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This thread was marked as Locked by LaTiaJacquise.
For those of you getting 404's, please PM me a link to the characters in question so I can trouble shoot those in the morning.
I am the Inquisitor Imperitus. I am judge, jury, and executioner. Draw your last breath now, as I send you to the Nine Hells.
I just made a random character to try out the export, it has not been shared.
Looks like the only bug I can find in it so far is that when you export the sheet, all the skills are ticked as proficient. The totals are tallied properly, they just all have the bubble filled in.
Given that irregular proficiency handling isn't too uncommon, perhaps a couple of alternative treatments? Filled dot for "proficient", side line ( / ) for "half proficient" like Jack of All Trades, and perhaps something else (a star? A cross over a filled dot?) for "Expertise'd in this"?
What I'd like, however, is for the list of "proficiencies" in the box at the bottom left to only include "other proficiencies" (as it's labelled, too :p ). I don't need to see that I'm proficient in "Athletics" in two places, the dot is filled. The whole thing over there, however, prevents me from getting reminded at a glance if I'm proficient in Thieves' Tools. Or the flute.
Small dot in middle of bubble for half proficiency; filled bubble for proficiency; filled, circled bubble for double proficiency.
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" -- allegedly Benjamin Franklin
Tooltips (Help/aid)
Overall -- very very cool. Near perfect for use at tonight's game! Solid job and big thank you!!!
Ok, quick weigh in on "features and traits" discussion with a few suggestions:
1. Dump the listings that are covered on other parts of the sheet. For example: My mage lists: Arcane Recovery, Hit points, Proficiencies, and Spellcasting. But only Arcane recovery is not covered on other parts of the sheet. So, removing some of the other ones will make more room. Same with many of the racial traits.
2. Use a smaller font. The Proficiency list does require my "old man glasses," but it fits a lot in the space. I realize we may still have problems as we near 20th level, but given that most games are 1st to 12th (per Perkins and Mearl's many tweets), I think we can fit most in.
3. I know this adds to Data to enter, update, etc. But we don't need full descriptions. On my hand written sheets, for Arcane Recovery, I have # times per day, max level to recover, and phb page#. Just enough so I don't have to look it up every time I use.
Same thoughts go with proficiencies. Don't need to list skills or saving throws as they are other places on the sheet. Great to have all the tools and weapons known, but you can save space.
Other notes: DnD "Official" sheet lacks space, but I usually use Additional features and traits for" Background chosen, Background special feature, Deity chosen, etc. Maybe a poll for best place, but I would like those on sheet.
Took a look at my 11th level cleric and have one more suggestion: Features that affect combat can print under Attacks and Spellcasting. Example: Divine Strike fits better there. Halfling lucky would fit in both the margin of saving throws and attacks. etc.
I know this adds data complexity, additional parms on every feat, but it would help if data needed to play was in the right place and had info to avoid having to open book. Everything that affects saves in the margin of that box, everything that affects an attack in that box, etc.
Again, Big thanks!!!! Wish I could either buy the team a beer or grant them inspiration in their next play session!
DM -- Elanon -- Homebrew world
Gronn -- Tiefling Warlock -- Amarath
Slim -- Halfling Cleric -- CoS (future Lord of Waterdeep 😁)
Bran -- Human Wizard - RoT
Making D&D mistakes and having fun since 1977!
So make it not form fillable...? I'm using DDB to make the character so why would I care if the pdf can be form filled?
File works on iOS when opened in Adobe Acrobat.
I still don't see why it should be form fillable though. I envisaged this as something to print before a game so that I don't get players distracted by their phones the whole time.
But to achieve that then the values for things likely to change during the game would need to be formatted differently. E.g. hit points, gold, etc could be printed but in half tone/grey so they can easily be overwritten by hand.
Also consider using checkboxes for spell slots, perhaps?
HartlessD20, even if I wait a minute between retries to export the character sheet it consistently says 403.
My two cents on features and traits on export:
From my point of view, it doesn't need to be a PDF but it should be printable. It could be a printable version of the web page that includes the full feature text, but I would prefer the extraneous features/traits removed (ie Hit Points) and summarised descriptions rather than full descriptions. Feature names do little for me (still new to 5e).
Loving the work so far.