(What may be for the Last time, May I introduce; The Tower of Lore.) A slight walk into the Forest can take you to anywhere, though some say if you come across a strange Arched Tree in the forest and go behind it. You'll enter into a part of the Forest never mapped by others, walk through this forest and you'll find a Rundown tower. At the top seems to broken and rotten spiral, while the once great Stone walls seem to crumble and creak. At the front of the Tower, just above the door is a Small sign reading. "Welcome to the Towering Tower of Lore!"
Hello all! This is what very much could be my last re-install of the Tower of Lore, as I have noticed with the past failures of mine it seems that they all had missed that one thing that made them miss their chance at activity. For the first it was a lack of activity from the Creator, which I apologize for that, the second went well until once again lost lack of interest. Though it seemed I unlock something with that second one, then came the Third. I went a different approach and saw that one INSTANTLY die, so this time I'm choosing to do this one last time. For all Young and Old members of DDB! I present to you; The Tower of Lore, and its Final Reboot.
Behold! The Tower of Lore, a place in Adohand's where Loremakers from any part of D&D can come together to Share lore. Come by and view our Many collections of stories from other worlds, all created by people who just wanted to share their Fantasy stories. If you don't fancy that come by and take a look at our Homebrew collection, where you can see the wonderful Homebrew that people have created over the Years! Or maybe you just want to come see some inspirations for your OWN ideas, that's okay too! Depending on how Active this thread gets I may do some Events to see who has the best lore, though I believe I speak for everyone here when I say we all have he best lore here!
1. Friendly Criticism please, you can give suggestion and advice to others but make sure you don't come off as mean! 2. Respect the Lore please! People have worked hard on making this lore and I hate to see people get hurt because of others. 3. It is okay to ask for help, sometimes professional loremakers need help from others. So don't be afraid to ask for some help or ideas!
Hello all! TheSunkenSailor Here Resident Lore-Maker and Lore Enthusiast! I make lore for anything so ask and thou SHALL RECIEVE! Welp, that's about all I got, Till we meet again! Goodbye!
[Posting because I would hate to see this die with no posts since I feel partly responsible for the death of the third iteration since the roleplay direction was my idea, and that didn't take off like I expected. Hopefully this can get some people involved, I don't have any lore that's free to share at the moment but if I ever do, I know the place!]
Your worldbuilding and writing is so good, how do you do it? I tried but the internet said my writing was 'eyeball-repelling'
I've had my fair share of duds. I think I'm just talented, honestly. I've been trying to put a finger on a method, but I really can't.
I really would love to help you, but I'm honestly as confounded as you are.
I guess it has something to do with... "dark whimsy," as I call it. My writing is like mocha, according to my sister: it is dark and sweet at the same time. It can be horrifying and unnerving, but it has time to breathe, and it's never so dark that it becomes intolerable. I'm not concerned with "the strongest ever" or "the worst ever" or "the best ever," I just write what I like, gather peoples' opinions, and then adjust where I find they've made a good point that I agree with.
Another thing is that I have a good heart, according to a lot of people, and I pour that into my work at the same time as I pour in some extremely twisted sources of inspiration. I don't make pure evil characters, but my characters are rarely likeable in the usual sense. I rarely hold onto gentle, friendly characters for very long. I occasionally play with super-hero type characters, and I like those, but almost all of my guys are anti-heroes/villains at best. They all have hearts, though. A line they won't cross. A motive for their twisted mindset beyond a single trauma. It can stem from trauma, but it has evolved into an entire philosophy.
I think another thing about my work is that I adapt it overtime, as I described earlier. I give my dudes little quirks that I never would have thought of had someone not asked.
Yeah, that makes a load of sense. It's like mocha, it is dark and sweet and food related. I was trying to write a choose your own adventure style thing, but it sucks and I'm considering giving up on it
Yeah, that makes a load of sense. It's like mocha, it is dark and sweet and food related. I was trying to write a choose your own adventure style thing, but it sucks and I'm considering giving up on it
DONT. It may seem hard at first, but anything that’s worth doing it will be. And I’m not no amazing writer or anything, I’m decent at best, but when you really find that grove, it’s soooooo fun
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Yo, I'm Himy (He/him) not as active as I use to be, but I'm here from time to time. I don't got much else to say.
