Hi everyone! It's almost time for Tasha's Cauldron of Everything! This post is just to give everyone a heads up and an update about the roll out of this awesome book.
Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything will start to go live tonight on D&D Beyond at midnight EST with compendium & listings content. If you have pre-ordered the book, or buy it once released, you will be able to access the full compendium right away!
Character sheet options & integration with the toolset will be available tomorrow (the 17th) in the morning when we have full team support. We want to make sure all hands are on deck when we roll out customizing your origin and optional class features in the character builder. New subclasses will be available when the book goes live, and you will be able to make new characters with those subclasses, however a few of the new mechanics (like tying your proficiency bonus to a feature) will need an update in morning as well to make sure they work properly.
We will make sure to keep everyone aware of these updates, and thank you all for your patience as we get all these exciting new features rolled out!
Hi, I pre-ordered the manual, but the site hasn't made it available to me yet. I am Italian, here it is already 11/17 but the site does not let me access the compendium. The site sends me back to the shop and tells me to order it even if, as mentioned, I have already purchased the manual. Should I just wait or is there some problem?
Hi, I pre-ordered the manual, but the site hasn't made it available to me yet. I am Italian, here it is already 11/17 but the site does not let me access the compendium. The site sends me back to the shop and tells me to order it even if, as mentioned, I have already purchased the manual. Should I just wait or is there some problem?
Midnight EST (Eastern Standard Time) is in about 5 hours. The character builder/sheet functionality will be turned on the following morning.
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Hi, I pre-ordered the manual, but the site hasn't made it available to me yet. I am Italian, here it is already 11/17 but the site does not let me access the compendium. The site sends me back to the shop and tells me to order it even if, as mentioned, I have already purchased the manual. Should I just wait or is there some problem?
Hey Braveblade - The release is still around 5 hours away as the release is US Eastern Time.
In all seriousness, thank you, D&D Beyond Team, for everything you’ve dealt with during this book and the lead up to it. I know being constantly hounded about CFV in the Dev Updates has been exhausting. I know being asked every week about when the pre-order was going live was mind numbing.
It seems the archive process for the UA content has already taken place, as i can't see any of them anymore on any classes. (i'm in NZ 2pm on the 17th right now)
Will just be patient and wait a few hours for them to come back under Tasha's as official content.
It seems the archive process for the UA content has already taken place, as i can't see any of them anymore on any classes. (i'm in NZ 2pm on the 17th right now)
Will just be patient and wait a few hours for them to come back under Tasha's as official content.
Noticed this as well. Is there a list of all the UA content that's been archived somewhere or does that happen later?
Will all of the new mechanics in the book be functional (when they go live tomorrow morning), are are there known issues (like boons) that will be worked out at a later date?
I also want to point out a flaw. It may be just my poor understanding of how it works, but the divine soul sorcerer doesn't seem to be able to swap out its starting bonus spell as it levels up. Been bothering me for a while now but I figured I'd point it out here.
Midnight EST (Eastern Standard Time) is in about 5 hours. The character builder/sheet functionality will be turned on the following morning.
ah, dammit, more time to get access to it via character sheet? Where did you find that out, that’s quite disappointing, and I’ve stayed up all night for this...
Quick question on the release. I pre-ordered and have access to the source book...awesome, thank you!
I do not see it as an option to share with my players in my campaigns. Here's my question/concern...Will it automatically be shared with them? If so/not, will I be able to unshare some of the DM section? In particular I would want to hide the puzzles.
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Hi everyone! It's almost time for Tasha's Cauldron of Everything! This post is just to give everyone a heads up and an update about the roll out of this awesome book.
Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything will start to go live tonight on D&D Beyond at midnight EST with compendium & listings content. If you have pre-ordered the book, or buy it once released, you will be able to access the full compendium right away!
Character sheet options & integration with the toolset will be available tomorrow (the 17th) in the morning when we have full team support. We want to make sure all hands are on deck when we roll out customizing your origin and optional class features in the character builder. New subclasses will be available when the book goes live, and you will be able to make new characters with those subclasses, however a few of the new mechanics (like tying your proficiency bonus to a feature) will need an update in morning as well to make sure they work properly.
We will make sure to keep everyone aware of these updates, and thank you all for your patience as we get all these exciting new features rolled out!
Find me on Twitter: @OboeLauren
We believe in you ! Ryboslav protects
I’m in Australia so it’s already 9.54am on the 17th here. When do I get access to the book?
In roughly 5 hours from the time of this post, Vostroya.
You guys are doing a amazing job with both the website and the app.
Suddenly I'm worried about breaking the space-time continuum. ;)
Find me on Twitter: @OboeLauren
Hi, I pre-ordered the manual, but the site hasn't made it available to me yet.
I am Italian, here it is already 11/17 but the site does not let me access the compendium.
The site sends me back to the shop and tells me to order it even if, as mentioned, I have already purchased the manual.
Should I just wait or is there some problem?
It is currently 7:09 Pm on Nov 16th on the East Coast (EST), so roughly just under 5 hours.
Midnight EST (Eastern Standard Time) is in about 5 hours. The character builder/sheet functionality will be turned on the following morning.
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Hey Braveblade - The release is still around 5 hours away as the release is US Eastern Time.
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If you have questions/concerns, please Private Message me or another moderator.
Wary the wizard who focuses on homebrew, for he can create nightmares that you wouldn't even dream of
It’s ok. We are upside down so the continuum just rolls with it. It’s to scared to break in Australia 😁
ok, thanks.
sorry i'm just too exited for this manual.
In all seriousness, thank you, D&D Beyond Team, for everything you’ve dealt with during this book and the lead up to it. I know being constantly hounded about CFV in the Dev Updates has been exhausting. I know being asked every week about when the pre-order was going live was mind numbing.
Thank you, again.
It seems the archive process for the UA content has already taken place, as i can't see any of them anymore on any classes. (i'm in NZ 2pm on the 17th right now)
Will just be patient and wait a few hours for them to come back under Tasha's as official content.
Noticed this as well. Is there a list of all the UA content that's been archived somewhere or does that happen later?
Edit: Found it. https://www.dndbeyond.com/forums/d-d-beyond-general/news-announcements/87101-ua-to-be-archived-november-16th
Will all of the new mechanics in the book be functional (when they go live tomorrow morning), are are there known issues (like boons) that will be worked out at a later date?
I also want to point out a flaw. It may be just my poor understanding of how it works, but the divine soul sorcerer doesn't seem to be able to swap out its starting bonus spell as it levels up. Been bothering me for a while now but I figured I'd point it out here.
It’s 5am in UK, that’s midnight EST. Should this be available to me now, surely?
ah, dammit, more time to get access to it via character sheet? Where did you find that out, that’s quite disappointing, and I’ve stayed up all night for this...
Quick question on the release. I pre-ordered and have access to the source book...awesome, thank you!
I do not see it as an option to share with my players in my campaigns. Here's my question/concern...Will it automatically be shared with them? If so/not, will I be able to unshare some of the DM section? In particular I would want to hide the puzzles.