TL;DR - Lucky has had probably the unluckiest life but to everyone else he is a rabbit's foot. Until joining the party he joins he was a slave only just having escaped a few days prior. He can speak but often doesn't due to being afraid of being hurt. He is always fearful of being hurt even if he knows he won't be because that reaction is so ingrained into him having been raised by Ogres as a slave. He doesn't really know very much about the world but is a fast learner and so he wouldn't really know what equipment is needed most of the time. Despite this child like curiosity he picks most of what he can learn by observing rather than pestering.
Backstory: Lucky was born in a halfling farming village somewhere near the Golden Waters in the far east. This was a life he would never know as the village was attacked by Ogres one day. Had Lucky not cried at the exact moment his father was about to leap from the shadows to slay the leader of the Ogres who invaded his home waring their village ransacked then he would have been murdered alongside his father. Instead, the Ogre assumed this infant halfling to be something of a good luck charm and kept him. That was until he was murdered by a rival Ogre in the clan who also believed the halfling to be lucky. Thus, the halfling grew into a boy passing hands between Ogre chief to Ogre chief as each murdered the other coveting him. One would think this silly but by coincidence or maybe it was fate Lucky did in fact turn out to have an innate power with divination magic. Once this gift was discovered in the halfling he was enthralled to the clan Shaman as a slave in order to foster this gift and so began the cycle of Ogre Shaman who murdered each other. Each one vying for ownership of Lucky. It wasn't until Lucky was a grown adult that he finally had an opportunity to escape. He had waited so many years for it after foreseeing it in the same visions that taught him his native halfling language. The Ogre Chief would assault the Ogre Shaman for ownership of Lucky feeling the halfling's power had become sufficient. The Ogre King unlocked Lucky's chains intending to chain him to his throne, but the Ogre Shaman cast a spell. Despite the power the Ogre chief leapt at the Ogre Shaman and the two began to brawl. It was in this moment Lucky made his escape as the fight put the camp into a riot, and he slipped away into the night! Running without stopping for more days than he could remember he finally found his salvation upon bumping into a traveling adventuring party.
Appearance: Overgrown with dark brown hair this little grown eyed halfling is only a smidgen taller than most of his kind despite looking like a victim of malnutrition. Although they are unclamped a pair of manacles ring his wrists indicating prior incarceration, and he is dressed in rags with little more than a fur blanket for a clack along with a sack full of food and water.
Personality: I’ve been isolated for civilization so long that I rarely speak, preferring gestures and the occasional grunt. As a result, I’m oblivious to etiquette and social expectations.
Ideal: Destiny. Nothing and no one can steer me away from my higher calling. (Any)
Bond: No one else should have to endure the hardships I’ve been through.
Spells - One Blade Ward, Cantrip Mending, Cantrip True Strike, Cantrip Alarm, First Detect Magic, First Find Familiar, First Mage Armor, First Silvery Barbs, First Witch Bolt, First - Two Disguise Self, First Illusory Script, First - Three Comprehend Languages, First (Diviner) Identify, First (Diviner) Detect Thoughts, Second Mind Spike, Second - Four Message, Cantrip Augury, Second Locate Object, Second - Five See Invisibility, Second Clairvoyance, Third - Six Sending, Third Tongues, Third - Seven Divination, Fourth Locate Creature, Fourth - Eight Arcane Eye, Fourth Greater Invisibility, Fourth - Nine Legend Lore, Fifth Scrying, Fifth - Ten Contact the Other Plane, Fifth Rary's Telepathic Bond, Fifth - Eleven Contingency, Sixth True Seeing, Sixth - Twelve Magic Jar, Sixth Programmed Illusion, Sixth - Thirteen Sequester, Seventh Teleport, Seventh - Fourteen Mirage Arcane, Seventh Reverse Gravity, Seventh - Fifteen Prestidigitation, Cantrip Antimagic Field, Eighth Telepathy, Eighth - Sixteen Clone, Eighth Mighty Fortress, Eighth - Seventeen Foresight, Ninth Wish, Ninth - Eighteen Astral Projection, Ninth Time Stop, Ninth - Nineteen Imprisonment, Ninth Invulnerability, Ninth - Twenty Blade of Disaster, Ninth Gate, Ninth
Items Sought
Lucky wouldn't know enough about the world to know what sort of enchanted items he might want. However, the DM could suggest items he may have foreseen in his dreams.
