Any chance y'all will list the subclasses as public homebrew with the 3rd party content removed, sort of like y'all did with the updated content in Wayfinders?
Most likely not. If you want access to these subclasses in future you should make a character for each and attach the subclasses now and sit on them. Then, if you want to use them later you can simply copy those archived characters and change stuff like race to match the character you are playing.
Any chance y'all will list the subclasses as public homebrew with the 3rd party content removed, sort of like y'all did with the updated content in Wayfinders?
Most likely not. If you want access to these subclasses in future you should make a character for each and attach the subclasses now and sit on them. Then, if you want to use them later you can simply copy those archived characters and change stuff like race to match the character you are playing.
Or you could save it as homebrew right?
You would have to recreate it from scratch, but yeah.
Weren't we supposed to be able to share the content from legend of runterra as public homebrew starting from the moment it was removed from publicly available stuff? cause, when I look at the copy I've made, I still got the message telling me the content is too similar to share
Weren't we supposed to be able to share the content from legend of runterra as public homebrew starting from the moment it was removed from publicly available stuff? cause, when I look at the copy I've made, I still got the message telling me the content is too similar to share
Characters using the content will still be available. You can make private home-brew which can be used in your campaign but I don't think you can make it public since doing so would go against the guidelines against publishing material based on copyrighted property. So rather than one DND Home-brew ninja doing a home-brew copy and sharing it for everyone on DND Beyond, anyone interested in maintaining the Runterra content has to brew it on their own.
EDIT: Actually, I went back to the first page of this thread and a mod/DND Beyond rep does in fact state that the Runterra content could be made as public home-brew and advised to keep watching the home-brew section. I think that might go against their own guidelines for public home-brew, but they say something different at least early on in this thread. It's only been one day since the official removal, so maybe there's public home-brew content coming out or the publishing window will open shortly?
So is it true that WoTC is forcing you to take this content away because they own the card game Magic, and since Dark Tides is based on a different card game they are killing it? I really hope this is not true as this was great content and getting rid of it for a greedy and selfies reason like that is not what I thought D&D would stand for. I have not seen a real reason given for the deletion of this content and hope that WoTC would not handicap you all and your ability like that. Just my two cents
There are probably contractual/intellectual property reasons that they will not be able to discuss. The simple fact is, WHY does not matter. It is what it is, and it's not going to change likely for legal reasons.
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Any time an unfathomably powerful entity sweeps in and offers godlike rewards in return for just a few teensy favors, it’s a scam. Unless it’s me. I’d never lie to you, reader dearest.
We recently released 'Legends of Runeterra' unofficial content on D&D Beyond, and we are thrilled with the enthusiastic response we have seen from the community. This content will be available on DDB until Monday, August 10th.
As with other content that gets removed and archived, existing characters using this content at the time of removal will be unaffected - but you will not be able to use it for new characters or to add it to existing characters after that date.
We will continue to explore ways to bring new and exciting content to D&D Beyond in the future.
Our preexisting Runeterra content has stopped working properly.
The “options” have stopped presenting the alternative choices which makes alternating class features (as designed) no longer possible. Some folks are claiming that their character sheets are now even inaccessible.
Nobody paid for this particular minor content they are removing. This was bonus content provided on a special basis.
Anything, you actually pay for belongs to you and they cannot take it away. You can also get the app to have offline access to the content you paid for.
Nobody paid for this particular minor content they are removing. This was bonus content provided on a special basis.
Anything, you actually pay for belongs to you and they cannot take it away. You can also get the app to have offline access to the content you paid for.
I understand you're trying to dismiss the aggravation within this thread with some sort of "this is how the world works" worldliness, but your assertion aren't entirely accurate, sort of blurring on key facts.
Calling something "minor content" really isn't going to sway the reasoning of people who had invested character creation and actual play time into the Runeterra content. "Bonus content" and "special basis" are pretty empty. The fact is the Runeterra content was posed as a gift to the DDB community, yes it was free, but there was a presumption it was stable. When it was announced the "limited time" provisions that are included say when they put WOTC UA content out was there. People assumed there was a permanence to it, maybe a new unique feature DDB could use to distinguish itself from other markets of digital editions of D&D publications.
