(Bard floats the idea of challenging Asmodeus to a music battle)
Asmodeus: (takes out a very stylish lute) “Well, I guess you didn't know it but I'm a guitar player too…”
(cue the entire table cutting into a rendition of “The Devil Went Down to Georgia”)
…coincidentally; Nickelback apparently has a SICK cover of that song; which got played that very same session.
Judging from that song, I assume the bard won.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, Asmodeus was superior beyond comprehension. XD
The bard played their heart out, though; and was good enough that the Lord of the Nine is now “referring” them to one of the Archdevils as a permanent performer for their amusement.
Glasya is currently a front-runner.
”My daughter would ADORE you…she’s in her “paladin” phase these days; but I think we could tempt her! Her current minstrel could use a vacation…worked their fingers down to the bone, ha ha.”
(Bard floats the idea of challenging Asmodeus to a music battle)
Asmodeus: (takes out a very stylish lute) “Well, I guess you didn't know it but I'm a guitar player too…”
(cue the entire table cutting into a rendition of “The Devil Went Down to Georgia”)
…coincidentally; Nickelback apparently has a SICK cover of that song; which got played that very same session.
Judging from that song, I assume the bard won.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, Asmodeus was superior beyond comprehension. XD
The bard played their heart out, though; and was good enough that the Lord of the Nine is now “referring” them to one of the Archdevils as a permanent performer for their amusement.
Glasya is currently a front-runner.
”My daughter would ADORE you…she’s in her “paladin” phase these days; but I think we could tempt her! Her current minstrel could use a vacation…worked their fingers down to the bone, ha ha.”
TBH, Asmodeus is probably the bard of the archdevils if we are being honest here XD
(Bard floats the idea of challenging Asmodeus to a music battle)
Asmodeus: (takes out a very stylish lute) “Well, I guess you didn't know it but I'm a guitar player too…”
(cue the entire table cutting into a rendition of “The Devil Went Down to Georgia”)
…coincidentally; Nickelback apparently has a SICK cover of that song; which got played that very same session.
Judging from that song, I assume the bard won.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, Asmodeus was superior beyond comprehension. XD
The bard played their heart out, though; and was good enough that the Lord of the Nine is now “referring” them to one of the Archdevils as a permanent performer for their amusement.
Glasya is currently a front-runner.
”My daughter would ADORE you…she’s in her “paladin” phase these days; but I think we could tempt her! Her current minstrel could use a vacation…worked their fingers down to the bone, ha ha.”
TBH, Asmodeus is probably the bard of the archdevils if we are being honest here XD
My GOD; is he fun to roleplay as a DM…
I introduced him in a “Rime of the Frostmaiden” campaign; and since then, he’s become a staple of the game.
He runs the 9 Hells like a corporation; and combined with the recent addition of Glasya, let’s just say there’s been a healthy bit of nepotism introduced in the dynamic…
”9 Hells broke loose in Faerun; and Asmodeus plays the tune!”
”And if we do well, we just might get some experience to earn!”
”But if it’s low, the Devil takes his turn…!”
(a small excerpt from the cl*sterf*ck of having a rock battle with Asmodeus)
Djinni, rosin up your bow and play your fiddle hard 'Cause Hell's broke loose and Asmodeus deals the cards And if you win, you get a huge amount of XP But if you lose, you're now an NPC...
Warlock: "I want to throw one of my curse-gems at that tree!"
*much rolling on tables to determine outcome*
Me, DM: "Ok, so whilst you're fighting the giant kaiju-boar, you throw a gem at a tree, which suddenly transforms into this hulking yet imaciated figure, with long claws and a drooling Maw. Well done, you just introduced the Bagman to the fight."
Warlock: "Oh no! With my second attack I throw another gem at the Bagman!"
*More rolling*
DM: "oooh-kay, so the Bagman starts screeching and tearing at its face. You see flashes of colour as it writhes, and you realise that the Bagman is pulling an endless string of colourful, knotted handkerchiefs out of its nose. It sounds painful."
Player characters entering an unlit, narrow passage where they must go in single file.
