I thought it'd be fun to give everyone a thread to show their gaming space.
Simple picture of your kitchen table? Cool! Gaming area filthy? Great, so is mine! Just show us where you play D&D so we can see where the magic takes place! (And maybe we'll steal an idea or two...)
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PBP "Beregost Blues" - Dungeon Master of Gnome Slaying +5
Cool bar in the back there. My group ends up having to head to the kitchen for beverages, or the table gets cluttered with bottles and cans.
After my next session (whenever that happens to be, schedules recently got screwed around), when my humble set-up is in its most illustrative state, I'll try to remember to snap a picture.
Cool bar in the back there. My group ends up having to head to the kitchen for beverages, or the table gets cluttered with bottles and cans.
After my next session (whenever that happens to be, schedules recently got screwed around), when my humble set-up is in its most illustrative state, I'll try to remember to snap a picture.
Thanks! It's an absolute mess, but I knew if I waited for a more opportune moment I'd never actually get around to it... I'm one of those "I'd better do it right now or it's never going to happen" types. :)
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PBP "Beregost Blues" - Dungeon Master of Gnome Slaying +5
I wish I could say I have an amazing gaming space, but honestly, I don't. It's just my dining room table. I live in a small apartment, and don't have much room to work with. The next mini-game that will be held at my place will include children, so we will most likely move furniture around and just play on the living room floor.
I wish I could say I have an amazing gaming space, but honestly, I don't. It's just my dining room table. I live in a small apartment, and don't have much room to work with. The next mini-game that will be held at my place will include children, so we will most likely move furniture around and just play on the living room floor.
Seriously, get a picture of it and share with us! The intent is not to audition for Cribs or anything, but to see the vast array of gaming spaces out there - even if it's as simple as a dining room or living room floor!
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PBP "Beregost Blues" - Dungeon Master of Gnome Slaying +5
I wish I could say I have an amazing gaming space, but honestly, I don't. It's just my dining room table. I live in a small apartment, and don't have much room to work with. The next mini-game that will be held at my place will include children, so we will most likely move furniture around and just play on the living room floor.
Seriously, get a picture of it and share with us! The intent is not to audition for Cribs or anything, but to see the vast array of gaming spaces out there - even if it's as simple as a dining room or living room floor!
This is the table. Nothing special. And because cat tax, here's my D&D playing cat.
He's our D&D mascot. He was even the inspiration for my friends in game animal (shown in the picture as well). Anytime we play something on the table, he HAS to have his spot (always the same place) and has to be included. He's such a good game kitty.
Edit: As I finish writing this, he jumped on my chest. He somehow always knows when he's being talked about.
Thanks! It's an absolute mess, but I knew if I waited for a more opportune moment I'd never actually get around to it... I'm one of those "I'd better do it right now or it's never going to happen" types. :)
That's a mess? Then I'm really glad I didn't go snap a pic of my table right now, because it is magnitudes messier. It's just inside the primary entrance to the house, so it ends up being the place where basically everything gets "I'll put it where it goes later"-ed by everyone besides me that ever spends any time in this house. It's only actually clean on game days, right before everyone shows up, and right after I've cleared the dishes and garbage at the end of the session.
I wish I could say I have an amazing gaming space, but honestly, I don't. It's just my dining room table. I live in a small apartment, and don't have much room to work with. The next mini-game that will be held at my place will include children, so we will most likely move furniture around and just play on the living room floor.
Don't feel bad about your small space, or that (actually quite nice, in this carpenter's opinion) dining room table. A few years back, my gaming space was a picnic table with a roof and a light over it at a park. We had to take extra books with us to roll on because the table was this weird metal grid stuff instead of solid slats that dice would either fall through or never land flat because of. So there is no reason for any shame to where you game.
At least not unless it's a story that starts with "Well, we used to game at [insert place], but..." and details an actual reason to feel shame. Like this: When I lived in Louisiana, a group I gamed with used to play at some tables nestled in the back of a truck stop (next to the arcade cabinets, and almost never used by anyone else) that had a Subway sandwich shop in it... until the guy that was running a game for a "change of pace" decided to go for full gross-out, graphic horror and sexual violence from the beginning of session 1. Which got us all permanently banned from going inside the truck stop, and ultimately ended my association with any gamer present that day that didn't think the guy was unquestionably out of line running that particular game in public and without any warning to any, involved or otherwise.
