Hello. I just made this subclass for the paladin class, who focuses on arcane power and protecting mages. I would love feedback if you have any to give, and it is similar to the Arcana Cleric, an arcane subclass for a divine class.
The Oath of the Arcane is sworn by those who wish to carry out the goals of those who are true masters of arcane powers, while not wishing to become a master themselves. Often called Arcane Warriors or Eldritch Bulwarks, they who swear the oath vow to protect the mission of eldritch powers and block attacks against their mage masters. Though they are far arcane power from the exemplars that are wizards, sorcerers, and warlocks, they do gain some eldritch magic from the oath that they uphold.
Though Eldritch Bulwarks do vow to protect masters of arcana, they do not hold this to be a universal law amongst their orders. Some of these paladins do choose to protect any mage under nearly any conditions, but most are more selective, choosing masters to serve depending on their goals, alignment, ideals, and other important factors. In many worlds there are paladins who devote themselves to divine orders, but it is rare to find paladins who serve arcane powers. In Toril, they may swear themselves to the Weave, Mystra, Azuth, or an ancient Netheril wizard or lich. In Eberron, knights of this order may serve the Ring of Siberys, The Shadow, Sul Khatesh, or the Wizards of Arcanix. In Exandria, these knights may serve the Cerberus Assembly, the Luxon, or another arcane power. In Tor-eal, the Yikkan Goblinoids have many servants of the Yikare, and Oath of the Arcane paladins are relatively common. Others of this order in Tor-eal may swear themselves to Vecna, Zilya Darkcord, or the master artificers of Lantan.
The tenets of the Oath of the Arcane focus on protecting arcane masters and spreading the touch of eldritch magic.
Resilience. Be the bulwark that deflects the attacks of the forces of chaos when they target masters of the arcane powers.
Eldritch Might. Arcane power will preserve the foundations of the world as long as it has worthy followers. As eldritch magic spreads through the world, it will become a better place, a haven to masters of arcana.
Spread the Word. Be a missionary of the arcane masters, recruit all who are willing to study arcane magic, and strengthen the roots of magic in the realm. Never force and never preach. Instead, be an example to those who do not follow the Art, and practice magic in patience.
Exorcism of Psionics. Crush all those who practice the abomination that is psionics. Psychic powers are alien and must be destroyed before they can disease the land around them. Never allow a psion or aberration to escape your grasp.
Channel Divinity
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.
Arcane Empowerment. When a creature within 30 feet of you (including you) casts a spell using a spell slot, you may use your reaction to cause the spell to come into effect without expending a spell slot, using your Channel Divinity instead. The spell slot used to cast the spell must be of a level equal to your proficiency bonus or lower.
Eldritch Weapon. As a bonus action, you can imbue one weapon that you are holding with forceful arcane energy, using your Channel Divinity. For the next minute, when you hit with this weapon, all damage that you deal with its attack deals force damage. Additionally, it deals extra force damage equal to your proficiency bonus.
If the weapon ever leaves your hand, you can choose to teleport it instantly back to your hand (no action required). If you are ever incapacitated, this effect ends. Additionally, if you take damage from a creature within 30 feet of you, you may end this effect as a reaction, dealing force damage to the creature equal to 2d10 + your paladin level.
Beginning at level 7, eldritch power surrounds you, causing others to have a more difficult time avoiding spell effects. Each creature of your choice within 10 feet of you has disadvantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.
Mimic Magic.
Starting at 15th level, when a creature within 60 feet of you casts a spell, you may quickly learn how to cast that spell. If the spell is of a level you can cast, it becomes a paladin spell for you and you prepare it, not counting against the amount of spells you can normally prepare. Sometime before you take a long rest, you may cast any spell prepared this way once without expending a spell slot. You may use this feature an amount of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of once), regaining all uses when you take a long rest. At the end of a long rest, you forget all spells prepared this way.
Eldritch Bastion
At 20th level, you can harness your inner arcane power to become an embodiment of eldritch energy, causing your eyes to glow and your body to float. As an action, you gain the following benefits for the next minute:
You gain a flying speed of 60 feet and can hover.
Whenever you cast a paladin spell that has a casting time of an action, you can instead choose to cast it using a bonus action.
When you deal damage with an attack or spell, instead of rolling damage, you deal the most damage possible.
Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.
