So, ready? 1. Created campaign. 2. Copied link to campaign. 3. Pasted link in another browser window. 4. Joined my own campaign with a character I previously created for my wife. 5. Unassigned that character from myself. 6. Sent my wife the link to the campaign. 7. She joined campaign, and chose her character. See?! Yessss it's just that simple.
Nutshell-ish: Join the campaign (even though you're the DM) with the character you want to later release control of, so another person who joins can then take control of said character. 👍
Wow. This is farrr from simple and intuitive.
I also second having this be a simple button in the character sheet menu.
To those who keep saying "What's the problem, the OP's question was answered" you're missing the point. Yes, technically there is a way to do it, but people shouldn't have to search forums and use trial and error to figure it out. You're just downplaying the issue and making it seem like it doesn't need to be fixed.
"Orcs are savage raiders and pillagers with stooped postures, low foreheads, and piggish faces with prominent lower canines that resemble tusks." MM p245 (original printing) You don't OWN your books on DDB: WotC can change them any time. What do you think will happen when OneD&D comes out?
Ha! Sorry, ETM71, that "Wow" wasn't meant for you. I totally got your sarcasm, it was meant for the people who keep replying "But there is a way! The OP's question has been answered, why do you all keep complaining!!!11!!!"
My bad for not making my text clearer.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Orcs are savage raiders and pillagers with stooped postures, low foreheads, and piggish faces with prominent lower canines that resemble tusks." MM p245 (original printing) You don't OWN your books on DDB: WotC can change them any time. What do you think will happen when OneD&D comes out?
I copied my link and followed it to the add characters from my collection but it wont let me select any of them. Is this something anyone else is experiencing? I'd rather not have to recreate all of these characters all over again.
I copied my link and followed it to the add characters from my collection but it wont let me select any of them. Is this something anyone else is experiencing? I'd rather not have to recreate all of these characters all over again.
Are those characters already in other campaigns? They will have to leave their current campaigns first before they can be added to a new one.
It would be nice to be able to create NPC characters that players cannot see when they join the campaign page... unless I haven't found a way to do this yet.
im planing on running locatha rising. is there a way to insert the pregen characters into the unasigned characters section without having to make them
No. That is an interesting question, though. They have the option to make random characters. I feel like it wouldn’t be extremely difficult to have the pregens as an option.
im planing on running locatha rising. is there a way to insert the pregen characters into the unasigned characters section without having to make them
No. That is an interesting question, though. They have the option to make random characters. I feel like it wouldn’t be extremely difficult to have the pregens as an option.
What they hope to do eventually is to set up a way you could copy character sheets from a collection of pregens. But I don’t think it’s a high priority right now.
Just bumping this, as I had to search google to work out how to add characters I made to my own campaign. Below are 2 very simple fixes. Not ideal but would require almost no work to add.
Via Campaign: Adding a button that links to the campaign shared link that says "Add Characters" would work. Hardly any work involved.
Via character screen: Adding a button you click that asks you for the invite campaign link.
What most folks don’t realize is that the first 2 years were most likely kinda chaotic (because they always are), and there were extra obstacles. They were 2 years behind everybody else which hung a clock over their heads. The system they had originally planned was rejected by WotC and they were told to make it much more restrictive including a total ban on all homebrew. WotC used the exact same clarity of language in their communications with DDB that we have come to expect from their D&D Department.* 🙄 DDB grossly underestimated the requirements of the system they thought they would need to meet WotC’s miscommunicated demands. The hardware they chose was mostly okay for the system that got designed, but only barely.
With every large project there are always things that someone looking sk at and says “don’t worry, we’ll fix it after launch.” Somewhere around a week after launch DDB started to realize that they might have a problem. Fixing things was proving to be more difficult than anticipated because it turned out that the combination of hard&softwares formed a system that was an unanticipated multiclass between the Monolith from 2001, and a line of dominoes. The content, the content creator, and the character sheets were really all the same thing and different things got lit depending on which switches got flipped. (That’s why it was so fast.) But because of how it got configured, fixing anything meant having to fix everything attached to it simultaneously. The next year was metaphorically spent trying to hammer a bunch of square pegs into a round hole.
