@XXXGammaRay - I appreciate you doing your best to respond in a reasonable and constructive way without resorting to trolling.
Again, I'm happy for constructive criticism around the whole Physical/Digital bundle pricing and whether or not WotC are handling this in the best way (heck I'm not exactly convinced the company has it right). However, I won't have this thread devolve into arguments. This thread is simply supposed to be an information point to forward to newcomers to D&D Beyond.
Have the Physical Books? Confused as to why you're not allowed to redeem them for free on D&D Beyond? Questions answered here at the Hardcover Books, D&D Beyond and You FAQ
Looking to add mouse-over triggered tooltips to such things like magic items, monsters or combat actions? Then dash over to the How to Add Tooltips thread.
@XXXGammaRay - I appreciate you doing your best to respond in a reasonable and constructive way without resorting to trolling.
Again, I'm happy for constructive criticism around the whole Physical/Digital bundle pricing and whether or not WotC are handling this in the best way (heck I'm not exactly convinced the company has it right). However, I won't have this thread devolve into arguments. This thread is simply supposed to be an information point to forward to newcomers to D&D Beyond.
Please be civil.
Do you work for the company? And what you do mean by "I wont have this thread devolve into arguments."?
Is not the whole purpose of a forum for people to discus ideas and opposing views?
Thank you for the feedback. You do in general have the gist of my point, and basically confirmed it as well. It is rather anti consumer that it needs to be individually purchased given not only that they are one company now but heavily advertised and are now promoting the connection. Further it seems there are elements I wasn't aware are not individually purchasable but require again the full retail price be paid again. I'm sure the powers that be are aware of how very bad those optics are, and it was certainly something that could perhaps be argued back in April, but now especially with the largely negative views of microtransactions, NFT's and digital vs physical ownership it's just bad optics with a product launch and plan with so much positive behind it.
Granted it looks like they will be trying to fix it going forward with Dragonlance, but it is something I expect others coming in this "wave" such as myself are going to have expected was already present. I worry that many unlike myself who are going to offer up what I hope is positive feedback and move forward,, may instead harp on the apparently anti consumer and short sighted current state as reviews and the like start.
Really looking forward to how the adventure goes and meeting up with the community.
Do you work for the company? And what you do mean by "I wont have this thread devolve into arguments."?
Is not the whole purpose of a forum for people to discus ideas and opposing views?
From the article under Disclaimer Two:
Kind reminder that I am not an employee of this site and I have life outside of D&D, so I can only apologise if I'm not updating this Thread as fast as the news comes out! (Additionally, whilst this thread has been formatted by me - a lot of the content has been provided by other users - including Mods, part of whose job it is is to make sure that misinformation is not being spread.)
To answer your question, absolutely yes! I just want to see those arguments without saying, for example, that people are trolling when they are not, or spreading propaganda when they are not. I've since noticed that your first post was deleted, and I'm guessing it wasn't because it was 'too nice' for a public internet forum.
If you truly feel the information in the first post is inaccurate, I would love to know what it is that is wrong so I can update it - I want this post to be as helpful and as accurate as possible. I need specifics though - see Mehrkat's post from Jan 29 2021, pocketmouse comment from Jan 30 2021 and IamSposta's comment from Jan 30 2021 as examples. Those kind of comments are gold to me.
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#Open D&D
Have the Physical Books? Confused as to why you're not allowed to redeem them for free on D&D Beyond? Questions answered here at the Hardcover Books, D&D Beyond and You FAQ
Looking to add mouse-over triggered tooltips to such things like magic items, monsters or combat actions? Then dash over to the How to Add Tooltips thread.
Moderator note: A lot has changed since this thread was started. When it was originally posted, it was a boon to the community in succinctly explaining a lot of aspects regarding D&D Beyond as it pertains to physical books.
However, since then there has been not one but two massive shifts in how D&D Beyond operates; being acquired by Wizards of the Coast and the test of digital codes in bundles released by Wizards.
If there is inaccuracy in statements made before these events occur, please respect the fact that no one on the forums is prescient, being incorrect is not a violation of forum rules, and it's not "spreading misinformation" or "propaganda" to not update a post you made weeks or months ago.