Overall, the feel is amazing, and if allowed, I would play this in any campaign. I love paladins and any other gishes, and this makes it both. Here is my 3 cp.
Channel Divinity
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.
Arcane Empowerment. good. Not broken, and not bad. A well designed, and well limited ability.
Eldritch Weapon. Very good. It scales by level which is great. Very well designed, and flavourful.
Oath Spells
I like them. they make sense thematically, and benefit the class very well. I think you should replace thunder step with magic circle, cause it it the most 'Arcane' spell I can think of. Other than that, I think you nailed it.
Aura of Arcana
This is extremely powerful. It basically makes you a walking damage buff. If you dont have the Sorcerer casting careful fireballs/webs/hypnotic patterns around you at all times, you are playing it wrong. I would say limit it to a number of creatures equal to your proficiency bonus, and when a creature has been affected once, it is immune to this effect for 24 hours.
Mimic Magic.
A powerful ability on all accounts. Similar to spell thief, but the limit on one spell cast makes it a bit worse.....Honestly I need some more time to think on this. My first instinct would be to add a check, but that would heavily nerf it...
Eldritch Bastion
This is insane. The way it is written, smite damage would count by RAW. Add in a bonus action max damage destructive wave (with disadv. due to aura) and this becomes way too good. I would make it more akin to an empowered spell, or the savage attacker feat. This needs a rework, but try to keep the flavour, cause I love it. Maybe smites deal force damage, and add a defensive buff? possibly similar to the abjurers arcane ward, but it recharges every turn?
'you create a ward of arcane energy that protects you from harm. You gain a pool of temporary hit points equal to your level plus your charisma modifier. Every round, at the start of your turn, you regain half this amount of temporary HP (rounded up). If an effect would stop you from healing, you cannot re-gain these Temporary HP while the effect is active. Once this feature has finished, you lose any temporary HP you gained in this way.'
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“I will take responsibility for what I have done. [...] If must fall, I will rise each time a better man.” ― Brandon Sanderson, Oathbringer.
Thanks for giving your feedback, it's very helpful. I'm glad you like the theme of it, I do too.
Channel Divinity: Thanks for your feedback here, I also agree with you. I worked hard to make sure they were not broken, which I think I succeeded at. Arcane Empowerment was originally the 15th level ability, but I think it works better here (Mimic Magic was the Channel Divinity, which did not go well). Eldritch Weapon is like the Devotion Paladin's Divine Weapon, but more arcane-y in flavor, and I think it works well.
Oath Spells: Thanks again. I originally was thinking of adding Magic Circle, but it is also on the Arcana Cleric's Prepared Spell List, and I didn't want to feel like I was copying it. I put Thunderstep because a problem paladins tend to have is getting into combat, which is less of a problem with this spell. It also is a good melee spell, so I think I'll keep it, but I will give another thought to switching it out. I'm particularly proud of having Steel Wind Strike and Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound on this list, as they fit the theme so well.
Aura of Arcana: Thanks again for the feedback. I will think about changing it, it does feel a bit powerful. I may limit it to an amount of creatures equal to your proficiency bonus or Charisma modifier just to keep it a bit less crazy. I kind of based it off of the Oath of the Ancients aura, which gives resistance to spell damage, but is instead the inverse of that in a way. If other people express concerns about this ability, I will probably change it.
Mimic Magic: Just to clarify how this works, it kind of is like Spell Thief, but doesn't counter the spell. The spell still comes into effect as normal, but this lets you prepare it. It is a powerful ability, and functionally can give you 5 more spell slots. I don't know about adding a check to it, I already feel like its restricted enough, but if more comment on its mechanics, I may change it up a bit.
Eldritch Bastion: It is insane, but is a level 20 ability that only lasts a minute, and takes an action to trigger. The maximum damage might need limiting to once a turn, but if people still think that its too powerful that way, I will probably just switch it out. The other 2 abilities are fine, as other paladin capstones grant them. I'll think about a temporary hit point shield as a replacement if I have to.
Thanks again for your feedback, and I am so glad that you like it. Where an Eldritch Knight is a fighter who focuses a bit on arcane magic, and a Bladesinger is an arcane caster who focuses a bit on melee fighting, this is really meant to be halfway between that. It focuses on spells and melee power equally, and I am really proud of it, even if I do have to change it up a little more before it's ready to go.
