
A scholarly magic-user capable of manipulating the structures of reality
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Homebrew Healing Spell? >>
by TopHattedDM
6 359
Why do wizards need dexterity? >>
by MarkTheDevourer
16 323
Copying Spells FROM a Wizard Spellbook >>
by AndyMI73
46 132,506
"I cast GUN!" -- Or, the viability of a gunslinging wizard. >>
by MisterBaldilocks
6 970
How do I rework this subclass for Pisonic >>
by redroseking
2 26
New Wizard Subclasses >>
by BobBokoblinBasher
12 456
Spell combination Mordekainens faithful hound with Wall of Force >>
by the_Hedgeknight
1 51
Arcane Focus: Staff...Can it be used as a +1 Weapon? >>
by Larry613
3 83
Question about Arcane ward. (5e D&D) >>
by LordHarrowmont
10 1,748
What does your Order of Scribes' Manifest Mind look like. >>
by Spikepit
20 1,517
Order of Scribes Wizard downgraded under new 2024 rules?! >>
by Mad_Tee
5 1,346
How much would it cost to build a wizard tower? >>
by ElizarAndTammon
17 7,226
Are War Wizards abilities a trap? >>
by Kronzypantz
10 213
Qn about the Magic Weapon spell >>
by Black__Adder
3 56
Witherbloom Student and infinite healing? >>
by Zehal
23 2,184
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