Apparently, even a mimic would do anything for a Klondike bar. However, seeing as you never asked for anything, he instead burps up the gnomes given to him earlier. They slide out his mouth, fall on the floor and say, "Mimic insides are like Slip'n'slides. But 20 times better!" They then jump back in, leaving their cool hats for you to take, even if they don't fit you.
After practically inhaling the blanket, the Mimic engages in a brief coughing fit. It hacks like a cat with a hairball until something erupts inside of it with a grumbling sound. The Mimic then spits out a large origami crane made of glass.
"Chew chew chewing gum. Chew chew chewing gum is fun fun fun." The mimic sings while joyfully smacking it's lips. It then belches out a one-year subscription to D&D Beyond.
"This Pizza is fantabulous!!" the mimic yells as he had never tasted pineapple before. He then begins chasing you around the room with his new arms and legs wanting more...
You step forward and gingerly place the roller skates on the Mimic's new feet. In its haste to get up and try and eat you, it stumbles on the skates and falls over, the fall jarring a hula hoop free from its insides. When the hell did it swallow a hula hoop??
I give the Mimic a pair of funny glasses.
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Your Friendly Neighborhood Community Manager (she/her) You can call me LT. :)
CM Hat On| CM Hat Off Generally active from 9am - 6pm CDT [GMT-5]. Thank you for your patience if you message me outside of those hours!
Edit: (DAMN YOU!) The mimic chomps on your arm, a bit of bone getting stuck in its teeth. It pukes up an orc in dirty underwear. Wait... I thought those were already puked up?
The mimic licks it's chops and gulps down the fry bits in one hearty bite and spits out a beating heart. Based off of its anatomy you know it is not the heart of the mimic itself nor that of the gnome inside of it, however you cannot determine from which species it is from. How it is still beating you are also unsure.
I feed the mimic Adohand's Ear Stew (recipe on the Adohand's Cookbook page) and the plentiful bowl I put it in to ensure I never ran out.
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Do not expect people to be smart, but do not allow them to be stupid. If there is one thing I have learned it is this.
The mimic swallows the sailor moon figure, attempting to change its shape to match. It spits out several magical girl outfits and seems to want an opinion on which to wear.
*Insert Figure's name here* is eaten whole by the mimic. However, the mimic seems to have gone orange, and he keeps saying, "We need to build a wall" in an annoying voice. Without even stopping, the mimic gives you a Pokeball covered in... Something warm, wet and acidic.
As well as offering the mimic a camera, I let him know that he should wear the purple magic girl outfit. It's my favorite colour. *Wink*
The mimic scoffs at the idea of wearing stinky clothes and gobbles up the camera. The camera flashes a few times before disappearing down it's throat. Down floats a small picture of you and the mimic with the words, "To my best fan!" signed, Cage.
The mimic swallows it, changes color, starts growing multiple limbs at random, and just looks miserable. It groans and flops on it's side, giving you nothing for your troubles.
I feed the mimic a Big Mac meal with chocolate shake.
Apparently, even a mimic would do anything for a Klondike bar. However, seeing as you never asked for anything, he instead burps up the gnomes given to him earlier. They slide out his mouth, fall on the floor and say, "Mimic insides are like Slip'n'slides. But 20 times better!" They then jump back in, leaving their cool hats for you to take, even if they don't fit you.
I give the mimic a rose.
The mimic blushes (if a mimic can blush?) and sweetly swallows the rose.
It spits out a love letter. It's covered in bile, and you can't read what it says, but the mimic won't stop staring (can it stare?) at you.
I throw in a blanket.
A dwarf with a canoe on his back? What could go wrong?
After practically inhaling the blanket, the Mimic engages in a brief coughing fit. It hacks like a cat with a hairball until something erupts inside of it with a grumbling sound. The Mimic then spits out a large origami crane made of glass.
I toss in a piece of chewing gum.
"Chew chew chewing gum. Chew chew chewing gum is fun fun fun." The mimic sings while joyfully smacking it's lips. It then belches out a one-year subscription to D&D Beyond.
I flick a pebble into the mimic's mouth.
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Please feel free to message either Sorce or another moderator if you have any concerns.
The mimic shoots the pebble at your face. Luckily it has terrible aim.
I feed the mimic a pizza. With PINEAPPLE.