Player 2 (Wizard): "Player 3 should go first. She's got the most HP." Player 3 (Fighter): "What if there's some undead spirit in there? Player 5 should go first." Player 5 (Cleric): "What if there's a trap? Player 4 should go first." Player 4 (Rogue): "What if it's a magical trap? Player 2 should go first." Player 2 (Wizard): "What if it's a mundane monster? Player 3 should go first." Player 3 (Fighter): "What if—" DM: "No! We're not doing this again. Everyone roll a d20. Lowest goes first and highest goes last." Player 1 (Bard): *rolls* "One. I cast Dancing Lights and head in. I shoot an angry look at all five of you." DM: "Five?" Player 1 (Bard): "You, too."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Human. Male. Possibly. Don't be a divider. My characters' backgrounds are written like instruction manuals rather than stories. My opinion and preferences don't mean you're wrong. I am 99.7603% convinced that the digital dice are messing with me. I roll high when nobody's looking and low when anyone else can see.🎲 “It's a bit early to be thinking about an epitaph. No?” will be my epitaph.
Last night, I played Eccles, my Intelligence 6 "paladin" (celestial Warlock). I broke the table several times with his good-natured idiocy. Let's see if I can remember them...
(we were tasked with digging up a grave, and had just hiked up a hill to dig it up.)
Barbarian: "I found it, now... oh. We don't have any shovels!"
Eccles: "Oh! One moment!" Me: Eccles starts walking back down the hill to the manor house to get a shovel.
(Eccles was then stopped as we spotted a gravekeepers shed)
Barbarian tries to enter the shed, and someone shouts from inside. Eccles finds a window and pokes his nose through it.
Eccles: "Allo!" Gravekeeper: "Who are you? What are you doing?" Eccles: "I'm Eccles! We're here to dig up a body - please can we borrow a shovel?" Gravekeeper: "What?!? No!"
(some efforts from the party later and the gravekeeper is tied up in his shack, and we have shovels)
Eccles: "Right, now, before we go, would you like a cup of tea?" Gravekeeper: *nods scaredly* Eccles: "Ok! I'll put the kettle on!"
(Whilst Eccles makes tea, the barbarian digs up the grave and a Ghost of the guy they're trying to dig up appears and attacks her"
DM: "Ok Eccles, it's your turn, what do you do?" Me: "We'll Eccles is still in the shack. Bard, did you make any noise when this happened?" Bard: "No, not really" Me: "Oh, ok then..." *switches to Eccles voice* Eccles: "So this lady was convinced that 'er father was a goose! Never did figure out if she were telling the truth or just mad as a box of hats!" Gravekeeper, who had noticed: *nods urgently towards the window* Eccles: "Oh, are you cold? I'll just shut that..." *sees the Ghost out of window* "Oh! One moment, be right back" *Eccles hurries out of the Shack* Eccles, to Ghost: "Oy! You're supposed to be dead! We can't bring you back to life if you're not dead! Get back in there! Smoite!" Me: "Eccles casts Eldritch Blast."
Other things which happened:
The ghost, who was a bard, made a pun about us facing the Grave consequences. I roleplayed Eccles being oblivious. Later on, whilst untying the gravekeeper and explaining what they were doing, he stopped halway and say "Huh, Grave! I just got that!"
Also whilst untying the gravekeeper he untied one knot, freeing him ,then asked for his help in untying the other one, which was not actually holding him any more.
Whilst in the manor full of paintings, he was convinced one was a window and admired the sunrise for a while.
He insisted on counting out his 500 gold as a distraction for the necromancer lady who they had brought the body, and who they were stealing it from now they worked out she was evil.
He did so many other things but they were all ad-lib and I can't remember them now! The new player was laughing so hard at the whole thing!
Last night, I played Eccles, my Intelligence 6 "paladin" (celestial Warlock). I broke the table several times with his good-natured idiocy. Let's see if I can remember them...
(we were tasked with digging up a grave, and had just hiked up a hill to dig it up.)
Barbarian: "I found it, now... oh. We don't have any shovels!"
Eccles: "Oh! One moment!" Me: Eccles starts walking back down the hill to the manor house to get a shovel.