The 20th level features are from other paladins, but you have three selling points right there. Two abilities that make it great, now make it broken. The flight is good, and should stay.
here's some number crunching on a nova at 20th level with everything added. not doing to hit propabilities, cause I dont have time. here is damage assuming hits. with a regular longsword, assuming 20 str.
Yeah, I will limit it to once a turn. That'd make it less OP. Do you think that's enough of a change? It would read as:
Eldritch Bastion
At 20th level, you can harness your inner arcane power to become an embodiment of eldritch energy, causing your eyes to glow and your body to float. As an action, you gain the following benefits for the next minute:
You gain a flying speed of 60 feet and can hover.
Whenever you cast a paladin spell that has a casting time of an action, you can instead choose to cast it using a bonus action.
When you deal damage with an attack or spell, instead of rolling damage, you deal the most damage possible. You may use this feature once on each of your turns, choosing which attack or spell to use it on.
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Yeah, I will limit it to once a turn. That'd make it less OP. Do you think that's enough of a change? It would read as:
Eldritch Bastion
At 20th level, you can harness your inner arcane power to become an embodiment of eldritch energy, causing your eyes to glow and your body to float. As an action, you gain the following benefits for the next minute:
You gain a flying speed of 60 feet and can hover.
Whenever you cast a paladin spell that has a casting time of an action, you can instead choose to cast it using a bonus action.
When you deal damage with an attack or spell, instead of rolling damage, you deal the most damage possible. You may use this feature once on each of your turns, choosing which attack or spell to use it on.
I would say only attacks and even then it is still strong....... Maybe you deal max damage on your weapon attacks, but not smite damage?
Its your subclass tho, dont let me sway you if you like it.
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“I will take responsibility for what I have done. [...] If must fall, I will rise each time a better man.” ― Brandon Sanderson, Oathbringer.
Aura of Arcana. 👍 You May be ant to limit it from 10 ft. (30 @ 18th) to 5 ft., (10 @ 18th).
Mimic Magic. I’m a little confused the way it is written. Is it that they can store a number of spells equal to their Cha mod and cast each one once, or is it that they can store an infinite number of spells but only cast a number equal to the Cha mod. The way it is written, it could be interpreted either way.
Eldritch Bastion. Bullet points 2&3 are way too strong. Gotta tone those down a bit.
Sposta, you have a few Tooltips Not Found in there, what are those supposed to be?
I fixed them.
Thanks. Nystul's Magic Aura kind of sucks, Animate Objects doesn't really seem to fit the theme I'm going for, and Wall of Force fits, but I don't want to replace either 5th level spell.
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Nustul’s Magic sure doesn’t “suck” it’s just niche use. But it fits the whole “protect and serve magic” thing since it would let the Paladin hide magic effects agains detection.
Arcane Empowerment: I know how you feel about proficiency bonus. I agree, and will probably change it to a level of paladin spell slot you can cast, to stop some multiclassing exploits.
Eldritch Weapon: Would Charisma modifier work better, then? I don't think the Proficiency Bonus for this one is super exploitable, and I personally like the scaling, so *shrug.*
Spell List: Absorb Elements is on their list so they have a minor defense/weapon buff spell but it can change if it needs to, hold person and mirror image aren't there for any real reason and can go, elemental weapon, fire shield, and thunder step are there to boost combat, but aren't necessary. I'm attached to Steel Wind Strike, and will not change that spell, as I think it fits.
Aura of Arcana: Yeah, I'm working on ways to nerf this ability a bit. I think it fits thematically and mechanically, but it may need to be limited to an amount of creatures equal to your Charisma modifer/Proficiency bonus (I know you hate it, but as a 7th level ability, there's not much to exploit with it), or by reducing its range. I am currently leaning towards reducing the amount of creatures, instead of the reduced range. Any thoughts?
Mimic Magic: Sorry if it's confusing. Basically, they can use a reaction to learn a spell that they see cast, and some time while they have it prepared, they can cast it for free, no spell slot required. They can only have an amount of spells prepared this way equal to their Charisma modifier, and can cast each spell they have prepared this way once. Basically, 5 free castings of a spell they see cast.
Eldritch Bastion: The bonus action spell casting is on another paladin capstone ability, but I agree, the maximum damage for spells and attacks needs nerfing. I will limit it to once a turn, probably, maybe even limiting it to attacks only.