A dwarf with a canoe on his back? What could go wrong?
"This Pizza is fantabulous!!" the mimic yells as he had never tasted pineapple before. He then begins chasing you around the room with his new arms and legs wanting more...
"Feeeeed meeeee MOAR!!!"
I give him roller skates :p
((Oh god that's terrifying... XD XD))
You step forward and gingerly place the roller skates on the Mimic's new feet. In its haste to get up and try and eat you, it stumbles on the skates and falls over, the fall jarring a hula hoop free from its insides. When the hell did it swallow a hula hoop??
I give the Mimic a pair of funny glasses.
Your Friendly Neighborhood Community Manager (she/her)
You can call me LT. :)
CM Hat On | CM Hat Off
Generally active from 9am - 6pm CDT [GMT-5].
Thank you for your patience if you message me outside of those hours!
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the mimic munches the funny glasses .It burbles happily.
with a raucous burp the mimic brings forth a full set of AD&D books it's been saving for decades, hoping for just the right buyer.
I feed the mimic my left arm.
Edit: (DAMN YOU!) The mimic chomps on your arm, a bit of bone getting stuck in its teeth. It pukes up an orc in dirty underwear. Wait... I thought those were already puked up?
In my confusion, I feed the mimic my car keys.
A dwarf with a canoe on his back? What could go wrong?
the mimic is unhappy with your choice in vehicle. it pushes the alarm button then swallows the keys, leaving the honking in the distance.
the mimic spouts some interesting dialogue about the interplay between consumerism and identity.
I feed the mimic the communist manifesto.
The mimic gulps your communist manifesto and burps out a leather briefcase containing Marcellus Wallace's soul.
Jules and Vincent bust through the door...Roll Initiative. :P
I throw the mimic a tasty Big Kahuna burger.
The mimic swallows it whole, and begs for more.
I feed it fry bits.
A dwarf with a canoe on his back? What could go wrong?
The mimic licks it's chops and gulps down the fry bits in one hearty bite and spits out a beating heart. Based off of its anatomy you know it is not the heart of the mimic itself nor that of the gnome inside of it, however you cannot determine from which species it is from. How it is still beating you are also unsure.
I feed the mimic Adohand's Ear Stew (recipe on the Adohand's Cookbook page) and the plentiful bowl I put it in to ensure I never ran out.
Do not expect people to be smart, but do not allow them to be stupid. If there is one thing I have learned it is this.
The mimic is confused by the stew, mumbling to itself that the flavor is familiar. It spits out a fossilized bone.
I feed the mimic a Sailor Moon figure.
A dwarf with a canoe on his back? What could go wrong?
The mimic swallows the sailor moon figure, attempting to change its shape to match. It spits out several magical girl outfits and seems to want an opinion on which to wear.
I feed the mimic a prominent political figure.
geek dad with 3 geek kids
*Insert Figure's name here* is eaten whole by the mimic. However, the mimic seems to have gone orange, and he keeps saying, "We need to build a wall" in an annoying voice. Without even stopping, the mimic gives you a Pokeball covered in... Something warm, wet and acidic.
As well as offering the mimic a camera, I let him know that he should wear the purple magic girl outfit. It's my favorite colour. *Wink*
The mimic scoffs at the idea of wearing stinky clothes and gobbles up the camera. The camera flashes a few times before disappearing down it's throat. Down floats a small picture of you and the mimic with the words, "To my best fan!" signed, Cage.
I toss Kirby into the mimic's mouth.
Site Rules & Guidelines --- Focused Feedback Mega Threads --- Staff Quotes --- Homebrew Tutorial --- Pricing FAQ
Please feel free to message either Sorce or another moderator if you have any concerns.
In a vortex of wind Kirby consumes the mimic and the entire contents of it's belly. This game now becomes Feed the Kirby.
I feed Kirby my gamecube copy of super smash bros. :)
Kirby spits out a mimic colored Yoshi and a Yoshi colored mimic, who begin a fight to the death.
I feed Kirby a bubbled gem shard.
geek dad with 3 geek kids
The mimic swallows it, changes color, starts growing multiple limbs at random, and just looks miserable. It groans and flops on it's side, giving you nothing for your troubles.
I feed the mimic a Big Mac meal with chocolate shake.
A dwarf with a canoe on his back? What could go wrong?