When the "oops, we'll be taking this down" message came out, for whatever reason that happened, it caused bad will from the community. That was somewhat remedied by given the community I think over a month to preserve and home-brew copies of the content (as one can we UA) AND it was said that material already generated with DDB would be preserved much as is the case with UA content. It seems like for whatever reason that's not the case and players are having problems with the content they had generated with Runeterra. That's a fair complaint.
The pithy dismissal of community sentiment you're endeavoring to pronounce is further undermined by your "not quite" or "not at all" solid grasp of what's paid for and owned on DDB. The content you pay for on DDB you do not own any more than you "own" content hosted on Amazon Prime or iTunes. If for whatever reason WOTC decided to end its licensing relationship with DDB or DDB just suspends operations and shuts down its servers, your manuals, hosted campaigns etc. just go away. I don't see that happening anytime soon. However, it would behoove someone who's trying to tack on a "get real" comment to a thread three days after the last post to have a better grasp of the reality being invoked.
Midnight, this is a public discussion forum. You posted your opinion, and I stated mine. Chill out and just because someone disagrees with your opinion don't make silly claims that I am trying to "dismiss" the entire thread.
Again, neither you nor anyone paid for the Runeterra content, or even ever expected to receive it. It was a complete surprise bonus that DnDBeyond decided to offer in conjunction with the game developers. If I went to a coffee shop and they started handing out free scones for awhile, I would find that great. And, if the store then decided to stop giving out free scones, I would not feel that anything had been taken away from me. I got something I didn't expect for free, and then the freebie ended. Too bad, so sad, but life goes on.
At the end of the day, DnDBeyond (i.e. Fandom, Inc.) does not own the intellectual property to Runeterra. Riot Games owns Runeterra, and they decide what is done with their intellectual property, and what the terms are for its use. They let Fandom create temporary D&D content based on their IP, and that is that.
Also, I have quite a good grasp of reality. Again, if you had bothered to carefully read MY comment, rather than get snippy, you would understand that DND Beyond has a mobile app that allows you to download all the content you own OFFLINE, so their website could close down tomorrow and I would still have the offline content on my phone.
Finally, there is NO time limit to respond to a forum thread. If you are not interested in receiving replies to your comments, then I suggest you stop posting them on a public discussion forum. But, if you do decide to participate in a public discussion, then it would behoove you to learn how to respond calmly to those with whom you disagree, rather than with unchecked emotion.
Midnight, this is a public discussion forum. You posted your opinion, and I stated mine. Chill out and just because someone disagrees with your opinion don't make silly claims that I am trying to "dismiss" the entire thread.
Again, neither you nor anyone paid for the Runeterra content, or even ever expected to receive it. It was a complete surprise bonus that DnDBeyond decided to offer in conjunction with the game developers. If I went to a coffee shop and they started handing out free scones for awhile, I would find that great. And, if the store then decided to stop giving out free scones, I would not feel that anything had been taken away from me. I got something I didn't expect for free, and then the freebie ended. Too bad, so sad, but life goes on.
At the end of the day, DnDBeyond (i.e. Fandom, Inc.) does not own the intellectual property to Runeterra. Riot Games owns Runeterra, and they decide what is done with their intellectual property, and what the terms are for its use. They let Fandom create temporary D&D content based on their IP, and that is that.
Also, I have quite a good grasp of reality. Again, if you had bothered to carefully read MY comment, rather than get snippy, you would understand that DND Beyond has a mobile app that allows you to download all the content you own OFFLINE, so their website could close down tomorrow and I would still have the offline content on my phone.
Finally, there is NO time limit to respond to a forum thread. If you are not interested in receiving replies to your comments, then I suggest you stop posting them on a public discussion forum. But, if you do decide to participate in a public discussion, then it would behoove you to learn how to respond calmly to those with whom you disagree, rather than with unchecked emotion.