So please keep that in mind when reading this thread
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Establish boundaries. And if anyone crosses them, speak up. If they don’t listen, there’s always cloudkill …
Do you work for the company? And what you do mean by "I wont have this thread devolve into arguments."?
Is not the whole purpose of a forum for people to discus ideas and opposing views?
From the article under Disclaimer Two:
Kind reminder that I am not an employee of this site and I have life outside of D&D, so I can only apologise if I'm not updating this Thread as fast as the news comes out! (Additionally, whilst this thread has been formatted by me - a lot of the content has been provided by other users - including Mods, part of whose job it is is to make sure that misinformation is not being spread.)
To answer your question, absolutely yes! I just want to see those arguments without saying, for example, that people are trolling when they are not, or spreading propaganda when they are not. I've since noticed that your first post was deleted, and I'm guessing it wasn't because it was 'too nice' for a public internet forum.
If you truly feel the information in the first post is inaccurate, I would love to know what it is that is wrong so I can update it - I want this post to be as helpful and as accurate as possible. I need specifics though - see Mehrkat's post from Jan 29 2021, pocketmouse comment from Jan 30 2021 and IamSposta's comment from Jan 30 2021 as examples. Those kind of comments are gold to me.
[REDACTED] here goes:
Instead of simply adding an asterisk note, strike-through the now incorrect information
The entirety of the "So I have the Hardcover..." is not accurate; the website is not owned by fandom, the video game analogy does not apply, the book analogy is misleading (ebooks cost less and literature content is different than D&D), ereaders function exactly the same as the physical version (this is not true for D&D).
The entirety of the "That seems unfair...) section for similar reasons above.
The entirety of the "If D&D Beyond is...." section for similar reason above. In addition, the information about cost is inaccurate and the link provided no longer applies. For example, there is effectively zero cost for converting a print copy into an electronic copy. Generally there is an initial sunk cost for integrating new interactive content on a website but once that is completed there is no future expense. I could go into greater detail but I am trying to keep this brief.
The entirety of the "Isnt there a way to...." section. In short, this is all conjecture. Are there hurdles to overcome? Certainly. However, it is not impossible nor as difficult as you describe to provide a redemption option for purchasing a hardcover copy or vice versa. I could make the process of eating an orange sound like an incredibly difficult task if I tried (the process of peeling, separating, bursts of juice, hand washing, etc. etc.) even though it is not.
Notes: Please be more civil and respectful in your conduct
Instead of simply adding an asterisk note, strike-through the now incorrect information
The entirety of the "So I have the Hardcover..." is not accurate; the website is not owned by fandom, the video game analogy does not apply, the book analogy is misleading (ebooks cost less and literature content is different than D&D), ereaders function exactly the same as the physical version (this is not true for D&D).
The entirety of the "That seems unfair...) section for similar reasons above.
The entirety of the "If D&D Beyond is...." section for similar reason above. In addition, the information about cost is inaccurate and the link provided no longer applies. For example, there is effectively zero cost for converting a print copy into an electronic copy. Generally there is an initial sunk cost for integrating new interactive content on a website but once that is completed there is no future expense. I could go into greater detail but I am trying to keep this brief.
The entirety of the "Isnt there a way to...." section. In short, this is all conjecture. Are there hurdles to overcome? Certainly. However, it is not impossible nor as difficult as you describe to provide a redemption option for purchasing a hardcover copy or vice versa. I could make the process of eating an orange sound like an incredibly difficult task if I tried (the process of peeling, separating, bursts of juice, hand washing, etc. etc.) even though it is not.
Perfect, that's just what I need - when I've got some time spare, I'll review your suggestions and, if needed, make some edits as necessary. Much appreciated!
Have the Physical Books? Confused as to why you're not allowed to redeem them for free on D&D Beyond? Questions answered here at the Hardcover Books, D&D Beyond and You FAQ
Looking to add mouse-over triggered tooltips to such things like magic items, monsters or combat actions? Then dash over to the How to Add Tooltips thread.
Upon reflection, I’ve done away with the ‘That seems unfair…’ section as there is not much relevancy now that the companies are combined. The original points made are now redundant so I do not see much point keeping them around.