Yeah, I could specify certain levels where the damage scales, but Prof. Bonus is just easier. I haven't decided yet, I'll think about it.
Paladins can do Holy Weapon, but it's a 5th level spell, so they don't get it until later in the game, and it doesn't make it a +x weapon. I'll think about it, may change Elemental Weapon later. I may change fire shield. I have another post coming with possible spell replacements.
Yeah, I'll decide tomorrow, probably.
Sorry, no. They can learn an amount of spells equal to their Charisma modifier, and cast each spell once. I'll clear the language up so it's more clear.
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How about Magic Weapon instead, it fits the theme better and they would get it earlier. Yeah, it’s already a Paladin Spell, but this way it would be always prepared for free.
Okay, here are some spells I'm thinking of as replacements:
1st level: Alarm, Find Familiar (I think Alarm fits the theme better, while Find Familiar is a "better" spell, having more uses)
2nd level: Arcane Lock, Blur, Invisibility, Locate Objects, Magic Weapon, Misty Step, Spiritual Weapon (flavored to be more arcane, not divine, maybe). I'm not leaning towards anything specific yet, and other spells could be added to the consideration list.
How about Magic Weapon instead, it fits the theme better and they would get it earlier. Yeah, it’s already a Paladin Spell, but this way it would be always prepared for free.
I'll think about it.
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Hello. I just made this subclass for the paladin class, who focuses on arcane power and protecting mages. I would love feedback if you have any to give, and it is similar to the Arcana Cleric, an arcane subclass for a divine class.
The Oath of the Arcane is sworn by those who wish to carry out the goals of those who are true masters of arcane powers, while not wishing to become a master themselves. Often called Arcane Warriors or Eldritch Bulwarks, they who swear the oath vow to protect the mission of eldritch powers and block attacks against their mage masters. Though they are far arcane power from the exemplars that are wizards, sorcerers, and warlocks, they do gain some eldritch magic from the oath that they uphold.
Though Eldritch Bulwarks do vow to protect masters of arcana, they do not hold this to be a universal law amongst their orders. Some of these paladins do choose to protect any mage under nearly any conditions, but most are more selective, choosing masters to serve depending on their goals, alignment, ideals, and other important factors. In many worlds there are paladins who devote themselves to divine orders, but it is rare to find paladins who serve arcane powers. In Toril, they may swear themselves to the Weave, Mystra, Azuth, or an ancient Netheril wizard or lich. In Eberron, knights of this order may serve the Ring of Siberys, The Shadow, Sul Khatesh, or the Wizards of Arcanix. In Exandria, these knights may serve the Cerberus Assembly, the Luxon, or another arcane power. In Tor-eal, the Yikkan Goblinoids have many servants of the Yikare, and Oath of the Arcane paladins are relatively common. Others of this order in Tor-eal may swear themselves to Vecna, Zilya Darkcord, or the master artificers of Lantan.
Channel Divinity
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.
Arcane Empowerment. When a creature within 30 feet of you (including you) casts a spell using a spell slot, you may use your reaction to cause the spell to come into effect without expending a spell slot, using your Channel Divinity instead. The spell slot used to cast the spell must be of a level equal to your proficiency bonus or lower.
Eldritch Weapon. As a bonus action, you can imbue one weapon that you are holding with forceful arcane energy, using your Channel Divinity. For the next minute, when you hit with this weapon, all damage that you deal with its attack deals force damage. Additionally, it deals extra force damage equal to your proficiency bonus.
If the weapon ever leaves your hand, you can choose to teleport it instantly back to your hand (no action required). If you are ever incapacitated, this effect ends. Additionally, if you take damage from a creature within 30 feet of you, you may end this effect as a reaction, dealing force damage to the creature equal to 2d10 + your paladin level.
Oath Spells
Oath of the Arcane Spells
absorb elements, magic missile
hold person, mirror image
elemental weapon, thunder step
fire shield, mordenkainen's faithful hound
bigby's hand, steel wind strike
Aura of Arcana
Beginning at level 7, eldritch power surrounds you, causing others to have a more difficult time avoiding spell effects. Each creature of your choice within 10 feet of you has disadvantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.
Mimic Magic.