I think you still need to reexamine your understanding of the discussion and your contribution. I'm not sure where you're asserting I've expressed "unchecked emotion." I will say your outrage at having your asserted presumptions questioned is palpable. But let's try again, with even more context, if you haven't seen my involvement on this thread.
Personally, I didn't care for the Runeterra content and never used it. However I did see the enthusiasm with which the content was received. I also saw the disappointment when it was announced that what was thought to be permanent, and at least was not presented as "for a limited time" when introduced, would in fact be removed. I then saw frustration when members of the community, under the belief that Runeterra content generated prior to the removal would still be maintained on DDB akin to UA (and that belief was derived from statements made by DDB in this very thread), found that their characters were becoming buggy or even inaccessible. My only stake in this discussion has been that DDB should either further apologize if they had to claw back the Runeterra content even further or should work to remedy the bugginess and ensure future ventures along these lines are given a more stable trajectory within the DDB.
So given the trajectory of the discussion in this thread I outlined, where people far more invested in it than you or I (that is, people with characters) have been expressing valid frustration at content that is not functioning in a.legacy capacity as they had been told, you enter the comment, "Nobody paid for this particular minor content they are removing. This was bonus content provided on a special basis." Do you really think by the time you entered as post 93 that sentiment hadn't already been expressed by someone. And why express it anyway? At this point in the thread, it's more about people trying to regurgitate their scones ... oh wait, yeah your analogy doesn't quite there because scores to gaming content don't really work analogously in any way but the crudest most reductive economic sense (the colorful language there isn't unchecked emotion, its a way for me to ask you to check your thinking again while also keeping me entertained in what would otherwise be tedious pedagogy on reasoning and awareness). Anyway, at this point it's more about people trying to resuscitate their characters into some playable shape which is something DDB said would be doable even after the content removal. You can hold that standard saying no one was entitled to the content, and you're not wrong; but the community was nevertheless told that their content would be maintained, so something is amiss. Again, maybe there is a remedy, IamSportsa and others are pointing out channels where DDB may be attending to it. Perhaps it was in fact intended to be grandfathered but somewhere during the process of removal from public access bugs arose and maybe, hopefully, there's a fix (hold onto that things fall apart notion, we'll be getting to that in.a bit). How does your "Nobody paid for this particular minor content they are removing" do anything but invalidate the frustration expressed in the thread, and why at this point. it's like like your scone analogy. Let's say the scone giveaway was taking place. It had to be wound down. Someone took a last scone but was skeptical because they knew there would be no more scones. The proprietor of the shop assures him, no it's cool. While we're not doing the scones anymore, this one will still nourish you. The patron sits at a table with sone of their cafe friends, analogous to a game table, then suddenly the scone eater gets violently ill and can't engage in whatever was going on at the table because they've been compromised by a bad scone. Moreover not all, but not an insignificant number of tables at the cafe also experience outbreaks of the scone bug. Then you walk into the cafe and pronounce among all these dysfunctional scone eaters, "none of you had a right to these scones." That's your part in the the Runeterra on D&D Beyond saga via your reductive economic analogy enhanced with a more humane perspective introduced through the functioning of the gut.
As far as your ownership claim buttressed by offline app usage, again you don't really own that stuff. The phone app isn't immortal. In the apocalyptic scenario I outlined, only so many card swaps from old/dead phones into new phones and operating system evolutions on the successive phones can happen where you might as well give the artifacts to a digital preservation library to maintain. Things fall apart. You aren't paying for a thing, but a service. If the provider of that service goes away, the offline sustainment eventually just becomes too laborious.
I'm sorry challenging your short form assertions prompted outrage. I didn't really want to provoke bad feelings, my intent was to challenge your thinking, and encourage more thinking, now that thinking may lead into some sympathy for the community members you were dismissing for wanting a positive scone experience. No hard feelings, though running with your scones was a little amusing.
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Jander Sunstar is the thinking person's Drizzt, fight me.
