fine. I cast..., the first of the seven irredeemable hexes, 4th edition rules.
*a blazing 4e appears on Pug_With_Big_Weapons' forehead. they can only cast spells according to 4th edition rules* note: you forgot to lowercase. boring also affects names.
great. now i cant make up spells, kind of ruining the entire point.
i cast... nothing, because leaving this forum is not a spell.
*i leave the forum until someone does something about this stupid hex.*
Pm me the word Avocado🥑 For a prize!I am prob not online but pm me and i will dig up comments tht are old or forgottten. approx time about 7 days to finish and i need the approximate page number. But I will dig up the info.
fine. I cast..., the first of the seven irredeemable hexes, 4th edition rules.
*a blazing 4e appears on Pug_With_Big_Weapons' forehead. they can only cast spells according to 4th edition rules* note: you forgot to lowercase. boring also affects names.
great. now i cant make up spells, kind of ruining the entire point.
i cast... nothing, because leaving this forum is not a spell.
*i leave the forum until someone does something about this stupid hex.*
I cast... DEAD MEME: UNO REVERSE! Capatin_Crunch can now only cast 4e spells.
Pm me the word Avocado🥑 For a prize!I am prob not online but pm me and i will dig up comments tht are old or forgottten. approx time about 7 days to finish and i need the approximate page number. But I will dig up the info.
Pm me the word Avocado🥑 For a prize!I am prob not online but pm me and i will dig up comments tht are old or forgottten. approx time about 7 days to finish and i need the approximate page number. But I will dig up the info.
I cast... Suggestion and force you to click on my signature.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Check out Monach of the Realms forum game!As Djinni you'll know me, for I am your king. From void I have shaped thee, I've shaped everything. But please do not kneel, just look and behold, I rule you to heal and share stories untold. The mask that I wear is a crude one of glass, so your soul will repair if you glance at me fast. You'll pray that you know me, and I'll let your heart ring. I'm as strong as the world tree and I'll make your heart sing.
Pm me the word Avocado🥑 For a prize!I am prob not online but pm me and i will dig up comments tht are old or forgottten. approx time about 7 days to finish and i need the approximate page number. But I will dig up the info.
Pm me the word Avocado🥑 For a prize!I am prob not online but pm me and i will dig up comments tht are old or forgottten. approx time about 7 days to finish and i need the approximate page number. But I will dig up the info.
Pm me the word Avocado🥑 For a prize!I am prob not online but pm me and i will dig up comments tht are old or forgottten. approx time about 7 days to finish and i need the approximate page number. But I will dig up the info.
I cast 7e on Captain_Crunch. You can only cast spells according to 7th edition rules.
Hi, I’m DrakenBrine, here’s my Sig and characters
I am The Grand Envisioner!
FREEZE... Everybody clap your hands!
I cast Mass Suggestion and all of you must now do the Chacha Slide for 24 hours straight.
It is I! Ruler of the glorious Kingdom of Varro, Firstknight of the Realm, and WIELDER OF THE SACRED ROLL OF DUCT TAPE!!!
I use the Chacha slide as a spellcasting focus to cast power word scrunch on the nearest person within range
I'm taking a break to focus on IRL stuff. Please don't think bad of me. I'm terribly sorry for any inconveniences this hiatus of mine brings about.
great. now i cant make up spells, kind of ruining the entire point.
i cast... nothing, because leaving this forum is not a spell.
*i leave the forum until someone does something about this stupid hex.*
Hi, I am a pug and I like Noobs in Combat, Pugs and Big Weapons like Ballistas, RPGS and Recoilless Rifles.
Play my forum game find the word Here
Pm me the word Avocado🥑 For a prize!I am prob not online but pm me and i will dig up comments tht are old or forgottten. approx time about 7 days to finish and i need the approximate page number. But I will dig up the info.
I cast... DEAD MEME: UNO REVERSE! Capatin_Crunch can now only cast 4e spells.
KOBOLDS WITH CANNONS! A RP thread about Small humanoids with Huge weapons.
Proud member of the EVIL JEFF CULT! PRAISE JEFF!
Homebrew Races: HERE Homebrew Spells: HERE Homebrew Monsters: HERE
MORE OF ME! (And platypodes/platypi/platypuses) (Extended signature)
I cast... forgiveness.
*pug_with_big_weapons' 4e hex is lifted, as is my 7e hex*
Race: Not Human. that's for sure
Class: Godless monster in human form bent on extending their natural life to unnatural extremes/general of the goose horde
Alignment: Lawful Evil
fun fact: i gain more power the more you post on my forum threads. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
The Archmage of I CAST...!
I cast Spectral Bonk on Chatterbox VA!
A giant ghostly hammer appears and drops down on your head.
It is I! Ruler of the glorious Kingdom of Varro, Firstknight of the Realm, and WIELDER OF THE SACRED ROLL OF DUCT TAPE!!!
I cast... rule bend.
