I'm probably super late on this question, but shouldn't having the ability to roll dice for your ability scores be the very FIRST thing that was introduced?
I really don't want to scrub through the video just for the portion about the Class Variants UA. Anyone care to summarize? Did he give any semblance of a time table? I'll continue to be patient and all but man would it be nice to get them.
I really don't want to scrub through the video just for the portion about the Class Variants UA. Anyone care to summarize? Did he give any semblance of a time table? I'll continue to be patient and all but man would it be nice to get them.
"We're working very hard on that, and soon we're gonna have more news about that."
Is there any discussion on a D&D Beyond API so we can start integrating with 3rd Party systems, or at least give the community the ability to create custom integrations for those that use VTT's
Am I the only one that wishes there was an actual summary of these Dev Updates? I'd almost rather they send out a Dev Updates blog post instead of doing a video. At least I can do a search on a blog post for items I care about.
Am I the only one that wishes there was an actual summary of these Dev Updates? I'd almost rather they send out a Dev Updates blog post instead of doing a video. At least I can do a search on a blog post for items I care about.
Is there any discussion on a D&D Beyond API so we can start integrating with 3rd Party systems, or at least give the community the ability to create custom integrations for those that use VTT's
It wasn't discussed this time, but it has been in the past--in fact I think it was discussed the week previously. They will get to public APIs eventually, but it will be a (long) while. A big reason for this is that things are still changing for them: they are still in the process of deconstructing the monolithic structure they used initially into microservices. That work will make changes in how things interact. If they had a public API now, they would have to be continually changing it, creating headaches for those who were using it. The want the structure and the services stable (in the sense that they aren't restructure things) before they release an API.
There are some community projects to integrate DDB with VTTS, like Beyond20. The access points they use here are unsupported and prone to change, so they are very much "use at your own risk," but many people here use them to great affect. The recent kerfluffle when DDB terminated some json endpoints, wreaking havoc with these unsupported approaches, had the beneficial effect of making clear to DDB just how many people want and need that integration. (It also revealed how many people had missed the warnings that the json approach was unsupported and was subject to change)
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I'm probably super late on this question, but shouldn't having the ability to roll dice for your ability scores be the very FIRST thing that was introduced?
Not when the DM still can't see your rolls.
Birgit | Shifter | Sorcerer | Dragonlords
Shayone | Hobgoblin | Sorcerer | Netherdeep
I really don't want to scrub through the video just for the portion about the Class Variants UA. Anyone care to summarize? Did he give any semblance of a time table? I'll continue to be patient and all but man would it be nice to get them.
"We're working very hard on that, and soon we're gonna have more news about that."
Guess that's better progress than they "are currently planning to implement this feature in the future"
Is there any discussion on a D&D Beyond API so we can start integrating with 3rd Party systems, or at least give the community the ability to create custom integrations for those that use VTT's
Am I the only one that wishes there was an actual summary of these Dev Updates? I'd almost rather they send out a Dev Updates blog post instead of doing a video. At least I can do a search on a blog post for items I care about.
So far that I know the closest is the class feature variant options
Don't really have the ability to watch the video; how long will the discount be active...?
The 16th.
Creating Epic Boons on DDB
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Hardcovers, DDB & You
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-_- ok! Thanks!
Oh man I can't wait for some of this stuff honestly
Also Congrats on three years. Forever Forward!!
Look here.
Trying to Decide if DDB is for you? A few helpful threads: A Buyer's Guide to DDB; What I/We Bought and Why; How some DMs use DDB; A Newer Thread on Using DDB to Play
Helpful threads on other topics: Homebrew FAQ by IamSposta; Accessing Content by ConalTheGreat;
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It wasn't discussed this time, but it has been in the past--in fact I think it was discussed the week previously. They will get to public APIs eventually, but it will be a (long) while. A big reason for this is that things are still changing for them: they are still in the process of deconstructing the monolithic structure they used initially into microservices. That work will make changes in how things interact. If they had a public API now, they would have to be continually changing it, creating headaches for those who were using it. The want the structure and the services stable (in the sense that they aren't restructure things) before they release an API.
There are some community projects to integrate DDB with VTTS, like Beyond20. The access points they use here are unsupported and prone to change, so they are very much "use at your own risk," but many people here use them to great affect. The recent kerfluffle when DDB terminated some json endpoints, wreaking havoc with these unsupported approaches, had the beneficial effect of making clear to DDB just how many people want and need that integration. (It also revealed how many people had missed the warnings that the json approach was unsupported and was subject to change)
Trying to Decide if DDB is for you? A few helpful threads: A Buyer's Guide to DDB; What I/We Bought and Why; How some DMs use DDB; A Newer Thread on Using DDB to Play
Helpful threads on other topics: Homebrew FAQ by IamSposta; Accessing Content by ConalTheGreat;
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