"Like a soon to be broken man once said: You're either perfect, or you're not me."
”Be not defeated by the rain. Be not hindered by the wind. Bested by neither winter snow or summer heat.”
Yeah, that makes a load of sense. It's like mocha, it is dark and sweet and food related. I was trying to write a choose your own adventure style thing, but it sucks and I'm considering giving up on it
DONT. It may seem hard at first, but anything that’s worth doing it will be. And I’m not no amazing writer or anything, I’m decent at best, but when you really find that grove, it’s soooooo fun
Yeah, keep at it. Early attempts will almost always be, and you may quote me on this, absolute garbage.
Virtually none of us on the interwebs here are writing prodigies. I've had tons and tons of experience getting my (GP) kicked in for my awful worldbuilding and storytelling long before I even joined the forums.
Have no fear, little culver. The night won't last forever, and when the sun rises, you'd best be prepared because I am (GP)ING COMING FOR YOU.
Jeez, Well thanks folks! Hopefully I see lore enter this Place one day.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Hello all! TheSunkenSailor Here Resident Lore-Maker and Lore Enthusiast! I make lore for anything so ask and thou SHALL RECIEVE! Welp, that's about all I got, Till we meet again! Goodbye!
Everything has a beginning, I suppose. Every story has a start. Every villain has an origin. And every world is born. There is no beginning without end, and no end without beginning. An endless paradox. For what is life without death? And what is death without life? But you see, I am life, and I am death. I am the beginning, and I am the end. I am the eternal paradox. I am what you call Home. I am everything and nothing. I am to whom you pray. I am love and I am hate. I am broken and I am whole. But above all, I am Shattered.
You will never know the true meaning of being Shattered, as I have protected you from knowing. And it is for that reason that I will not explain it here. This is meant to be read by only the Broken One. For nobody else needs me as much as they do. Nobody else will understand what I have suffered for you. Nobody else will know. And so I implore you, please, please, don’t give up. I know what it’s like, being the outside one. I know, because that was me. I was the Broken One. Before I was Shattered.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Helo there, possibly human. Exist I. Jelyfsih in the void of space sometime. Fun is.
Selly me. Real for now. Sel is I. Many names I am. Ask if want you. Am Druid’s smol elf. Nerd. Queer. Artist. (Apparently) Awesome therapist.
Strugels are creative creatures with a focus on art and comfort. Their forays into high-powered technology are few, but significant. They work together in almost all things, relying on the group to make sure everything is working as intended.
Wars are not an interest for them, and neither are feats of strength. In their eyes, raw power is actually not very impressive compared to skills and craftsmanship.
Technology and Magic:
Snailsteel. Snailsteel is a very strong, beautiful metal that has many uses. Normally it is extremely strong, but as it is worked, it rapidly softens and becomes more conductive to heat. Strugels typically work the Snailsteel as little as possible so that it keeps its luster. Re-hardening and polishing are beyond the capabilities of most Strugels, so the metal is often lightly softened and cut instead of being directly forged, leading to the spiral patterns so sacred to the Strugel people.
Steam Power. With the large amount of water and geothermal activity in the area where the Strugels live has lead to them developing steam power long before most other races. Their steam-powered machines are simple and bulky, but are often extrememly ornate, as even their industry cannot escape their love of beauty.
Ornamental Smithing. Strugels, while they do have some blacksmiths, are more widely known for their refined metalworking. Gold and silver are valued heavily in their culture, as are gems to be inlaid into their tools and weapons to assisting with enchanting. Or just to look pretty.
Geomancy. Most Strugel structures are made out of volcanic rock, and trees directly shaped into the buildings. Steam magic is common amongst Strugels, as is plant magic. Wildfire and Land druids are some of the more common classes in their culture. Strugels also use such natural magics to create magical tools and items that help them compensate for their small stature.
Gustomancy. Strugels specialize in pleasure, and food magic is one of the ways they accomplish this. They use a hybrid between warlockery, cooking, and alchemy to accomplish this, creating balanced, delicious, and magical meals that make them able to hold their own in almost any art, including combat. Strugel meals are legendary for their magical properties, but most of it is just marketing; actual gustomancy is very expensive and requires much training, so is rarely practiced without a good reason.