Midnight, you can respond without writing a rambling dissertation, in any event I will say this:
To an extent, when you purchase any digital product, you have invested in an ephemeral product that is subject to potential obsolescence, erasure, licensing restrictions, etc. This ephemeral status applies to video games, music and movie downloads, and all other digital purchases. Those of us who have made digital purchases are well aware of these potential risks, and accept them. If you do not, you are welcome to restrict your purchases to printed products.
As for DNDBeyond’s mobile app, while ongoing support is not guaranteed (as is the case with any mobile app), until and if it becomes no longer compatible with my phone’s operating system, it is not going anywhere unless I erase it. Though, I would note that I still have old offline mobile apps that I downloaded years ago that continue to work just fine. Again, the app requires no internet connection to read content that I have downloaded to my phone.
Is there a chance, 10 years from now that DNDBeyond will no longer support the app or host my online products? Possibly. Is there a chance WOTC would not try to preserve customer goodwill and future purchases and instead refuse to offer alternatives to continue content support for abandoned DNDBeyond owners of purchased WOTC content? Possibly. Will I care 10 years from now about access to old RPG content that I have used, enjoyed, and moved on from to newer content? Probably not.
As for the character sheet glitches experienced by individuals who used the temporary Runeterra content to create characters, the issue seems to be just a run-of-mill bug that occurs from time-to-time with online content. I am quite sure that DNDBeyond will resolve the issue, if they have not done so already. Nothing in my original or follow-up comments suggested that I think people should have to put up with bugs, so you seem to have run a little wild and far afield playing off my scone analogy.
In short, I am not concerned about losing access to temporary bonus content that I did not pay for and that was disclosed as being only temporarily available from the beginning (I.e. Runeterra), nor do I think this is a concern for most DND Beyond purchasers. Whatever the issue may be for people who created characters using Runeterra content, I am sure it will be fixed by DND Beyond.
so im looking for something spesific one of the monsters. the Barkbeast but when ever i find the link to it its an error 404 and its not in home brew or anything else
so im looking for something spesific one of the monsters. the Barkbeast but when ever i find the link to it its an error 404 and its not in home brew or anything else
They are not official D&D content, so they were only available for a limited time before being removed.
Sorry I'm late, but I have uncovered that Riot Games has an independent project for D&D 5E and Runeterra called "Runarcana".
That project is not made by Riot Games in any way. It's just a fan/community-made thing. Per the "About" page on that blog:
Runarcana is, has been and always will be completely free and published under the D&D 5th Edition and SRD License concerning the rights to D&D, the rules and the entire system used and under the Riot Games Legal Jibber Jabber, concerning the resources belonging to Riot Games.
Legal Jibber Jabber
Runarcana is a product created according to the policy of "Legal Jibber Jabber" of Riot Games with resources belonging to Riot Games. Riot Games does not endorse or sponsor this project
Sorry I'm late, but I have uncovered that Riot Games has an independent project for D&D 5E and Runeterra called "Runarcana".
That project is not made by Riot Games in any way. It's just a fan/community-made thing. Per the "About" page on that blog:
Runarcana is, has been and always will be completely free and published under the D&D 5th Edition and SRD License concerning the rights to D&D, the rules and the entire system used and under the Riot Games Legal Jibber Jabber, concerning the resources belonging to Riot Games.
Legal Jibber Jabber
Runarcana is a product created according to the policy of "Legal Jibber Jabber" of Riot Games with resources belonging to Riot Games. Riot Games does not endorse or sponsor this project
Whoops, didn't read that through! This explains why they didn't use any of the subclasses or stats from the D&D Beyond partnership.
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Or you could save it as homebrew right?
You would have to recreate it from scratch, but yeah.
Creating Epic Boons on DDB
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Content Troubleshooting
Weren't we supposed to be able to share the content from legend of runterra as public homebrew starting from the moment it was removed from publicly available stuff? cause, when I look at the copy I've made, I still got the message telling me the content is too similar to share
Feel free to check out my hombrew: Magic Items, Spells, Monsters, Species, Feats, Subclassses, and Backgrounds. More detail in my Homebrew Compendium.