‘If D&D Beyond is....’
I’ve done away with the majority of what was there. Hopefully what is there now is succinct enough to get the point across.
‘Isn’t there a way to...."
This is not my area of expertise. As you’ll have seen, the majority of the answers to the most FAQ’s have been pulled from other users (my main objective, when coming across stuff I did not know the answers to, was to find answers from people who had actual knowledge in the areas I did not)
This entire answer is actually from Moderator Davyd from a thread a whiles back (Don’t ask how I remember that small detail!). I would consider him an authority on this area so I’m leaving the section as is for now (with some cuts on the latter points). That said, I have now added some minor notes due to the release notes of the latest Dragonlance book.
Have a gander and let me know your thoughts :)
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#Open D&D
Have the Physical Books? Confused as to why you're not allowed to redeem them for free on D&D Beyond? Questions answered here at the Hardcover Books, D&D Beyond and You FAQ
Looking to add mouse-over triggered tooltips to such things like magic items, monsters or combat actions? Then dash over to the How to Add Tooltips thread.
... I'm happy for constructive criticism around the whole Physical/Digital bundle pricing and whether or not WotC are handling this in the best way ...
So buying the digital bundle for Dragonlance with shipping costs (local currency) about $175, to buy both digital from DDB and seperate hardcover from my local games shop is approx $100. So the joy of the "Bundle" is to almost (ok rounding up dramatically) double the price.
I say WotC have got it way wrong, and that type of money grab economics drives me to go digital only and sod the hardback. They still gonna get some foldong from me via DDB but no way near what they could have.
Think about it - if my local shop can import and on sell with retail store costs, taxes, and a markup the hardback for $70 then dropping $30 for the digital version makes the bundle portion of $175 become $145 for the book alone, given the DDB digital version is a constant thing. So WotC who do not have to make a margin for the man in the middle are doubling the cost when you buy more product.
I seriously do not get this. it may sound racist to some but do not let Gully Dwarves do your marketing campaign ...
I dropped a similar comment on another feedback thread but I'll leave something here, too.
My experience with DNDB started after the WOTC merger, so the frustrations that started this thread are not here. I have one player who likes using the Beyond app and the rest of my players like paper and book. We sometimes play via discord and Beyond seems to work for this...however...
My Beyond player could not choose the subclass he wanted for his ranger because it was hidden behind a paywall--even though he was building right out of his printed PHB. (This was probably in the first few weeks of WOTC running things, so it's possible they've smoothed this out.) However, because my player had to buy the app version of Tasha's Cauldron in order to get his subclass, he suddenly had access to a bunch of rule options and spells that nobody else at the table had access to (Because the DM had not included them in the gameplay). Not having a physical copy of Tasha's Cauldron, this player did not realize what new features open to him were "Core" and which were add-ons (or at least, he did not let on that he knew). This has caused a lot of frustration and chaos at our table--not just because of the paywall but because of balance issues with the other players (and the DM's pre-planned encounters). Some feel that our campaign sessions have become a high-tech stickball game, where every kid gets to just add more rules anytime they feel like it.
TL;DR it would have helped for the Beyond app to have that disclaimer that is on page 1 of the printed Tasha's Cauldron (and the other companion guides) whenever a player buys those books. Also, I don't know if my player can clearly see which feats and spells are "non-core" so he can avoid them, but that might have helped with some of the confusion we've had at our table.
I'm late to the party and ended up here after watching a YouTube announcement about the physical and digital bundle release. I guess I should have known better than to get excited.
As a Canadian, I can say that this is 100% outrageous. We often have to pay exorbitant shipping fees if we want to order direct from a supplier in the US, but almost nothing should cost more than $10-20 shipping, in my opinion, especially not a book.
More options for shipping are absolutely necessary. USPS will get parcels here with tracking that transfers over to Canada Post just fine, and you only have to pay the duty. Other couriers, like FedEx or UPS will do the same and try to charge brokerage. Not to mention that all brokerage fees are scams. Some people don't know this, but if one of the aforementioned couriers tries to broker your package for you, all you have to do is ask them to give you the appropriate documentation so that you can self broker the package. Then you pay the duty fees yourself and pick up the package at their depot, avoiding their ridiculous charges. The money is literally just saving you a little paperwork and a few minutes of your time. Most of the time the customs office is right next door to their shipping depot. The last time I told UPS I wanted to self-broker, they just waived the fee straight out because it was more of a hassle for them to send me the documents.