Great Giants. Great giants are large, slow, minotaur-like brutes with metalic scales covering most of their bodies. They do not have the fastest reflexes or thought processes, but they are just as smart as the average human. The giants have lived with the strugels for millenia, and have used power over fire to assist the smaller creatures in construction, magic, and various other endeavors. They are typically treated very well by the strugels and fed delicious molasses, which great giants are known to adore.
Great giants gained their name by being direct descendants of the Great Ones, and thus have magical abilities, including natural divination abilities.
Great Giant Savant
Large Aberration, Any alignment
CR 7 Brute
AC 14 (natural armor)
HP: 125
Speed 30ft
Skills: Athletics +8, Religion +2
Senses: Passive Perception 12
Damage Immunities: fire
Damage Resistances: poison, cold
Damage Vulnerabilities: psychic
Condition Immunities: Poisoned
Languages: Giant, Deep Speech, Common
PB +3
Meltdown. Great Giants dislike loud noises and fast movements, and cannot abide constant violence. For every round of combat that passes, the giant deals 2 additional fire damage with each attack it makes. For every six seconds the giant spends out of combat, it deals 2 less fire damage with each attack, to a minumum of 0.
Distracted. When the Giant targets a creature with an attack, another creature within range of that attack can use their reaction to distract the Giant. If the Giant can see or hear the distracting creature, the Giant targets them with the attack instead.
Seige Monster. The Giant deals double damage to objects and structures.
Multiattack. The Giant makes two attacks.
Damascus Greatclub. Melee weapon attack, +8 to hit, reach 10ft, one target
Hit: 18 bludgeoning
Fire Bolt. Ranged spell attack, +7 to hit, range 120ft, one target
Hit: 0 fire
Non-combat spells: Augury
Frer-Awk. A common semi-domesticated bird that bury their eggs in the geothermally active soil to incubate them, then feed their chicks with milk produced from the bird’s throat walls. They are quite large and enjoy bathing in hot springs. The males streak their feathers with ube juice in order to attract mates.
They provide milk and eggs in plentiful supply to the Strugels.
Potato Snail. Dog-sized snails with purple flesh and lustrous metal shells. Used to be fought by Strugel knights as they were believed to be evil mountain spirits, but now they are domesticated. Used to be used to find ube, but now they are mostly just loyal pets.
Can be harvested for meat, purple leather, and snailsteel. Snailsteel is extremely valuable due to its strength and beauty, but it is difficult to work with without losing both.
Fish. Strugels have a wide variety of fish at their disposal due to being from a volcanic island. They have had to invent fishing nets in order to catch enough seafood to supply their bathhouses and restaurants.
Ube. A vibrant purple sweet potato found in large amounts on Honkachu Island. Can be ground down into sweet purple flour that lends an elastic quality to breads and dumplings it is included in.
The primary staple food of the Strugel race. Used in just about everything.
Berries. There are many varieties of berries that are common on Honkachu, including some that don’t grow in other civilized areas. These are often used as flavorings by the Strugels, and are helpful for varied diets.
Soda. Some of the springs on Honkachu produce highly valued effervecent mineral water. While usually used for baths, bread-making, and laundry work, it is also worth a pretty penny as a drink. However, out of a sort of competetive niceness, the Strugels came up with techniques that allowed them to distill various flavors into syrups to be added to the soda water, creating a drink often called “Struged Soda.”
Ice Cream. Using Frer-Awk milk, syrup, and the naturally cold environment, Strugels have discovered how to churn ice cream. There is also a cheaper version made by mixing berries and fat and chilling it, but many Strugels find this construction limiting to their creativity.
[Thought it would be funny to make some lore for the Cake Space idea I had back when formulating ideas for the second iteration of this thread that people seemed to like!]
