You can hear the sounds of whirling winds from the Spellstorm outside, Wild Magic exploding with enough force to be heard despite the numerous layers between you and the storm. You had little idea where to go before the storm caught up with you, so when you found a creature that you thought was just a legend, you didn’t think much of it running inside. Inside the Draco you’re safe from the storm, the magic wards on every single one of its scales, as well as its gargantuan size protect everyone in town, and they have for quite some time, you thought the Draco couldn’t be real, Wild Magic storms make sense, but an humongous lizard with a town inside just doesn't make sense. Some kids run around the town, causing problems for their caretakers to solve, starting small fires, fighting each other, doing what kids do to pass the time. While you walk through the town you hear fighting, and not the children’s fighting, real fighting inside of what appears to be the local saloon. After a minute the fighting stops, and the drunkard causing it is thrown out by a Drow man in an all black outfit, from his hat to his boots, though his spurs are a bright golden. He’s Deadeye, criminal of legend who must have been the reason everyone inside the Draco isn’t dyin’ from dehydration. As far as you can tell he’s also owner of that here saloon as well as takin’ care of every orphan the caretakers at the orphanage can’t. He’s wearin’ a lot of hats, ain’t he? He seems to be lookin’ for people to help out ‘round the place, or help him with the water heists to keep everyone from goin’ thirsty, based on the raggedy posters around town. He probably has been able to handle things so far on his own, but with how populated the town has been gettin’ as of late it's been harder for one man to get all the water everyone needs.
Deadeye walks back into the saloon, goin’ back to doin’ one of his many jobs, worrin’ about how low the water supplies have been gettin’ once again, maybe you can help with that, rob a few of the richer cities with their special wards against the storms, an’ their abundance of water, an just maybe everyone can have a tall glass of water tonight.
*Taking part in heists totally isn't required, you can just rp around the town if you want, I'm chillin.*
Keep it PG-13. It’s not that much to ask.
No pvp without consent from both parties, a good fight is when both sides are having fun, don’t try to force someone to fight you.
Don’t be a jerk, it’s that easy.
Please make your character level 10, or if you’re using a monster statblock, a maximum of CR 7 if you would. Low magic, but by no means rare.
Oh and name a cowboy, fictional or otherwise, if you read the rules.
Mods- Me I guess, and hopefully others later. Just ask if you want to be one.
Mod Characters-
Deadeye (Jester)-
A blind sharpshooting Drow of legend. No one knows how he's such a good shot, considering he can't see anything with those eyes of his, piercin' and sparkin' like the night sky. Don't feel hurt about his gruff attitude, he's got lots of responsibilities under his belt. He don't fool around, because he ain't got the time to. Wearing black from head to toe other than his golden spurs he always takes with him, dirty black hair, bullets along his belt and on his hat as well. He keeps black bandages wrapped tight around his hands and his arm. Black sunglasses an a midnight black six shooter at his side, just as legendary as he is himself, a gun that ain't never known to miss, cause if it ever has, no one has lived long after to tell. These days all he does is what he can fer those in need, cause that's bout all he can do.
*Yay! Good name by the way. Fits with the fact that it’s a found family of criminals. I have a rough idea for a character, but it needs a bit more fleshing out
*Yay! Good name by the way. Fits with the fact that it’s a found family of criminals. I have a rough idea for a character, but it needs a bit more fleshing out*
*And it also relates to the main overarcing conflict, the lack of water in the region. It'll be good to have ya here. Took me longer than I wanted to come up with the name.*
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Local Jokester, Viber, Doctor, and Therapist, I do my best to make your day better, and if I fail I'll try again tomorrow.
"Life is like a roller coaster, and you just took your seatbelt off."
<I have a pretty funny character idea that might be out of place in this campaign. It's basically a kobold that's absurdly strong (20 Strength and 18 Constitution) but really undexterous and imperceptive (4 Dexterity and 6 WIsdom), and dual wields lances. It was made with the 2014 rules. Is this okay?>
<(I still need to work out his backstory a bit, however)>
<I have a pretty funny character idea that might be out of place in this campaign. It's basically a kobold that's absurdly strong (20 Strength and 18 Constitution) but really undexterous and imperceptive (4 Dexterity and 6 WIsdom), and dual wields lances. It was made with the 2014 rules. Is this okay?>
<(I still need to work out his backstory a bit, however)>
*That is entirely fine, I love it honestly. Out of place doesn't mean bad, it'll be great to have you along for the ride.*
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Local Jokester, Viber, Doctor, and Therapist, I do my best to make your day better, and if I fail I'll try again tomorrow.