Anyway, count me out on the bundles. I can probably buy the book new on Amazon with free shipping and pay the same price, because buying digital and from Amazon is the same price as feeding that parcel service my money. In fact, it's probably going to be cheaper since the price of the book in the Wizards store looked higher than usual as well.
Completely in agreement. It's been a while since I've looked at the nitty-gritty with the whole shipping costs thing but a lot of the feedback I recall had been negative. Hopefully as this test phase of Physical/Digital Bundle is rolled out, they can tweak something with the pricing going forward.
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#Open D&D
Have the Physical Books? Confused as to why you're not allowed to redeem them for free on D&D Beyond? Questions answered here at the Hardcover Books, D&D Beyond and You FAQ
Looking to add mouse-over triggered tooltips to such things like magic items, monsters or combat actions? Then dash over to the How to Add Tooltips thread.
Well it took a few years, but it's finally (somewhat) happening!!!
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#Open D&D
Have the Physical Books? Confused as to why you're not allowed to redeem them for free on D&D Beyond? Questions answered here at the Hardcover Books, D&D Beyond and You FAQ
Looking to add mouse-over triggered tooltips to such things like magic items, monsters or combat actions? Then dash over to the How to Add Tooltips thread.
Well it took a few years, but it's finally (somewhat) happening!!!
Yup. Years of waiting only for it to be nearly the same price as just getting them all separately, as was predicted from the beginning if it were to happen. 🤣
Just gonna wait for all the complaints about that now.
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Click ✨ HERE ✨ For My Youtube Videos featuring Guides, Tips & Tricks for using D&D Beyond. Need help with Homebrew? Check out ✨ thisFAQ/Guide thread ✨ by IamSposta.
There is at least one exception to the "you can build it for free" the articifer is a class and requires you to buy at least 1 subclass to use it. That maybe should be mentioned. It isn't a complaint about the faq or that exception but it should be mentioned.
And worth it. This is by far my favourite class. I love that it forces players to use their imagination to work out how their powers function.
As a DM one of my favourite things about TTRPG is incorporating how the abilities/spells/feats etc work into the story, e.g. if a Palyer descibes 'Speak with Dead' as the corpse's mouth moves then information can be read from the lips, in contrast to if the caster sees and hears the incorporeal animating spirit superimposed over the corpse, only a successful check or a necromancer can 'overhear' information.
Well it took a few years, but it's finally (somewhat) happening!!!
Yup. Years of waiting only for it to be nearly the same price as just getting them all separately, as was predicted from the beginning if it were to happen. 🤣
Just gonna wait for all the complaints about that now.
Will admit, I think my new favorite response for all the people complaining that they don't get the digital content for free-ninety-nine whenever they buy a hardback is "Do you think you should be entitled to the physical book for free-ninety-nine if you buy a digital copy here on DDB? 'No, that's completely ridiculous' you say? Funny! That's the same answer any reasonable person would come to when asking why they can't get digital books for free-ninety-nine because they bought an eight year old PHB for five bucks at a neighbor's garage sale on a lark one day!"
It's almost like the two are totally different products that require totally different workflows to produce and maintain or something and nobody seems to get that...o_o...
It's almost like the two are totally different products that require totally different workflows to produce and maintain or something and nobody seems to get that...o_o...
This is the thing that I've never understood - yes, the physical and digital books have the same 'home' now, but I don't get why some people don't understand they are separate products that require different skills to assemble for a different format. 🤷♂️
Have the Physical Books? Confused as to why you're not allowed to redeem them for free on D&D Beyond? Questions answered here at the Hardcover Books, D&D Beyond and You FAQ
Looking to add mouse-over triggered tooltips to such things like magic items, monsters or combat actions? Then dash over to the How to Add Tooltips thread.
Maybe because there are *three* parts to the production - physical print material production, digital distribution production, and game design and play test and the third part of the products are common to both formats. Thus, AB + BC =/= ABBC but ABC. Combined cost should not = price of each separately. Just a theory...