(Eccles was then stopped as we spotted a gravekeepers shed)
Barbarian tries to enter the shed, and someone shouts from inside. Eccles finds a window and pokes his nose through it.
Eccles: "Allo!" Gravekeeper: "Who are you? What are you doing?" Eccles: "I'm Eccles! We're here to dig up a body - please can we borrow a shovel?" Gravekeeper: "What?!? No!"
(some efforts from the party later and the gravekeeper is tied up in his shack, and we have shovels)
Eccles: "Right, now, before we go, would you like a cup of tea?" Gravekeeper: *nods scaredly* Eccles: "Ok! I'll put the kettle on!"
(Whilst Eccles makes tea, the barbarian digs up the grave and a Ghost of the guy they're trying to dig up appears and attacks her"
DM: "Ok Eccles, it's your turn, what do you do?" Me: "We'll Eccles is still in the shack. Bard, did you make any noise when this happened?" Bard: "No, not really" Me: "Oh, ok then..." *switches to Eccles voice* Eccles: "So this lady was convinced that 'er father was a goose! Never did figure out if she were telling the truth or just mad as a box of hats!" Gravekeeper, who had noticed: *nods urgently towards the window* Eccles: "Oh, are you cold? I'll just shut that..." *sees the Ghost out of window* "Oh! One moment, be right back" *Eccles hurries out of the Shack* Eccles, to Ghost: "Oy! You're supposed to be dead! We can't bring you back to life if you're not dead! Get back in there! Smoite!" Me: "Eccles casts Eldritch Blast."
Other things which happened:
The ghost, who was a bard, made a pun about us facing the Grave consequences. I roleplayed Eccles being oblivious. Later on, whilst untying the gravekeeper and explaining what they were doing, he stopped halway and say "Huh, Grave! I just got that!"
Also whilst untying the gravekeeper he untied one knot, freeing him ,then asked for his help in untying the other one, which was not actually holding him any more.
Whilst in the manor full of paintings, he was convinced one was a window and admired the sunrise for a while.
He insisted on counting out his 500 gold as a distraction for the necromancer lady who they had brought the body, and who they were stealing it from now they worked out she was evil.
He did so many other things but they were all ad-lib and I can't remember them now! The new player was laughing so hard at the whole thing!
Eccles sounds like a really funny guy to hand out with.
Last night, I played Eccles, my Intelligence 6 "paladin" (celestial Warlock). I broke the table several times with his good-natured idiocy. Let's see if I can remember them...
(we were tasked with digging up a grave, and had just hiked up a hill to dig it up.)
Barbarian: "I found it, now... oh. We don't have any shovels!"
Eccles: "Oh! One moment!" Me: Eccles starts walking back down the hill to the manor house to get a shovel.
(Eccles was then stopped as we spotted a gravekeepers shed)
Barbarian tries to enter the shed, and someone shouts from inside. Eccles finds a window and pokes his nose through it.
Eccles: "Allo!" Gravekeeper: "Who are you? What are you doing?" Eccles: "I'm Eccles! We're here to dig up a body - please can we borrow a shovel?" Gravekeeper: "What?!? No!"
(some efforts from the party later and the gravekeeper is tied up in his shack, and we have shovels)
Eccles: "Right, now, before we go, would you like a cup of tea?" Gravekeeper: *nods scaredly* Eccles: "Ok! I'll put the kettle on!"
(Whilst Eccles makes tea, the barbarian digs up the grave and a Ghost of the guy they're trying to dig up appears and attacks her"
DM: "Ok Eccles, it's your turn, what do you do?" Me: "We'll Eccles is still in the shack. Bard, did you make any noise when this happened?" Bard: "No, not really" Me: "Oh, ok then..." *switches to Eccles voice* Eccles: "So this lady was convinced that 'er father was a goose! Never did figure out if she were telling the truth or just mad as a box of hats!" Gravekeeper, who had noticed: *nods urgently towards the window* Eccles: "Oh, are you cold? I'll just shut that..." *sees the Ghost out of window* "Oh! One moment, be right back" *Eccles hurries out of the Shack* Eccles, to Ghost: "Oy! You're supposed to be dead! We can't bring you back to life if you're not dead! Get back in there! Smoite!" Me: "Eccles casts Eldritch Blast."
