I don't want the new updated spells and magic items for free. I want to continue using the spells and magic items I already paid for in the campaigns that are not updating to the new rules. It's not a big ask to not want to mix rulesets partway through an existing campaign without going through the headache of homebrewing everything I could possibly ever need, for things I am arbitrarily losing access to when September 3rd rolls around.
I, for one, am not spending another cent. Thanks for everything, but this ain't it.
It literally won't be impossible, as stated now by 2 separate official statements and breakdowns on the how and why. I don't understand how you people can read something that definitively says "Here's how to do the thing you want to do" and so confidently scream "IT'S IMPOSSIBLE! YOU'RE RUINING/TAKING AWAY EVERYTHING!". But, then again, I've been silently watching this community do it since I was 12.
What they are taking away is access to the 2014 rules via the digital tools. Who actually signed up for D&D Beyond just for the compendium? I'm sure most of us signed up for the convenience of the tooltips and all that. But now we're being told we can only reference a good chunk of the 2014 rules via the clunky compendium. And it's not just spells and magic items, it's also:
And it's not just that they're forcing us to use the 2024 rules for all those things. It's that they're making us switch mid-campaign, instead of giving us the option to do so on our own terms. I was most likely going to switch to the 2024 rules when I was ready to do so (most likely when all three core rulebooks were out), but now I'm feeling like I won't bother switching at all.
This is not errata. If it was, they would be changing the 2014 books, not issuing a whole new set of books.
Let me tell you about a game called Dungeons and Dragons 2e.
Uh, OK, so TSR came to your house and pasted rules updates into your original 2e books - and did so over a period of six months? I don't remember that happening to me.
This doesn’t solve the issue or clarify anything. We need to have access to 2014 spell rules in the character sheet! We are all in the middle of campaigns that can’t just switch half way through! Using the compendium is not a realistic option or what we have paid you hundreds of $ for. Also to genuinely offer we could homebrew spells as an option is a disgusting joke when that’s literally what we have paid you to do - there are over 200+ spells.
Solution - Create a legacy toggle in the settings of each character sheet to switch spell descriptions between 2014 and 2024.
Solution - Create a toggle within each spell to flip between the two as you are looking at it in the sheet
Solution - Literally just list both out 2024 followed by 2014
Temporary Solution - You guys copy each spell (tag it with 2014/Legacy) and then people can add either option as it suits them - this until you can do the work to fix a more permanent solution
You can’t just update everyone’s spells on their character sheet without causing issues, Wotc are really not understanding the issue. There are fundamental changes to 2024 spells that I don’t want to use, but you are forcing this on our group. Having the 2014 spells still available in another section of your website is pointless, I need to be on the character sheets or it’s useless.
I am sorry if you view us as using you as a punching bag, but each post you reply to is just "it's still better than before" which is not the topic at hand. Right now for all of us the topic is, "I paid for this, you are now taking away what I paid for."
No one cares if the situation is "Better". If you order a salad, and the waiter brings you a literal sh!t, you correct them and say, "I ordered a salad," and they come back with the same sh!t with lettuce. You were still given sh!t.
It's nothing on you, but everyone else is having a different conversation right now.
I do get that people are wanting to talk about how they are losing hassle-free content, but that is not what they are actually doing with their time in this thread. What they are doing is attacking someone for pages for correcting one bombastic and emotional claim. If they want to talk about how they have to deal with the burden of updated content and the hassle of having to homebrew old content, whatever; I have to homebrew the same content they do and I have my own feelings on that. But I can still acknowledge that getting those updated spells and magic items is more and better than getting nothing at all.
People would have known my position on this if they had even cared to ask, but that isn't as fun as thinly-veiled abuse I guess.
Roll20 already fixed this problem, please just do what they did! At character creation, the user picks which ruleset they want to use. That’s it. Just do that PLEASE!
We would like to continue to play with the options we paid for. The point of spending all this money was to lower our effort, not increase it by having to create homebrew options for everything.
