Granted! Unfortunately, you go mad with visions of learning Martianesse, and so you die trying to learn Martinesse from a Mars rock, while on Mars with no space suit, via a helpful Wish.
Granted! Unfortunately, you go mad with visions of learning Martianesse, and so you die trying to learn Martinesse from a Mars rock, while on Mars with no space suit, via a helpful Wish.
I see the wish. What's wrong? O.o
What exactly is your wish?
Granted! firehawk2324 can now see VortexKirito's wish that previously only Vortex could see. However fire hawk cannot remember seeing it or what it was after looking away, so no one (including firehawk) believes that Vortex ever posted a wish.
I wish for the ability to go inside of other people's thoughts.
Wish granted. You can enter someone's thought to replace the subject of that thought with yourself. However, you have no control over which person or which thought, so it's only a matter of time before you make someone mistakenly think that they wish to kill you or arrest you or...
DM in the kobold fight club "Yes i know this is insane, but my usual players are murderhobos." Birdman in adventures in faerun "Flapping wings" (telepathy) "The enemies are overwhelming us, i'll go break their minds." Irthos Bladesinger in trouble in timberbottom (DED) (All PbP)
Wish Granted! You arrive at your office tomorrow morning to find a emergency cordon blocking your entrance to the parking lot and a fleet of fire trucks and other emergency vehicles surrounding the smouldering remains of your work place. You roll down your window to enquire of one of the attending officers concerning what has happened. He explains that it seems that a records room full of papers seems to have spontaneously combusted late yesterday afternoon and he asks if you can step out of the car because the detectives would like to ask you some questions. After being escorted to a pair of waiting detectives they confirm your identity, and after they flip through their note books they ask you if you'd mind coming down to the station with them.
You find yourself in the back of their unmarked police cruiser on your way to "headquarters" and soon after sitting at a table in a poorly lit cinderblock room with a mirror on one wall. After more than an hour, a completely different detective enters and informs you that cloud-based security footage from your office complex establishes that you were one of the last people to leave the building last night shortly before the fire broke out. He then slides a manila folder across the table to you and asks you to tell him about your trip to the hardware store this past Saturday. You open the folder, and on top of the stack of papers within is a receipt for a rather large amount of flammable chemicals and some grainy stills taken from security footage that seem to show you making some sort of purchase at said hardware store. Your mind races and the uneasy feeling in your gut begins to blossom into panic...
I wish I were a little bit taller, I wish I were a baller...
Granted you are teleported to a demi plane that is a giant library in the style of decretive art museum, with modern technology of every current civilization in your universe and beyond. Good luck finding the front door in an ever expanding library from the center desks.
I wish I could read minds and use PK powers and telekinesis at will.
Granted! Everywhere you go you are driven mad by the sight of disembodied eyes. Some appear on the walls, on your desk at work, floating in the air silently, you even spot a few eye-like growths beginning to form on various parts of your body. They all watch you, the eyes never blink. They are ever watchful. Ever judging. Ever spying.
I wish for a good, decently priced vocal coach.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"When I finally find a pen I have nothing to say..." ~Some graffiti I found once.
Wish granted! The most luxurious bed appears hovering a few feet away from you, ramming into and breaking things as you walk around. Any attempts to get close to it or into it are met with failure, and any other bed you get into never provides restful sleep as you dream about the other one.
Granted! Absolutely nothing happens. You now have an emptiness withing you formed by the lack of a wish that will never be filled. Congratulations, not a single wish wasted.
I wish I could write the next great American novel without any distractions or writers block.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"When I finally find a pen I have nothing to say..." ~Some graffiti I found once.
You are stuck in a big box room where nothing can distract you. None of the distractions of food, water, talking or living will ever distract you again.
I wish that I would suddenly have my own Homunculus that belonged to me and couldn't be killed except at my command
The hellhounds become your best friends. But annihilate everyone and everything you've ever loved as soon as you come near it, forcing you to live far in a volcano by yourself with your hellhounds in order to keep the world safe. The only way to get out is to love the hellhounds but you can't because of all the bad thing they have brought upon you. You are stuck like this forever!
I wish for some orange juice made from the finest orange!
Granted! You drink your beloved orange juice, and it is the best in the world! Unfortunately, the orange was the Orange of Powah (not a typo) and so the Powah God Justin smites you for stealing his orange.
I wish to instantly reach level 20.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
My Mountain Dwarf Fighter, from the Peaks of Winter Play by Post. I'm very proud of him. Thanks to VillainTheory for backstory inspiration.
A dwarf with a canoe on his back? What could go wrong?
Wish granted. You can enter someone's thought to replace the subject of that thought with yourself. However, you have no control over which person or which thought, so it's only a matter of time before you make someone mistakenly think that they wish to kill you or arrest you or...
I wish that I could fly.
Granted! you turn into a tiny fly, which is soon shot by a highly dextrous archer.
I wish for a harem of kittens.