And with that I now have a level 1-20 templated character for each class in 2024 I can use for a one shot or for people just drop in to play a game without a character. For those interested here are links to the other builds.
Since my main is an Alchemist, I didn't build one for the Artificer. I cannot wait for the UA to complete but hope they change Experimental Elixir. I suppose having one nearly completely useless ability isn't terrible.
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"Life is Cast by Random Dice"
Burn my candle twice.
I have done my life justice
Against random dice.
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Name: Lucky
Character Sheet: Lucky's Character Sheet - D&D Beyond
TL;DR - Lucky has had probably the unluckiest life but to everyone else he is a rabbit's foot. Until joining the party he joins he was a slave only just having escaped a few days prior. He can speak but often doesn't due to being afraid of being hurt. He is always fearful of being hurt even if he knows he won't be because that reaction is so ingrained into him having been raised by Ogres as a slave. He doesn't really know very much about the world but is a fast learner and so he wouldn't really know what equipment is needed most of the time. Despite this child like curiosity he picks most of what he can learn by observing rather than pestering.
Backstory: Lucky was born in a halfling farming village somewhere near the Golden Waters in the far east. This was a life he would never know as the village was attacked by Ogres one day. Had Lucky not cried at the exact moment his father was about to leap from the shadows to slay the leader of the Ogres who invaded his home waring their village ransacked then he would have been murdered alongside his father. Instead, the Ogre assumed this infant halfling to be something of a good luck charm and kept him. That was until he was murdered by a rival Ogre in the clan who also believed the halfling to be lucky. Thus, the halfling grew into a boy passing hands between Ogre chief to Ogre chief as each murdered the other coveting him. One would think this silly but by coincidence or maybe it was fate Lucky did in fact turn out to have an innate power with divination magic. Once this gift was discovered in the halfling he was enthralled to the clan Shaman as a slave in order to foster this gift and so began the cycle of Ogre Shaman who murdered each other. Each one vying for ownership of Lucky. It wasn't until Lucky was a grown adult that he finally had an opportunity to escape. He had waited so many years for it after foreseeing it in the same visions that taught him his native halfling language. The Ogre Chief would assault the Ogre Shaman for ownership of Lucky feeling the halfling's power had become sufficient. The Ogre King unlocked Lucky's chains intending to chain him to his throne, but the Ogre Shaman cast a spell. Despite the power the Ogre chief leapt at the Ogre Shaman and the two began to brawl. It was in this moment Lucky made his escape as the fight put the camp into a riot, and he slipped away into the night! Running without stopping for more days than he could remember he finally found his salvation upon bumping into a traveling adventuring party.
Appearance: Overgrown with dark brown hair this little grown eyed halfling is only a smidgen taller than most of his kind despite looking like a victim of malnutrition. Although they are unclamped a pair of manacles ring his wrists indicating prior incarceration, and he is dressed in rags with little more than a fur blanket for a clack along with a sack full of food and water.
Personality: I’ve been isolated for civilization so long that I rarely speak, preferring gestures and the occasional grunt. As a result, I’m oblivious to etiquette and social expectations.
Ideal: Destiny. Nothing and no one can steer me away from my higher calling. (Any)
Bond: No one else should have to endure the hardships I’ve been through.
Flaw: I talk to spirits that no one else can see.