I was previously debating whether to move to the 2024 rule set, but if this is how my purchases have been treated, I think after my current long form campaign I will be moving my group to a different company’s game.
Again, whether you like it is very different from whether the update is better.
Eric, what do you not understand about the fact that 99% of people who are upset about this change don't care about the free content they are getting. I do not plan on using the 2024 rules. I don't want the 2024 rules. I do not get value from free 2024 content. I don't care about free 2024 content.
It takes Olympic-level mental gymnastics for you to claim that this solution is better.
No one cares about the 2024 content. The are upset about losing access to their pre-existing content in the Character creator.
Getting 'free content' does NOTHING to remedy this issue.
A new tv is better then an old, broken tv, as a broken tv doesnt work as a tv.
CRTs are still prized to this date for retro gamers due to its superior image quality (for the games that were designed around it) and reduced input latency for high level speedruning.
The analogy is actually incredibly good. For most people, it is an upgrade, period. Only if you care about very specific things from the older product would you think you didn't get an upgrade.
"Better" is subjective. This may make it "better" for you, but to those of us who are realizing that all the money we've spent and purchases we've made on DnD Beyond are about to go to waste because there is a new system and WOTC/DnD wants more of our money. That (let's be honest) we were probably going to give them anyway. This is a slap in the face, you can call it "better" because they are going us a flower afterwards but they still slapped us in the face.
How is it better for me? Something is better than nothing... objectively. You are not getting something where you previously were getting nothing. If something is not better than nothing, don't use the site at all. It's all the same to you.
I'm gonna break into your house and steal your TV, it's okay though, I'm leaving a free turd on your doorstep. This free turd is objectively better than nothing.
The more accurate analogy is stealing my broken, 10 year old television and leaving a brand new, $5,000 television behind. Which, yes, would be objectively better than nothing.
are you genuinely incapable of seeing that people getting something they don't want and view as an inferior product in exchange for losing access to stuff they paid for specifically because they wanted it is actually a genuinely bad thing in a lot of peoples eyes, or are you just trolling?
The clarification only highlights the part that I don't like about the update, that I'm going to have to homebrew all of the 2014 spells and items that I already paid for to be useable in the character creator and on character sheets. If I'd just wanted the compendium I would have just paid for the compendium, or in fact never bought the digital versions at all because I already have physical copies of all of the core books, I wanted functionality on the character sheet.
Subscription remains cancelled, it's clear that this is unpopular among this community and our only way to protest is with our wallets, so I'll still be doing that.
Just. Give. It. A. Legacy. Tag!!!!!!!!!! I paid to use this stuff in your character creator. Just keep it in there! You've done this for literally everything else. What about when the dmg and Monster manual come out? Free basic rules will NOT give you everything from those books, only some. So what about the stuff that isnt in the Basic rules? Are those just gonna be gone now? Just dont take away what we PAID for. If there was any chance i would buy the updated rules, thats gone now. Say goodbye to that sale.
After all that feedback, you still don't understand what the problem is. After the One D&D debacle you'd think you'd have realized how much trust your customer base lost in Wizards of the Coast as a company. The reason people don't want to play the updated 2024 5e is because you poisoned the well.
We want to be able to use legacy content in our character sheets.
I have used DnDBeyond for almost 10 years. I have been a subscriber, I have bought the source content, I have participated in events. My subscription has not waned. If I have to homebrew every spell and item I paid for and am using, I'm going to go somewhere else. I'm going to spend my money on sharing content with my tables (that's why I have a subscription and buy the books here), but I'm going to do it somewhere else and give someone else who hasn't utterly burnt down my trust then merrily did an interpretive dance on the remains using salt. Then, when my current campaigns are over, I'm going to play a different game. I know I'm not going to play 2024 5e.
I used bold here so your Chris (Hasbro's CEO) can see the responses without having to summon his valet for his reading glasses. Then maybe you can use the money you saved to hire more staff to actually create the features for your new products. Because I can clearly see this is being done too quickly for proper development cycles considering you laid off 1,100 employees and don't have enough staff to maintain the level of respect, consistency, UI fluidity, and proper engineering the previous staff earned before you bought the product hoping you could ride it into a mound of money the same way you've treated your other properties over the years.
