Ah, souls! I have a vast collection. I have this particularly nifty item that stores the soul of everyone I personally kill. You can expend the souls to cast spells. Isn't that marvellous! Made for me specifically by one of my most trusted necromancers. If you'd like to commission something, I think he's available. He's also got a collection of... ahem. Expendable souls. But at a price, of course. Everything has a price. I can afford all of them.
Ah, souls! I have a vast collection. I have this particularly nifty item that stores the soul of everyone I personally kill. You can expend the souls to cast spells. Isn't that marvellous! Made for me specifically by one of my most trusted necromancers. If you'd like to commission something, I think he's available. He's also got a collection of... ahem. Expendable souls. But at a price, of course. Everything has a price. I can afford all of them.
I win, right?
A dwarf with a canoe on his back? What could go wrong?
Aww, c'mon! I never win anything!
A dwarf with a canoe on his back? What could go wrong?
There are two ways to win, you know... Either try harder than everyone else...
or take them all out.
I'll just leave my reply right here.
Looks like you win!
... Shit.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
Placeholder Snek
Hey, did i just win? This is great (even without a soul) :D
Wait until Staff decides that the Kitchen is actually a place to farm posts with silly games. We'll see who wins, then! O.o
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Front End Developer for D&D Beyond by day,
Half Orc BarbarianGnome SorcererDuergar ClericAarakocra Barb/Rogue/Fighter (yeah yeah i know) by night.this has really gotten Adohand.
You're secret is safe with me!
A dwarf with a canoe on his back? What could go wrong?
How many licks does to take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?