If you have any comments, suggestions, or ways to improve my homebrew, tell me, I'm always looking to improve!
Map commission Here.
Characters using the content will still be available. You can make private home-brew which can be used in your campaign but I don't think you can make it public since doing so would go against the guidelines against publishing material based on copyrighted property. So rather than one DND Home-brew ninja doing a home-brew copy and sharing it for everyone on DND Beyond, anyone interested in maintaining the Runterra content has to brew it on their own.
EDIT: Actually, I went back to the first page of this thread and a mod/DND Beyond rep does in fact state that the Runterra content could be made as public home-brew and advised to keep watching the home-brew section. I think that might go against their own guidelines for public home-brew, but they say something different at least early on in this thread. It's only been one day since the official removal, so maybe there's public home-brew content coming out or the publishing window will open shortly?
Jander Sunstar is the thinking person's Drizzt, fight me.
So is it true that WoTC is forcing you to take this content away because they own the card game Magic, and since Dark Tides is based on a different card game they are killing it? I really hope this is not true as this was great content and getting rid of it for a greedy and selfies reason like that is not what I thought D&D would stand for. I have not seen a real reason given for the deletion of this content and hope that WoTC would not handicap you all and your ability like that. Just my two cents
There are probably contractual/intellectual property reasons that they will not be able to discuss. The simple fact is, WHY does not matter. It is what it is, and it's not going to change likely for legal reasons.
Any time an unfathomably powerful entity sweeps in and offers godlike rewards in return for just a few teensy favors, it’s a scam. Unless it’s me. I’d never lie to you, reader dearest.
Our preexisting Runeterra content has stopped working properly.
The “options” have stopped presenting the alternative choices which makes alternating class features (as designed) no longer possible. Some folks are claiming that their character sheets are now even inaccessible.
Please help us.
Creating Epic Boons on DDB
DDB Buyers' Guide
Hardcovers, DDB & You
Content Troubleshooting
Also here to report that my existing character no longer functions properly - all the options have been blanked from the level progression.
Any word on this being fixed?
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Creating Epic Boons on DDB
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Hardcovers, DDB & You
Content Troubleshooting
Nobody paid for this particular minor content they are removing. This was bonus content provided on a special basis.
Anything, you actually pay for belongs to you and they cannot take it away. You can also get the app to have offline access to the content you paid for.
I understand you're trying to dismiss the aggravation within this thread with some sort of "this is how the world works" worldliness, but your assertion aren't entirely accurate, sort of blurring on key facts.
Calling something "minor content" really isn't going to sway the reasoning of people who had invested character creation and actual play time into the Runeterra content. "Bonus content" and "special basis" are pretty empty. The fact is the Runeterra content was posed as a gift to the DDB community, yes it was free, but there was a presumption it was stable. When it was announced the "limited time" provisions that are included say when they put WOTC UA content out was there. People assumed there was a permanence to it, maybe a new unique feature DDB could use to distinguish itself from other markets of digital editions of D&D publications.
When the "oops, we'll be taking this down" message came out, for whatever reason that happened, it caused bad will from the community. That was somewhat remedied by given the community I think over a month to preserve and home-brew copies of the content (as one can we UA) AND it was said that material already generated with DDB would be preserved much as is the case with UA content. It seems like for whatever reason that's not the case and players are having problems with the content they had generated with Runeterra. That's a fair complaint.
The pithy dismissal of community sentiment you're endeavoring to pronounce is further undermined by your "not quite" or "not at all" solid grasp of what's paid for and owned on DDB. The content you pay for on DDB you do not own any more than you "own" content hosted on Amazon Prime or iTunes. If for whatever reason WOTC decided to end its licensing relationship with DDB or DDB just suspends operations and shuts down its servers, your manuals, hosted campaigns etc. just go away. I don't see that happening anytime soon. However, it would behoove someone who's trying to tack on a "get real" comment to a thread three days after the last post to have a better grasp of the reality being invoked.
Jander Sunstar is the thinking person's Drizzt, fight me.