That's awesome! Wish I wasn't at work, or I'd show mine. Its kinda funny, as my gf and I recently moved in together, I INSISTED on getting a nice dining room table... by far and large for playing DnD. Of course she and my friends make fun of me for this occasionally, but I'll be the one laughing maniacally when they fail a saving throw at our sweet new table! :D
Me and Dad spent 6 months off and on clearing our garage of all the random crap in it. Painted it, new carpet and shelving. Finished it off with extra seating including donated tub chairs and a leather sofa.
Had a session sooner than I thought I would (Yay!), so now I have a pic of my current gaming area just before a session. Image quality isn't great because it's from the camera on my phone, which I have managed to drop a few dozen too many times.
Had a session sooner than I thought I would (Yay!), so now I have a pic of my current gaming area just before a session. Image quality isn't great because it's from the camera on my phone, which I have managed to drop a few dozen too many times.
Sweet! It may sound crazy, but I do truly love seeing where people play D&D and the diversity in how they setup for a game.
The shark is awesome.
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PBP "Beregost Blues" - Dungeon Master of Gnome Slaying +5
Projector on the roof into a mirror which displays on the table.
Second monitor mounted on the roof facing the players so i can show them images and handouts.
All controlled from the laptop which runs (Realm Works, Hero Lab, MapTools, Syrinscape, Inspiration Pad Pro 3)
Realm Works controls the player facing screen via the Player Screen function.
MapTool controls the virtual map and fog of war.
All the campaign content is within Realm Works, no need for books.
Syrinscape plays to a bluetooth speaker.
Running out of space to store minis and terrain.
How do you like the projected set up. My group didnt enjoy it much. We ended up switching to a system I built in Cryengine3 which everyone seems to love a bit more. I personally enjoyed the projected set up some but still had some massive draw backs for us though. Really cool to see other people using it though!!
I thought it'd be fun to give everyone a thread to show their gaming space.
Simple picture of your kitchen table? Cool! Gaming area filthy? Great, so is mine! Just show us where you play D&D so we can see where the magic takes place! (And maybe we'll steal an idea or two...)
Cool bar in the back there. My group ends up having to head to the kitchen for beverages, or the table gets cluttered with bottles and cans.
After my next session (whenever that happens to be, schedules recently got screwed around), when my humble set-up is in its most illustrative state, I'll try to remember to snap a picture.
I wish I could say I have an amazing gaming space, but honestly, I don't. It's just my dining room table. I live in a small apartment, and don't have much room to work with. The next mini-game that will be held at my place will include children, so we will most likely move furniture around and just play on the living room floor.
A dwarf with a canoe on his back? What could go wrong?
A dwarf with a canoe on his back? What could go wrong?
Sweet! Reminds me of this perennial classic...
A dwarf with a canoe on his back? What could go wrong?
That should be a new thread: "Tell about the weirdest / craziest person you've ever D&D'ed with..."
What a perfect excuse to take pictures of my tabletop gaming store this weekend!
My online games are just played in my bedroom XD
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That's awesome! Wish I wasn't at work, or I'd show mine. Its kinda funny, as my gf and I recently moved in together, I INSISTED on getting a nice dining room table... by far and large for playing DnD. Of course she and my friends make fun of me for this occasionally, but I'll be the one laughing maniacally when they fail a saving throw at our sweet new table! :D
Me and Dad spent 6 months off and on clearing our garage of all the random crap in it. Painted it, new carpet and shelving. Finished it off with extra seating including donated tub chairs and a leather sofa.
and my throne from a local meadery.
also contains a record player and whiskey :D
DM of a decade and A half.
Founder of GOTK and the Workshop Warriors.
Had a session sooner than I thought I would (Yay!), so now I have a pic of my current gaming area just before a session. Image quality isn't great because it's from the camera on my phone, which I have managed to drop a few dozen too many times.
This is my room.
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What about a backlight projector setup? Seems you can do it from behind an acrylic pane. No shadows?
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