I created a weapon that deals an extra 1d6 fire damage on a hit. Added it to my character sheet and yet there is nothing to state it does the 1d6 fire which I added. The only sign of the 1d6 fire is that I also added it in the Notes/Description.
There's not enough room with the way damage is displayed currently - this is an issue for any weapons that do additional damage of another type. Staff are aware of this and are still working on improvements for the character builder and character sheet.
I love this site, and the features so far, but I am having trouble with certain homebrew magic items. I want to be able to track charges used in the character sheet on items that are homebrewed, but after testing, it only seems to track the ones that have spell usage attached to them. Am I missing something?
Not sure if you figured this out so I'll leave this here for you:
In the Additional Information of the item: - Check "Has Charges" - Enter how many charges in "Number of Charges" - Select the reset condition from the drop down - Add any special circumstances to the "Charge Reset Description". For example, "Staff of Staves gains 1d4 charges each dawn. If you use all charges the item breaks and you must spend 1d4 days removing the splinters from your hand."
Once you set this up, the character has to add them item to their inventory, then hit the "Use" button once it's in there. Now the item should be shown in the Active Items area of their Equipment section. Now look in the Limited Use section and the item should be listed under Gear with a charge counter that you can use for tracking.
Is it permissible to publish homebrew content that is released using the Open Gaming License (OGL)? If so, is there a guideline for including a copy of the license as detailed in section 10 of the OGL (e.g., including a disclaimer similar to that found on the Basic Rules page here)?
Hi Pope,
short version - you may not include additional licensing terms with any homebrew that you publish on D&D Beyond.
As I understand it, from reading through the OGL, it requires that the OGL copyright notice be included in any reproduction or derivative work, so this would not be possible.
However .... if you are the original creator of the work, then I believe it's different, as you can elect to waive the requirement to include the copyright.
I know that Curse & Wizards are discussing this matter with 3rd parties currently and how to include 3rd party work into D&D Beyond.
I created a private item, +1 WIS and +5 THP/day. The WIS bonus shows up on the player's character sheet but the THP does not. Is there a trick to this, or is there no automatic way to provide that?
This is probably an incredibly niche request, so no worries if it's just not worth the trouble - but there's no way of putting a custom school of magic into the spells, right?
This is probably an incredibly niche request, so no worries if it's just not worth the trouble - but there's no way of putting a custom school of magic into the spells, right?
No - Not at this time. This is actually the first time such a request has come up. :D
One thing I noticed while I was fussing around last night - I wanted to make an object that casts Chromatic Orb, but when I tried to assign that spell to it, C.O. didn't appear in the dropdown. Is there something about that spell that would make it uncastable from a wondrous item?
One thing I noticed while I was fussing around last night - I wanted to make an object that casts Chromatic Orb, but when I tried to assign that spell to it, C.O. didn't appear in the dropdown. Is there something about that spell that would make it uncastable from a wondrous item?
Spells only available in published material from WotC is not yet usable in homebrew. Staff is looking into ways to allow you to do this in exclusively private homebrew.
One thing I noticed while I was fussing around last night - I wanted to make an object that casts Chromatic Orb, but when I tried to assign that spell to it, C.O. didn't appear in the dropdown. Is there something about that spell that would make it uncastable from a wondrous item?
Spells only available in published material from WotC is not yet usable in homebrew. Staff is looking into ways to allow you to do this in exclusively private homebrew.
Ah, I can see how that would make sense. Okay, then. I'll just make a note of it in the object's description and add it later if the option becomes available. Thanks!
Will there be a way to export your homebrew creations like you can with your characters? It would be nice to have an easy way to print these to hand out to players. I own the legendary bundle as well as pay the top tier subscription but there is no way for me to quickly create and share something homebrew. Forgive me if I am wrong and certainly let me know if there is indeed a way to do this.
I'm trying to create a homebrew background (works very well thank you for this). Some points to consider:
1) Personality Traits, Ideals, Bonds, Flaws - it would be nice to have a searchable master list we can pick and choose (when we do not want to custom create each one). The process I took is identify 5-6 backgrounds that closely match what I was creating and looked at them (in open tabs). From them I picked out Personality Traits, Ideals, Bonds, and Flaws that made sense and started to copy/paste. But other than opening a bunch of tabs there was no way to make this happen
2) Picture for Background - I can't seem to set a picture for the background. I was wondering, in the interests of not bringing over images that may be licensed by other sources, can we get access to (from within browser) a library of the images in the DnD Beyond database with a simple crop/select tooling option? I mean I'm sure there exists an image within the collection I could re-purpose with proper crop and zooming (basic editing from within browser)
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Want to see Virtual Table Top like no other before it built within DnDBeyond.com? Upvote the feature request. It's 2nd highest voted so far:
NOTE: You will need to setup a zendesk account (which is not your DnDBeyond.com account, the team uses this 3rd party software). It's easy to do and your votes are needed!
