The Mimic eats the Big Mac and fries happily, but the chocolate shake was just too much for its sensitive stomach and it spits the shake back out, slightly warm.
I feed the Mimic Tales from the Yawning Portal.
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Your Friendly Neighborhood Community Manager (she/her) You can call me LT. :)
CM Hat On| CM Hat Off Generally active from 9am - 6pm CDT [GMT-5]. Thank you for your patience if you message me outside of those hours!
The mimic begins to melt into a puddle of white goo for a moment as he is highly allergic to Green dragon intestines...the Francium however was delicious.
The mimic would've preferred the octopus to be live with soy sauce and a side of rice, but it's always good to try new things. It spits out a HUGE watermelon with 8 toilet plungers sticking out of the bottom of it and 2 golf tees protruding from either sides. It appears as if the mimic tried to mimic the unusual beast.
I feed the mimic the carnivorous Shikukukuke flower from the heart of the wakalakalakala jungle.
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Do not expect people to be smart, but do not allow them to be stupid. If there is one thing I have learned it is this.
The mimic chokes on your used Qtip and dies horribly stumbling around until it takes it's last gasp for air.
It then bursts into flames and is reborn like a phoenix into a beautiful new shiny gem incrusted mimic!
You are rewarded with a magic scepter which grants the ability to make anyone dance at will. Simply zap at their feet with these glowing green lightning bolts until they start dancing. A wonderful creation isn't it!
The mimic devours the Barry white set and rewards you with a diamond encrusted pimp cane!
Vexx battles throughout the mimics horrifying gullet for 1000 aeons! Until he finally escapes only to find out that just a few minutes have passed. Man time sure is weird inside the Mimic's belly!
Vexx then performs a DBZ fusion dance with the mimic...They become one ultimate Mimic!
The singularity causes Vexx and the Mimic to unfuse. You are rewarded by everyone in the land for stopping such an abomination and are now king of the land.
We go back to feeding the Mimic so I feed him a grape
The mimic doesn't eat the portal gun, instead it shoots the blue portal under your feed, and the orange portal above your head. It then laughs with joy as you begin to fall endlessly, faster and faster.
I also enjoy this type of fun, so I give the mimic a large bag of gold coins as payment for enacting out my evil plot.
Little did any of us know, but the portal gun creates a different kind of portal than it's magical counterparts. These ones replenish all used spellslots and lost HP. Hahaha. Oh. I'm still falling. Graciously taking the payment, the mimic spits out a rad-looking unicycle with flames on the sides, but he misses and it hits me instead, taking my place in the portal loop.
I feed mimic a box of Raisin Bran.
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Do not expect people to be smart, but do not allow them to be stupid. If there is one thing I have learned it is this.
The Mimic eats the Big Mac and fries happily, but the chocolate shake was just too much for its sensitive stomach and it spits the shake back out, slightly warm.
I feed the Mimic Tales from the Yawning Portal.
Your Friendly Neighborhood Community Manager (she/her)
You can call me LT. :)
CM Hat On | CM Hat Off
Generally active from 9am - 6pm CDT [GMT-5].
Thank you for your patience if you message me outside of those hours!
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The mimic's eyes go wide in anticipation of the hours of fun ahead of it. It spits out a single sided dice and a 21 sided dice for you.
I give the mimic a ten pound bar of francium in a radiation-resistant, air-tight bag made of green dragon intestine lining.
Do not expect people to be smart, but do not allow them to be stupid. If there is one thing I have learned it is this.
The mimic begins to melt into a puddle of white goo for a moment as he is highly allergic to Green dragon intestines...the Francium however was delicious.
As the mimic reforms I feed it one octopuss!
The mimic would've preferred the octopus to be live with soy sauce and a side of rice, but it's always good to try new things. It spits out a HUGE watermelon with 8 toilet plungers sticking out of the bottom of it and 2 golf tees protruding from either sides. It appears as if the mimic tried to mimic the unusual beast.
