I need some serious help with this. I am dming the hoard of the dragon Queen right now. And at the end of chapter 3 the party gets three dragon eggs. Now one PC wants to raise it. While the other one wants to sell the egg for thousands of gold. The other PC is unsure. My dilemma is now I have Two level 5 PC'S that want to raise a baby dragon an another that wants thousands of gold at such a low level. What do I do?? The one that wants to sell it is pretty experienced. He's doing all the right things to do it as well. The book, dm's guide and players handbook say nothing about dragon eggs. Also, the book, dm's guide and the players handbook say nothing about dragon eggs.
personally i'd start at the section on exotic mounts and work from there, you can raise dragons as mounts, you can ride dragons as mounts, doing so as someone who has no experience in it, is a lifetimes work till you get eaten, i'd suggest,, especially if it's a chromatic , rather than a metallic dragon egg that you have. that is of course assuming you can work out how to get the thing to hatch in the first place.
Coincidentally having thousands of gold at a low level isn't so much of a problem if you don't provide them with anything useful to spend it on, so they have to resort to commissioning something to be made, which can obviously take ages and they may well have been eaten by another dragon by the time it's ready.
Yeah, he wants to plan a auction. And sell it to the highest bidder. Which to me sounds dangerous. And probably stupid. But he wants to do it. And I know if anything goes wrong he's gonna get upset
Rezmir would probably be interested in buying the eggs that were taken from her. also, it says in the adventure that rezmir did not take the eggs because they were too close to hatching. so maybe they hatch before the sale goes through or they hatch and escape. the elturel people, order of the gauntlet I think, would not support the raising of a dragon, truth be told dragons really are not pets for level 5 characters. the closest I would suggest would be the harpers or emerald enclave promise to give them a good home. perhaps near castle Naerytar where there is some black dragons to care for the eggs / wyrmlings. and puts the adventurers back on the path.
Yeah I thought that too. But the guide says if Disturbed they take longer. I'm mostly concern with the lv.5 charecter getting thousands of gold. And with the other one who really wants to raise this dragon. I totally agree that a lv.5 tabaki monk has no buisnes raiseing a baby dragon. But she is Soooo far into this, she is having her character talk to it and sing to it while it's still in the egg. She ain't giving this thing up without a fight.
I of course, do not know the character but.. perhaps a company of lizard folk could show up and appeal to the monk for the release of their master's offspring. maybe they don't have money... but they have a thousand gold worth of... not killing innocent people in the search of these eggs anymore. essentially show the player the consequence of having something this powerful.
you can speak to the players out of game and just Express your concern that you do not have a resolution for these eggs or the gold being in the players control, perhaps they can come up with an idea that puts them back on track.
In my group that I dm for i changed the eggs to a silver dragon's and the party took up defending the eggs till they could find the parents( my PC's act like they don't care...but they do ;). But it did make for a good intro to the Dragon Council as I made the parents members of it and they will see again later in the story. I would say a good idea is to maybe have other interested parties trying to either take the eggs( if the PCs' put the word out as you said to try to sell someone is going to try to cut out the middle man or just cut them up to not have to pay)
There is nothing anywhere that says it takes less than a year for a dragon egg to hatch. It would then take 5 years for the Wyrmling to grow into a Young Dragon. 6 years is a long time in game. The campaign would have probably ended by then.
I was having the same problem except half my party wants to destroy them (one being a lawfull good paladin of bahumat) and one(a necromancer) wants to sell it. This is my first ever campaign im running and it's with a bunch of friends who are trying out dnd for the first time, to show them the ropes I to am playing a character. Any wisdom and tips to thrpw my way.
I was having the same problem except half my party wants to destroy them (one being a lawfull good paladin of bahumat) and one(a necromancer) wants to sell it. This is my first ever campaign im running and it's with a bunch of friends who are trying out dnd for the first time, to show them the ropes I to am playing a character. Any wisdom and tips to thrpw my way.