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To post a comment, please login or register a new account.
@XXXGammaRay - I appreciate you doing your best to respond in a reasonable and constructive way without resorting to trolling.
Again, I'm happy for constructive criticism around the whole Physical/Digital bundle pricing and whether or not WotC are handling this in the best way (heck I'm not exactly convinced the company has it right). However, I won't have this thread devolve into arguments. This thread is simply supposed to be an information point to forward to newcomers to D&D Beyond.
Please be civil.
#Open D&D
Have the Physical Books? Confused as to why you're not allowed to redeem them for free on D&D Beyond? Questions answered here at the Hardcover Books, D&D Beyond and You FAQ
Looking to add mouse-over triggered tooltips to such things like magic items, monsters or combat actions? Then dash over to the How to Add Tooltips thread.
Do you work for the company? And what you do mean by "I wont have this thread devolve into arguments."?
Is not the whole purpose of a forum for people to discus ideas and opposing views?
Thank you for the feedback. You do in general have the gist of my point, and basically confirmed it as well. It is rather anti consumer that it needs to be individually purchased given not only that they are one company now but heavily advertised and are now promoting the connection. Further it seems there are elements I wasn't aware are not individually purchasable but require again the full retail price be paid again. I'm sure the powers that be are aware of how very bad those optics are, and it was certainly something that could perhaps be argued back in April, but now especially with the largely negative views of microtransactions, NFT's and digital vs physical ownership it's just bad optics with a product launch and plan with so much positive behind it.
Granted it looks like they will be trying to fix it going forward with Dragonlance, but it is something I expect others coming in this "wave" such as myself are going to have expected was already present. I worry that many unlike myself who are going to offer up what I hope is positive feedback and move forward,, may instead harp on the apparently anti consumer and short sighted current state as reviews and the like start.
Really looking forward to how the adventure goes and meeting up with the community.
From the article under Disclaimer Two:
Kind reminder that I am not an employee of this site and I have life outside of D&D, so I can only apologise if I'm not updating this Thread as fast as the news comes out! (Additionally, whilst this thread has been formatted by me - a lot of the content has been provided by other users - including Mods, part of whose job it is is to make sure that misinformation is not being spread.)
To answer your question, absolutely yes! I just want to see those arguments without saying, for example, that people are trolling when they are not, or spreading propaganda when they are not. I've since noticed that your first post was deleted, and I'm guessing it wasn't because it was 'too nice' for a public internet forum.
If you truly feel the information in the first post is inaccurate, I would love to know what it is that is wrong so I can update it - I want this post to be as helpful and as accurate as possible. I need specifics though - see Mehrkat's post from Jan 29 2021, pocketmouse comment from Jan 30 2021 and IamSposta's comment from Jan 30 2021 as examples. Those kind of comments are gold to me.
#Open D&D
Have the Physical Books? Confused as to why you're not allowed to redeem them for free on D&D Beyond? Questions answered here at the Hardcover Books, D&D Beyond and You FAQ
Looking to add mouse-over triggered tooltips to such things like magic items, monsters or combat actions? Then dash over to the How to Add Tooltips thread.
Moderator note: A lot has changed since this thread was started. When it was originally posted, it was a boon to the community in succinctly explaining a lot of aspects regarding D&D Beyond as it pertains to physical books.
However, since then there has been not one but two massive shifts in how D&D Beyond operates; being acquired by Wizards of the Coast and the test of digital codes in bundles released by Wizards.
If there is inaccuracy in statements made before these events occur, please respect the fact that no one on the forums is prescient, being incorrect is not a violation of forum rules, and it's not "spreading misinformation" or "propaganda" to not update a post you made weeks or months ago.
So please keep that in mind when reading this thread
[REDACTED] here goes:
Perfect, that's just what I need - when I've got some time spare, I'll review your suggestions and, if needed, make some edits as necessary. Much appreciated!
#Open D&D
Have the Physical Books? Confused as to why you're not allowed to redeem them for free on D&D Beyond? Questions answered here at the Hardcover Books, D&D Beyond and You FAQ
Looking to add mouse-over triggered tooltips to such things like magic items, monsters or combat actions? Then dash over to the How to Add Tooltips thread.