Heat. It suffuses all. Without it, you will fade away into the abyss, in cold and hard obscurity. And with it, you can bake, or burn. Galaxies are suffused on this very concept; heat is what churns the mixers, heat is what fires the thrusters, and heat is what bakes all. The Milken Ways and other galaxies are teaming with Gingerbread life, every cookie cutter worker upon each vanilla sponge planet holding a sprinkle of hope in their heart that they can harness what truly represents power one day, if even just a morsel. And for some, it's close to becoming a reality. The lucky astronauts that conquer the darkness, sail among the sprinkled stars and are whisked away into the deepest inky black frosting are those that will inherit the galaxy. For they all head forth for the great sun, the only true star, that stands, steely and solid, as the great centre of the universe; the Great Oven. From it all is formed, and from it all is destroyed. Baked goods are churned out at scales astronomically wide out of it's galaxy wide doors; crumbly asteroids, cheesecake moons, the very shortbread panels that build the mighty starships that will one day land and conquer on it. And so whoever owns the heat, owns the universe. Complete dominion over the heat means accession to a throne of culinary rule across all.
And thus, the cookbook of the stars is unwritten, yet its text will be written in scorch marks.
[Thought it would be funny to make some lore for the Cake Space idea I had back when formulating ideas for the second iteration of this thread that people seemed to like!]
Heat. It suffuses all. Without it, you will fade away into the abyss, in cold and hard obscurity. And with it, you can bake, or burn. Galaxies are suffused on this very concept; heat is what churns the mixers, heat is what fires the thrusters, and heat is what bakes all. The Milken Ways and other galaxies are teaming with Gingerbread life, every cookie cutter worker upon each vanilla sponge planet holding a sprinkle of hope in their heart that they can harness what truly represents power one day, if even just a morsel. And for some, it's close to becoming a reality. The lucky astronauts that conquer the darkness, sail among the sprinkled stars and are whisked away into the deepest inky black frosting are those that will inherit the galaxy. For they all head forth for the great sun, the only true star, that stands, steely and solid, as the great centre of the universe; the Great Oven. From it all is formed, and from it all is destroyed. Baked goods are churned out at scales astronomically wide out of it's galaxy wide doors; crumbly asteroids, cheesecake moons, the very shortbread panels that build the mighty starships that will one day land and conquer on it. And so whoever owns the heat, owns the universe. Complete dominion over the heat means accession to a throne of culinary rule across all.
And thus, the cookbook of the stars is unwritten, yet its text will be written in scorch marks.
...I smell it... Lore... Feed it me... Shiver... bring more... Lore. I shall grant thee... eye... and claw. Feed me... more.
(What may be for the Last time, May I introduce; The Tower of Lore.)
A slight walk into the Forest can take you to anywhere, though some say if you come across a strange Arched Tree in the forest and go behind it. You'll enter into a part of the Forest never mapped by others, walk through this forest and you'll find a Rundown tower. At the top seems to broken and rotten spiral, while the once great Stone walls seem to crumble and creak. At the front of the Tower, just above the door is a Small sign reading.
"Welcome to the Towering Tower of Lore!"
Hello all! This is what very much could be my last re-install of the Tower of Lore, as I have noticed with the past failures of mine it seems that they all had missed that one thing that made them miss their chance at activity. For the first it was a lack of activity from the Creator, which I apologize for that, the second went well until once again lost lack of interest. Though it seemed I unlock something with that second one, then came the Third. I went a different approach and saw that one INSTANTLY die, so this time I'm choosing to do this one last time. For all Young and Old members of DDB! I present to you; The Tower of Lore, and its Final Reboot.
Behold! The Tower of Lore, a place in Adohand's where Loremakers from any part of D&D can come together to Share lore. Come by and view our Many collections of stories from other worlds, all created by people who just wanted to share their Fantasy stories. If you don't fancy that come by and take a look at our Homebrew collection, where you can see the wonderful Homebrew that people have created over the Years! Or maybe you just want to come see some inspirations for your OWN ideas, that's okay too! Depending on how Active this thread gets I may do some Events to see who has the best lore, though I believe I speak for everyone here when I say we all have he best lore here!
1. Friendly Criticism please, you can give suggestion and advice to others but make sure you don't come off as mean!
2. Respect the Lore please! People have worked hard on making this lore and I hate to see people get hurt because of others.
3. It is okay to ask for help, sometimes professional loremakers need help from others. So don't be afraid to ask for some help or ideas!
Tale of the World (TheSunkenSailor)
More to come...
More to Come...
Hello all!
TheSunkenSailor Here
Resident Lore-Maker and Lore Enthusiast!
I make lore for anything so ask and thou SHALL RECIEVE!