I am sorry if you view us as using you as a punching bag, but each post you reply to is just "it's still better than before" which is not the topic at hand. Right now for all of us the topic is, "I paid for this, you are now taking away what I paid for."
No one cares if the situation is "Better". If you order a salad, and the waiter brings you a literal sh!t, you correct them and say, "I ordered a salad," and they come back with the same sh!t with lettuce. You were still given sh!t.
It's nothing on you, but everyone else is having a different conversation right now.
I do get that people are wanting to talk about how they are losing hassle-free content, but that is not what they are actually doing with their time in this thread. What they are doing is attacking someone for pages for correcting one bombastic and emotional claim. If they want to talk about how they have to deal with the burden of updated content and the hassle of having to homebrew old content, whatever; I have to homebrew the same content they do and I have my own feelings on that. But I can still acknowledge that getting those updated spells and magic items is more and better than getting nothing at all.
People would have known my position on this if they had even cared to ask, but that isn't as fun as thinly-veiled abuse I guess.
You are egging people on by replying. In your signature you are a Healthcare advocate, please don't forget the care you can give your mental health by taking a step away from the forum.
are you genuinely incapable of seeing that people getting something they don't want and view as an inferior product in exchange for losing access to stuff they paid for specifically because they wanted it is actually a genuinely bad thing in a lot of peoples eyes, or are you just trolling?
I have acknowledged that people are unhappy about the change many times in this very thread, so yes. I have never even attempted to argue that it is something that they must like. In fact, I even stated that people do not have to like it here:
It is better, you just are still unhappy about it. I outlined why it is better. I am not saying you have to like it. Please read my post for what it is.
Once again, please read my posts for what they are.
I have bought all the core books and nearly every adventure book on dndbeyound. I have also been a master tier subscriber for 5 years sharing it with friends i play with across many campaigns. How can you justify removing spells and items that i paid for?
I paid for the books to create charactors on dndbeyound and to share access to this content so my players can also use that content in charactor creation. I paid for this content to use it with the tools this site provides. You do realize your taking away access to content I directly paid for right?
I don't bloody care about the Compendium!
The Compendium is USELESS to me and to most people on here! Many of us already own all the physical books. The sole reason for buying the books on DND beyound is the ability to use that content to create charactors with the tools this site provides. You are deliberately taking away spells and other content we purchased for the purpose of using them with the tools on this site to try FORCE us to buy new books.
This possibly could be against consumer laws in the UK and the EU since it clearly stated when I bought the spells and other items on this site that it would give us access to using them spells with the tools on this site.
WotC hasn't considered that these changes will break all our current DND Campaigns and the adventure books released before 2024. Campaigns and the charactors in them are designed for the 2014 rules, items and spells we have now and not the 2024 changes. Player Campaigns often take years to reach a conclusion yet you expect your entire customer base of 10's of thousands of players to stop their current campaigns in september and update to 2024 rules breaking most of their characters and leaving players feeling violated by the forced changes.
We have been told over and over again that we wouldn't lose access to content from the books we paid for and they would remain functional with Dndbeyound tools and our charactor sheets. Yet we are losing access because you want us to stop playing using the 2014 content we paid for!. Compendium access isn't what we bloody paid for! We paid for Access to the content within the books to work with charactor sheets and tools on the site!
I currently have no interest in the 2024 rules changes at this time. Why would we give you money for books again if this is your business plan for us? Your plan is to remove access to books we paid for from older editions or older rules sets so they no longer work with the site tools to force us to use new ones. Every 5 years forcing us to rebuy the same content, forcing us to use new rules while removing our access to all the books we paid for?
You can't force us to buy the new books. All you will be doing is removing OUR access to digital products we paid for and making the entire community leave this site. These changes will break current charactors angering thousands upon thousands of players.