Starting at 15th level, when a creature within 60 feet of you casts a spell, you may quickly learn how to cast that spell. If the spell is of a level you can cast, it becomes a paladin spell for you and you prepare it, not counting against the amount of spells you can normally prepare. Sometime before you take a long rest, you may cast any spell prepared this way once without expending a spell slot. You may use this feature an amount of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of once), regaining all uses when you take a long rest. At the end of a long rest, you forget all spells prepared this way.
Eldritch Bastion
At 20th level, you can harness your inner arcane power to become an embodiment of eldritch energy, causing your eyes to glow and your body to float. As an action, you gain the following benefits for the next minute:
Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.
Please check out my homebrew, I would appreciate feedback:
Spells, Monsters, Subclasses, Races, Arcknight Class, Occultist Class, World, Enigmatic Esoterica forms
Overall, the feel is amazing, and if allowed, I would play this in any campaign. I love paladins and any other gishes, and this makes it both. Here is my 3 cp.
Channel Divinity
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.
Arcane Empowerment. good. Not broken, and not bad. A well designed, and well limited ability.
Eldritch Weapon. Very good. It scales by level which is great. Very well designed, and flavourful.
Oath Spells
I like them. they make sense thematically, and benefit the class very well. I think you should replace thunder step with magic circle, cause it it the most 'Arcane' spell I can think of. Other than that, I think you nailed it.
Aura of Arcana
This is extremely powerful. It basically makes you a walking damage buff. If you dont have the Sorcerer casting careful fireballs/webs/hypnotic patterns around you at all times, you are playing it wrong. I would say limit it to a number of creatures equal to your proficiency bonus, and when a creature has been affected once, it is immune to this effect for 24 hours.
Mimic Magic.
A powerful ability on all accounts. Similar to spell thief, but the limit on one spell cast makes it a bit worse.....Honestly I need some more time to think on this. My first instinct would be to add a check, but that would heavily nerf it...
Eldritch Bastion
This is insane. The way it is written, smite damage would count by RAW. Add in a bonus action max damage destructive wave (with disadv. due to aura) and this becomes way too good. I would make it more akin to an empowered spell, or the savage attacker feat. This needs a rework, but try to keep the flavour, cause I love it. Maybe smites deal force damage, and add a defensive buff? possibly similar to the abjurers arcane ward, but it recharges every turn?
'you create a ward of arcane energy that protects you from harm. You gain a pool of temporary hit points equal to your level plus your charisma modifier. Every round, at the start of your turn, you regain half this amount of temporary HP (rounded up). If an effect would stop you from healing, you cannot re-gain these Temporary HP while the effect is active. Once this feature has finished, you lose any temporary HP you gained in this way.'
“I will take responsibility for what I have done. [...] If must fall, I will rise each time a better man.” ― Brandon Sanderson, Oathbringer.
Thanks for giving your feedback, it's very helpful. I'm glad you like the theme of it, I do too.
Channel Divinity: Thanks for your feedback here, I also agree with you. I worked hard to make sure they were not broken, which I think I succeeded at. Arcane Empowerment was originally the 15th level ability, but I think it works better here (Mimic Magic was the Channel Divinity, which did not go well). Eldritch Weapon is like the Devotion Paladin's Divine Weapon, but more arcane-y in flavor, and I think it works well.
Oath Spells: Thanks again. I originally was thinking of adding Magic Circle, but it is also on the Arcana Cleric's Prepared Spell List, and I didn't want to feel like I was copying it. I put Thunderstep because a problem paladins tend to have is getting into combat, which is less of a problem with this spell. It also is a good melee spell, so I think I'll keep it, but I will give another thought to switching it out. I'm particularly proud of having Steel Wind Strike and Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound on this list, as they fit the theme so well.
Aura of Arcana: Thanks again for the feedback. I will think about changing it, it does feel a bit powerful. I may limit it to an amount of creatures equal to your proficiency bonus or Charisma modifier just to keep it a bit less crazy. I kind of based it off of the Oath of the Ancients aura, which gives resistance to spell damage, but is instead the inverse of that in a way. If other people express concerns about this ability, I will probably change it.
Mimic Magic: Just to clarify how this works, it kind of is like Spell Thief, but doesn't counter the spell. The spell still comes into effect as normal, but this lets you prepare it. It is a powerful ability, and functionally can give you 5 more spell slots. I don't know about adding a check to it, I already feel like its restricted enough, but if more comment on its mechanics, I may change it up a bit.