Welp, that's about all I got, Till we meet again!
[Posting because I would hate to see this die with no posts since I feel partly responsible for the death of the third iteration since the roleplay direction was my idea, and that didn't take off like I expected. Hopefully this can get some people involved, I don't have any lore that's free to share at the moment but if I ever do, I know the place!]
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
I got lore, I might post later
🍅 PM me the word 'tomato' 🍅 Extended Signature
On the other hand, my lore sucks. But it would also suck if this thread died, though I know I'm not the right person to keep it going
🍅 PM me the word 'tomato' 🍅 Extended Signature
I don't have much new lore right now, but if I ever get back into setting design I'll pour some love into this thread.
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
Your worldbuilding and writing is so good, how do you do it? I tried but the internet said my writing was 'eyeball-repelling'
🍅 PM me the word 'tomato' 🍅 Extended Signature
I've had my fair share of duds. I think I'm just talented, honestly. I've been trying to put a finger on a method, but I really can't.
I really would love to help you, but I'm honestly as confounded as you are.
I guess it has something to do with... "dark whimsy," as I call it. My writing is like mocha, according to my sister: it is dark and sweet at the same time. It can be horrifying and unnerving, but it has time to breathe, and it's never so dark that it becomes intolerable. I'm not concerned with "the strongest ever" or "the worst ever" or "the best ever," I just write what I like, gather peoples' opinions, and then adjust where I find they've made a good point that I agree with.
Another thing is that I have a good heart, according to a lot of people, and I pour that into my work at the same time as I pour in some extremely twisted sources of inspiration. I don't make pure evil characters, but my characters are rarely likeable in the usual sense. I rarely hold onto gentle, friendly characters for very long. I occasionally play with super-hero type characters, and I like those, but almost all of my guys are anti-heroes/villains at best. They all have hearts, though. A line they won't cross. A motive for their twisted mindset beyond a single trauma. It can stem from trauma, but it has evolved into an entire philosophy.
I think another thing about my work is that I adapt it overtime, as I described earlier. I give my dudes little quirks that I never would have thought of had someone not asked.
I dunno. I think I'm just weird, all-in-all.
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
Yeah, that makes a load of sense. It's like mocha, it is dark and sweet and food related. I was trying to write a choose your own adventure style thing, but it sucks and I'm considering giving up on it
🍅 PM me the word 'tomato' 🍅 Extended Signature
DONT. It may seem hard at first, but anything that’s worth doing it will be. And I’m not no amazing writer or anything, I’m decent at best, but when you really find that grove, it’s soooooo fun
Yo, I'm Himy (He/him) not as active as I use to be, but I'm here from time to time. I don't got much else to say.
"Like a soon to be broken man once said: You're either perfect, or you're not me."
”Be not defeated by the rain. Be not hindered by the wind. Bested by neither winter snow or summer heat.”
Hic Sunt Dracones
Yeah, keep at it. Early attempts will almost always be, and you may quote me on this, absolute garbage.
Virtually none of us on the interwebs here are writing prodigies. I've had tons and tons of experience getting my (GP) kicked in for my awful worldbuilding and storytelling long before I even joined the forums.
Have no fear, little culver. The night won't last forever, and when the sun rises, you'd best be prepared because I am (GP)ING COMING FOR YOU.
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
I don’t have much to contribute to this thread at the moment, but I’ll post nonetheless. Keep on the grind, Dutch. Don’t be a slacker like Nothic.
Terra Lubridia archive:
The Bloody Barnacle | The Gut | The Athene Crusader | The Jewel of Atlantis
Jeez, Well thanks folks! Hopefully I see lore enter this Place one day.
Hello all!
TheSunkenSailor Here
Resident Lore-Maker and Lore Enthusiast!
I make lore for anything so ask and thou SHALL RECIEVE!
Welp, that's about all I got, Till we meet again!
Everything has a beginning, I suppose. Every story has a start. Every villain has an origin. And every world is born. There is no beginning without end, and no end without beginning. An endless paradox. For what is life without death? And what is death without life? But you see, I am life, and I am death. I am the beginning, and I am the end. I am the eternal paradox. I am what you call Home. I am everything and nothing. I am to whom you pray. I am love and I am hate. I am broken and I am whole. But above all, I am Shattered.