I am extremely angry about this and nothing short of allowing us to keep the content we paid for so it can be used with the site tools is acceptible.
If Wizards removes all the Spells & Items I paid for to create charactors & run games I will never support them EVER again.
This is absolutely ridiculous. Why would people want to switch mid campaign to new spell, weapon, monsters, and item descriptions that aren't built for the rules they are playing with? There needs to be a toggle to choose either 2014 or 2024 rule set, and leave all the existing content people paid for accessible for character creation. Character creation is the main reason anyone uses the service at all. You are creating a major headache for DMs and players alike. If this doesn't get resolved I'll be cancelling my DNDbeyond subscription and switching from Dungeons & Dragons to another RPG option.
As others have echoed. I didn't *buy* content on dnd beyond to use the compendium. We already own the books. I bought it *specifically* to use it in the application on the character sheets. It is infuriating to have the 2014 content forced on us on such short notice when I have no interest in using it for the very last arc of a FIVE year campaign. I want to be able to rely on what the app is telling me, and not have to look up my spells every time. That was the whole goddamn point.
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"That's the trick Mr Belmont, we're never ready."
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I don't want the new updated spells and magic items for free. I want to continue using the spells and magic items I already paid for in the campaigns that are not updating to the new rules. It's not a big ask to not want to mix rulesets partway through an existing campaign without going through the headache of homebrewing everything I could possibly ever need, for things I am arbitrarily losing access to when September 3rd rolls around.
I, for one, am not spending another cent. Thanks for everything, but this ain't it.
Let me tell you about a game called Dungeons and Dragons 2e.
What they are taking away is access to the 2014 rules via the digital tools. Who actually signed up for D&D Beyond just for the compendium? I'm sure most of us signed up for the convenience of the tooltips and all that. But now we're being told we can only reference a good chunk of the 2014 rules via the clunky compendium. And it's not just spells and magic items, it's also:
And it's not just that they're forcing us to use the 2024 rules for all those things. It's that they're making us switch mid-campaign, instead of giving us the option to do so on our own terms. I was most likely going to switch to the 2024 rules when I was ready to do so (most likely when all three core rulebooks were out), but now I'm feeling like I won't bother switching at all.
Uh, OK, so TSR came to your house and pasted rules updates into your original 2e books - and did so over a period of six months? I don't remember that happening to me.
This doesn’t solve the issue or clarify anything. We need to have access to 2014 spell rules in the character sheet! We are all in the middle of campaigns that can’t just switch half way through! Using the compendium is not a realistic option or what we have paid you hundreds of $ for. Also to genuinely offer we could homebrew spells as an option is a disgusting joke when that’s literally what we have paid you to do - there are over 200+ spells.
Solution - Create a legacy toggle in the settings of each character sheet to switch spell descriptions between 2014 and 2024.
Solution - Create a toggle within each spell to flip between the two as you are looking at it in the sheet
Solution - Literally just list both out 2024 followed by 2014
Temporary Solution - You guys copy each spell (tag it with 2014/Legacy) and then people can add either option as it suits them - this until you can do the work to fix a more permanent solution
You can’t just update everyone’s spells on their character sheet without causing issues, Wotc are really not understanding the issue. There are fundamental changes to 2024 spells that I don’t want to use, but you are forcing this on our group. Having the 2014 spells still available in another section of your website is pointless, I need to be on the character sheets or it’s useless.
I do get that people are wanting to talk about how they are losing hassle-free content, but that is not what they are actually doing with their time in this thread. What they are doing is attacking someone for pages for correcting one bombastic and emotional claim. If they want to talk about how they have to deal with the burden of updated content and the hassle of having to homebrew old content, whatever; I have to homebrew the same content they do and I have my own feelings on that. But I can still acknowledge that getting those updated spells and magic items is more and better than getting nothing at all.
People would have known my position on this if they had even cared to ask, but that isn't as fun as thinly-veiled abuse I guess.
