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Medicine skill house rules 1 474
[ONLINE][5e][weekends CET] Looking for Christian players! 14 138
Two Players Looking To Join a Long Term 21+ Game 0 24
Adding Proficiency Bonus to Initiative 5 478
2024 Primal Companion stat block discrepancy 1 9
The Tales of the Fellowship of the White Cloaks 4,683 18,650
Sleeping Gods - A Dragon Warriors Campaign in the lands of Legend. 3,058 19,718
Humanities Worst, Alternate. 289 1,077
"This homebrew Subclass does not have the necessary class features with the correct required levels" 1 6
Are giant eagles no longer a wild shape option? 1 16
2 new players looking to learn the basics(lgbtq+ 420) 0 17
Hold Back the Dead - PBP 6 51
What is the best ranger build?
by Maxer_ in Ranger
12 219
"Please verify you are a human" 39 1,288
Why Did I lose access to the DMG and the MM? 4 23