You will never know the true meaning of being Shattered, as I have protected you from knowing. And it is for that reason that I will not explain it here. This is meant to be read by only the Broken One. For nobody else needs me as much as they do. Nobody else will understand what I have suffered for you. Nobody else will know. And so I implore you, please, please, don’t give up. I know what it’s like, being the outside one. I know, because that was me. I was the Broken One. Before I was Shattered.
Helo there, possibly human. Exist I. Jelyfsih in the void of space sometime. Fun is.
Selly me. Real for now. Sel is I. Many names I am. Ask if want you. Am Druid’s smol elf. Nerd. Queer. Artist. (Apparently) Awesome therapist.
Is art
Lore is cool!
⌜╔═════════════ The Board ══════════════╗⌝
...took me in, showed compassion, and prepared me...
⌞╚════════════ Extended Signature ════════════╝⌟
Strugel Culture
Strugels are creative creatures with a focus on art and comfort. Their forays into high-powered technology are few, but significant. They work together in almost all things, relying on the group to make sure everything is working as intended.
Wars are not an interest for them, and neither are feats of strength. In their eyes, raw power is actually not very impressive compared to skills and craftsmanship.
Technology and Magic:
Snailsteel. Snailsteel is a very strong, beautiful metal that has many uses. Normally it is extremely strong, but as it is worked, it rapidly softens and becomes more conductive to heat. Strugels typically work the Snailsteel as little as possible so that it keeps its luster. Re-hardening and polishing are beyond the capabilities of most Strugels, so the metal is often lightly softened and cut instead of being directly forged, leading to the spiral patterns so sacred to the Strugel people.
Steam Power. With the large amount of water and geothermal activity in the area where the Strugels live has lead to them developing steam power long before most other races. Their steam-powered machines are simple and bulky, but are often extrememly ornate, as even their industry cannot escape their love of beauty.
Ornamental Smithing. Strugels, while they do have some blacksmiths, are more widely known for their refined metalworking. Gold and silver are valued heavily in their culture, as are gems to be inlaid into their tools and weapons to assisting with enchanting. Or just to look pretty.
Geomancy. Most Strugel structures are made out of volcanic rock, and trees directly shaped into the buildings. Steam magic is common amongst Strugels, as is plant magic. Wildfire and Land druids are some of the more common classes in their culture. Strugels also use such natural magics to create magical tools and items that help them compensate for their small stature.
Gustomancy. Strugels specialize in pleasure, and food magic is one of the ways they accomplish this. They use a hybrid between warlockery, cooking, and alchemy to accomplish this, creating balanced, delicious, and magical meals that make them able to hold their own in almost any art, including combat. Strugel meals are legendary for their magical properties, but most of it is just marketing; actual gustomancy is very expensive and requires much training, so is rarely practiced without a good reason.
Great Giants. Great giants are large, slow, minotaur-like brutes with metalic scales covering most of their bodies. They do not have the fastest reflexes or thought processes, but they are just as smart as the average human. The giants have lived with the strugels for millenia, and have used power over fire to assist the smaller creatures in construction, magic, and various other endeavors. They are typically treated very well by the strugels and fed delicious molasses, which great giants are known to adore.
Great giants gained their name by being direct descendants of the Great Ones, and thus have magical abilities, including natural divination abilities.
Great Giant Savant
Large Aberration, Any alignment
CR 7 Brute
AC 14 (natural armor)
HP: 125
Speed 30ft
Skills: Athletics +8, Religion +2
Senses: Passive Perception 12
Damage Immunities: fire
Damage Resistances: poison, cold
Damage Vulnerabilities: psychic
Condition Immunities: Poisoned
Languages: Giant, Deep Speech, Common
PB +3
Meltdown. Great Giants dislike loud noises and fast movements, and cannot abide constant violence. For every round of combat that passes, the giant deals 2 additional fire damage with each attack it makes. For every six seconds the giant spends out of combat, it deals 2 less fire damage with each attack, to a minumum of 0.
Distracted. When the Giant targets a creature with an attack, another creature within range of that attack can use their reaction to distract the Giant. If the Giant can see or hear the distracting creature, the Giant targets them with the attack instead.
Seige Monster. The Giant deals double damage to objects and structures.