Other things which happened:
The ghost, who was a bard, made a pun about us facing the Grave consequences. I roleplayed Eccles being oblivious. Later on, whilst untying the gravekeeper and explaining what they were doing, he stopped halway and say "Huh, Grave! I just got that!"
Also whilst untying the gravekeeper he untied one knot, freeing him ,then asked for his help in untying the other one, which was not actually holding him any more.
Whilst in the manor full of paintings, he was convinced one was a window and admired the sunrise for a while.
He insisted on counting out his 500 gold as a distraction for the necromancer lady who they had brought the body, and who they were stealing it from now they worked out she was evil.
He did so many other things but they were all ad-lib and I can't remember them now! The new player was laughing so hard at the whole thing!
I had the pleasure of being guest player with my little brother’s gaming group. Worked with their DM to create a bard/warlock character, whose main purpose of being with the party was to observe and collected information for a rival organization. Their party was in the middle of a search and rescue mission, which led us to an underground cavern that had a bunch of giant spiders. We found one of their missing persons as well as another random person…
Elven Wizard (to me): “Do you know who this person is?”
Me (to DM): “Would my character be familiar with this person?”
DM: “No.”
Me (to the party): “Yes, he was one of my oldest and dearest childhood friends, who I haven’t seen in weeks…”
Deception check of 23. Rest of party massively fails their insight checks.
Tabaxi Barbarian: “When did you last see him?”
Me: “We had just finished a mission together and were sharing a drink at one of the pubs. After we celebrated the success of our missions, he told me that he had another job that he was lining up. It involved investigating a series of caverns, so it must have been these caverns that he was speaking about.”
Genasi Paladin: “Do you want us to help you take his body back to the city?”
Me: “No, he mentioned during our time together that his greatest hope was that he would die by giant spiders sucking all of his bodily fluids out of him. I didn’t think much of it at the time, but it seems that he died the way that he wanted.”
Genasi Paladin: “Um, okay. Will you be able to notify his family then?”
Me (starting to tear up as I’m trying not to laugh): “Yes, of course. I will share the news with them.”
Tabaxi Barbarian: "Are you crying?"
Me:*long pause* "I'll be fine. Just need a moment to compose myself."
Elven Wizard: “Okay, is there anything else in here that we need to find?”
Me: “Besides lost hopes and broken dreams?”
Probably much funnier in the moment than retelling, but it was one of those glorious moments when a random comment and some improvisation truly played out to be a memorable moment. The fact that my eyes were tearing up while making up this elaborate falsehood of a backstory made it even more priceless.
you walk into tavern with your sword gleaming in the sunlight. Then the door closes. Everyone lifts up they’re drinks at the same time and drinks from them at the same time. You notice they all order the same drink. You see a guy in a cloak at the far corner. What do you do?
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Hey, I’m moon, i‘m aged between 3 and 300. Pronouns are She/They/It/It’s/Them/Her. I love D&D. I am chaotic neutral irl. I’m not afraid to punch someone. Mess with me and you’ll find out the hard way. extended sig
I am the goddess of the moon, the tides, and the axolotls
I'm fry, and I make doodles. That's why they call me FRY DOODLES. Also no pressure but check out my YouTube channel (Fry Doodles) I'm a disabled, neurodivergent, artsy dumpster fire who's always open to chat or share a fun fact or two. I’m ace I'm a sensitive little sad bean. But, I'm also god's favorite princess and the most interesting girl in the world. Crafter of Constellations, vocaloid enjoyer, waluigi’s #1 fan, space alien, and certified silly goose
you walk into tavern with your sword gleaming in the sunlight. Then the door closes. Everyone lifts up they’re drinks at the same time and drinks from them at the same time. You notice they all order the same drink. You see a guy in a cloak at the far corner. What do you do?
This definitely made me LOL…
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
I really like D&D, especially Ravenloft, Exandria and the Upside Down from Stranger Things. My pronouns are she/they (genderfae).
you walk into tavern with your sword gleaming in the sunlight. Then the door closes. Everyone lifts up they’re drinks at the same time and drinks from them at the same time. You notice they all order the same drink. You see a guy in a cloak at the far corner. What do you do?
