Not sure if it's been brought up, but I REALLY would like to be able to homebrew eldritch invocations to offer my players.
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From when D&D wasn't cool, but we played it anyway. I got started when some geeky guys where I worked invited me to play with them and I gave it a try. My first character was a human cavalier named Tara the Giant Killer. We used to play once a month on a Saturday. We would start at 7 or so in the morning, and quit somewhere around midnight. Fun times and fond memories.
Would like to see source materials included in a subscription plan. Perhaps $10 for access to all source material available plus all the perks of Master tier sub. If they are worried about revenue loss the subscription plan can restrict sharing access, if you want to share you need to purchase the books or pay a higher sub fee.
A way to search for specific phrases like ‘red dragon’, and get only references to ‘red dragon’ instead of every reference to ‘red’ and every reference to ‘dragon’.
Cancelled my Master Tier Subscription 01/12/23 because of OGL 1.1
All sales are final on digital via support/tos. Don’t like the changes and practices of Hasbro/WoTC stop paying subs/buying their products. That’s what I am doing now.
Sitewide toggle to turn off 2014 rules (not just in the character builder, but for all games rules menus on the site - monsters, magic items, feats, etc.). It's been an issue since we started seeing "legacy" monsters and items, but it's about to get orders of magnitude worse when the new DMG and Monster Manual release. Provide an easy way for those who only want 2014 or 2024 content get what they want (and I guess an option for those who want a mix and match kitchen sink game).
The number one thing I want right now is some kind of anticipated timeline on when they expect to get through all the jank caused by the premature integration of the 2024 rules.
I get why they needed to launch when they did, but it should have been a toggle at first to limit the frustration with a CLEAR roadmap on when the rules sets would be fully integrated.
As it is now, you have to be very careful when creating a character and sometimes manually adjust stats and such. ALL rules and options should have the book they came in listed in the option with the rules set of the book specified. As it is, we have tons of duplicate entries and you have to do a lot of double checking to make sure you didn't accidentally pick up the wrong version of the spell you wanted for example.
Aside from all that jank, I would love an option to print the character sheet with complete spell descriptions. When I print my character sheet I have to also manually print all the spells I have access to in order to actually know what I am doing during the session.
I'm still fairly new to D&D Beyond, so if this exists any help would be great, but I own several Physical copies of the source books and would love to have a way to get digital access to the pre-owned books I have here for quick search functions and for ease of encounter building.
I'm still fairly new to D&D Beyond, so if this exists any help would be great, but I own several Physical copies of the source books and would love to have a way to get digital access to the pre-owned books I have here for quick search functions and for ease of encounter building.
Hate to be the one to tell you this, but there’s only one way to gain that access, you have to purchase licenses to the digital editions of those books. Physical and digital are two completely separate products, the one does not grant the other. The only way to get both formats at the same time is to purchase them bundled together from this website. When purchased as a physical + digital bundle there is a discount. For example, if you wanted to buy the core three books from the 2024 release, you can get the physical only books that bundle is $150(USD) ($50/book), the same three books in digital only format is $90 ($30/book), but the combined physical + digital is only $180, $60 cheaper than if purchased separately (which puts it at about the same as if you got the physical books off of Amazon and purchased the digital pension here separately).
What do I want most from DDB? I want all of the class features, species traits, and feats from all of the official content to actually function properly, and I want to be able to select alternative sorting methods for all of my characters, campaigns, and encounters. Y’know, a “basically functional” product.
Be able to search a single book. The "Search Everything..." is fine but it produces too many results. If I know the content I want is in the PHB let me search just that book when I'm looking at it.
I want the mobile version to be easier to test roll my digital dice so I can easily choose. I also want the mobile version to have an easy link to show me my monthly perks. Right now the email links that say “Show me my monthly perks” just takes me to the website. It’s not intuitive to find this stuff.
I'd like to be able to increase the level cap past level 20.
Maybe allow the use of some older rules of previous editions.
Maybe some more homebrew support.
Allow us to still use 5e when the new junk comes online later this year.
Not sure if it's been brought up, but I REALLY would like to be able to homebrew eldritch invocations to offer my players.