Well, the first problem I see is that you have a lawful good paladin and a necromancer in the same party. In any case, that's mostly a problem the party should solve for themselves, with one exception: as a DM, it's important to make clear your campaign's rules on what is an acceptable level of inter-party conflict, and if one or the other player is making themselves generally difficult to work with, suggest they adjust their behavior.
There are many ways to deal with this but considering the experience level; I would suggest that you rule the dragon eggs, for whatever reason, are no longer alive. You can come up with an accident or you can just say that "all life is fragile and some eggs just don't hatch." But there is no benefit to your players if they are going to fight over it.
Thread Necromancy is evil. To answer the question, I would imagine a Drow hatches an egg the same way any other species does. They put it in a nest of some sort, and they sit on it to keep it warm.
It should also be pointed out, Dragons live a long time. The mommy, the daddy, or both could still be around and will probably want their egg back. Are you prepared to fight them for it?
As for the player getting lots of gold (I know this was years ago but others may have similar things), I would make the dragon egg worth a great deal of money. I would then have that money delivered to the PC in a large, wooden chest that takes 2 people to carry, and then they can work out exactly what they are planning to do with it.
And that's how I would introduce an evil bank to the game!
Unless you're a druid who is gonna live hundreds of years, raising a dragon is next to impossible. If one of your players were to try and raise the dragon, they'd essentially remove themselves from the game, as they spend the next couple centuries raising and training this dragon into adulthood. (Plus, the egg would likely take nearly a year to hatch) Also, there is no such thing as a "baby" dragon. There are dragon wyrmlings, who are more powerful than most level 5 characters, who are still highly intelligent and by extension, prideful. I can almost guarantee that basically any player who is not aware of this fact will try and treat the dragon wyrmling like a baby, or like a pseudo dragon. Dragons do not tolerate being looked down upon, especially by non-dragons. In other words: a 5th level non-druid character who wants to raise a "baby" dragon? They're an NPC/dragon food.
I need some serious help with this. I am dming the hoard of the dragon Queen right now. And at the end of chapter 3 the party gets three dragon eggs. Now one PC wants to raise it. While the other one wants to sell the egg for thousands of gold. The other PC is unsure. My dilemma is now I have Two level 5 PC'S that want to raise a baby dragon an another that wants thousands of gold at such a low level. What do I do?? The one that wants to sell it is pretty experienced. He's doing all the right things to do it as well. The book, dm's guide and players handbook say nothing about dragon eggs. Also, the book, dm's guide and the players handbook say nothing about dragon eggs.
personally i'd start at the section on exotic mounts and work from there, you can raise dragons as mounts, you can ride dragons as mounts, doing so as someone who has no experience in it, is a lifetimes work till you get eaten, i'd suggest,, especially if it's a chromatic , rather than a metallic dragon egg that you have. that is of course assuming you can work out how to get the thing to hatch in the first place.
Coincidentally having thousands of gold at a low level isn't so much of a problem if you don't provide them with anything useful to spend it on, so they have to resort to commissioning something to be made, which can obviously take ages and they may well have been eaten by another dragon by the time it's ready.
and as a last resort, resurrection aint cheap.
All plans turn into, run into the room waving a sword and see what happens from there, once the first die gets rolled
Yeah, he wants to plan a auction. And sell it to the highest bidder. Which to me sounds dangerous. And probably stupid. But he wants to do it. And I know if anything goes wrong he's gonna get upset
Rezmir would probably be interested in buying the eggs that were taken from her. also, it says in the adventure that rezmir did not take the eggs because they were too close to hatching. so maybe they hatch before the sale goes through or they hatch and escape. the elturel people, order of the gauntlet I think, would not support the raising of a dragon, truth be told dragons really are not pets for level 5 characters. the closest I would suggest would be the harpers or emerald enclave promise to give them a good home. perhaps near castle Naerytar where there is some black dragons to care for the eggs / wyrmlings. and puts the adventurers back on the path.
Jesus Saves!... Everyone else takes damage.
