Hello, I'm currently on the 'My Characters' tab and I currently have 5/6 character slots being used, previously I had 7/6 before my membership ran out, but now I deleted two. Currently, I have no access to my five characters, I can't view nor edit them, the only option it is currently giving me is 'Leave campaign' or 'Delete', I tried to refresh the page and even logged out and logged back on, but had no luck in any changes and it is still wanting me to delete my characters. What should I exactly do in this situation?
Raise a support ticket using the Contact Us link at the very bottom of the page.
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Click ✨ HERE ✨ For My Youtube Videos featuring Guides, Tips & Tricks for using D&D Beyond. Need help with Homebrew? Check out ✨ thisFAQ/Guide thread ✨ by IamSposta.
Hi adventurers, I'm having trouble accessing my character sheet after deleting extra characters. Can anyone help?
Here's what the screen says:
As you try to enter the 403rd level of the endless dungeon, the ancient dragon Rylzrayrth rises up to block your path. The dragon has forbidden you from traveling any further.
In other words, you don’t have access to complete the action.
one of players had this yesterday. I was able to see the characters (as th DM) but unfortunately I was not aware of the problem so the player deleted a bunch of characters. I am hoping dndbeyond can recover the unnecessarily lost characters. we shall see
I have the same problem. My DM account expired, back to free. I had 7 characters. Deleted down to 6, and it's still locked. None of my characters are usable, even by my DM who has a paid account!
I submitted a support ticket, but this is a breaking bug.
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"There is only do and do not, there is no try." - Master Yoda
This is apparently a new bug. This must be a new code change to DRM. My account last week worked fine, as my DM account expired at the beginning of the month. I log in today, and see that my 7 of 6 characters locked my account, because I previously paid for them. I deleted the extra character and my account is still showing them in 'delete' status ONLY and grayed out. They're completely unusable!
I clicked the option acknowledging which to leave active and it still is broken! Apparently, i'm not the only one. However the steps to reproduce are provided below:
Have a paid account with 7 characters
Let paid account lapse
Account becomes locked
Delete down to free account allowable characters
Actual results: Account remains locked
Expected results: Account should unlock and allow usage of existing characters.
This is especially unacceptable as I have $120 of PAID content I cannot access unless I make a new character, however I can't see any details of my existing ones.
My hero sub expired and I had over six characters made at the time. I couldn’t view/edit any so I figured I needed to delete until I had less than 6, but they’re still greyed out with only the option to delete them, even though I have 5/6 characters made. It lets me make 1 more but nothing else.
Just tried it myself, if you're able to resub that should fix it. I have all 5 characters viewable/editable again. Sorry if you are unable to but it at least worked for me.
same problem, can't edit any of them. Only delete and when I create a new one its fine. I can't even view any of them which would've been fine if I could cause then I'd just recreate/copy each one then delete the original
update: I found a small work around to this. Since the quarantine we've been using discord and avrae especially since roll20 and dndbeyond has been having some server issues so we I've got multiple copies all over but I remembered that I had a sheet of my characters saved on avrae and so I'm playing using avrae for now and I made a copy of my character based off of my sheet on avrae. You can also transfer the sheet to someone on the same discord server just type !transferchar <@DiscordUserName>
Just tried it myself, if you're able to resub that should fix it. I have all 5 characters viewable/editable again. Sorry if you are unable to but it at least worked for me.
I let my account expire for a reason. I am not wanting to resub. Not a good option as our DM has the master account. I don't need one myself.
I received a notice that I had too many characters and that they had been locked. I deleted a few and then pressed the button to unlock them, but all the remaining ones are still locked and I don't have the option to press the unlock button again.
Hello, I'm currently on the 'My Characters' tab and I currently have 5/6 character slots being used, previously I had 7/6 before my membership ran out, but now I deleted two. Currently, I have no access to my five characters, I can't view nor edit them, the only option it is currently giving me is 'Leave campaign' or 'Delete', I tried to refresh the page and even logged out and logged back on, but had no luck in any changes and it is still wanting me to delete my characters. What should I exactly do in this situation?
Raise a support ticket using the Contact Us link at the very bottom of the page.