I've gone through your suggestions, see below:
‘So I have the Hardcover…’
Have rewritten the section to be more up-to-date.
‘That seems unfair...’
Upon reflection, I’ve done away with the ‘That seems unfair…’ section as there is not much relevancy now that the companies are combined. The original points made are now redundant so I do not see much point keeping them around.
‘If D&D Beyond is....’
I’ve done away with the majority of what was there. Hopefully what is there now is succinct enough to get the point across.
‘Isn’t there a way to...."
This is not my area of expertise. As you’ll have seen, the majority of the answers to the most FAQ’s have been pulled from other users (my main objective, when coming across stuff I did not know the answers to, was to find answers from people who had actual knowledge in the areas I did not)
This entire answer is actually from Moderator Davyd from a thread a whiles back (Don’t ask how I remember that small detail!). I would consider him an authority on this area so I’m leaving the section as is for now (with some cuts on the latter points). That said, I have now added some minor notes due to the release notes of the latest Dragonlance book.
Have a gander and let me know your thoughts :)
#Open D&D
Have the Physical Books? Confused as to why you're not allowed to redeem them for free on D&D Beyond? Questions answered here at the Hardcover Books, D&D Beyond and You FAQ
Looking to add mouse-over triggered tooltips to such things like magic items, monsters or combat actions? Then dash over to the How to Add Tooltips thread.
Note: D&D Beyond Legendary Bundle discounts are not valid with this purchase.
Way to reward loyalty to the game… :\
So buying the digital bundle for Dragonlance with shipping costs (local currency) about $175, to buy both digital from DDB and seperate hardcover from my local games shop is approx $100. So the joy of the "Bundle" is to almost (ok rounding up dramatically) double the price.
I say WotC have got it way wrong, and that type of money grab economics drives me to go digital only and sod the hardback. They still gonna get some foldong from me via DDB but no way near what they could have.
Think about it - if my local shop can import and on sell with retail store costs, taxes, and a markup the hardback for $70 then dropping $30 for the digital version makes the bundle portion of $175 become $145 for the book alone, given the DDB digital version is a constant thing. So WotC who do not have to make a margin for the man in the middle are doubling the cost when you buy more product.
I seriously do not get this. it may sound racist to some but do not let Gully Dwarves do your marketing campaign ...
Life's hard - get a helmet!
Lmao, you realize they're a company right?
I dropped a similar comment on another feedback thread but I'll leave something here, too.
My experience with DNDB started after the WOTC merger, so the frustrations that started this thread are not here. I have one player who likes using the Beyond app and the rest of my players like paper and book. We sometimes play via discord and Beyond seems to work for this...however...
My Beyond player could not choose the subclass he wanted for his ranger because it was hidden behind a paywall--even though he was building right out of his printed PHB. (This was probably in the first few weeks of WOTC running things, so it's possible they've smoothed this out.) However, because my player had to buy the app version of Tasha's Cauldron in order to get his subclass, he suddenly had access to a bunch of rule options and spells that nobody else at the table had access to (Because the DM had not included them in the gameplay). Not having a physical copy of Tasha's Cauldron, this player did not realize what new features open to him were "Core" and which were add-ons (or at least, he did not let on that he knew). This has caused a lot of frustration and chaos at our table--not just because of the paywall but because of balance issues with the other players (and the DM's pre-planned encounters). Some feel that our campaign sessions have become a high-tech stickball game, where every kid gets to just add more rules anytime they feel like it.
TL;DR it would have helped for the Beyond app to have that disclaimer that is on page 1 of the printed Tasha's Cauldron (and the other companion guides) whenever a player buys those books. Also, I don't know if my player can clearly see which feats and spells are "non-core" so he can avoid them, but that might have helped with some of the confusion we've had at our table.
~not a "lazy dungeon master"
I'm late to the party and ended up here after watching a YouTube announcement about the physical and digital bundle release. I guess I should have known better than to get excited.
As a Canadian, I can say that this is 100% outrageous. We often have to pay exorbitant shipping fees if we want to order direct from a supplier in the US, but almost nothing should cost more than $10-20 shipping, in my opinion, especially not a book.
