Me and a buddy have started a campaign so he can share his sourcebooks with me. He has the books and I have master tier sub. I enable content sharing and proceed to create a character in the campaign only to notice that there's a lot of stuff missing. Is there a way to fix this?
This is currently happening for me in my new campaign aswell. It was working for everyone, and now they suddenly can't access anything. I haven't hit the limit for characters of campaigns on sharing, and it is turned on.
I've purchased a master sub and all sourcebook content so I can enable my players to fully customize their characters. They can review my content management and see everything is shared, and they also ensure that all content is enabled on their character creation page, but nothing but the bare bones classes/races appear for them to use. Very frustrating considering how much money it is to acquire all these items and the sub itself. Is this happening for anyone else?
Yes, this is happening for me as well (my husband owns the content) - it was working last night. Not sure what changed on the back-end since yesterday. I hope it gets fixed ASAP - I am supposed to be live streaming a one shot for Extra Life this weekend and my group was making their characters tonight >_<
Hello. Sorry for necroing a thread, but I have been using the master sub services for about a week now... I have had no issues with sharing content with those in my campaign until today.
Suddenly they are no longer able to choose feats or subclasses that are from the source books that I have enabled.
It might also help to fully disable content before disabling content sharing and sorta restart fresh. Past that, maybe look at restarting the browser after clearing history and cookies. All else fails, definitely e-mail support and let them know the steps you have already taken.
I'm having the same issue. I am the DM, with a master sub, none of my players can see the extra content.
The strange part is they can see the stuff I purchased one-off; a race here, spell list there, backgrounds here; but the everything from the sourcebook bundle is missing. I've turned it off and on again, turned it off, and created a new campaign with sharing, same thing.
I'm having a similar issue. The races I bought in Ebberon are no longer accessible to my players. They still have them in the characters they already made but in attempting to make new ones they don't show up.
Hi everyone - it looks like something is not working as intended (I'm sure we told the Kobolds not to touch things!). I've passed info onto the team so they are aware!
Fix: I went here and clicked 'Sync Content' or whatever the button is (can't recall the exact name as it disappears after pressing) and it now works, unsure if this is a new addition from DnD Beyond, but this worked for me!
DoctorTestRune2 beating me to the punch (look it's Saturday morning and I needed at least my second coffee before I could reply).
The team have made some changes which will require users to resync their Entitlements. This can be done on the Marketplace Account page here:
When navigating to this page, the first section is Account Entitlements, if you are not currently in Sync there will be a button to resync. This should resolve campaign sharing issues.
Please note, that the other members of the campaign will most likely need to also resync their entitlements (especially important when content is being shared from different accounts). If you are still experiencing trouble please let me know and I can help take a look individually.
I'm still having this issue. I've checked and don't have the re-sync button. I've asked my DM that is sharing his content to check the same and no button to press there either. He has even unshared and reshared the content to see if that would reset it but I'm still missing options when creating characters.
I have lost access to the content my friend is sharing (im the dm but he has all books), how can i fix this? i need them to make npc sheets
Me and a buddy have started a campaign so he can share his sourcebooks with me. He has the books and I have master tier sub. I enable content sharing and proceed to create a character in the campaign only to notice that there's a lot of stuff missing. Is there a way to fix this?
This is currently happening for me in my new campaign aswell. It was working for everyone, and now they suddenly can't access anything.
I haven't hit the limit for characters of campaigns on sharing, and it is turned on.
I've purchased a master sub and all sourcebook content so I can enable my players to fully customize their characters. They can review my content management and see everything is shared, and they also ensure that all content is enabled on their character creation page, but nothing but the bare bones classes/races appear for them to use. Very frustrating considering how much money it is to acquire all these items and the sub itself. Is this happening for anyone else?
Yes, this is happening for me as well (my husband owns the content) - it was working last night. Not sure what changed on the back-end since yesterday. I hope it gets fixed ASAP - I am supposed to be live streaming a one shot for Extra Life this weekend and my group was making their characters tonight >_<
Hello. Sorry for necroing a thread, but I have been using the master sub services for about a week now... I have had no issues with sharing content with those in my campaign until today.
Suddenly they are no longer able to choose feats or subclasses that are from the source books that I have enabled.
Any help at all would be appreciated.
Same situation here. Have been fine up until today with content sharing... Now my players only have access to UA and Basic Rules materials.
Happening here as well. Think it's an issue on their end.
Try turning content sharing off and then back on again.
Trying to Decide if DDB is for you? A few helpful threads: A Buyer's Guide to DDB; What I/We Bought and Why; How some DMs use DDB; A Newer Thread on Using DDB to Play
Helpful threads on other topics: Homebrew FAQ by IamSposta; Accessing Content by ConalTheGreat;
Check your entitlements here. | Support Ticket LInk
It might also help to fully disable content before disabling content sharing and sorta restart fresh. Past that, maybe look at restarting the browser after clearing history and cookies. All else fails, definitely e-mail support and let them know the steps you have already taken.
I'm having the same issue.
I am the DM, with a master sub, none of my players can see the extra content.
The strange part is they can see the stuff I purchased one-off; a race here, spell list there, backgrounds here; but the everything from the sourcebook bundle is missing.
I've turned it off and on again, turned it off, and created a new campaign with sharing, same thing.
Seems to be an ongoing issue with sharing.
I'm having a similar issue. The races I bought in Ebberon are no longer accessible to my players. They still have them in the characters they already made but in attempting to make new ones they don't show up.
Hi everyone - it looks like something is not working as intended (I'm sure we told the Kobolds not to touch things!). I've passed info onto the team so they are aware!
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If you have questions/concerns, please Private Message me or another moderator.
Wary the wizard who focuses on homebrew, for he can create nightmares that you wouldn't even dream of
Anyone else still experiencing this issue?
yup. still going on, until there is a D&Db post saying it's fixed I'm assuming they are still looking into it.
Fix: I went here and clicked 'Sync Content' or whatever the button is (can't recall the exact name as it disappears after pressing) and it now works, unsure if this is a new addition from DnD Beyond, but this worked for me!
DoctorTestRune2 beating me to the punch (look it's Saturday morning and I needed at least my second coffee before I could reply).
The team have made some changes which will require users to resync their Entitlements. This can be done on the Marketplace Account page here:
When navigating to this page, the first section is Account Entitlements, if you are not currently in Sync there will be a button to resync. This should resolve campaign sharing issues.
Please note, that the other members of the campaign will most likely need to also resync their entitlements (especially important when content is being shared from different accounts). If you are still experiencing trouble please let me know and I can help take a look individually.
Site Rules & Guidelines || How to Tooltip || Contact Support || Changelog || Pricing FAQ || Homebrew FAQ
If you have questions/concerns, please Private Message me or another moderator.
Wary the wizard who focuses on homebrew, for he can create nightmares that you wouldn't even dream of
Sorce, still having the issue! No resync option for me. Will try and get DM to attempt resume as well.
Any other ideas?
Just an old nerd...
I'm still having this issue. I've checked and don't have the re-sync button. I've asked my DM that is sharing his content to check the same and no button to press there either. He has even unshared and reshared the content to see if that would reset it but I'm still missing options when creating characters.
I also have this issue.
Me being the player, and GM sharing the books i miss.