DM mostly, Player occasionally | Session 0 form | He/Him/They/Them
Doctor/Published Scholar/Science and Healthcare Advocate/Critter/Trekkie/Gandalf with a Glock
Try DDB free: Free Rules (2024), premade PCs, adventures, one shots, encounters, SC, homebrew, more
Answers: physical books, purchases, and subbing.
Check out my life-changing
Roll20 already fixed this problem, please just do what they did! At character creation, the user picks which ruleset they want to use. That’s it. Just do that PLEASE!
We would like to continue to play with the options we paid for. The point of spending all this money was to lower our effort, not increase it by having to create homebrew options for everything.
I was previously debating whether to move to the 2024 rule set, but if this is how my purchases have been treated, I think after my current long form campaign I will be moving my group to a different company’s game.
"All 2014 versions of Spells will still be accessible in the D&D Beyond Compendium and available for players to access."
What does access mean here? Available to be read in the Compendium, or available to use in the character creator?
Currently homebrewing the Mistveil Rogue, an elusive infiltrator that can vanish into thin air.
Eric, what do you not understand about the fact that 99% of people who are upset about this change don't care about the free content they are getting. I do not plan on using the 2024 rules. I don't want the 2024 rules. I do not get value from free 2024 content. I don't care about free 2024 content.
It takes Olympic-level mental gymnastics for you to claim that this solution is better.
No one cares about the 2024 content. The are upset about losing access to their pre-existing content in the Character creator.
Getting 'free content' does NOTHING to remedy this issue.
CRTs are still prized to this date for retro gamers due to its superior image quality (for the games that were designed around it) and reduced input latency for high level speedruning.
The analogy is actually incredibly good. For most people, it is an upgrade, period. Only if you care about very specific things from the older product would you think you didn't get an upgrade.
are you genuinely incapable of seeing that people getting something they don't want and view as an inferior product in exchange for losing access to stuff they paid for specifically because they wanted it is actually a genuinely bad thing in a lot of peoples eyes, or are you just trolling?
The clarification only highlights the part that I don't like about the update, that I'm going to have to homebrew all of the 2014 spells and items that I already paid for to be useable in the character creator and on character sheets. If I'd just wanted the compendium I would have just paid for the compendium, or in fact never bought the digital versions at all because I already have physical copies of all of the core books, I wanted functionality on the character sheet.
Subscription remains cancelled, it's clear that this is unpopular among this community and our only way to protest is with our wallets, so I'll still be doing that.
Just. Give. It. A. Legacy. Tag!!!!!!!!!! I paid to use this stuff in your character creator. Just keep it in there! You've done this for literally everything else. What about when the dmg and Monster manual come out? Free basic rules will NOT give you everything from those books, only some. So what about the stuff that isnt in the Basic rules? Are those just gonna be gone now? Just dont take away what we PAID for. If there was any chance i would buy the updated rules, thats gone now. Say goodbye to that sale.
After all that feedback, you still don't understand what the problem is. After the One D&D debacle you'd think you'd have realized how much trust your customer base lost in Wizards of the Coast as a company. The reason people don't want to play the updated 2024 5e is because you poisoned the well.
We want to be able to use legacy content in our character sheets.
I have used DnDBeyond for almost 10 years. I have been a subscriber, I have bought the source content, I have participated in events. My subscription has not waned. If I have to homebrew every spell and item I paid for and am using, I'm going to go somewhere else. I'm going to spend my money on sharing content with my tables (that's why I have a subscription and buy the books here), but I'm going to do it somewhere else and give someone else who hasn't utterly burnt down my trust then merrily did an interpretive dance on the remains using salt. Then, when my current campaigns are over, I'm going to play a different game. I know I'm not going to play 2024 5e.
I used bold here so your Chris (Hasbro's CEO) can see the responses without having to summon his valet for his reading glasses. Then maybe you can use the money you saved to hire more staff to actually create the features for your new products. Because I can clearly see this is being done too quickly for proper development cycles considering you laid off 1,100 employees and don't have enough staff to maintain the level of respect, consistency, UI fluidity, and proper engineering the previous staff earned before you bought the product hoping you could ride it into a mound of money the same way you've treated your other properties over the years.