Class: Wizard (Divination)
Core Traits: Arcana, Investigation
Background: Wayfarer
Attributes: Dexterity +2 Charisma +1
Languages: Giant, Halfling
Level Advancements
Two: Scholar, Arcana
Ten: Third Eye, See Invisibility
Eighteen: Spellmastery, Silvery Barbs & Mind Spike
Twenty: Signature Spells, Clairvoyance & Tongues
- Four: Bountiful Luck
- Eight: Observant, Perception (Intelligence)
- Twelve: Keen Mind, History
- Sixteen: Warcaster, (Intelligence)
- Nineteen: Epic Boon, Fate (Intelligence)
- One
Blade Ward, Cantrip
Mending, Cantrip
True Strike, Cantrip
Alarm, First
Detect Magic, First
Find Familiar, First
Mage Armor, First
Silvery Barbs, First
Witch Bolt, First
- Two
Disguise Self, First
Illusory Script, First
- Three
Comprehend Languages, First (Diviner)
Identify, First (Diviner)
Detect Thoughts, Second
Mind Spike, Second
- Four
Message, Cantrip
Augury, Second
Locate Object, Second
- Five
See Invisibility, Second
Clairvoyance, Third
- Six
Sending, Third
Tongues, Third
- Seven
Divination, Fourth
Locate Creature, Fourth
- Eight
Arcane Eye, Fourth
Greater Invisibility, Fourth
- Nine
Legend Lore, Fifth
Scrying, Fifth
- Ten
Contact the Other Plane, Fifth
Rary's Telepathic Bond, Fifth
- Eleven
Contingency, Sixth
True Seeing, Sixth
- Twelve
Magic Jar, Sixth
Programmed Illusion, Sixth
- Thirteen
Sequester, Seventh
Teleport, Seventh
- Fourteen
Mirage Arcane, Seventh
Reverse Gravity, Seventh
- Fifteen
Prestidigitation, Cantrip
Antimagic Field, Eighth
Telepathy, Eighth
- Sixteen
Clone, Eighth
Mighty Fortress, Eighth
- Seventeen
Foresight, Ninth
Wish, Ninth
- Eighteen
Astral Projection, Ninth
Time Stop, Ninth
- Nineteen
Imprisonment, Ninth
Invulnerability, Ninth
- Twenty
Blade of Disaster, Ninth
Gate, Ninth
Items Sought
Lucky wouldn't know enough about the world to know what sort of enchanted items he might want. However, the DM could suggest items he may have foreseen in his dreams.
"Life is Cast by Random Dice"
Burn my candle twice.
I have done my life justice
Against random dice.
And with that I now have a level 1-20 templated character for each class in 2024 I can use for a one shot or for people just drop in to play a game without a character. For those interested here are links to the other builds.
The Monk - If Mike Tyson Was A D&D Character - Monk - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
The Warlock - The My Daddy Never Loved Me Warlock - Warlock - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
The Bard (The character I play for One Shots) - Trick or Treat This Faerie Demands Your Candies - Bard - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
The Barbarian - Good Ol' Country Farm Boy and Star Quarterback Barbarian - Barbarian - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
The Rogue (based on a real-life person) - Toril's Greatest Museum Curator! - Rogue - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
The Cleric - The Half-Baked Prophet in a Half-Shell - Cleric - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
The Fighter - Joseph Estone a.k.a. G.I. Joe (2024 Champion Build) - Fighter - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
The Ranger - The Underdark Guide - Ranger - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
The Sorcerer - The Telepathic Bureaucratic Remnant of Jhaamdath - Sorcerer - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
The Wizard - Lucky the Luckiest Wizard - Wizard - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
The Druid - The Animal Rights Activist Druid - Druid - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
Since my main is an Alchemist, I didn't build one for the Artificer. I cannot wait for the UA to complete but hope they change Experimental Elixir. I suppose having one nearly completely useless ability isn't terrible.
"Life is Cast by Random Dice"
Burn my candle twice.
I have done my life justice
Against random dice.