You are shown to Capt Kolar’s office. The ceiling is a bit low, but then everything in the room scream Dwarf, from the style of the desk and chairs, to the forge looking fireplace, to the antique looking weapons displayed around the office, axes, hammers and picks, any of them looking deadly as a a weapon, yet at the same time, finely crafted tools capable of work. Sitting behind the desk in simple Town Guard uniform is Capt Kolar, short, stout, powerfully built. He’s older, his red hair streaked with gray, ringing his ruddy face. A large, south facing window behind Kolar overlooks the Town Guards makeshift Parade Ground. Kolar has an easy smile and gentle wave that belies his strength as he motions you into the room, to sit among those Adventurers who’ve already arrived and a small, older graying Gnome, dressed in black, smiling brightly.
“My name is Captain Thoradin Kolar. My job here is keeping Haven and it’s people safe. As some of you may have heard now that early harvest is upon us we’re getting hit by Goblin and Kobold raiding parties. They’re mostly hitting farms and some of our outlying buildings. While none of these attacks have been serious we believe that if they go unanswered, it will embolden these groups towards larger and more aggressive attacks. We don’t have the personal to cover Haven both internally and externally. We understand that you are all novice Adventurers and will not be asking anything of you that you are not capable of. By participating in these Patrols you are helping to insure the safety and security of your own home and that of your neighbors.”
“with that, I will be turning you over to a representative of the Exploration House, Gimbol Timbers. He will tell you a little of what they do there and how you can be of use to each other. Gimbol?”
“Thank you Captain. Now, we at the Exploration House have been given the task of guiding the development of Haven. In the two years since we were commissioned we’ve worked with Adventurers to map out a great deal of the local surroundings, including nests, water sources, game.”
There is a knock at the door. Kolar motions an unhappy looking, light gray female Tiefling into the room. She is very tall and has to squat down to enter.
“I swear he does this to me on purpose.” she mutters under her breath
“Do you have something to add Sargent?” Kolar asks her
The look at each other for several long seconds. A smile flashes between them, like there is some private joke.
“No sir” she answers
“Very well. Gimbol, please continue”
“We want you to consider us as your partner in Adventuring. We are happy to provide valuable information and hope to get actionable intelligence from you in return. We do pay, in some cases handsomely for it. Thank you for your attention”
“Very well” Kolar says “I leave you in the capable hands of Sgt Modesty.
The Tiefling leads you downstairs and out to the makeshift Parade Grounds.
“LISTEN UP people!’ Modesty’s voice booms out “One at a time, I’d like you to tell us who you are, a little bit about yourself and what you feel you bring to the group”
(OOC also give a description of your character including attitude you project, if any)
*deep in thought, Ollezall does not notice everyone staring at him waiting for him to speak* "oh....uh my name is Ollezall, I've never found the value in fighting, my interests are more .....academic. however, I also do not like seeing people hurt so I guess my role is to prevent anyone from being brained" *a slight pause occurs before Ollezall starts whispering in celestial, causing the earth in the immediate area to tremble, but causing no damage to everyone* "I guess I might also have other talents that could be useful" *smiles politely before trailing off to silence*
OOC: I'm not pompous, if anything I'm a little bookish and awkward from being alone so long in Hermitage. I am frequently distracted by my own thoughts, and though I am very perceptive and insightful, I am also oblivious to my surroundings when I get distracted.
The office of Captain Thoradin Kolar seems cozy but a bit constricted, Zhou admires her surrounding while rubbing the tip of her bandaged nose with a thumb. When there's been directive to follow Sergeant Modesty, she does so without any complaints after spending some time to adjust the bundle of ropes to the side of her rucksack and conceal the manacle from direct view.
"Call me Nilvén Zhou. It's pronounced as Zee-h-oh-u, not Chao or Ciao"- she attempts to introduce herself to the party in general, her fingers tracing the beads of her wooden necklace.
"And I think our captain is the richest person among us with his antique collection of weapons"- she glares briefly at one of her colleagues who declared herself/himself as good at stealing, then continues to ask, "I don't think you would like to steal from your employer, would you?"
Brin walks in, feeling right at home in the size of the place, the dwarf trudges over to a chair and takes a seat. He nods as the others all introduce themselves. "Meself?" He asks when it is his turn. "I be Brin Irongear..." He pauses, clearly expecting someone to recognize the name, when no one does he simply shrugs. "Ye no be dwarfs, so guess ye no be knowing of me, no be a matter." He wears a three-quarters-length tunic, stout britches, and has a component pouch at his hip. At his other hip is a light crossbow, which he had to adjust as he sat down. He has thick black hair, an equally thick and black beard, and his eyes are deep gray.
"Me skills be that I be a crafter, fairly known among me own folk, but I be having spells and whatnot at my control as well." He clearly figures that is all that needs to be said, glancing to their host. "What it be ye be needing doing?"
I'm Alukilia and I'm good at stealing. I only have one question, who's the richest?
Sgt Modesty is remarkably tall, not helped by the lift from her cloven hooves or her gazelle like horns, from tip to toes coming in just short of 8 feet. Her appearance, however is a chorus of monotone, from her light gray skin to her medium grey hair and eyes and lips. There are two long white parallel, jagged scars down her left cheek. While her complexion tends to mute her whole existence, she compensates by extravagant body language and voices as well as volume.
"who's the richest?" she repeats in a mock puzzled voice "the richest, perhaps of my friends or my huge extended family here?" with each step towards Alukilia the sarcasm is her voice deepens "Maybe the richest of the people who took me in, gave me a home when I was literally in hell?" she comes nose to nose with Alukilia, her large, lidless soft gray eyes taking up most of his field of vision. The sarcasm vanishes from her voice and what's left is hard and cold like dagger "perhaps you mean the richest of the people I've sworn my life to protect?"