Eldritch Bastion: It is insane, but is a level 20 ability that only lasts a minute, and takes an action to trigger. The maximum damage might need limiting to once a turn, but if people still think that its too powerful that way, I will probably just switch it out. The other 2 abilities are fine, as other paladin capstones grant them. I'll think about a temporary hit point shield as a replacement if I have to.
Thanks again for your feedback, and I am so glad that you like it. Where an Eldritch Knight is a fighter who focuses a bit on arcane magic, and a Bladesinger is an arcane caster who focuses a bit on melee fighting, this is really meant to be halfway between that. It focuses on spells and melee power equally, and I am really proud of it, even if I do have to change it up a little more before it's ready to go.
Please check out my homebrew, I would appreciate feedback:
Spells, Monsters, Subclasses, Races, Arcknight Class, Occultist Class, World, Enigmatic Esoterica forms
The 20th level features are from other paladins, but you have three selling points right there. Two abilities that make it great, now make it broken. The flight is good, and should stay.
here's some number crunching on a nova at 20th level with everything added. not doing to hit propabilities, cause I dont have time. here is damage assuming hits. with a regular longsword, assuming 20 str.
Attack 1: 8 (max weapon) + 40 (max smite) + 5 (str) + 6 (prof)
Attack 2: 8 (max weapon) + 40 (max smite) + 5 str + 6 (prof)
BA destructive wave (save disadvantage): 60 (Max damage)
Total: 179 damage, which is repeatable..... It is just my opinion, but it needs a nerf. Badly.
(for comparison here is a vengeance pally's Nova)
BA: Banishing smite
Attack 1: (with advantage): 1d8 (weapon) + 5d8 (divine smite) + 5d10 (banishing smite) + 5 (str)
Attack 2: (adv) 1d8 (weapon) + 5d8 (divine smite) + 5 (str)
Total: 73 adv with the sam amount of spell slots......
“I will take responsibility for what I have done. [...] If must fall, I will rise each time a better man.” ― Brandon Sanderson, Oathbringer.
Yeah, I will limit it to once a turn. That'd make it less OP. Do you think that's enough of a change? It would read as:
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I would say only attacks and even then it is still strong....... Maybe you deal max damage on your weapon attacks, but not smite damage?
Its your subclass tho, dont let me sway you if you like it.
“I will take responsibility for what I have done. [...] If must fall, I will rise each time a better man.” ― Brandon Sanderson, Oathbringer.
I'll think about it. Thanks for all the excellent feedback.
Please check out my homebrew, I would appreciate feedback:
Spells, Monsters, Subclasses, Races, Arcknight Class, Occultist Class, World, Enigmatic Esoterica forms
Alright, for Oath of the Arcane: I like the theme. I genuinely do. The language needs some cleaning up however.
Onto some more detailed notes:
Arcane Empowerment. I would change it to have to be a spell slot of a level you have instead of proficiency.
Eldritch Weapon. I would change it to avoid using Proficiency because reasons, but it really isn’t that bad.
Spell List. I'm not a fan of the spell list. Magic Missile is good, the Faithful Hound, Thunderstep, and Bigby's Hand. I'm not a fan of the rest, they don't really fit IMO. I think spells like Find Familiar, Arcanist's Magic Aura, Resilient Sphere, maybe Animate Objects or Wall of Force.
Aura of Arcana. 👍 You May be ant to limit it from 10 ft. (30 @ 18th) to 5 ft., (10 @ 18th).
Mimic Magic. I’m a little confused the way it is written. Is it that they can store a number of spells equal to their Cha mod and cast each one once, or is it that they can store an infinite number of spells but only cast a number equal to the Cha mod. The way it is written, it could be interpreted either way.
Eldritch Bastion. Bullet points 2&3 are way too strong. Gotta tone those down a bit.
I hope that helps.
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Sposta, you have a few Tooltips Not Found in there, what are those supposed to be?
Please check out my homebrew, I would appreciate feedback:
Spells, Monsters, Subclasses, Races, Arcknight Class, Occultist Class, World, Enigmatic Esoterica forms
I fixed them.