"Life is like a roller coaster, and you just took your seatbelt off."
*Rattlesnake Jake, as the only cowboy-themed media I can remember at the moment is Rango.*
*I was thinking of making a Ranger character for the first time in a while- more the type for stealth than guns-blazing action. I'm still workshopping the general idea, though.*
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Former Spider Queen of the Spider Guild, and friendly neighborhood scheming creature.
"Made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders."
My pronouns are she/her.
Web Weaver of Everlasting Narrative! (title bestowed by Drummer)
*Rattlesnake Jake, as the only cowboy-themed media I can remember at the moment is Rango.*
*I was thinking of making a Ranger character for the first time in a while- more the type for stealth than guns-blazing action. I'm still workshopping the general idea, though.*
*Good to have you here too Yvonne, and good pick for a wild west character, love Rattlesnake Jake.*
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Local Jokester, Viber, Doctor, and Therapist, I do my best to make your day better, and if I fail I'll try again tomorrow.
"Life is like a roller coaster, and you just took your seatbelt off."
A tall man stalks through the Draco, covered in bright white fabric in layer after layer. On his head is a chef's hat with a brim wide enough that he probably has to tilt his head to fit through some doorways. His eyes, the color of a frozen lake, gaze through the darkness of his heavy robing. The clatter of glass bottles follows his every step.
He enters the saloon, and as he does, something becomes apparent: he's dripping water. Fresh, cold, and clean water drips from under his many cloaks. He stands in the center of the room. "I've come to bargain." He says simply, his voice monotone and dull.
*Rattlesnake Jake, as the only cowboy-themed media I can remember at the moment is Rango.*
*I was thinking of making a Ranger character for the first time in a while- more the type for stealth than guns-blazing action. I'm still workshopping the general idea, though.*
*Good to have you here too Yvonne, and good pick for a wild west character, love Rattlesnake Jake.*
A tall man stalks through the Draco, covered in bright white fabric in layer after layer. On his head is a chef's hat with a brim wide enough that he probably has to tilt his head to fit through some doorways. His eyes, the color of a frozen lake, gaze through the darkness of his heavy robing. The clatter of glass bottles follows his every step.
He enters the saloon, and as he does, something becomes apparent: he's dripping water. Fresh, cold, and clean water drips from under his many cloaks. He stands in the center of the room. "I've come to bargain." He says simply, his voice monotone and dull.
Deadeye is cleaning off the oak counters with a rag, looking up to ‘see’ them. Taking a toothpick from out of his mouth, his voice gruff, commanding yet calmly quiet “This a saloon. Get yerself somethin’ an’ maybe I’ll take the time out of my day to listen to ya.” He sticks the toothpick into the counter.
*Rattlesnake Jake, as the only cowboy-themed media I can remember at the moment is Rango.*
*I was thinking of making a Ranger character for the first time in a while- more the type for stealth than guns-blazing action. I'm still workshopping the general idea, though.*
*Good to have you here too Yvonne, and good pick for a wild west character, love Rattlesnake Jake.*
A tall man stalks through the Draco, covered in bright white fabric in layer after layer. On his head is a chef's hat with a brim wide enough that he probably has to tilt his head to fit through some doorways. His eyes, the color of a frozen lake, gaze through the darkness of his heavy robing. The clatter of glass bottles follows his every step.
He enters the saloon, and as he does, something becomes apparent: he's dripping water. Fresh, cold, and clean water drips from under his many cloaks. He stands in the center of the room. "I've come to bargain." He says simply, his voice monotone and dull.
Deadeye is cleaning off the oak counters with a rag, looking up to ‘see’ them. Taking a toothpick from out of his mouth, his voice gruff, commanding yet calmly quiet “This a saloon. Get yerself somethin’ an’ maybe I’ll take the time out of my day to listen to ya.” He sticks the toothpick into the counter.