This definitely made me LOL…
also, it wasn’t really a campaign, just some roleplaying with my sib :D
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Hey, I’m moon, i‘m aged between 3 and 300. Pronouns are She/They/It/It’s/Them/Her. I love D&D. I am chaotic neutral irl. I’m not afraid to punch someone. Mess with me and you’ll find out the hard way. extended sig
I am the goddess of the moon, the tides, and the axolotls
didn't realize the baker was a male Francis, not a female Frances.
Player is a cis male
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
I'm fry, and I make doodles. That's why they call me FRY DOODLES. Also no pressure but check out my YouTube channel (Fry Doodles) I'm a disabled, neurodivergent, artsy dumpster fire who's always open to chat or share a fun fact or two. I’m ace I'm a sensitive little sad bean. But, I'm also god's favorite princess and the most interesting girl in the world. Crafter of Constellations, vocaloid enjoyer, waluigi’s #1 fan, space alien, and certified silly goose
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Perhaps unsurprisingly, Asmodeus was superior beyond comprehension. XD
The bard played their heart out, though; and was good enough that the Lord of the Nine is now “referring” them to one of the Archdevils as a permanent performer for their amusement.
Glasya is currently a front-runner.
”My daughter would ADORE you…she’s in her “paladin” phase these days; but I think we could tempt her! Her current minstrel could use a vacation…worked their fingers down to the bone, ha ha.”
TBH, Asmodeus is probably the bard of the archdevils if we are being honest here XD
My GOD; is he fun to roleplay as a DM…
I introduced him in a “Rime of the Frostmaiden” campaign; and since then, he’s become a staple of the game.
He runs the 9 Hells like a corporation; and combined with the recent addition of Glasya, let’s just say there’s been a healthy bit of nepotism introduced in the dynamic…
“Party roll initiative; cuz we have sh*t to do!”
”9 Hells broke loose in Faerun; and Asmodeus plays the tune!”
”And if we do well, we just might get some experience to earn!”
”But if it’s low, the Devil takes his turn…!”
(a small excerpt from the cl*sterf*ck of having a rock battle with Asmodeus)
Djinni, rosin up your bow and play your fiddle hard
'Cause Hell's broke loose and Asmodeus deals the cards
And if you win, you get a huge amount of XP
But if you lose, you're now an NPC...
“You are now an expert in woodcarving owl goddesses.”
Warlock: "I want to throw one of my curse-gems at that tree!"
*much rolling on tables to determine outcome*
Me, DM: "Ok, so whilst you're fighting the giant kaiju-boar, you throw a gem at a tree, which suddenly transforms into this hulking yet imaciated figure, with long claws and a drooling Maw. Well done, you just introduced the Bagman to the fight."
Warlock: "Oh no! With my second attack I throw another gem at the Bagman!"
*More rolling*
DM: "oooh-kay, so the Bagman starts screeching and tearing at its face. You see flashes of colour as it writhes, and you realise that the Bagman is pulling an endless string of colourful, knotted handkerchiefs out of its nose. It sounds painful."
Make your Artificer work with any other class with 174 Multiclassing Feats for your Artificer Multiclass Character!
DM's Guild Releases on This Thread Or check them all out on DMs Guild!
DrivethruRPG Releases on This Thread - latest release: My Character is a Werewolf: balanced rules for Lycanthropy!
I have started discussing/reviewing 3rd party D&D content on Substack - stay tuned for semi-regular posts!
Player characters entering an unlit, narrow passage where they must go in single file.
Player 2 (Wizard): "Player 3 should go first. She's got the most HP."
Player 3 (Fighter): "What if there's some undead spirit in there? Player 5 should go first."
Player 5 (Cleric): "What if there's a trap? Player 4 should go first."
Player 4 (Rogue): "What if it's a magical trap? Player 2 should go first."
Player 2 (Wizard): "What if it's a mundane monster? Player 3 should go first."
Player 3 (Fighter): "What if—"
DM: "No! We're not doing this again. Everyone roll a d20. Lowest goes first and highest goes last."
