Last I checked on dev Twitters it isn't even in the cards at this time. The D&D developers are focused on new 5E content.
From my own speculation, I'd imagine they won't start on 6E until 5E gets bloated, or goes into decline. Currently, D&D as a whole is in it's most popular phase yet, between 5E and the many livestream shows that have made it quite popular.
Yeah, fortunately D&D isn’t a product like a video game where we can expect sequels every few years. Since, what, 1974?, we’re only up to 5e (with a .5 edition or two thrown in). They really only release a new edition when what is out there is losing participation due to a need for rules reworks. Rulesets are like national constitutions. Do it well the first time, and you don’t need violent revolutions to keep the people happy. And all indications are that 5e was done well. There are a few amendments that could be made, but we’re well out of range of a new edition.
The only thing I have heard of a 6th edition is what Mike Mearls stated that they would make 6th edition work with 5th edition. But there was no time given for when they would even start on a 6th edition. I myself am extremely happy with the rule set as it is, only wanting a few more actual classes added like the Psionic Class and Artificer class which is coming in the next UA article in Feb.
The only thing I have heard of a 6th edition is what Mike Mearls stated that they would make 6th edition work with 5th edition. But there was no time given for when they would even start on a 6th edition. I myself am extremely happy with the rule set as it is, only wanting a few more actual classes added like the Psionic Class and Artificer class which is coming in the next UA article in Feb.
I recall this as well, though not where exactly this was said. Basically, the people currently in charge of D&D feel that any future edition will be backwards-compatible with the current edition.
Hopefully some time in the 2030s. D&D is currently experiencing a golden age resurgence in popularity and is growing like never before. I don't think they'd go and release a new edition while this one is so popular.
Wasn't Kate Welch referenced multiple times as being involved in 6e development on Acq Inc Cut team videos recently? They joke a lot, but I thought there was something behind the jokes because she wouldn't leak info even to them.
Wasn't Kate Welch referenced multiple times as being involved in 6e development on Acq Inc Cut team videos recently? They joke a lot, but I thought there was something behind the jokes because she wouldn't leak info even to them.
It's an in-joke on the show, mostly to rile her up, because there is no 6th Ed, and WotC is really serious about their employees not spreading rumors about a new edition when they are still making money off the current one.
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"The mongoose blew out its candle and was asleep in bed before the room went dark." —Llanowar fable
The longer 5E simmers, the longer WOTC has time to figure out how to fix some things under the hood.
I'd like to see backgrounds get some reworking personally, I feel they are underutilized but a great first step to fixing some issues I've had with D&D for a while.
I've always disliked how hard it is to have "fun" skills and abilities in D&D, and flesh out my Fighter being an actual person.
In GURPS or White Wolf, I love taking skills that don't match my character's "role" because it was/is who the person was before they changed or became a hero/superantural.
It's...somewhat difficult to do that in D&D IMO, or at least in a way I find satisfying.
Another change I'd like to see is "Spell Levels" being renamed to be less confusing for new players. Us old guard understand, but new players get mixed up on why they unlocking spell level 3 at character level 5. Call them Spell Tiers or something. A simple change to reduce confusion and wouldn't require any more work.
I'd kinda like spell levels (tiers) reduced to 7 because so many spells are kind of a waste, and now that they've embraced spells scaling we don't need as many damage spells and the such.
I don't want to see a 6e yet. I'm still enjoying the ride.
Hear, hear. 5e is great, and in fact still has a lot of active development ahead of it, I think. For example, they're still working on an official update to the Artificer.
I'd imagine they won't start on 6E until 5E gets bloated.
Which likely won't happen for a long, long time.
They've intentionally slowed down the release rate for this edition with the purpose of extending it's life. That seemed pretty evident in how they discussed it at the beginning, and that hasn't really changed. Just a few books a year, mostly campaign-style adventures with some extra world-building content and maybe one source-book per year. I know a lot of players were initially put-off by this, wanting more content and more options, like previous editions, but I think WotC realized that a frantic release pace will just bloat the game and burn the edition out. The way it is now, the Player's Handbook is perpetually in the top 100 best-selling books (overall) on Amazon, and the number 1 game reference book. I'm willing to bet WotC likes it that way.
Really, we just need a revision of 5e. There are variant rules I’d like to see - a simpler points based spells system, a Fantasy Age armour system. But these are just tweaks.
Really, we just need a revision of 5e. There are variant rules I’d like to see - a simpler points based spells system, a Fantasy Age armour system. But these are just tweaks.
I don't mind seeing variants like you describe. I don't think 5e needs any revision, though. Except maybe the revised ranger.