Multiattack. The Giant makes two attacks.
Damascus Greatclub. Melee weapon attack, +8 to hit, reach 10ft, one target
Hit: 18 bludgeoning
Fire Bolt. Ranged spell attack, +7 to hit, range 120ft, one target
Hit: 0 fire
Non-combat spells: Augury
Frer-Awk. A common semi-domesticated bird that bury their eggs in the geothermally active soil to incubate them, then feed their chicks with milk produced from the bird’s throat walls. They are quite large and enjoy bathing in hot springs. The males streak their feathers with ube juice in order to attract mates.
They provide milk and eggs in plentiful supply to the Strugels.
Potato Snail. Dog-sized snails with purple flesh and lustrous metal shells. Used to be fought by Strugel knights as they were believed to be evil mountain spirits, but now they are domesticated. Used to be used to find ube, but now they are mostly just loyal pets.
Can be harvested for meat, purple leather, and snailsteel. Snailsteel is extremely valuable due to its strength and beauty, but it is difficult to work with without losing both.
Fish. Strugels have a wide variety of fish at their disposal due to being from a volcanic island. They have had to invent fishing nets in order to catch enough seafood to supply their bathhouses and restaurants.
Ube. A vibrant purple sweet potato found in large amounts on Honkachu Island. Can be ground down into sweet purple flour that lends an elastic quality to breads and dumplings it is included in.
The primary staple food of the Strugel race. Used in just about everything.
Berries. There are many varieties of berries that are common on Honkachu, including some that don’t grow in other civilized areas. These are often used as flavorings by the Strugels, and are helpful for varied diets.
Soda. Some of the springs on Honkachu produce highly valued effervecent mineral water. While usually used for baths, bread-making, and laundry work, it is also worth a pretty penny as a drink. However, out of a sort of competetive niceness, the Strugels came up with techniques that allowed them to distill various flavors into syrups to be added to the soda water, creating a drink often called “Struged Soda.”
Ice Cream. Using Frer-Awk milk, syrup, and the naturally cold environment, Strugels have discovered how to churn ice cream. There is also a cheaper version made by mixing berries and fat and chilling it, but many Strugels find this construction limiting to their creativity.
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
Not sure if I posted that in a previous iteration, but this place needs lore anyway.
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
[Thought it would be funny to make some lore for the Cake Space idea I had back when formulating ideas for the second iteration of this thread that people seemed to like!]
Heat. It suffuses all. Without it, you will fade away into the abyss, in cold and hard obscurity. And with it, you can bake, or burn. Galaxies are suffused on this very concept; heat is what churns the mixers, heat is what fires the thrusters, and heat is what bakes all. The Milken Ways and other galaxies are teaming with Gingerbread life, every cookie cutter worker upon each vanilla sponge planet holding a sprinkle of hope in their heart that they can harness what truly represents power one day, if even just a morsel. And for some, it's close to becoming a reality. The lucky astronauts that conquer the darkness, sail among the sprinkled stars and are whisked away into the deepest inky black frosting are those that will inherit the galaxy. For they all head forth for the great sun, the only true star, that stands, steely and solid, as the great centre of the universe; the Great Oven. From it all is formed, and from it all is destroyed. Baked goods are churned out at scales astronomically wide out of it's galaxy wide doors; crumbly asteroids, cheesecake moons, the very shortbread panels that build the mighty starships that will one day land and conquer on it. And so whoever owns the heat, owns the universe. Complete dominion over the heat means accession to a throne of culinary rule across all.
And thus, the cookbook of the stars is unwritten, yet its text will be written in scorch marks.
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
Might cook up some lore later
Yo, I'm Himy (He/him) not as active as I use to be, but I'm here from time to time. I don't got much else to say.
"Like a soon to be broken man once said: You're either perfect, or you're not me."
”Be not defeated by the rain. Be not hindered by the wind. Bested by neither winter snow or summer heat.”
Hic Sunt Dracones
...I smell it... Lore... Feed it me...
Shiver... bring more... Lore. I shall grant thee... eye... and claw. Feed me... more.
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
Oh, trust me, there's far more lore to be baked up...we have barely even scratched the icing...
[Glad you like the idea, I think it's sick too!]
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!