Player 1 (Bard): *rolls* "One. I cast Dancing Lights and head in. I shoot an angry look at all five of you."
DM: "Five?"
Player 1 (Bard): "You, too."
Human. Male. Possibly. Don't be a divider.
My characters' backgrounds are written like instruction manuals rather than stories. My opinion and preferences don't mean you're wrong.
I am 99.7603% convinced that the digital dice are messing with me. I roll high when nobody's looking and low when anyone else can see.🎲
“It's a bit early to be thinking about an epitaph. No?” will be my epitaph.
That is hilarious...
Last night, I played Eccles, my Intelligence 6 "paladin" (celestial Warlock). I broke the table several times with his good-natured idiocy. Let's see if I can remember them...
(we were tasked with digging up a grave, and had just hiked up a hill to dig it up.)
Barbarian: "I found it, now... oh. We don't have any shovels!"
Eccles: "Oh! One moment!"
Me: Eccles starts walking back down the hill to the manor house to get a shovel.
(Eccles was then stopped as we spotted a gravekeepers shed)
Barbarian tries to enter the shed, and someone shouts from inside. Eccles finds a window and pokes his nose through it.
Eccles: "Allo!"
Gravekeeper: "Who are you? What are you doing?"
Eccles: "I'm Eccles! We're here to dig up a body - please can we borrow a shovel?"
Gravekeeper: "What?!? No!"
(some efforts from the party later and the gravekeeper is tied up in his shack, and we have shovels)
Eccles: "Right, now, before we go, would you like a cup of tea?"
Gravekeeper: *nods scaredly*
Eccles: "Ok! I'll put the kettle on!"
(Whilst Eccles makes tea, the barbarian digs up the grave and a Ghost of the guy they're trying to dig up appears and attacks her"
DM: "Ok Eccles, it's your turn, what do you do?"
Me: "We'll Eccles is still in the shack. Bard, did you make any noise when this happened?"
Bard: "No, not really"
Me: "Oh, ok then..." *switches to Eccles voice*
Eccles: "So this lady was convinced that 'er father was a goose! Never did figure out if she were telling the truth or just mad as a box of hats!"
Gravekeeper, who had noticed: *nods urgently towards the window*
Eccles: "Oh, are you cold? I'll just shut that..." *sees the Ghost out of window* "Oh! One moment, be right back"
*Eccles hurries out of the Shack*
Eccles, to Ghost: "Oy! You're supposed to be dead! We can't bring you back to life if you're not dead! Get back in there! Smoite!"
Me: "Eccles casts Eldritch Blast."
Other things which happened:
The ghost, who was a bard, made a pun about us facing the Grave consequences. I roleplayed Eccles being oblivious. Later on, whilst untying the gravekeeper and explaining what they were doing, he stopped halway and say "Huh, Grave! I just got that!"
Also whilst untying the gravekeeper he untied one knot, freeing him ,then asked for his help in untying the other one, which was not actually holding him any more.
Whilst in the manor full of paintings, he was convinced one was a window and admired the sunrise for a while.
He insisted on counting out his 500 gold as a distraction for the necromancer lady who they had brought the body, and who they were stealing it from now they worked out she was evil.
He did so many other things but they were all ad-lib and I can't remember them now! The new player was laughing so hard at the whole thing!
Make your Artificer work with any other class with 174 Multiclassing Feats for your Artificer Multiclass Character!
DM's Guild Releases on This Thread Or check them all out on DMs Guild!
DrivethruRPG Releases on This Thread - latest release: My Character is a Werewolf: balanced rules for Lycanthropy!
I have started discussing/reviewing 3rd party D&D content on Substack - stay tuned for semi-regular posts!
Eccles sounds like a really funny guy to hand out with.
Now THAT sounds like a neat character.
Fun story.
I had the pleasure of being guest player with my little brother’s gaming group. Worked with their DM to create a bard/warlock character, whose main purpose of being with the party was to observe and collected information for a rival organization. Their party was in the middle of a search and rescue mission, which led us to an underground cavern that had a bunch of giant spiders. We found one of their missing persons as well as another random person…
Elven Wizard (to me): “Do you know who this person is?”
