There are several pieces of information that you should include in your post when LFP (Looking for Players) or LFG (Looking for Group). To make this easier for everyone, here are templates for you to use. This will help avoid people having to ask questions like, "which timezone?" or, "how often do you play?"
Please do not post your LFG/LFP in this thread - make a new thread in this forum, thank you - LFG posts added to this thread will be deleted.
Template when Looking for a Group (editing the answers accordingly):
Game: D&D 5e Group preferred: Online / Face-to-face / either Experience: New / a few years / veteran Location/Timezone: (your physical location or timezone as appropriate) Availability: (describe when you're available) Preferred role: DM / Player Game style: (Some information about what sort of game you are looking for e.g. casual, hardcore, roleplay, hack'n'slash).
Template when Looking for Players (editing the answers accordingly):
Game: D&D 5e Group type: Online / Face-to-face Experience: New / a few years / veteran Location/Timezone: (your physical location or timezone as appropriate) Schedule: (describe when the group plays and any flexibility in that) Roles sought: DM / Player (include numbers of players you are looking for if more than one) Game style: (Some information about what sort of game your group play e.g. casual, hardcore, roleplay, hack'n'slash).
Looking for Group posts
This is when you're looking for an existing group that you can join - make sure to set the Prefix field to include LFG and include the following in the title: Physical area or online Timezone
Examples of good titles for your post:
Experienced (20 years) player LFG in Dallas area - weekend games.
New player LFG online UK (GMT) weekday evenings.
Please also provide the following information in your post:
Your level of experience (either with D&D or roleplay games in general).
Whether you're looking for a face-to-face game only and, if so, the physical area you are able to travel to for games.
Whether you're looking for an online game only and, if so, which timezone you're in and your availability (e.g. 18:00 - 23:30 weekdays except Monday).
Any preferences you have for play - this can be as simple as, "I prefer casual games," or, "I love meaningful roleplay between characters" - this helps match you with a group with a similar style.
Whether you prefer to play or DM.
IF you are open to 'PAID' games, please include the 'Paid' prefix tag on the thread and include 'Open to Paid Games' in the title, so that these groups can find you.
Looking for Players (includes DMs)
This is for when you already have a group, or part of one organized and are looking for more people to round out the group or replace someone who has dropped out. Make sure to set the Prefix field to include LFP and include the following in the title: Physical area or online Timezone
Examples of good titles for your post:
Established D&D group in Lochwood area of Dallas is LFP - games are alternating Saturdays midday until late.
Online group in UK (GMT) play Thursday 7pm until 11pm using D&D Beyond and Roll20.
Please also provide the following information in your post:
Whether you prefer experienced or newer players, or don't mind either.
Whether this is a face-to-face game at a specific location (please don't give an exact address in a public post).
Whether this is an online only game only and, if so, which timezone you're in, when is the game (e.g. 18:00 - 23:30 on Tuesdays) and any software/websites you expect group members to use.
Any preferences you have for play - this can be as simple as, "We play a pretty casual game," or, "We love some serious roleplay between characters" - this helps match you with people with a similar style.
Whether you are looking for players (indicate how many vacancies your group has) or a DM.
If you're playing a specific module(s) or homebrew campaign.
Communities Looking for Players (This includes DM’s)
In the new age of growing communities, you may have a discord, forum or other group looking to set up games on a larger scale. These posts are still considered LFG if they are looking for new players and DM’s to grow their available games.
Examples of good titles for your post:
UK Discord Community looking for new Players or DM’s. Details inside!
West Marches Online Group, Forum based community looking for new members.
Please also provide as much of the following information in your post:
A URL link or Discord invite to your community
What kinds of games and systems your community focuses on.
Any particular games you are looking for members for.
Any particular rules your community adheres to, with a link to your rules page if possible.
The usual time zone of your community and its primary language.
DM Running Multiple Games
If a DM is running multiple games, you should place all the games in a single thread. The first post in that thread should contain your general contact information, and then each reply will include the details about a specific game. If you need to update information for any of the games, please edit the relevant post. Do not delete and repost! If a game is older and filled please edit the post to indicate that new information.
Paid Opportunities
If you are posting about a game that requires payment, make sure to set the Prefix field to include Paid and include the following in the title: Paid game. You may ONLY reply to LFG posts that indicate an openness to a paid game with your game/sessions. All other unsolicited advertising will be considered spam. Any unsolicited Private Messaging about paid games will also be considered spam.
Please take caution when sending money to others online. D&D Beyond is not responsible for monetary transactions outside of direct purchases on our site.
DMs: If you need help finding players open to paid games, use the filter at the bottom of the LFG forum to find players who've used the "Paid" tag.
As listed on the Site Rules & Guidelines page, thread authors may reply to their threadonce per week or if they have made a significant update. All scheduling, availability, and session information does not qualify as significant updates. Examples include:
Still looking for players for this game!
2 spots open for this Saturday!
Game now moved from 3pm CDT to 2pm CDT!
Game is getting intense/party just reached level 4 - come check us out!
Please save thread replies for interested players to ask questions, new games you may be running, or game/platform/DM changes that may be taking effect.
As an alternative or replacement for 'Bumping', try these Significant Updates:
It would be recommended to reply to your thread with an ongoing story narrative from the running campaign arc, challenges/obstacles, etc. Find a method to engage the community on the progression of your game(s) and allow users to better decide if they would be entertained/enjoy your style. This provides more depth to your thread than the bullets above and still allows you to refresh your post. Visibility to your sessions will remain and you are providing more valuable content to the thread.
