I noticed that in one of the future updates (after the current WIP, maybe even after what's next) there was some mention of a Digital DM Screen and Interactive Adventure Maps. Can more info of any kind be provided at this time on the idea of how that would look? I'm curious if the idea is to build something like a VTT on D&D Beyond or if it's more meant to make map features work better with am existing VTT site?
Can someone help me understand what it means by "Inventory enhancements" Is that in regards to character building or something like how Wotc handles their products or something else? Sorry if it's a dumb question, it's p late for me atm
Can someone help me understand what it means by "Inventory enhancements" Is that in regards to character building or something like how Wotc handles their products or something else? Sorry if it's a dumb question, it's p late for me atm
I'm pretty sure it's in regards to the character builder and it's inventory system, yes. Might possibly include things like putting items in containers like bags of holding.
Idk if this would be the place to ask but is there going to be a way to smoothly add dunamancy spells onto other wizard or sorcerer spell lists if given permission by a DM? Cause currently there is no way to do so which is making it a bit of a pain needing to track and have those spells opened in a separate tab to go and reference when i need to use them.
I noticed that in one of the future updates (after the current WIP, maybe even after what's next) there was some mention of a Digital DM Screen and Interactive Adventure Maps. Can more info of any kind be provided at this time on the idea of how that would look? I'm curious if the idea is to build something like a VTT on D&D Beyond or if it's more meant to make map features work better with am existing VTT site?
There's no information about it at this time. I can verify that we have plans to implement both a DM screen of some sort and a Virtual Gaming Space. You can check out our roadmap here: http://dndbeyond.com/feature-roadmap
Query: I have already bought all of the books in the critter bundles except the new one "Explorers guide to Wildemount", the EGTW book is 29.99 by itself, but BOTH of the critter bundles come in much higher than 29.99 (40.99 and 50.00) ... so if the bundle is adjusted on previously bought source books and includes a 10% discount then why is it more than the book itself?
Query: I have already bought all of the books in the critter bundles except the new one "Explorers guide to Wildemount", the EGTW book is 29.99 by itself, but BOTH of the critter bundles come in much higher than 29.99 (40.99 and 50.00) ... so if the bundle is adjusted on previously bought source books and includes a 10% discount then why is it more than the book itself?
Did you buy the other books using discount codes or when they were on sale? DDB credits you for the amount you actually paid for a resource toward the purchase of bundles. So, for example if someone bought the PHB during the opening sale for $20 and used a discount code or sale to pick up Xanathar’s for $20, the remaining cost of the bundle would be 40.99. Meaning that it’s cheaper to just purchase Wildemount by itself. If you haven’t used it yet, there is also a code available to get 25% Off any books in your cart, for a single purchase. It’s good through the end of the month (March 2020).
I know it looks weird in the Marketplace, but what it really means is that you have been a savvy customer and have saved more than the 10% savings the bundle offers.
So long term issues like Spells of the Mark spell availability, the class variant UA, and the now ANCIENT issue of divine soul sorcerer's spell reassignment have completely fallen off of your road map. You need to slow down adding new features and spend more time making what you have work better.
So long term issues like Spells of the Mark spell availability, the class variant UA, and the now ANCIENT issue of divine soul sorcerer's spell reassignment have completely fallen off of your road map. You need to slow down adding new features and spend more time making what you have work better.
Adam actually mentioned that a lot of stuff including Spells of the Mark and the Class Variant UA requires the character sheet overhaul (which is rolling out as we speak) as groundwork for those things to be implemented. As mentioned in another thread, he relayed that this characters sheet overhaul has been underway for a long time and should open up adding future features in a more robust fashion.
Sometimes you gotta go back to brass tacks to get things right.
Adam actually mentioned that a lot of stuff including Spells of the Mark and the Class Variant UA requires the character sheet overhaul (which is rolling out as we speak) as groundwork for those things to be implemented. As mentioned in another thread, he relayed that this characters sheet overhaul has been underway for a long time and should open up adding future features in a more robust fashion.
Sometimes you gotta go back to brass tacks to get things right.
I understand that some users are already getting rollout of the new version and most probably haven’t even realized it because it’s running so smoothly. Wait until they flip on all the switches!
Latest Updates
Book and Critter Bundles
A Wildemount Adventure
UI Tweaks/Updates
Alpha coming soon!
Increasing from 3 to 5 through the end of May
Coming soon!
Potential Target for 2020
Coming for Mobile App/Site
June 2nd
DDB- Business as usual (from home!)
You can view the Dev Update on the D&D Beyond YouTube channel.
A dwarf with a canoe on his back? What could go wrong?