You are egging people on by replying. In your signature you are a Healthcare advocate, please don't forget the care you can give your mental health by taking a step away from the forum.
I have acknowledged that people are unhappy about the change many times in this very thread, so yes. I have never even attempted to argue that it is something that they must like. In fact, I even stated that people do not have to like it here:
Once again, please read my posts for what they are.
DM mostly, Player occasionally | Session 0 form | He/Him/They/Them
Doctor/Published Scholar/Science and Healthcare Advocate/Critter/Trekkie/Gandalf with a Glock
Try DDB free: Free Rules (2024), premade PCs, adventures, one shots, encounters, SC, homebrew, more
Answers: physical books, purchases, and subbing.
Check out my life-changing
I have bought all the core books and nearly every adventure book on dndbeyound. I have also been a master tier subscriber for 5 years sharing it with friends i play with across many campaigns. How can you justify removing spells and items that i paid for?
I paid for the books to create charactors on dndbeyound and to share access to this content so my players can also use that content in charactor creation. I paid for this content to use it with the tools this site provides. You do realize your taking away access to content I directly paid for right?
I don't bloody care about the Compendium!
The Compendium is USELESS to me and to most people on here! Many of us already own all the physical books. The sole reason for buying the books on DND beyound is the ability to use that content to create charactors with the tools this site provides. You are deliberately taking away spells and other content we purchased for the purpose of using them with the tools on this site to try FORCE us to buy new books.
This possibly could be against consumer laws in the UK and the EU since it clearly stated when I bought the spells and other items on this site that it would give us access to using them spells with the tools on this site.
WotC hasn't considered that these changes will break all our current DND Campaigns and the adventure books released before 2024. Campaigns and the charactors in them are designed for the 2014 rules, items and spells we have now and not the 2024 changes. Player Campaigns often take years to reach a conclusion yet you expect your entire customer base of 10's of thousands of players to stop their current campaigns in september and update to 2024 rules breaking most of their characters and leaving players feeling violated by the forced changes.
We have been told over and over again that we wouldn't lose access to content from the books we paid for and they would remain functional with Dndbeyound tools and our charactor sheets. Yet we are losing access because you want us to stop playing using the 2014 content we paid for!. Compendium access isn't what we bloody paid for! We paid for Access to the content within the books to work with charactor sheets and tools on the site!
I currently have no interest in the 2024 rules changes at this time. Why would we give you money for books again if this is your business plan for us? Your plan is to remove access to books we paid for from older editions or older rules sets so they no longer work with the site tools to force us to use new ones. Every 5 years forcing us to rebuy the same content, forcing us to use new rules while removing our access to all the books we paid for?
You can't force us to buy the new books. All you will be doing is removing OUR access to digital products we paid for and making the entire community leave this site. These changes will break current charactors angering thousands upon thousands of players.
I am extremely angry about this and nothing short of allowing us to keep the content we paid for so it can be used with the site tools is acceptible.
If Wizards removes all the Spells & Items I paid for to create charactors & run games I will never support them EVER again.
This is absolutely ridiculous. Why would people want to switch mid campaign to new spell, weapon, monsters, and item descriptions that aren't built for the rules they are playing with? There needs to be a toggle to choose either 2014 or 2024 rule set, and leave all the existing content people paid for accessible for character creation. Character creation is the main reason anyone uses the service at all. You are creating a major headache for DMs and players alike. If this doesn't get resolved I'll be cancelling my DNDbeyond subscription and switching from Dungeons & Dragons to another RPG option.
As others have echoed. I didn't *buy* content on dnd beyond to use the compendium. We already own the books. I bought it *specifically* to use it in the application on the character sheets. It is infuriating to have the 2014 content forced on us on such short notice when I have no interest in using it for the very last arc of a FIVE year campaign. I want to be able to rely on what the app is telling me, and not have to look up my spells every time. That was the whole goddamn point.
"That's the trick Mr Belmont, we're never ready."