I feed the mimic the carnivorous Shikukukuke flower from the heart of the wakalakalakala jungle.
Do not expect people to be smart, but do not allow them to be stupid. If there is one thing I have learned it is this.
The mimic finally beats the flower into submition and swallows it whole not even chewing it spits out a small pile of glass beads
i feed it one used qtip
The mimic chokes on your used Qtip and dies horribly stumbling around until it takes it's last gasp for air.
It then bursts into flames and is reborn like a phoenix into a beautiful new shiny gem incrusted mimic!
You are rewarded with a magic scepter which grants the ability to make anyone dance at will. Simply zap at their feet with these glowing green lightning bolts until they start dancing. A wonderful creation isn't it!
I Feed the mimic a tasty Dr. Pepper
The mimic doesn't look too satisfied with your choice of beverage. It seems to more of a Mr. Pibb fan.
With a great belch of minor disgust, the Mimic rewards you with a coupon for a free shoulder message.
I feed the mimic Vexx in order to stop him from posting so much
It stares at Vexx for a moment then licks them like a dog.
I feed the mimic a complete works of Barry White cassette tape set.
Do not expect people to be smart, but do not allow them to be stupid. If there is one thing I have learned it is this.
The mimic devours the Barry white set and rewards you with a diamond encrusted pimp cane!
Vexx battles throughout the mimics horrifying gullet for 1000 aeons! Until he finally escapes only to find out that just a few minutes have passed. Man time sure is weird inside the Mimic's belly!
Vexx then performs a DBZ fusion dance with the mimic...They become one ultimate Mimic!
Feed the Vexx!
Do not expect people to be smart, but do not allow them to be stupid. If there is one thing I have learned it is this.
In return for having a great DBZ fusion dance the mimic gives you an invitation to the centennial Sword Coast Gala.
I feed the Vexx a singularity. Good luck digesting that.
Do not expect people to be smart, but do not allow them to be stupid. If there is one thing I have learned it is this.
The singularity causes Vexx and the Mimic to unfuse. You are rewarded by everyone in the land for stopping such an abomination and are now king of the land.
We go back to feeding the Mimic so I feed him a grape
The mimic enjoys your grape with great furiosity!
And rewards you with pie of your choosing!
Vexx wimpers and kicks a rock at the mimic. :*( "That coulda been my grape!...blasted singularity!"
The rock kicks the rock back at the Vexx, displays the grape on is tongue in mockery, and rewards you with a nasty look.
I feed the Mimic a portal gun.
Do not expect people to be smart, but do not allow them to be stupid. If there is one thing I have learned it is this.
The mimic doesn't eat the portal gun, instead it shoots the blue portal under your feed, and the orange portal above your head. It then laughs with joy as you begin to fall endlessly, faster and faster.
I also enjoy this type of fun, so I give the mimic a large bag of gold coins as payment for enacting out my evil plot.
A dwarf with a canoe on his back? What could go wrong?
Little did any of us know, but the portal gun creates a different kind of portal than it's magical counterparts. These ones replenish all used spellslots and lost HP. Hahaha. Oh. I'm still falling. Graciously taking the payment, the mimic spits out a rad-looking unicycle with flames on the sides, but he misses and it hits me instead, taking my place in the portal loop.
I feed mimic a box of Raisin Bran.
Do not expect people to be smart, but do not allow them to be stupid. If there is one thing I have learned it is this.
The mimic crunches and munches your Raisin Bran and the coughs up a shiny new turtle that likes to yodel.
I feed the mimic hot sauce
The mimic belches fire towards you continuously before spitting out a shiny golden Ring of Fire Protection.
I feed the mimic a bucket of ice.
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The mimic belches icy coldness towards you continuously before spitting out a shiny golden Ring of Ice Protection.
I feed the mimic a bucket of chocolate
The mimic belches chocolaty goodness towards you continuously before spitting out a shiny golden Ring of Chocolate Protection
I feed the mimic a Ring of Ice Protection
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Please feel free to message either Sorce or another moderator if you have any concerns.