Click ✨ HERE ✨ For My Youtube Videos featuring Guides, Tips & Tricks for using D&D Beyond.
Need help with Homebrew? Check out ✨ this FAQ/Guide thread ✨ by IamSposta.
Hi adventurers, I'm having trouble accessing my character sheet after deleting extra characters. Can anyone help?
Here's what the screen says:
As you try to enter the 403rd level of the endless dungeon, the ancient dragon Rylzrayrth rises up to block your path. The dragon has forbidden you from traveling any further.
In other words, you don’t have access to complete the action.
I also had this problem today. I’ve put in a request for help on it but still waiting on a reply.
one of players had this yesterday. I was able to see the characters (as th DM) but unfortunately I was not aware of the problem so the player deleted a bunch of characters. I am hoping dndbeyond can recover the unnecessarily lost characters. we shall see
Jesus Saves!... Everyone else takes damage.
Here's to hoping.
I have the same problem. My DM account expired, back to free. I had 7 characters. Deleted down to 6, and it's still locked. None of my characters are usable, even by my DM who has a paid account!
I submitted a support ticket, but this is a breaking bug.
"There is only do and do not, there is no try." - Master Yoda
This is apparently a new bug. This must be a new code change to DRM. My account last week worked fine, as my DM account expired at the beginning of the month. I log in today, and see that my 7 of 6 characters locked my account, because I previously paid for them. I deleted the extra character and my account is still showing them in 'delete' status ONLY and grayed out. They're completely unusable!
I clicked the option acknowledging which to leave active and it still is broken! Apparently, i'm not the only one. However the steps to reproduce are provided below:
Actual results: Account remains locked
Expected results: Account should unlock and allow usage of existing characters.
This is especially unacceptable as I have $120 of PAID content I cannot access unless I make a new character, however I can't see any details of my existing ones.
"There is only do and do not, there is no try." - Master Yoda
My hero sub expired and I had over six characters made at the time. I couldn’t view/edit any so I figured I needed to delete until I had less than 6, but they’re still greyed out with only the option to delete them, even though I have 5/6 characters made. It lets me make 1 more but nothing else.
Have any of you tried resubbing? Would that fix it? I’m also having this issue.
Just tried it myself, if you're able to resub that should fix it. I have all 5 characters viewable/editable again. Sorry if you are unable to but it at least worked for me.
same problem, can't edit any of them. Only delete and when I create a new one its fine. I can't even view any of them which would've been fine if I could cause then I'd just recreate/copy each one then delete the original
update: I found a small work around to this. Since the quarantine we've been using discord and avrae especially since roll20 and dndbeyond has been having some server issues so we I've got multiple copies all over but I remembered that I had a sheet of my characters saved on avrae and so I'm playing using avrae for now and I made a copy of my character based off of my sheet on avrae. You can also transfer the sheet to someone on the same discord server just type !transferchar <@DiscordUserName>
I let my account expire for a reason. I am not wanting to resub. Not a good option as our DM has the master account. I don't need one myself.
"There is only do and do not, there is no try." - Master Yoda
All My Character sheets are grey and I can only click on delete button. I only have 4. Please help?
Try logging out and logging back in.
If that doesn’t do it, contact support at the bottom of the page.
Trying to Decide if DDB is for you? A few helpful threads: A Buyer's Guide to DDB; What I/We Bought and Why; How some DMs use DDB; A Newer Thread on Using DDB to Play
Helpful threads on other topics: Homebrew FAQ by IamSposta; Accessing Content by ConalTheGreat;
Check your entitlements here. | Support Ticket LInk
As the title describes.
Does the character have homebrew on it? It’s probably causing a glitch.
Creating Epic Boons on DDB
DDB Buyers' Guide
Hardcovers, DDB & You
Content Troubleshooting
Yes but the others do as well. I can't remove any items unfortunately either. I do not have access to view their char sheet either
I received a notice that I had too many characters and that they had been locked. I deleted a few and then pressed the button to unlock them, but all the remaining ones are still locked and I don't have the option to press the unlock button again.
I am having the exact same issue. I have a campaign tomorrow morning. DnDBeyond HELP!