Me (to DM): “Would my character be familiar with this person?”
DM: “No.”
Me (to the party): “Yes, he was one of my oldest and dearest childhood friends, who I haven’t seen in weeks…”
Deception check of 23. Rest of party massively fails their insight checks.
Tabaxi Barbarian: “When did you last see him?”
Me: “We had just finished a mission together and were sharing a drink at one of the pubs. After we celebrated the success of our missions, he told me that he had another job that he was lining up. It involved investigating a series of caverns, so it must have been these caverns that he was speaking about.”
Genasi Paladin: “Do you want us to help you take his body back to the city?”
Me: “No, he mentioned during our time together that his greatest hope was that he would die by giant spiders sucking all of his bodily fluids out of him. I didn’t think much of it at the time, but it seems that he died the way that he wanted.”
Genasi Paladin: “Um, okay. Will you be able to notify his family then?”
Me (starting to tear up as I’m trying not to laugh): “Yes, of course. I will share the news with them.”
Tabaxi Barbarian: "Are you crying?"
Me: *long pause* "I'll be fine. Just need a moment to compose myself."
Elven Wizard: “Okay, is there anything else in here that we need to find?”
Me: “Besides lost hopes and broken dreams?”
Probably much funnier in the moment than retelling, but it was one of those glorious moments when a random comment and some improvisation truly played out to be a memorable moment. The fact that my eyes were tearing up while making up this elaborate falsehood of a backstory made it even more priceless.
We found a family photo and wanted to use scrying on the infant in the photo. The photo impacted the saving throw.
"How many penalties can we inflict on this baby?"
you walk into tavern with your sword gleaming in the sunlight. Then the door closes. Everyone lifts up they’re drinks at the same time and drinks from them at the same time. You notice they all order the same drink. You see a guy in a cloak at the far corner. What do you do?
Hey, I’m moon, i‘m aged between 3 and 300. Pronouns are She/They/It/It’s/Them/Her. I love D&D. I am chaotic neutral irl. I’m not afraid to punch someone. Mess with me and you’ll find out the hard way. extended sig
I am the goddess of the moon, the tides, and the axolotls
I am not a furry, I am a fishie.
Yes that is always the best option
I'm fry, and I make doodles. That's why they call me FRY DOODLES. Also no pressure but check out my YouTube channel (Fry Doodles)
I'm a disabled, neurodivergent, artsy dumpster fire who's always open to chat or share a fun fact or two. I’m ace
I'm a sensitive little sad bean. But, I'm also god's favorite princess and the most interesting girl in the world.
Crafter of Constellations, vocaloid enjoyer, waluigi’s #1 fan, space alien, and certified silly goose
This definitely made me LOL…
I really like D&D, especially Ravenloft, Exandria and the Upside Down from Stranger Things. My pronouns are she/they (genderfae).
also, it wasn’t really a campaign, just some roleplaying with my sib :D
Hey, I’m moon, i‘m aged between 3 and 300. Pronouns are She/They/It/It’s/Them/Her. I love D&D. I am chaotic neutral irl. I’m not afraid to punch someone. Mess with me and you’ll find out the hard way. extended sig
I am the goddess of the moon, the tides, and the axolotls
I am not a furry, I am a fishie.
“Okay so, the first dragon you are all going to slay is quite the strange one. It’s name is Balleg-“ thunder rumbles in the distance.
”EVERY TIME!” Giltz shouts towards the ceiling. “WHY IS THERE LIGHTNING EVERY TIME I SAY IT?!?!?”
male Barbarian walks into a bakery
"Do you have any hot buns? *wiggles eyebrows*"
didn't realize the baker was a male Francis, not a female Frances.
Player is a cis male
I'm fry, and I make doodles. That's why they call me FRY DOODLES. Also no pressure but check out my YouTube channel (Fry Doodles)
I'm a disabled, neurodivergent, artsy dumpster fire who's always open to chat or share a fun fact or two. I’m ace
I'm a sensitive little sad bean. But, I'm also god's favorite princess and the most interesting girl in the world.
Crafter of Constellations, vocaloid enjoyer, waluigi’s #1 fan, space alien, and certified silly goose