He steps forward and reaches out a long, thin hand, setting down a rack of full bottles. "2.011 liters of water. Give me a bourbon."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
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You can hear the sounds of whirling winds from the Spellstorm outside, Wild Magic exploding with enough force to be heard despite the numerous layers between you and the storm. You had little idea where to go before the storm caught up with you, so when you found a creature that you thought was just a legend, you didn’t think much of it running inside. Inside the Draco you’re safe from the storm, the magic wards on every single one of its scales, as well as its gargantuan size protect everyone in town, and they have for quite some time, you thought the Draco couldn’t be real, Wild Magic storms make sense, but an humongous lizard with a town inside just doesn't make sense. Some kids run around the town, causing problems for their caretakers to solve, starting small fires, fighting each other, doing what kids do to pass the time. While you walk through the town you hear fighting, and not the children’s fighting, real fighting inside of what appears to be the local saloon. After a minute the fighting stops, and the drunkard causing it is thrown out by a Drow man in an all black outfit, from his hat to his boots, though his spurs are a bright golden. He’s Deadeye, criminal of legend who must have been the reason everyone inside the Draco isn’t dyin’ from dehydration. As far as you can tell he’s also owner of that here saloon as well as takin’ care of every orphan the caretakers at the orphanage can’t. He’s wearin’ a lot of hats, ain’t he? He seems to be lookin’ for people to help out ‘round the place, or help him with the water heists to keep everyone from goin’ thirsty, based on the raggedy posters around town. He probably has been able to handle things so far on his own, but with how populated the town has been gettin’ as of late it's been harder for one man to get all the water everyone needs.
Deadeye walks back into the saloon, goin’ back to doin’ one of his many jobs, worrin’ about how low the water supplies have been gettin’ once again, maybe you can help with that, rob a few of the richer cities with their special wards against the storms, an’ their abundance of water, an just maybe everyone can have a tall glass of water tonight.
*Taking part in heists totally isn't required, you can just rp around the town if you want, I'm chillin.*
Keep it PG-13. It’s not that much to ask.
No pvp without consent from both parties, a good fight is when both sides are having fun, don’t try to force someone to fight you.
Don’t be a jerk, it’s that easy.
Please make your character level 10, or if you’re using a monster statblock, a maximum of CR 7 if you would. Low magic, but by no means rare.
Oh and name a cowboy, fictional or otherwise, if you read the rules.
Mods- Me I guess, and hopefully others later. Just ask if you want to be one.
Mod Characters-
Deadeye (Jester)-
A blind sharpshooting Drow of legend. No one knows how he's such a good shot, considering he can't see anything with those eyes of his, piercin' and sparkin' like the night sky. Don't feel hurt about his gruff attitude, he's got lots of responsibilities under his belt. He don't fool around, because he ain't got the time to. Wearing black from head to toe other than his golden spurs he always takes with him, dirty black hair, bullets along his belt and on his hat as well. He keeps black bandages wrapped tight around his hands and his arm. Black sunglasses an a midnight black six shooter at his side, just as legendary as he is himself, a gun that ain't never known to miss, cause if it ever has, no one has lived long after to tell. These days all he does is what he can fer those in need, cause that's bout all he can do.
Local Jokester, Viber, Doctor, and Therapist, I do my best to make your day better, and if I fail I'll try again tomorrow.
"Life is like a roller coaster, and you just took your seatbelt off."
"Nothing is beautiful because it lasts."
*Yay! Good name by the way. Fits with the fact that it’s a found family of criminals. I have a rough idea for a character, but it needs a bit more fleshing out
Edit: Ringo Roadagain*
Yo, I'm Himy (He/him) not as active as I use to be, but I'm here from time to time. I don't got much else to say.
"Like a soon to be broken man once said: You're either perfect, or you're not me."
”Be not defeated by the rain. Be not hindered by the wind. Bested by neither winter snow or summer heat.”
Hic Sunt Dracones
*And it also relates to the main overarcing conflict, the lack of water in the region. It'll be good to have ya here. Took me longer than I wanted to come up with the name.*
Local Jokester, Viber, Doctor, and Therapist, I do my best to make your day better, and if I fail I'll try again tomorrow.
"Life is like a roller coaster, and you just took your seatbelt off."
"Nothing is beautiful because it lasts."
*I'm bringing in the level 1 fish cambion.*
*Because everyone should suffer.*
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
*Good to have you here Baalze, love that unique charm you bring with you.*
Local Jokester, Viber, Doctor, and Therapist, I do my best to make your day better, and if I fail I'll try again tomorrow.