I take out a daerens instant fortress and chuck it, speaking the command word mid flight. an adamantine castle crushes the largest group of us
Race: Not Human. that's for sure
Class: Godless monster in human form bent on extending their natural life to unnatural extremes/general of the goose horde
Alignment: Lawful Evil
fun fact: i gain more power the more you post on my forum threads. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
The Archmage of I CAST...!
i cast... nic.
*500 multi htanks show up and start shooting evverything*
Hi, I am a pug and I like Noobs in Combat, Pugs and Big Weapons like Ballistas, RPGS and Recoilless Rifles.
Play my forum game find the word Here
Pm me the word Avocado🥑 For a prize!I am prob not online but pm me and i will dig up comments tht are old or forgottten. approx time about 7 days to finish and i need the approximate page number. But I will dig up the info.
I cast... I CAST.... I CAST!!!
I'm taking a break to focus on IRL stuff. Please don't think bad of me. I'm terribly sorry for any inconveniences this hiatus of mine brings about.
i cast... back to normal.
*the boring spell ceases to be in effect*
on my bonus action, I CAST... HEAT METAL!
*the tungsten buttocks start to mealt*
Race: Not Human. that's for sure
Class: Godless monster in human form bent on extending their natural life to unnatural extremes/general of the goose horde
Alignment: Lawful Evil
fun fact: i gain more power the more you post on my forum threads. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
The Archmage of I CAST...!
I cast... EAT!
*Capatin_Crunch becomes a breakfast cereal and I eat him*
Hi, I am a pug and I like Noobs in Combat, Pugs and Big Weapons like Ballistas, RPGS and Recoilless Rifles.
Play my forum game find the word Here
Pm me the word Avocado🥑 For a prize!I am prob not online but pm me and i will dig up comments tht are old or forgottten. approx time about 7 days to finish and i need the approximate page number. But I will dig up the info.
I cast... Suggestion and force you to click on my signature.
Check out Monach of the Realms forum game! As Djinni you'll know me, for I am your king. From void I have shaped thee, I've shaped everything. But please do not kneel, just look and behold, I rule you to heal and share stories untold. The mask that I wear is a crude one of glass, so your soul will repair if you glance at me fast. You'll pray that you know me, and I'll let your heart ring. I'm as strong as the world tree and I'll make your heart sing.
I cast Forgetion to make everyone forget that I definitely didn't just start right now.
... I'm the ruler of all feline kind. Idk what else to say.
Praise Jeff the Evil Roomba!
Clay Scavenger!
I cast Gonzalo1. your clone comes and tries to kill you.
Hi, I am a pug and I like Noobs in Combat, Pugs and Big Weapons like Ballistas, RPGS and Recoilless Rifles.
Play my forum game find the word Here
Pm me the word Avocado🥑 For a prize!I am prob not online but pm me and i will dig up comments tht are old or forgottten. approx time about 7 days to finish and i need the approximate page number. But I will dig up the info.
*muffled from inside Pug_With_Big_Weapons' stomach*
*Pug_With_Big_Weapons dissolves into captain crunch cereal*
on my bonus action, I CAST... RESTORATION!
*I am returned to my normal from. still with the snake tail though*
Race: Not Human. that's for sure
Class: Godless monster in human form bent on extending their natural life to unnatural extremes/general of the goose horde
Alignment: Lawful Evil
fun fact: i gain more power the more you post on my forum threads. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
The Archmage of I CAST...!
*I wave my hand, and am suddenly shot into outer space. Luckily I have a space suit on hand.
With my bonus action, I CAST... METEOR!
*Like fireball, but way cooler. damage is 12d4 to anything in a 20-foot radius.
Hi, I am a pug and I like Noobs in Combat, Pugs and Big Weapons like Ballistas, RPGS and Recoilless Rifles.
Play my forum game find the word Here
Pm me the word Avocado🥑 For a prize!I am prob not online but pm me and i will dig up comments tht are old or forgottten. approx time about 7 days to finish and i need the approximate page number. But I will dig up the info.
*I shoot the space bullet at your meteor, deflecting it
Race: Not Human. that's for sure
Class: Godless monster in human form bent on extending their natural life to unnatural extremes/general of the goose horde
Alignment: Lawful Evil
fun fact: i gain more power the more you post on my forum threads. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
The Archmage of I CAST...!
*You must delete 1 character(excluding spaces) from the beginning of your post for every space in it.
Hi, I am a pug and I like Noobs in Combat, Pugs and Big Weapons like Ballistas, RPGS and Recoilless Rifles.
Play my forum game find the word Here
Pm me the word Avocado🥑 For a prize!I am prob not online but pm me and i will dig up comments tht are old or forgottten. approx time about 7 days to finish and i need the approximate page number. But I will dig up the info.
onstrosusquiptaleaphobic antidisestablishmentarianists
*everybody takes 100 cringe damage*
Race: Not Human. that's for sure
Class: Godless monster in human form bent on extending their natural life to unnatural extremes/general of the goose horde
Alignment: Lawful Evil
fun fact: i gain more power the more you post on my forum threads. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
The Archmage of I CAST...!