For example, you know how they just got Disciple of Life working? Well, that required something be added to the creation software so it could add something to that subclass so it could actually do the thing, but it could have been done a number of different ways and they didn’t know which way would be best. It also required something else get added to the creator that could add something to the appropriate spells to designate which ones that subclass is supposed to do the thing to. But if they did it wrong it would have knocked over the dominoes in some unpredictable way. Maybe whenever a non Life Domain character who could cast a healing spell could have crashed whenever a player clicked on a piece of equipment. (That’s not an exaggeration, that could have theoretically been one of any number of possible outcomes.) Trying to fix anything under those conditions must have been as convoluted as a navigating a VR maze the size of Faerûn, inspired by The Cube, but based on an Escher painting and designed by a Cenobite.
Now, I’m sure this might be a shock to learn, but WotC has a problem with how they explain things which leads to discrepancies between RAW and RAI. Remember those restrictions they told DDB to implement? Yeah, it turned out that it hat they told DDB they wanted were not the same thing.** One year after launch DDB got blindsided with Ravnica and DDB knew the had to dismantle the whole darned things and start over, but to do that required a Hardware change. But before they could do that they needed to redesign how the character sheet worked at the core level. Redesigning that took almost a year and lots of overtime. Then dismantling everything without crashing anything and moving stuff to different pieces of hardware took about as long to do. That got them to the point where they can now add things to the creation platform without it accidentally messing up the content that might have crashed things. That finally got them to the point where they could start to build it up to the system they originally wanted to build in the first place which is what they have been doing since.
In the middle of all of that there was also:
A corporate buyout of DDB.***
They a function to allow users to share content that just so happened to dovetail with a way to consolidate character sheets for DMs, and they threw in a basic notes function too to make it a little more convenient for DMs.
They fought with WotC for a year and a half to grant permission to allow us to Homebrew here. (They grabbed that jacked up creation software I told you about, made it as safe as they possibly could by locking stuff behind privileges and then granted us user access and called it a “homebrewer.”)
Have managed to keep up with WotC’s release scheduled, and most of it actually works.
And they have learned from their previous mistakes on the PC side of things and have adjusted their strategy for things moving forward. Instead of wasting time and resources failing to hammer the wrong pegs into the wrong holes until they give up and start over, they developed a better plan.
They realized that their DM’s section will eventually need to be where their PC section is heading, and that all of it will inevitably need to all fit together with a host of other tools and services that will all be wholly integrated, and as such they are making sure they standardize all of their pegs and holes first.**** So it isn’t so much that “nothing has been done about it,” and more that the things they have been doing about it this whole time have either been invisible or have seemed unconnected without a view of the larger whole.
I hope that helps.
*(Clear as pond water: a little cloudy, occasionally murky, and full of unexpected snags and holes obscured by the shine off the surface.) **(Turns out what they really wanted was as system like DDB had originally planned, but with some safeguards in place to prevent another PR nightmare like the one they were already dealing with curtesy of the dumpster fire commonly known as D&DWiki.) ***(DDB is now owned by Fandom, you know, the company that owns all those wikis. 👆 😂😂) ****(I know, that metaphor kept getting weirder the further I tried to stretch it. Thank goodness that’s over. Sorry ‘bout that.)
When I am looking at my list of characters in DND beyond I would like to be able to see which character is in which campaign. When I click on my character from a campaign I can see that it’s in a campaign but not just looking at my list of all characters.
When I look at my character list, whether on a PC or my phone, I see "Campaign: xxxx" and a "Leave Campaign" button. If you are not seeing them, I would guess you do not have any characters actually in a campaign...that space is blank on characters not in a campaign. Side Note: The campaign name shown is whatever the creator named it, not necessarily the name of a printed/official product.