Maybe an optional supplement or something then. The time frame we're talking you could probably do an update in the time we had 2 or 3 complete new editions in the 2000's!
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just wandering if anybody knows when the 6th edition of d&d will be released
Last I checked on dev Twitters it isn't even in the cards at this time. The D&D developers are focused on new 5E content.
From my own speculation, I'd imagine they won't start on 6E until 5E gets bloated, or goes into decline. Currently, D&D as a whole is in it's most popular phase yet, between 5E and the many livestream shows that have made it quite popular.
There's been zero announcements or information on development of 6th edition even commencing.
Pun-loving nerd | Faith Elisabeth Lilley | She/Her/Hers | Profile art by Becca Golins
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"We got this, no problem! I'll take the twenty on the left - you guys handle the one on the right!"🔊
Yeah, fortunately D&D isn’t a product like a video game where we can expect sequels every few years. Since, what, 1974?, we’re only up to 5e (with a .5 edition or two thrown in). They really only release a new edition when what is out there is losing participation due to a need for rules reworks. Rulesets are like national constitutions. Do it well the first time, and you don’t need violent revolutions to keep the people happy. And all indications are that 5e was done well. There are a few amendments that could be made, but we’re well out of range of a new edition.
The only thing I have heard of a 6th edition is what Mike Mearls stated that they would make 6th edition work with 5th edition. But there was no time given for when they would even start on a 6th edition. I myself am extremely happy with the rule set as it is, only wanting a few more actual classes added like the Psionic Class and Artificer class which is coming in the next UA article in Feb.
I recall this as well, though not where exactly this was said. Basically, the people currently in charge of D&D feel that any future edition will be backwards-compatible with the current edition.
I don't want to see a 6e yet. I'm still enjoying the ride.
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
I don't want a 6e
Hopefully some time in the 2030s. D&D is currently experiencing a golden age resurgence in popularity and is growing like never before. I don't think they'd go and release a new edition while this one is so popular.
Wasn't Kate Welch referenced multiple times as being involved in 6e development on Acq Inc Cut team videos recently? They joke a lot, but I thought there was something behind the jokes because she wouldn't leak info even to them.
It's an in-joke on the show, mostly to rile her up, because there is no 6th Ed, and WotC is really serious about their employees not spreading rumors about a new edition when they are still making money off the current one.
The longer 5E simmers, the longer WOTC has time to figure out how to fix some things under the hood.
I'd like to see backgrounds get some reworking personally, I feel they are underutilized but a great first step to fixing some issues I've had with D&D for a while.
I've always disliked how hard it is to have "fun" skills and abilities in D&D, and flesh out my Fighter being an actual person.
In GURPS or White Wolf, I love taking skills that don't match my character's "role" because it was/is who the person was before they changed or became a hero/superantural.
It's...somewhat difficult to do that in D&D IMO, or at least in a way I find satisfying.
Another change I'd like to see is "Spell Levels" being renamed to be less confusing for new players. Us old guard understand, but new players get mixed up on why they unlocking spell level 3 at character level 5. Call them Spell Tiers or something. A simple change to reduce confusion and wouldn't require any more work.
I'd kinda like spell levels (tiers) reduced to 7 because so many spells are kind of a waste, and now that they've embraced spells scaling we don't need as many damage spells and the such.
Forever from now! Super plussed about 5th.
Hear, hear. 5e is great, and in fact still has a lot of active development ahead of it, I think. For example, they're still working on an official update to the Artificer.
Yeah, I think the current edition is perfect, it really feels like streamlined "old school" D&D, but without the imbalances. Long live 5e!
Wizard (Gandalf) of the Tolkien Club
I'd imagine they won't start on 6E until 5E gets bloated.
Which likely won't happen for a long, long time.
They've intentionally slowed down the release rate for this edition with the purpose of extending it's life. That seemed pretty evident in how they discussed it at the beginning, and that hasn't really changed. Just a few books a year, mostly campaign-style adventures with some extra world-building content and maybe one source-book per year. I know a lot of players were initially put-off by this, wanting more content and more options, like previous editions, but I think WotC realized that a frantic release pace will just bloat the game and burn the edition out. The way it is now, the Player's Handbook is perpetually in the top 100 best-selling books (overall) on Amazon, and the number 1 game reference book. I'm willing to bet WotC likes it that way.
Really, we just need a revision of 5e. There are variant rules I’d like to see - a simpler points based spells system, a Fantasy Age armour system. But these are just tweaks.
I don't mind seeing variants like you describe. I don't think 5e needs any revision, though. Except maybe the revised ranger.
Maybe an optional supplement or something then. The time frame we're talking you could probably do an update in the time we had 2 or 3 complete new editions in the 2000's!