"Life is like a roller coaster, and you just took your seatbelt off."
"Nothing is beautiful because it lasts."
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
*I meant what I said, no quotations.*
Local Jokester, Viber, Doctor, and Therapist, I do my best to make your day better, and if I fail I'll try again tomorrow.
"Life is like a roller coaster, and you just took your seatbelt off."
"Nothing is beautiful because it lasts."
*John Wayne.*
*I got an idea but I might bring Arthur in here to use.*
[ Discord: #houseofash4056 | PlayStation: RoseGardenTea | Instagram: undertonetrash | Youtube: Area 23 | Steam: RoseGardenTea. ]
- Pronouns: [He/Him/They/Them] Sexuality: [Panromantic/Demisexual] -
"So don't worry Tom, the sun will shine even into a heap of twigs." - Ahti.
*This canonically happens before Sparrow is an adult, but Arthur is welcome nonetheless, and so are you..*
Local Jokester, Viber, Doctor, and Therapist, I do my best to make your day better, and if I fail I'll try again tomorrow.
"Life is like a roller coaster, and you just took your seatbelt off."
"Nothing is beautiful because it lasts."
<I have a pretty funny character idea that might be out of place in this campaign. It's basically a kobold that's absurdly strong (20 Strength and 18 Constitution) but really undexterous and imperceptive (4 Dexterity and 6 WIsdom), and dual wields lances. It was made with the 2014 rules. Is this okay?>
<(I still need to work out his backstory a bit, however)>
KOBOLDS WITH CANNONS! A RP thread about Small humanoids with Huge weapons.
Proud member of the EVIL JEFF CULT! PRAISE JEFF!
Homebrew Races: HERE Homebrew Spells: HERE Homebrew Monsters: HERE
MORE OF ME! (And platypodes/platypi/platypuses) (Extended signature)
*That is entirely fine, I love it honestly. Out of place doesn't mean bad, it'll be great to have you along for the ride.*
Local Jokester, Viber, Doctor, and Therapist, I do my best to make your day better, and if I fail I'll try again tomorrow.
"Life is like a roller coaster, and you just took your seatbelt off."
"Nothing is beautiful because it lasts."
*Ah, crap, I missed a rule somehow. I have grown complacent in my understanding.*
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
*Oh no, I broke my own rules. Let me just- Spike, Cowboy Bebop.*
Local Jokester, Viber, Doctor, and Therapist, I do my best to make your day better, and if I fail I'll try again tomorrow.
"Life is like a roller coaster, and you just took your seatbelt off."
"Nothing is beautiful because it lasts."
*Rattlesnake Jake, as the only cowboy-themed media I can remember at the moment is Rango.*
*I was thinking of making a Ranger character for the first time in a while- more the type for stealth than guns-blazing action. I'm still workshopping the general idea, though.*
Former Spider Queen of the Spider Guild, and friendly neighborhood scheming creature.
"Made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders."
My pronouns are she/her.
Web Weaver of Everlasting Narrative! (title bestowed by Drummer)
*Good to have you here too Yvonne, and good pick for a wild west character, love Rattlesnake Jake.*
Local Jokester, Viber, Doctor, and Therapist, I do my best to make your day better, and if I fail I'll try again tomorrow.
"Life is like a roller coaster, and you just took your seatbelt off."
"Nothing is beautiful because it lasts."
A tall man stalks through the Draco, covered in bright white fabric in layer after layer. On his head is a chef's hat with a brim wide enough that he probably has to tilt his head to fit through some doorways. His eyes, the color of a frozen lake, gaze through the darkness of his heavy robing. The clatter of glass bottles follows his every step.
He enters the saloon, and as he does, something becomes apparent: he's dripping water. Fresh, cold, and clean water drips from under his many cloaks. He stands in the center of the room. "I've come to bargain." He says simply, his voice monotone and dull.
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
*Peak, in fact.*
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
Deadeye is cleaning off the oak counters with a rag, looking up to ‘see’ them. Taking a toothpick from out of his mouth, his voice gruff, commanding yet calmly quiet “This a saloon. Get yerself somethin’ an’ maybe I’ll take the time out of my day to listen to ya.” He sticks the toothpick into the counter.
*The OG Death, a truly bone chilling character.*
He steps forward and reaches out a long, thin hand, setting down a rack of full bottles. "2.011 liters of water. Give me a bourbon."
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.