Midnight, this is a public discussion forum. You posted your opinion, and I stated mine. Chill out and just because someone disagrees with your opinion don't make silly claims that I am trying to "dismiss" the entire thread.
Again, neither you nor anyone paid for the Runeterra content, or even ever expected to receive it. It was a complete surprise bonus that DnDBeyond decided to offer in conjunction with the game developers. If I went to a coffee shop and they started handing out free scones for awhile, I would find that great. And, if the store then decided to stop giving out free scones, I would not feel that anything had been taken away from me. I got something I didn't expect for free, and then the freebie ended. Too bad, so sad, but life goes on.
At the end of the day, DnDBeyond (i.e. Fandom, Inc.) does not own the intellectual property to Runeterra. Riot Games owns Runeterra, and they decide what is done with their intellectual property, and what the terms are for its use. They let Fandom create temporary D&D content based on their IP, and that is that.
Also, I have quite a good grasp of reality. Again, if you had bothered to carefully read MY comment, rather than get snippy, you would understand that DND Beyond has a mobile app that allows you to download all the content you own OFFLINE, so their website could close down tomorrow and I would still have the offline content on my phone.
Finally, there is NO time limit to respond to a forum thread. If you are not interested in receiving replies to your comments, then I suggest you stop posting them on a public discussion forum. But, if you do decide to participate in a public discussion, then it would behoove you to learn how to respond calmly to those with whom you disagree, rather than with unchecked emotion.
I think you still need to reexamine your understanding of the discussion and your contribution. I'm not sure where you're asserting I've expressed "unchecked emotion." I will say your outrage at having your asserted presumptions questioned is palpable. But let's try again, with even more context, if you haven't seen my involvement on this thread.
Personally, I didn't care for the Runeterra content and never used it. However I did see the enthusiasm with which the content was received. I also saw the disappointment when it was announced that what was thought to be permanent, and at least was not presented as "for a limited time" when introduced, would in fact be removed. I then saw frustration when members of the community, under the belief that Runeterra content generated prior to the removal would still be maintained on DDB akin to UA (and that belief was derived from statements made by DDB in this very thread), found that their characters were becoming buggy or even inaccessible. My only stake in this discussion has been that DDB should either further apologize if they had to claw back the Runeterra content even further or should work to remedy the bugginess and ensure future ventures along these lines are given a more stable trajectory within the DDB.
So given the trajectory of the discussion in this thread I outlined, where people far more invested in it than you or I (that is, people with characters) have been expressing valid frustration at content that is not functioning in a.legacy capacity as they had been told, you enter the comment, "Nobody paid for this particular minor content they are removing. This was bonus content provided on a special basis." Do you really think by the time you entered as post 93 that sentiment hadn't already been expressed by someone. And why express it anyway? At this point in the thread, it's more about people trying to regurgitate their scones ... oh wait, yeah your analogy doesn't quite there because scores to gaming content don't really work analogously in any way but the crudest most reductive economic sense (the colorful language there isn't unchecked emotion, its a way for me to ask you to check your thinking again while also keeping me entertained in what would otherwise be tedious pedagogy on reasoning and awareness). Anyway, at this point it's more about people trying to resuscitate their characters into some playable shape which is something DDB said would be doable even after the content removal. You can hold that standard saying no one was entitled to the content, and you're not wrong; but the community was nevertheless told that their content would be maintained, so something is amiss. Again, maybe there is a remedy, IamSportsa and others are pointing out channels where DDB may be attending to it. Perhaps it was in fact intended to be grandfathered but somewhere during the process of removal from public access bugs arose and maybe, hopefully, there's a fix (hold onto that things fall apart notion, we'll be getting to that in.a bit). How does your "Nobody paid for this particular minor content they are removing" do anything but invalidate the frustration expressed in the thread, and why at this point. it's like like your scone analogy. Let's say the scone giveaway was taking place. It had to be wound down. Someone took a last scone but was skeptical because they knew there would be no more scones. The proprietor of the shop assures him, no it's cool. While we're not doing the scones anymore, this one will still nourish you. The patron sits at a table with sone of their cafe friends, analogous to a game table, then suddenly the scone eater gets violently ill and can't engage in whatever was going on at the table because they've been compromised by a bad scone. Moreover not all, but not an insignificant number of tables at the cafe also experience outbreaks of the scone bug. Then you walk into the cafe and pronounce among all these dysfunctional scone eaters, "none of you had a right to these scones." That's your part in the the Runeterra on D&D Beyond saga via your reductive economic analogy enhanced with a more humane perspective introduced through the functioning of the gut.
