I had a lot of fun updating some characters yesterday and have thrown a fair amount of money at Heroforge over the years. 😊
Here's Vani, my Halfling Gloomstalker:
and Shara, my Half-Elf Warlock
As a tip for anyone wondering how best to share images on the D&D Beyond forums: 1. Upload your image to an image hosting/sharing site like imgur.com 2. On your D&D Beyond forum post, click the "insert/edit image" button on the right-side of the formatting bar. 3. Paste the url of the image you uploaded to the hosting site into the box.
EDIT: Tiefling minis now rotating for your pleasure.
My spirit animal that I keep mentioning all the time (Space Quest series protagonist)
"Blind" Ranger
Why the Ranger's not actually blind - the tail was the most difficult part
Stout Halfling "Brawler" (Monk) - most common character for me
Tiefling Pirate with a "pair" of Manx Loaghtan horns - a very old character, recently reproduced in HeroForge - again, that stupid tail kept clipping through clothes but not as difficult as the one up above
Human. Male. Possibly. Don't be a divider. My characters' backgrounds are written like instruction manuals rather than stories. My opinion and preferences don't mean you're wrong. I am 99.7603% convinced that the digital dice are messing with me. I roll high when nobody's looking and low when anyone else can see.🎲 “It's a bit early to be thinking about an epitaph. No?” will be my epitaph.
Air genasi genie bladelock (Just need to wait for them to add markings to imitate the glowing lines which genasi have). This is a backup character in case my EK dies.
High elf arcane trickster. This character actually has a detailed backstory and I'm waiting for a campaign from lvl 1 to play her:
To post images, click the 'Insert/edit image' button (fourth from right, only visible on desktop and landscape on devices), then paste your image URL in the popup
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Establish boundaries. And if anyone crosses them, speak up. If they don’t listen, there’s always cloudkill …
Here is my mandalorian-esq gunslinger <3 kinda of wish there more nice looking helmet that cover the face and some of helmet show their face and not my style.
Human. Male. Possibly. Don't be a divider. My characters' backgrounds are written like instruction manuals rather than stories. My opinion and preferences don't mean you're wrong. I am 99.7603% convinced that the digital dice are messing with me. I roll high when nobody's looking and low when anyone else can see.🎲 “It's a bit early to be thinking about an epitaph. No?” will be my epitaph.
Her armour and bow are both a patchwork of multiple different scrap metals that she hobbled together herself. (Her bow is meant to be like a composite bow with pulleys but HeroForge doesn't have any of those).
And unrelated to the thread but for reference - this is basically her Steel Defender (just Medium sized):
Note: This is totally not a the WotC "Illithid" protected under Product Identity.
This is SquidFace. It can't help if it was born with excessively droopy lips. This became feasible when coloring was added to HeroForge. (Includes spinning version.)
Yes. I know. There are no squidfaces in HeroForge... but... there is a way using manual posing (Advanced). Here's a brief rundown of what I did. (LOTS OF IMAGES!!)
HeroForge doesn't limit us to what it says it the purpose of a prop.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Human. Male. Possibly. Don't be a divider. My characters' backgrounds are written like instruction manuals rather than stories. My opinion and preferences don't mean you're wrong. I am 99.7603% convinced that the digital dice are messing with me. I roll high when nobody's looking and low when anyone else can see.🎲 “It's a bit early to be thinking about an epitaph. No?” will be my epitaph.
Thanks for showing how to make an "illithid!" I was just trying to figure out how to make a villain for a campaign setting I'm designing on that website (it's a planetar-ulitharid).
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Please check out my homebrew, I would appreciate feedback:
And this is Sebastian, a young sorcerer, who I haven't yet had the chance to use, but I figure if I ever feel ready to branch out and play a sorcerer instead of another rogue, I've got one.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
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So, Heroforge recently got updated, adding multiple new features, including the ability to color your miniatures now.
This isn't an advertisement for it, but a thread to share your experiences with the new system and share pictures of your painted minis.
Here's one of mine:
Please check out my homebrew, I would appreciate feedback:
Spells, Monsters, Subclasses, Races, Arcknight Class, Occultist Class, World, Enigmatic Esoterica forms
I had a lot of fun updating some characters yesterday and have thrown a fair amount of money at Heroforge over the years. 😊
Here's Vani, my Halfling Gloomstalker:
and Shara, my Half-Elf Warlock
As a tip for anyone wondering how best to share images on the D&D Beyond forums:
1. Upload your image to an image hosting/sharing site like imgur.com
2. On your D&D Beyond forum post, click the "insert/edit image" button on the right-side of the formatting bar.
3. Paste the url of the image you uploaded to the hosting site into the box.
Pun-loving nerd | Faith Elisabeth Lilley | She/Her/Hers | Profile art by Becca Golins
If you need help with homebrew, please post on the homebrew forums, where multiple staff and moderators can read your post and help you!
"We got this, no problem! I'll take the twenty on the left - you guys handle the one on the right!"🔊
This is Korrasami, my Way of the Four Elements Monk (I need to work on my camera angles)
And this is the Nevermore King, the BBEG of my campaign
Chuk-Chuk, the earnest Goblin Aritificer
Wurt, the unwitting Bugbear Echo-Knight
Site Info: Wizard's ToS | Fan Content Policy | Forum Rules | Physical Books | Content Not Working | Contact Support
How To: Homebrew Rules | Create Homebrew | Snippet Codes | Tool Tips (Custom) | Rollables (Generator)
My Homebrew: Races | Subclasses | Backgrounds | Feats | Spells | Magic Items
Other: Beyond20 | Page References | Other Guides | Entitlements | Dice Randomization | Images Fix | FAQ
EDIT: Tiefling minis now rotating for your pleasure.