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Thanks. Nystul's Magic Aura kind of sucks, Animate Objects doesn't really seem to fit the theme I'm going for, and Wall of Force fits, but I don't want to replace either 5th level spell.
Please check out my homebrew, I would appreciate feedback:
Spells, Monsters, Subclasses, Races, Arcknight Class, Occultist Class, World, Enigmatic Esoterica forms
Nustul’s Magic sure doesn’t “suck” it’s just niche use. But it fits the whole “protect and serve magic” thing since it would let the Paladin hide magic effects agains detection.
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Thanks Sposta.
Arcane Empowerment: I know how you feel about proficiency bonus. I agree, and will probably change it to a level of paladin spell slot you can cast, to stop some multiclassing exploits.
Eldritch Weapon: Would Charisma modifier work better, then? I don't think the Proficiency Bonus for this one is super exploitable, and I personally like the scaling, so *shrug.*
Spell List: Absorb Elements is on their list so they have a minor defense/weapon buff spell but it can change if it needs to, hold person and mirror image aren't there for any real reason and can go, elemental weapon, fire shield, and thunder step are there to boost combat, but aren't necessary. I'm attached to Steel Wind Strike, and will not change that spell, as I think it fits.
Aura of Arcana: Yeah, I'm working on ways to nerf this ability a bit. I think it fits thematically and mechanically, but it may need to be limited to an amount of creatures equal to your Charisma modifer/Proficiency bonus (I know you hate it, but as a 7th level ability, there's not much to exploit with it), or by reducing its range. I am currently leaning towards reducing the amount of creatures, instead of the reduced range. Any thoughts?
Mimic Magic: Sorry if it's confusing. Basically, they can use a reaction to learn a spell that they see cast, and some time while they have it prepared, they can cast it for free, no spell slot required. They can only have an amount of spells prepared this way equal to their Charisma modifier, and can cast each spell they have prepared this way once. Basically, 5 free castings of a spell they see cast.
Eldritch Bastion: The bonus action spell casting is on another paladin capstone ability, but I agree, the maximum damage for spells and attacks needs nerfing. I will limit it to once a turn, probably, maybe even limiting it to attacks only.
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For Eldritch Weapon you could set up a level scale that keeps it in-class, but that one isn’t OP.
For the spells, Can’t Paladins do Holy Weapon already? So do they need Elemental Weapon? And I don’t feel Fire Shield fits the theme. 🤷♂️
For the Aura, either could work, I think it’ll be up to your preference and playtesting.
for Mimic, so they can “learn” 1 spell, and cast that one spell up to Cha times? Yeah, gotta clear that language up.
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Yeah, I could specify certain levels where the damage scales, but Prof. Bonus is just easier. I haven't decided yet, I'll think about it.
Paladins can do Holy Weapon, but it's a 5th level spell, so they don't get it until later in the game, and it doesn't make it a +x weapon. I'll think about it, may change Elemental Weapon later. I may change fire shield. I have another post coming with possible spell replacements.
Yeah, I'll decide tomorrow, probably.
Sorry, no. They can learn an amount of spells equal to their Charisma modifier, and cast each spell once. I'll clear the language up so it's more clear.
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Yeah, you're right about it not sucking, I just don't know about Nystul's Magic Aura as a paladin spell.
So, the spells that I'm okay with replacing are absorb elements, mirror image, hold person, and fire shield. The others I am more attached to.
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How about Magic Weapon instead, it fits the theme better and they would get it earlier. Yeah, it’s already a Paladin Spell, but this way it would be always prepared for free.
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Okay, here are some spells I'm thinking of as replacements:
1st level: Alarm, Find Familiar (I think Alarm fits the theme better, while Find Familiar is a "better" spell, having more uses)
2nd level: Arcane Lock, Blur, Invisibility, Locate Objects, Magic Weapon, Misty Step, Spiritual Weapon (flavored to be more arcane, not divine, maybe). I'm not leaning towards anything specific yet, and other spells could be added to the consideration list.
3rd level: Haste, Sending, Tiny Hut.
4th level: I have no thoughts, do you?
Please check out my homebrew, I would appreciate feedback:
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I'll think about it.
Please check out my homebrew, I would appreciate feedback:
Spells, Monsters, Subclasses, Races, Arcknight Class, Occultist Class, World, Enigmatic Esoterica forms
That’s what I’d pick. 🤷♂️
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