the “common” box checked in the equipment manager? We cannot currently homebrew non-magic items. If the common box (should really say “nonmagical”) is checked that would be why.
If none of those are the issue, try this: Whoever made it should re-save the item. That should trigger the system to pick up the most recent version and push it through the system. After that, it should be available after at most 20 minutes. See if that works.
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DM designed it. I made it. Homebrew is on. It is not a weapon. Wondrous Item. Amulet to be exact. I will attempt to re-save it again.