My spirit animal that I keep mentioning all the time (Space Quest series protagonist)
"Blind" Ranger
Why the Ranger's not actually blind - the tail was the most difficult part
Stout Halfling "Brawler" (Monk) - most common character for me
Tiefling Pirate with a "pair" of Manx Loaghtan horns - a very old character, recently reproduced in HeroForge - again, that stupid tail kept clipping through clothes but not as difficult as the one up above
Thazzit for now.
Human. Male. Possibly. Don't be a divider.
My characters' backgrounds are written like instruction manuals rather than stories. My opinion and preferences don't mean you're wrong.
I am 99.7603% convinced that the digital dice are messing with me. I roll high when nobody's looking and low when anyone else can see.🎲
“It's a bit early to be thinking about an epitaph. No?” will be my epitaph.
Here's another few of mine.
High Elf Divination Wizard:
Hobgoblin Necromancer Wizard:
Human Conquest Paladin:
Please check out my homebrew, I would appreciate feedback:
Spells, Monsters, Subclasses, Races, Arcknight Class, Occultist Class, World, Enigmatic Esoterica forms
You can even create villains with this:
Please check out my homebrew, I would appreciate feedback:
Spells, Monsters, Subclasses, Races, Arcknight Class, Occultist Class, World, Enigmatic Esoterica forms
Air genasi genie bladelock (Just need to wait for them to add markings to imitate the glowing lines which genasi have). This is a backup character in case my EK dies.
High elf arcane trickster. This character actually has a detailed backstory and I'm waiting for a campaign from lvl 1 to play her:
Edit: I have no clue how to post images.
To post images, click the 'Insert/edit image' button (fourth from right, only visible on desktop and landscape on devices), then paste your image URL in the popup
Eric, please share your secret of that smoothly rotating gif!
Shyn Kytt - Gunslinger
Here is my mandalorian-esq gunslinger <3 kinda of wish there more nice looking helmet that cover the face and some of helmet show their face and not my style.
Arrow keys and Photoshop.
Hope this helps. (One could go all out and possibly animate using the Advanced poses, but that will reset the camera angle each time.)
When one gets silly with a mini on HeroForge. (More ≠ better.) I'm deleting this embarrassment from my HF account after this.
Human. Male. Possibly. Don't be a divider.
My characters' backgrounds are written like instruction manuals rather than stories. My opinion and preferences don't mean you're wrong.
I am 99.7603% convinced that the digital dice are messing with me. I roll high when nobody's looking and low when anyone else can see.🎲
“It's a bit early to be thinking about an epitaph. No?” will be my epitaph.
This is incredibly useful as I didn't realise that Heroforge supported keyboard shortcuts! Thank you very much!
Have my Woodelf Druid Nishi. Yes, his weapon of choice is a shortbow.
My young winged Feral Tiefling Artificer Orianna.
Her armour and bow are both a patchwork of multiple different scrap metals that she hobbled together herself. (Her bow is meant to be like a composite bow with pulleys but HeroForge doesn't have any of those).
And unrelated to the thread but for reference - this is basically her Steel Defender (just Medium sized):
Mega Yahtzee Thread:
Highest 41: brocker2001 (#11,285).
Yahtzee of 2's: Emmber (#36,161).
Lowest 9: JoeltheWalrus (#312), Emmber (#12,505) and Dertinus (#20,953).
Note: This is totally not a the WotC "Illithid" protected under Product Identity.
This is SquidFace. It can't help if it was born with excessively droopy lips. This became feasible when coloring was added to HeroForge. (Includes spinning version.)
Yes. I know. There are no squidfaces in HeroForge... but... there is a way using manual posing (Advanced). Here's a brief rundown of what I did. (LOTS OF IMAGES!!)
HeroForge doesn't limit us to what it says it the purpose of a prop.
Human. Male. Possibly. Don't be a divider.
My characters' backgrounds are written like instruction manuals rather than stories. My opinion and preferences don't mean you're wrong.
I am 99.7603% convinced that the digital dice are messing with me. I roll high when nobody's looking and low when anyone else can see.🎲
“It's a bit early to be thinking about an epitaph. No?” will be my epitaph.
Thanks for showing how to make an "illithid!" I was just trying to figure out how to make a villain for a campaign setting I'm designing on that website (it's a planetar-ulitharid).
Please check out my homebrew, I would appreciate feedback:
Spells, Monsters, Subclasses, Races, Arcknight Class, Occultist Class, World, Enigmatic Esoterica forms
Here are two of my characters, one current and one back up.
Here is Sophia Tabbris, my Protector Aasimar Celestial Tomelock.
And this is Sera Severak my Eloquence Bard, both her disguised human form and her true form.
"Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy and taste good with ketchup."
My Greater Will Google Doc
Proud member of the DragonClub! cult.
Lots of great character minis so far! Nice!
Please check out my homebrew, I would appreciate feedback:
Spells, Monsters, Subclasses, Races, Arcknight Class, Occultist Class, World, Enigmatic Esoterica forms
Jack's my current rogue-- I bought the HF mini for him, just the pre-primed, so now I've edited him to serve as a painting guide.
Knowledge, also a rogue, seen here in Sexy Shirtless Tiefling mode... though for actual gameplay, I have a non-custom mini, fully-dressed.
And this is Sebastian, a young sorcerer, who I haven't yet had the chance to use, but I figure if I ever feel ready to branch out and play a sorcerer instead of another rogue, I've got one.