I'm that cat guy, and i do stuff. Youtube account:
Tabaxi Bard Level 15
DM in the kobold fight club "Yes i know this is insane, but my usual players are murderhobos."
Birdman in adventures in faerun "Flapping wings" (telepathy) "The enemies are overwhelming us, i'll go break their minds."
Irthos Bladesinger in trouble in timberbottom (DED)
(All PbP)
Wish granted! You get your cute gaggle of feline companions, but PETA is hot on your trails for that particular phrasing you used.
I wish my company would finally go paperless.
"When I finally find a pen I have nothing to say..." ~Some graffiti I found once.
Wish Granted! You arrive at your office tomorrow morning to find a emergency cordon blocking your entrance to the parking lot and a fleet of fire trucks and other emergency vehicles surrounding the smouldering remains of your work place. You roll down your window to enquire of one of the attending officers concerning what has happened. He explains that it seems that a records room full of papers seems to have spontaneously combusted late yesterday afternoon and he asks if you can step out of the car because the detectives would like to ask you some questions. After being escorted to a pair of waiting detectives they confirm your identity, and after they flip through their note books they ask you if you'd mind coming down to the station with them.
You find yourself in the back of their unmarked police cruiser on your way to "headquarters" and soon after sitting at a table in a poorly lit cinderblock room with a mirror on one wall. After more than an hour, a completely different detective enters and informs you that cloud-based security footage from your office complex establishes that you were one of the last people to leave the building last night shortly before the fire broke out. He then slides a manila folder across the table to you and asks you to tell him about your trip to the hardware store this past Saturday. You open the folder, and on top of the stack of papers within is a receipt for a rather large amount of flammable chemicals and some grainy stills taken from security footage that seem to show you making some sort of purchase at said hardware store. Your mind races and the uneasy feeling in your gut begins to blossom into panic...
I wish I were a little bit taller, I wish I were a baller...
Granted! You are now a tarrasque in your eternal sleep.
I wish that I had access to any book every written.
Granted you are teleported to a demi plane that is a giant library in the style of decretive art museum, with modern technology of every current civilization in your universe and beyond. Good luck finding the front door in an ever expanding library from the center desks.
I wish I could read minds and use PK powers and telekinesis at will.
Grant3d! However, you run into another TK and in reading each others minds, a feedback loop is created, rendering both of you mentally incapacitated.
I wish for a pencil.
"Anything is possible if you don't know what you're talking about." - My Granddad
A stub of a pencil appears in your hand, chew marks and lack of eraser shows its great use.
i wish to for better eye sight
Granted! Everywhere you go you are driven mad by the sight of disembodied eyes. Some appear on the walls, on your desk at work, floating in the air silently, you even spot a few eye-like growths beginning to form on various parts of your body. They all watch you, the eyes never blink. They are ever watchful. Ever judging. Ever spying.
I wish for a good, decently priced vocal coach.
"When I finally find a pen I have nothing to say..." ~Some graffiti I found once.
Wish Granted! A stagecoach infused with magic appears before you, and screams at an ungodly high pitch
I wish for a nice comfy bed.
Can I roll for that?
Wish granted! The most luxurious bed appears hovering a few feet away from you, ramming into and breaking things as you walk around. Any attempts to get close to it or into it are met with failure, and any other bed you get into never provides restful sleep as you dream about the other one.
I wish that this wish is not a wish.
Granted! Absolutely nothing happens. You now have an emptiness withing you formed by the lack of a wish that will never be filled. Congratulations, not a single wish wasted.
I wish I could write the next great American novel without any distractions or writers block.
"When I finally find a pen I have nothing to say..." ~Some graffiti I found once.
You are stuck in a big box room where nothing can distract you. None of the distractions of food, water, talking or living will ever distract you again.
I wish that I would suddenly have my own Homunculus that belonged to me and couldn't be killed except at my command
A homunculus spawns next to you. However it no longer contains life, thus can never be killed.
I want to become a wizard
You are a great wizard! However, due to your great powers in such a primal society, you are alienated and always sought out for hanging.
I wish for more hell hounds!
"Anything is possible if you don't know what you're talking about." - My Granddad
The hellhounds become your best friends. But annihilate everyone and everything you've ever loved as soon as you come near it, forcing you to live far in a volcano by yourself with your hellhounds in order to keep the world safe. The only way to get out is to love the hellhounds but you can't because of all the bad thing they have brought upon you. You are stuck like this forever!
I wish for some orange juice made from the finest orange!
Granted! You drink your beloved orange juice, and it is the best in the world! Unfortunately, the orange was the Orange of Powah (not a typo) and so the Powah God Justin smites you for stealing his orange.
I wish to instantly reach level 20.
My Mountain Dwarf Fighter, from the Peaks of Winter Play by Post. I'm very proud of him. Thanks to VillainTheory for backstory inspiration.
Boom! You are level 20! However, this is the current level cap, so you have to retire and start a new character at Level 1.
I wish I didn't have to get up at 5am to play D&D.
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Wary the wizard who focuses on homebrew, for he can create nightmares that you wouldn't even dream of