As far as your ownership claim buttressed by offline app usage, again you don't really own that stuff. The phone app isn't immortal. In the apocalyptic scenario I outlined, only so many card swaps from old/dead phones into new phones and operating system evolutions on the successive phones can happen where you might as well give the artifacts to a digital preservation library to maintain. Things fall apart. You aren't paying for a thing, but a service. If the provider of that service goes away, the offline sustainment eventually just becomes too laborious.
I'm sorry challenging your short form assertions prompted outrage. I didn't really want to provoke bad feelings, my intent was to challenge your thinking, and encourage more thinking, now that thinking may lead into some sympathy for the community members you were dismissing for wanting a positive scone experience. No hard feelings, though running with your scones was a little amusing.
Jander Sunstar is the thinking person's Drizzt, fight me.
Midnight, you can respond without writing a rambling dissertation, in any event I will say this:
To an extent, when you purchase any digital product, you have invested in an ephemeral product that is subject to potential obsolescence, erasure, licensing restrictions, etc. This ephemeral status applies to video games, music and movie downloads, and all other digital purchases. Those of us who have made digital purchases are well aware of these potential risks, and accept them. If you do not, you are welcome to restrict your purchases to printed products.
As for DNDBeyond’s mobile app, while ongoing support is not guaranteed (as is the case with any mobile app), until and if it becomes no longer compatible with my phone’s operating system, it is not going anywhere unless I erase it. Though, I would note that I still have old offline mobile apps that I downloaded years ago that continue to work just fine. Again, the app requires no internet connection to read content that I have downloaded to my phone.
Is there a chance, 10 years from now that DNDBeyond will no longer support the app or host my online products? Possibly. Is there a chance WOTC would not try to preserve customer goodwill and future purchases and instead refuse to offer alternatives to continue content support for abandoned DNDBeyond owners of purchased WOTC content? Possibly. Will I care 10 years from now about access to old RPG content that I have used, enjoyed, and moved on from to newer content? Probably not.
As for the character sheet glitches experienced by individuals who used the temporary Runeterra content to create characters, the issue seems to be just a run-of-mill bug that occurs from time-to-time with online content. I am quite sure that DNDBeyond will resolve the issue, if they have not done so already. Nothing in my original or follow-up comments suggested that I think people should have to put up with bugs, so you seem to have run a little wild and far afield playing off my scone analogy.
In short, I am not concerned about losing access to temporary bonus content that I did not pay for and that was disclosed as being only temporarily available from the beginning (I.e. Runeterra), nor do I think this is a concern for most DND Beyond purchasers. Whatever the issue may be for people who created characters using Runeterra content, I am sure it will be fixed by DND Beyond.
so im looking for something spesific one of the monsters. the Barkbeast but when ever i find the link to it its an error 404 and its not in home brew or anything else
They are not official D&D content, so they were only available for a limited time before being removed.
Check Licenses and Resync Entitlements: < >
Running the Game by Matt Colville; Introduction: < >
D&D with High School Students by Bill Allen; Season 1 Episode 1: < >
Is this removal any indication that riot is working on their own ttrpg ruleset?
Sorry I'm late, but I have uncovered that Riot Games has an independent project for D&D 5E and Runeterra called "Runarcana".
That project is not made by Riot Games in any way. It's just a fan/community-made thing. Per the "About" page on that blog:
Whoops, didn't read that through! This explains why they didn't use any of the subclasses or stats from the D&D Beyond partnership.