From when D&D wasn't cool, but we played it anyway. I got started when some geeky guys where I worked invited me to play with them and I gave it a try. My first character was a human cavalier named Tara the Giant Killer. We used to play once a month on a Saturday. We would start at 7 or so in the morning, and quit somewhere around midnight. Fun times and fond memories.
The ability to toggle off 2024 content for a campaign or at least in character creation.
Please let us turn off 2024 content. We still have 2014 campaigns ongoing...
I would like a way to make homebrew mundane items that aren't magical.
Would like to see source materials included in a subscription plan. Perhaps $10 for access to all source material available plus all the perks of Master tier sub. If they are worried about revenue loss the subscription plan can restrict sharing access, if you want to share you need to purchase the books or pay a higher sub fee.
A way to search for specific phrases like ‘red dragon’, and get only references to ‘red dragon’ instead of every reference to ‘red’ and every reference to ‘dragon’.
An app that functions when not on the internet. If I’ve downloaded all of the source books, why can’t I edit a character off the internet?
Please restore the individual purchase option (la carte) to the marketplace.
because the character sheet is hosted on the wotc side and all the math and logic are on that end...not on your phone
Guide to the Five Factions (PWYW)
Deck of Decks
Toggle to turn off 2024 rules.
Cancelled my Master Tier Subscription 01/12/23 because of OGL 1.1
All sales are final on digital via support/tos. Don’t like the changes and practices of Hasbro/WoTC stop paying subs/buying their products. That’s what I am doing now.
Sitewide toggle to turn off 2014 rules (not just in the character builder, but for all games rules menus on the site - monsters, magic items, feats, etc.). It's been an issue since we started seeing "legacy" monsters and items, but it's about to get orders of magnitude worse when the new DMG and Monster Manual release. Provide an easy way for those who only want 2014 or 2024 content get what they want (and I guess an option for those who want a mix and match kitchen sink game).
The number one thing I want right now is some kind of anticipated timeline on when they expect to get through all the jank caused by the premature integration of the 2024 rules.
I get why they needed to launch when they did, but it should have been a toggle at first to limit the frustration with a CLEAR roadmap on when the rules sets would be fully integrated.
As it is now, you have to be very careful when creating a character and sometimes manually adjust stats and such. ALL rules and options should have the book they came in listed in the option with the rules set of the book specified. As it is, we have tons of duplicate entries and you have to do a lot of double checking to make sure you didn't accidentally pick up the wrong version of the spell you wanted for example.
Aside from all that jank, I would love an option to print the character sheet with complete spell descriptions. When I print my character sheet I have to also manually print all the spells I have access to in order to actually know what I am doing during the session.
I'm still fairly new to D&D Beyond, so if this exists any help would be great, but I own several Physical copies of the source books and would love to have a way to get digital access to the pre-owned books I have here for quick search functions and for ease of encounter building.
Hate to be the one to tell you this, but there’s only one way to gain that access, you have to purchase licenses to the digital editions of those books. Physical and digital are two completely separate products, the one does not grant the other. The only way to get both formats at the same time is to purchase them bundled together from this website. When purchased as a physical + digital bundle there is a discount. For example, if you wanted to buy the core three books from the 2024 release, you can get the physical only books that bundle is $150(USD) ($50/book), the same three books in digital only format is $90 ($30/book), but the combined physical + digital is only $180, $60 cheaper than if purchased separately (which puts it at about the same as if you got the physical books off of Amazon and purchased the digital pension here separately).
Creating Epic Boons on DDB
DDB Buyers' Guide
Hardcovers, DDB & You
Content Troubleshooting
What do I want most from DDB? I want all of the class features, species traits, and feats from all of the official content to actually function properly, and I want to be able to select alternative sorting methods for all of my characters, campaigns, and encounters. Y’know, a “basically functional” product.
Creating Epic Boons on DDB
DDB Buyers' Guide
Hardcovers, DDB & You
Content Troubleshooting
I agree with this wholeheartly!
Be able to search a single book. The "Search Everything..." is fine but it produces too many results. If I know the content I want is in the PHB let me search just that book when I'm looking at it.
I want the mobile version to be easier to test roll my digital dice so I can easily choose. I also want the mobile version to have an easy link to show me my monthly perks. Right now the email links that say “Show me my monthly perks” just takes me to the website. It’s not intuitive to find this stuff.