More options for shipping are absolutely necessary. USPS will get parcels here with tracking that transfers over to Canada Post just fine, and you only have to pay the duty. Other couriers, like FedEx or UPS will do the same and try to charge brokerage. Not to mention that all brokerage fees are scams. Some people don't know this, but if one of the aforementioned couriers tries to broker your package for you, all you have to do is ask them to give you the appropriate documentation so that you can self broker the package. Then you pay the duty fees yourself and pick up the package at their depot, avoiding their ridiculous charges. The money is literally just saving you a little paperwork and a few minutes of your time. Most of the time the customs office is right next door to their shipping depot. The last time I told UPS I wanted to self-broker, they just waived the fee straight out because it was more of a hassle for them to send me the documents.
Anyway, count me out on the bundles. I can probably buy the book new on Amazon with free shipping and pay the same price, because buying digital and from Amazon is the same price as feeding that parcel service my money. In fact, it's probably going to be cheaper since the price of the book in the Wizards store looked higher than usual as well.
Completely in agreement. It's been a while since I've looked at the nitty-gritty with the whole shipping costs thing but a lot of the feedback I recall had been negative. Hopefully as this test phase of Physical/Digital Bundle is rolled out, they can tweak something with the pricing going forward.
#Open D&D
Have the Physical Books? Confused as to why you're not allowed to redeem them for free on D&D Beyond? Questions answered here at the Hardcover Books, D&D Beyond and You FAQ
Looking to add mouse-over triggered tooltips to such things like magic items, monsters or combat actions? Then dash over to the How to Add Tooltips thread.
Well it took a few years, but it's finally (somewhat) happening!!!
#Open D&D
Have the Physical Books? Confused as to why you're not allowed to redeem them for free on D&D Beyond? Questions answered here at the Hardcover Books, D&D Beyond and You FAQ
Looking to add mouse-over triggered tooltips to such things like magic items, monsters or combat actions? Then dash over to the How to Add Tooltips thread.
Yup. Years of waiting only for it to be nearly the same price as just getting them all separately, as was predicted from the beginning if it were to happen. 🤣
Just gonna wait for all the complaints about that now.
Click ✨ HERE ✨ For My Youtube Videos featuring Guides, Tips & Tricks for using D&D Beyond.
Need help with Homebrew? Check out ✨ this FAQ/Guide thread ✨ by IamSposta.
And worth it. This is by far my favourite class. I love that it forces players to use their imagination to work out how their powers function.
As a DM one of my favourite things about TTRPG is incorporating how the abilities/spells/feats etc work into the story, e.g. if a Palyer descibes 'Speak with Dead' as the corpse's mouth moves then information can be read from the lips, in contrast to if the caster sees and hears the incorporeal animating spirit superimposed over the corpse, only a successful check or a necromancer can 'overhear' information.
Will admit, I think my new favorite response for all the people complaining that they don't get the digital content for free-ninety-nine whenever they buy a hardback is "Do you think you should be entitled to the physical book for free-ninety-nine if you buy a digital copy here on DDB? 'No, that's completely ridiculous' you say? Funny! That's the same answer any reasonable person would come to when asking why they can't get digital books for free-ninety-nine because they bought an eight year old PHB for five bucks at a neighbor's garage sale on a lark one day!"
It's almost like the two are totally different products that require totally different workflows to produce and maintain or something and nobody seems to get that...o_o...
Please do not contact or message me.
This is the thing that I've never understood - yes, the physical and digital books have the same 'home' now, but I don't get why some people don't understand they are separate products that require different skills to assemble for a different format. 🤷♂️
#Open D&D
Have the Physical Books? Confused as to why you're not allowed to redeem them for free on D&D Beyond? Questions answered here at the Hardcover Books, D&D Beyond and You FAQ
Looking to add mouse-over triggered tooltips to such things like magic items, monsters or combat actions? Then dash over to the How to Add Tooltips thread.
Maybe because there are *three* parts to the production - physical print material production, digital distribution production, and game design and play test and the third part of the products are common to both formats.
Thus, AB + BC =/= ABBC but ABC. Combined cost should not = price of each separately.
Just a theory...