Looking forward for the new features. Good work!👍
I noticed that in one of the future updates (after the current WIP, maybe even after what's next) there was some mention of a Digital DM Screen and Interactive Adventure Maps. Can more info of any kind be provided at this time on the idea of how that would look? I'm curious if the idea is to build something like a VTT on D&D Beyond or if it's more meant to make map features work better with am existing VTT site?
Can someone help me understand what it means by
"Inventory enhancements"
Is that in regards to character building or something like how Wotc handles their products or something else?
Sorry if it's a dumb question, it's p late for me atm
I'm pretty sure it's in regards to the character builder and it's inventory system, yes. Might possibly include things like putting items in containers like bags of holding.
Idk if this would be the place to ask but is there going to be a way to smoothly add dunamancy spells onto other wizard or sorcerer spell lists if given permission by a DM? Cause currently there is no way to do so which is making it a bit of a pain needing to track and have those spells opened in a separate tab to go and reference when i need to use them.
There's no information about it at this time. I can verify that we have plans to implement both a DM screen of some sort and a Virtual Gaming Space. You can check out our roadmap here: http://dndbeyond.com/feature-roadmap
A dwarf with a canoe on his back? What could go wrong?
So, how many dev updates does it make now that 'Inventory Enhancements' has been 'potential for 2020 target'? Like... four months worth now?
"Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation."
― Oscar Wilde.
Is there any update on the Class Feature Variants? I’m starting to feel like I’ve been stood up.
Creating Epic Boons on DDB
DDB Buyers' Guide
Hardcovers, DDB & You
Content Troubleshooting
Query: I have already bought all of the books in the critter bundles except the new one "Explorers guide to Wildemount", the EGTW book is 29.99 by itself, but BOTH of the critter bundles come in much higher than 29.99 (40.99 and 50.00) ... so if the bundle is adjusted on previously bought source books and includes a 10% discount then why is it more than the book itself?
Life's hard - get a helmet!
Did you buy the other books using discount codes or when they were on sale? DDB credits you for the amount you actually paid for a resource toward the purchase of bundles. So, for example if someone bought the PHB during the opening sale for $20 and used a discount code or sale to pick up Xanathar’s for $20, the remaining cost of the bundle would be 40.99. Meaning that it’s cheaper to just purchase Wildemount by itself. If you haven’t used it yet, there is also a code available to get 25% Off any books in your cart, for a single purchase. It’s good through the end of the month (March 2020).
I know it looks weird in the Marketplace, but what it really means is that you have been a savvy customer and have saved more than the 10% savings the bundle offers.
Trying to Decide if DDB is for you? A few helpful threads: A Buyer's Guide to DDB; What I/We Bought and Why; How some DMs use DDB; A Newer Thread on Using DDB to Play
Helpful threads on other topics: Homebrew FAQ by IamSposta; Accessing Content by ConalTheGreat;
Check your entitlements here. | Support Ticket LInk
(Available FREE) Frozen Sick
A Wildemount Adventure
Where do we find the free adventure?
Go to the Sources menu, then look under the "adventures" section: it's there.
Trying to Decide if DDB is for you? A few helpful threads: A Buyer's Guide to DDB; What I/We Bought and Why; How some DMs use DDB; A Newer Thread on Using DDB to Play
Helpful threads on other topics: Homebrew FAQ by IamSposta; Accessing Content by ConalTheGreat;
Check your entitlements here. | Support Ticket LInk
Will the free adventure be made available to download in the mobile app?
So long term issues like Spells of the Mark spell availability, the class variant UA, and the now ANCIENT issue of divine soul sorcerer's spell reassignment have completely fallen off of your road map. You need to slow down adding new features and spend more time making what you have work better.
I feel like these changes will really change D&D beyond for the better!
"If you ever ask a wizard to list the books they've read recently, prepare to be there for a solid week. " - Original.
Grammar Cult
Bow down to Cats! (Cult of Cats)
I also agree with SethTheFrank's reply
"If you ever ask a wizard to list the books they've read recently, prepare to be there for a solid week. " - Original.
Grammar Cult
Bow down to Cats! (Cult of Cats)
Adam actually mentioned that a lot of stuff including Spells of the Mark and the Class Variant UA requires the character sheet overhaul (which is rolling out as we speak) as groundwork for those things to be implemented. As mentioned in another thread, he relayed that this characters sheet overhaul has been underway for a long time and should open up adding future features in a more robust fashion.
Sometimes you gotta go back to brass tacks to get things right.
I understand that some users are already getting rollout of the new version and most probably haven’t even realized it because it’s running so smoothly. Wait until they flip on all the switches!
Creating Epic Boons on DDB
DDB Buyers' Guide
Hardcovers, DDB & You
Content Troubleshooting