Yeah I thought that too. But the guide says if Disturbed they take longer. I'm mostly concern with the lv.5 charecter getting thousands of gold. And with the other one who really wants to raise this dragon. I totally agree that a lv.5 tabaki monk has no buisnes raiseing a baby dragon. But she is Soooo far into this, she is having her character talk to it and sing to it while it's still in the egg. She ain't giving this thing up without a fight.
I of course, do not know the character but.. perhaps a company of lizard folk could show up and appeal to the monk for the release of their master's offspring. maybe they don't have money... but they have a thousand gold worth of... not killing innocent people in the search of these eggs anymore. essentially show the player the consequence of having something this powerful.
you can speak to the players out of game and just Express your concern that you do not have a resolution for these eggs or the gold being in the players control, perhaps they can come up with an idea that puts them back on track.
Jesus Saves!... Everyone else takes damage.
Thank u. That's probably for the best. I appreciate the comments guys. Thanks
In my group that I dm for i changed the eggs to a silver dragon's and the party took up defending the eggs till they could find the parents( my PC's act like they don't care...but they do ;). But it did make for a good intro to the Dragon Council as I made the parents members of it and they will see again later in the story. I would say a good idea is to maybe have other interested parties trying to either take the eggs( if the PCs' put the word out as you said to try to sell someone is going to try to cut out the middle man or just cut them up to not have to pay)
You could just wait till one rolls a one next and make it so they accidentally destroy the egg. Hahahahaha real power.
You could have the PC's sell one or two of the eggs to the metallic dragons, then use the money to build a dragon hatchery/daycare/barracks.
Or you could hatch them. I suggest you use these.
There is nothing anywhere that says it takes less than a year for a dragon egg to hatch. It would then take 5 years for the Wyrmling to grow into a Young Dragon. 6 years is a long time in game. The campaign would have probably ended by then.
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I was having the same problem except half my party wants to destroy them (one being a lawfull good paladin of bahumat) and one(a necromancer) wants to sell it. This is my first ever campaign im running and it's with a bunch of friends who are trying out dnd for the first time, to show them the ropes I to am playing a character. Any wisdom and tips to thrpw my way.
Well, the first problem I see is that you have a lawful good paladin and a necromancer in the same party. In any case, that's mostly a problem the party should solve for themselves, with one exception: as a DM, it's important to make clear your campaign's rules on what is an acceptable level of inter-party conflict, and if one or the other player is making themselves generally difficult to work with, suggest they adjust their behavior.
There are many ways to deal with this but considering the experience level; I would suggest that you rule the dragon eggs, for whatever reason, are no longer alive. You can come up with an accident or you can just say that "all life is fragile and some eggs just don't hatch." But there is no benefit to your players if they are going to fight over it.
Jesus Saves!... Everyone else takes damage.
How do you hatch a dragon egg as a Drow?
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Thread Necromancy is evil. To answer the question, I would imagine a Drow hatches an egg the same way any other species does. They put it in a nest of some sort, and they sit on it to keep it warm.
It should also be pointed out, Dragons live a long time. The mommy, the daddy, or both could still be around and will probably want their egg back. Are you prepared to fight them for it?
<Insert clever signature here>
As for the player getting lots of gold (I know this was years ago but others may have similar things), I would make the dragon egg worth a great deal of money. I would then have that money delivered to the PC in a large, wooden chest that takes 2 people to carry, and then they can work out exactly what they are planning to do with it.
And that's how I would introduce an evil bank to the game!
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Unless you're a druid who is gonna live hundreds of years, raising a dragon is next to impossible. If one of your players were to try and raise the dragon, they'd essentially remove themselves from the game, as they spend the next couple centuries raising and training this dragon into adulthood. (Plus, the egg would likely take nearly a year to hatch) Also, there is no such thing as a "baby" dragon. There are dragon wyrmlings, who are more powerful than most level 5 characters, who are still highly intelligent and by extension, prideful. I can almost guarantee that basically any player who is not aware of this fact will try and treat the dragon wyrmling like a baby, or like a pseudo dragon. Dragons do not tolerate being looked down upon, especially by non-dragons. In other words: a 5th level non-druid character who wants to raise a "baby" dragon? They're an NPC/dragon food.