While that information could be considered relevant, it's not what he was asking. He seems to think--and I agree--that it would be nice to be able to make certain homebrew content show up in the main listings. It'd also be nice if "homebrew" (or even "[insert name here]'s homebrew") was considered a source just like "Basic Rules" or "Curse of Strahd" (and it was easier to exclude sources).
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"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" -- allegedly Benjamin Franklin
Pun-loving nerd | Faith Elisabeth Lilley | She/Her/Hers | Profile art by Becca Golins
If you need help with homebrew, please post on the homebrew forums, where multiple staff and moderators can read your post and help you!
"We got this, no problem! I'll take the twenty on the left - you guys handle the one on the right!"🔊
Okay Stormknight, I appreciate the reply.
- Check "Has Charges"
- Enter how many charges in "Number of Charges"
- Select the reset condition from the drop down
- Add any special circumstances to the "Charge Reset Description". For example, "Staff of Staves gains 1d4 charges each dawn. If you use all charges the item breaks and you must spend 1d4 days removing the splinters from your hand."
As I understand it, from reading through the OGL, it requires that the OGL copyright notice be included in any reproduction or derivative work, so this would not be possible.
However .... if you are the original creator of the work, then I believe it's different, as you can elect to waive the requirement to include the copyright.
I know that Curse & Wizards are discussing this matter with 3rd parties currently and how to include 3rd party work into D&D Beyond.
Pun-loving nerd | Faith Elisabeth Lilley | She/Her/Hers | Profile art by Becca Golins
If you need help with homebrew, please post on the homebrew forums, where multiple staff and moderators can read your post and help you!
"We got this, no problem! I'll take the twenty on the left - you guys handle the one on the right!"🔊
Providing temporary HP via homebrew item.
I created a private item, +1 WIS and +5 THP/day. The WIS bonus shows up on the player's character sheet but the THP does not. Is there a trick to this, or is there no automatic way to provide that?
This is probably an incredibly niche request, so no worries if it's just not worth the trouble - but there's no way of putting a custom school of magic into the spells, right?
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Please feel free to message either Sorce or another moderator if you have any concerns.
That would actually be really interesting, considering that could make spells much more varied
One thing I noticed while I was fussing around last night - I wanted to make an object that casts Chromatic Orb, but when I tried to assign that spell to it, C.O. didn't appear in the dropdown. Is there something about that spell that would make it uncastable from a wondrous item?
Site Rules & Guidelines --- Focused Feedback Mega Threads --- Staff Quotes --- Homebrew Tutorial --- Pricing FAQ
Please feel free to message either Sorce or another moderator if you have any concerns.
Will there be a way to export your homebrew creations like you can with your characters? It would be nice to have an easy way to print these to hand out to players. I own the legendary bundle as well as pay the top tier subscription but there is no way for me to quickly create and share something homebrew. Forgive me if I am wrong and certainly let me know if there is indeed a way to do this.
Is there a list of definitions of the Spell Tags and how they are applied to the spells so that home brew content can be setup consistently?
I'm trying to create a homebrew background (works very well thank you for this). Some points to consider:
1) Personality Traits, Ideals, Bonds, Flaws - it would be nice to have a searchable master list we can pick and choose (when we do not want to custom create each one). The process I took is identify 5-6 backgrounds that closely match what I was creating and looked at them (in open tabs). From them I picked out Personality Traits, Ideals, Bonds, and Flaws that made sense and started to copy/paste. But other than opening a bunch of tabs there was no way to make this happen
2) Picture for Background - I can't seem to set a picture for the background. I was wondering, in the interests of not bringing over images that may be licensed by other sources, can we get access to (from within browser) a library of the images in the DnD Beyond database with a simple crop/select tooling option? I mean I'm sure there exists an image within the collection I could re-purpose with proper crop and zooming (basic editing from within browser)
Want to see Virtual Table Top like no other before it built within DnDBeyond.com? Upvote the feature request. It's 2nd highest voted so far:
NOTE: You will need to setup a zendesk account (which is not your DnDBeyond.com account, the team uses this 3rd party software). It's easy to do and your votes are needed!
Am I missing something is there a way to make homebrew spell appear on the spell listing for searching and filtering?
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" -- allegedly Benjamin Franklin
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I am the Inquisitor Imperitus. I am judge, jury, and executioner. Draw your last breath now, as I send you to the Nine Hells.
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" -- allegedly Benjamin Franklin
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