In the event of a new game, you can sample your narratives and 'scene setting' - give potential players a taste of your DMing. Detail the applications, tools, media used to assist your story. You're selling your DMing as a service or investment of time - dive into what it is players are purchasing as meaningful updates for your thread
Inclusion and Exclusion
Games may not exclude any specific group of people, aside from adults or minors. While we understand the desire to create a space that is welcoming for groups that often find themselves othered or excluded elsewhere, no LFG can exclude anyone based on any characteristic besides age group. You may state the intention of your group (Such as: To be a welcoming/ safe/ inclusive space for X), the current makeup of your group (Such as: We are currently all X) and that you have a preference for individuals that will understand, respect and fit into that space. But you cannot imply or expressly state that members from other groups cannot join. This is a blanket rule for all groups to prevent exclusion, othering, and tokenism.
Due to the consistent disregard for the following rule, this thread is now being locked. Please PM a moderator with any further comments and/or questions. Thank you!
Please do not post your LFG/LFP in this thread - make a new thread in this forum, thank you - LFG posts added to this thread will be deleted.
Hey there everyone,
There are several pieces of information that you should include in your post when LFP (Looking for Players) or LFG (Looking for Group). To make this easier for everyone, here are templates for you to use. This will help avoid people having to ask questions like, "which timezone?" or, "how often do you play?"
Please do not post your LFG/LFP in this thread - make a new thread in this forum, thank you - LFG posts added to this thread will be deleted.
Template when Looking for a Group (editing the answers accordingly):
Template when Looking for Players (editing the answers accordingly):
Looking for Group posts
This is when you're looking for an existing group that you can join - make sure to set the Prefix field to include LFG and include the following in the title: Physical area or online Timezone
Examples of good titles for your post:
Please also provide the following information in your post:
Looking for Players (includes DMs)
This is for when you already have a group, or part of one organized and are looking for more people to round out the group or replace someone who has dropped out. Make sure to set the Prefix field to include LFP and include the following in the title: Physical area or online Timezone
Examples of good titles for your post:
Please also provide the following information in your post:
Communities Looking for Players (This includes DM’s)
In the new age of growing communities, you may have a discord, forum or other group looking to set up games on a larger scale. These posts are still considered LFG if they are looking for new players and DM’s to grow their available games.
Examples of good titles for your post:
Please also provide as much of the following information in your post:
DM Running Multiple Games
If a DM is running multiple games, you should place all the games in a single thread. The first post in that thread should contain your general contact information, and then each reply will include the details about a specific game. If you need to update information for any of the games, please edit the relevant post. Do not delete and repost! If a game is older and filled please edit the post to indicate that new information.
Paid Opportunities
If you are posting about a game that requires payment, make sure to set the Prefix field to include Paid and include the following in the title: Paid game. You may ONLY reply to LFG posts that indicate an openness to a paid game with your game/sessions. All other unsolicited advertising will be considered spam. Any unsolicited Private Messaging about paid games will also be considered spam.
Please take caution when sending money to others online. D&D Beyond is not responsible for monetary transactions outside of direct purchases on our site.
DMs: If you need help finding players open to paid games, use the filter at the bottom of the LFG forum to find players who've used the "Paid" tag.
As listed on the Site Rules & Guidelines page, thread authors may reply to their thread once per week or if they have made a significant update. All scheduling, availability, and session information does not qualify as significant updates. Examples include:
Please save thread replies for interested players to ask questions, new games you may be running, or game/platform/DM changes that may be taking effect.
As an alternative or replacement for 'Bumping', try these Significant Updates:
Inclusion and Exclusion
Games may not exclude any specific group of people, aside from adults or minors. While we understand the desire to create a space that is welcoming for groups that often find themselves othered or excluded elsewhere, no LFG can exclude anyone based on any characteristic besides age group. You may state the intention of your group (Such as: To be a welcoming/ safe/ inclusive space for X), the current makeup of your group (Such as: We are currently all X) and that you have a preference for individuals that will understand, respect and fit into that space. But you cannot imply or expressly state that members from other groups cannot join. This is a blanket rule for all groups to prevent exclusion, othering, and tokenism.
Pun-loving nerd | Faith Elisabeth Lilley | She/Her/Hers | Profile art by Becca Golins
If you need help with homebrew, please post on the homebrew forums, where multiple staff and moderators can read your post and help you!
"We got this, no problem! I'll take the twenty on the left - you guys handle the one on the right!"🔊
Okay, so, one or two questions from me... sorry in advance.
If one is looking for an online group, should you specify where online you’d run it? (Eg. Skype or discord)
Also, if playing in person, would one DM where they wanted to play, or should that be in the post?
It's up tp you!
I recommend including as much information as you think people might want in your post, so they don't have to ask questions.
If you're planning on running a game using Discord and Roll20, then absolutely mention those, rather than just say "online"
Pun-loving nerd | Faith Elisabeth Lilley | She/Her/Hers | Profile art by Becca Golins
If you need help with homebrew, please post on the homebrew forums, where multiple staff and moderators can read your post and help you!
"We got this, no problem! I'll take the twenty on the left - you guys handle the one on the right!"🔊
Thank you!!
Due to the consistent disregard for the following rule, this thread is now being locked. Please PM a moderator with any further comments and/or questions. Thank you!
[ Site Rules & Guidelines ] --- [ Homebrew Rules & Guidelines ]
Send me a message with any questions or concerns
Bumping rules have been updated to allow a "reply" to an existing thread once per week. This does not include deleting and reposting.
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