[Trying to insert/attach a pic for you, which is about as user-friendly as adding an existing character to a campaign, as a random example of difficulty]
Wow. This is farrr from simple and intuitive.
I also second having this be a simple button in the character sheet menu.
To those who keep saying "What's the problem, the OP's question was answered" you're missing the point. Yes, technically there is a way to do it, but people shouldn't have to search forums and use trial and error to figure it out. You're just downplaying the issue and making it seem like it doesn't need to be fixed.
"Orcs are savage raiders and pillagers with stooped postures, low foreheads, and piggish faces with prominent lower canines that resemble tusks." MM p245 (original printing)
You don't OWN your books on DDB: WotC can change them any time. What do you think will happen when OneD&D comes out?
Didn't pick up on the sarcasm, huh? Sorry. I wish we could settle an official sarcasm punctuation mark.
~ Really Something Other Than Else ~
Ha! Sorry, ETM71, that "Wow" wasn't meant for you. I totally got your sarcasm, it was meant for the people who keep replying "But there is a way! The OP's question has been answered, why do you all keep complaining!!!11!!!"
My bad for not making my text clearer.
"Orcs are savage raiders and pillagers with stooped postures, low foreheads, and piggish faces with prominent lower canines that resemble tusks." MM p245 (original printing)
You don't OWN your books on DDB: WotC can change them any time. What do you think will happen when OneD&D comes out?
I copied my link and followed it to the add characters from my collection but it wont let me select any of them. Is this something anyone else is experiencing? I'd rather not have to recreate all of these characters all over again.
Are those characters already in other campaigns? They will have to leave their current campaigns first before they can be added to a new one.
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No they were just normal characters. Unbound to any campaign
Are you running and ad/popup blockers, browser extensions, or VPN that may be interfering with DDB?
Creating Epic Boons on DDB
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Hardcovers, DDB & You
Content Troubleshooting
Or is this simply the least user friendly method they could implement?
It would be nice to be able to create NPC characters that players cannot see when they join the campaign page... unless I haven't found a way to do this yet.
im planing on running locatha rising. is there a way to insert the pregen characters into the unasigned characters section without having to make them
No. That is an interesting question, though. They have the option to make random characters. I feel like it wouldn’t be extremely difficult to have the pregens as an option.
What they hope to do eventually is to set up a way you could copy character sheets from a collection of pregens. But I don’t think it’s a high priority right now.
Trying to Decide if DDB is for you? A few helpful threads: A Buyer's Guide to DDB; What I/We Bought and Why; How some DMs use DDB; A Newer Thread on Using DDB to Play
Helpful threads on other topics: Homebrew FAQ by IamSposta; Accessing Content by ConalTheGreat;
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Very counterintuitive for someone with an avatar of Tim the Enchanter to be sarcastic...
Hold CTRL while clicking the link to save a few more keystrokes.
Just bumping this, as I had to search google to work out how to add characters I made to my own campaign. Below are 2 very simple fixes. Not ideal but would require almost no work to add.
Via Campaign: Adding a button that links to the campaign shared link that says "Add Characters" would work. Hardly any work involved.
Via character screen: Adding a button you click that asks you for the invite campaign link.
It's a shame that this is known for 2.5 years and nothing has been done about it yet.
Will it be implemented before edition 6 hits the shelves?
I'm glad I found this topic so fast, and could "resolve" my issue.
The suggestions of adding a "join to campaign" button or an "import character" button are golden and don't sound like a lot of dev. work.
What most folks don’t realize is that the first 2 years were most likely kinda chaotic (because they always are), and there were extra obstacles. They were 2 years behind everybody else which hung a clock over their heads. The system they had originally planned was rejected by WotC and they were told to make it much more restrictive including a total ban on all homebrew. WotC used the exact same clarity of language in their communications with DDB that we have come to expect from their D&D Department.* 🙄 DDB grossly underestimated the requirements of the system they thought they would need to meet WotC’s miscommunicated demands. The hardware they chose was mostly okay for the system that got designed, but only barely.
With every large project there are always things that someone looking sk at and says “don’t worry, we’ll fix it after launch.” Somewhere around a week after launch DDB started to realize that they might have a problem. Fixing things was proving to be more difficult than anticipated because it turned out that the combination of hard&softwares formed a system that was an unanticipated multiclass between the Monolith from 2001, and a line of dominoes. The content, the content creator, and the character sheets were really all the same thing and different things got lit depending on which switches got flipped. (That’s why it was so fast.) But because of how it got configured, fixing anything meant having to fix everything attached to it simultaneously. The next year was metaphorically spent trying to hammer a bunch of square pegs into a round hole.
For example, you know how they just got Disciple of Life working? Well, that required something be added to the creation software so it could add something to that subclass so it could actually do the thing, but it could have been done a number of different ways and they didn’t know which way would be best. It also required something else get added to the creator that could add something to the appropriate spells to designate which ones that subclass is supposed to do the thing to. But if they did it wrong it would have knocked over the dominoes in some unpredictable way. Maybe whenever a non Life Domain character who could cast a healing spell could have crashed whenever a player clicked on a piece of equipment. (That’s not an exaggeration, that could have theoretically been one of any number of possible outcomes.) Trying to fix anything under those conditions must have been as convoluted as a navigating a VR maze the size of Faerûn, inspired by The Cube, but based on an Escher painting and designed by a Cenobite.
Now, I’m sure this might be a shock to learn, but WotC has a problem with how they explain things which leads to discrepancies between RAW and RAI. Remember those restrictions they told DDB to implement? Yeah, it turned out that it hat they told DDB they wanted were not the same thing.** One year after launch DDB got blindsided with Ravnica and DDB knew the had to dismantle the whole darned things and start over, but to do that required a Hardware change. But before they could do that they needed to redesign how the character sheet worked at the core level. Redesigning that took almost a year and lots of overtime. Then dismantling everything without crashing anything and moving stuff to different pieces of hardware took about as long to do. That got them to the point where they can now add things to the creation platform without it accidentally messing up the content that might have crashed things. That finally got them to the point where they could start to build it up to the system they originally wanted to build in the first place which is what they have been doing since.
In the middle of all of that there was also:
They realized that their DM’s section will eventually need to be where their PC section is heading, and that all of it will inevitably need to all fit together with a host of other tools and services that will all be wholly integrated, and as such they are making sure they standardize all of their pegs and holes first.**** So it isn’t so much that “nothing has been done about it,” and more that the things they have been doing about it this whole time have either been invisible or have seemed unconnected without a view of the larger whole.
I hope that helps.
*(Clear as pond water: a little cloudy, occasionally murky, and full of unexpected snags and holes obscured by the shine off the surface.)
**(Turns out what they really wanted was as system like DDB had originally planned, but with some safeguards in place to prevent another PR nightmare like the one they were already dealing with curtesy of the dumpster fire commonly known as D&DWiki.)
***(DDB is now owned by Fandom, you know, the company that owns all those wikis. 👆 😂😂)
****(I know, that metaphor kept getting weirder the further I tried to stretch it. Thank goodness that’s over. Sorry ‘bout that.)
Creating Epic Boons on DDB
DDB Buyers' Guide
Hardcovers, DDB & You
Content Troubleshooting
When I am looking at my list of characters in DND beyond I would like to be able to see which character is in which campaign. When I click on my character from a campaign I can see that it’s in a campaign but not just looking at my list of all characters.
When I look at my character list, whether on a PC or my phone, I see "Campaign: xxxx" and a "Leave Campaign" button. If you are not seeing them, I would guess you do not have any characters actually in a campaign...that space is blank on characters not in a campaign. Side Note: The campaign name shown is whatever the creator named it, not necessarily the name of a printed/official product.
[Trying to insert/attach a pic for you, which is about as user-friendly as adding an existing character to a campaign, as a random example of difficulty]
w/e, I cannot get the pic into this port, here's a link to it in a Google drive that should allow anyone with said link to view...