Modesty pulls herself up to full height with a quickness that is a little disorienting.
"Listen up people! There is an individual in this community we refer to as "Crab". He is a hateful, evil little monster, but for reasons at the time they decided to overlook that and give him the opportunity of being part of this community and that meant living within certain rules, or in his case an acceptable subset of those rules he was able to understand and deal with" she adds sounding at the end like she's reading off a list.
"Back then, this was mostly 'toilet habits' and, by the way, there some epic stories of Crab's early days. The other thing was stealing. This was something his mind could not grasp. He worked on it for weeks. He had these little blocks he's move around trying to figure out the concept and one day he did. He realized that nobody would touch his stuff if he kept his hands of their stuff. Turns out that once he understood the concept, he became a big fan. Not because he's now "good". He isn't, but because it means people would leave his stuff alone. So this hateful, evil little monster is managing to be a good citizen. I expect no less from any of you."
She looks again at Alukilia. "I understand what you're looking for" she says "I save up my time off so I can go out there with some friends and explore, it can be very profitable and we've just scratched the surface of the wealth of this world and it's all just waiting for people with talents, like you. But if you decide you would rather just steal from the other members of your community, one of us Guard, hopefully me, will boot your ass to the outside, where I predict you won't last a day."
Modesty stands there looking at Alukilia, waiting for him to respond.
*deep in thought, Ollezall does not notice everyone staring at him waiting for him to speak* "oh....uh my name is Ollezall, I've never found the value in fighting, my interests are more .....academic. however, I also do not like seeing people hurt so I guess my role is to prevent anyone from being brained" *a slight pause occurs before Ollezall starts whispering in celestial, causing the earth in the immediate area to tremble, but causing no damage to everyone* "I guess I might also have other talents that could be useful" *smiles politely before trailing off to silence*
OOC: I'm not pompous, if anything I'm a little bookish and awkward from being alone so long in Hermitage. I am frequently distracted by my own thoughts, and though I am very perceptive and insightful, I am also oblivious to my surroundings when I get distracted.
Without warning Sgt Modesty smacks Ollezall upside the head. She grabs him by the collar and drags him eye to eye with her. "I'm only going to tell you this one time 'brightboy', I don't care who your great, great (long stream of precisely enunciated swearing in Infernal) or whoever, you go out there not paying attention, it won't get you killed. It'll get ME killed, or him killed, preferably him, but you'll just walk away untouched and clueless. But that's not going to happen, is it? You're going to leave your studies here in the settlement. You're going remind yourself to see where you are, to see where your companions are, and remember the words I'm telling you right now because if you don't" the smile vanishes in an instant "I'll kill you myself" the smile returns in an instant "Ok-ay Sweetie?"
Modesty stands there waiting for Ollezall to say something.
I'm Alukilia and I'm good at stealing. I only have one question, who's the richest?
Sgt Modesty is remarkably tall, not helped by the lift from her cloven hooves or her gazelle like horns, from tip to toes coming in just short of 8 feet. Her appearance, however is a chorus of monotone, from her light gray skin to her medium grey hair and eyes and lips. There are two long white parallel, jagged scars down her left cheek. While her complexion tends to mute her whole existence, she compensates by extravagant body language and voices as well as volume.
"who's the richest?" she repeats in a mock puzzled voice "the richest, perhaps of my friends or my huge extended family here?" with each step towards Alukilia the sarcasm is her voice deepens "Maybe the richest of the people who took me in, gave me a home when I was literally in hell?" she comes nose to nose with Alukilia, her large, lidless soft gray eyes taking up most of his field of vision. The sarcasm vanishes from her voice and what's left is hard and cold like dagger "perhaps you mean the richest of the people I've sworn my life to protect?"
Modesty pulls herself up to full height with a quickness that is a little disorienting.
"Listen up people! There is an individual in this community we refer to as "Crab". He is a hateful, evil little monster, but for reasons at the time they decided to overlook that and give him the opportunity of being part of this community and that meant living within certain rules, or in his case an acceptable subset of those rules he was able to understand and deal with" she adds sounding at the end like she's reading off a list.
"Back then, this was mostly 'toilet habits' and, by the way, there some epic stories of Crab's early days. The other thing was stealing. This was something his mind could not grasp. He worked on it for weeks. He had these little blocks he's move around trying to figure out the concept and one day he did. He realized that nobody would touch his stuff if he kept his hands of their stuff. Turns out that once he understood the concept, he became a big fan. Not because he's now "good". He isn't, but because it means people would leave his stuff alone. So this hateful, evil little monster is managing to be a good citizen. I expect no less from any of you."
She looks again at Alukilia. "I understand what you're looking for" she says "I save up my time off so I can go out there with some friends and explore, it can be very profitable and we've just scratched the surface of the wealth of this world and it's all just waiting for people with talents, like you. But if you decide you would rather just steal from the other members of your community, one of us Guard, hopefully me, will boot your ass to the outside, where I predict you won't last a day."
Modesty stands there looking at Alukilia, waiting for him to respond.
"Ok then, no money jokes. Fine"
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
I exist sometimes, especially when I'm DMing Curse of Strahd.
(sorry I think I posted to the wrong thread- happy to join)
Cerlinde of Towerwood Is an attractive redhaired elf girl with fair skin with a slightly golden cast to it. Clad in green and brown elvish-style traveling clothes with a forest green cloak and high soft boots. She carries a staff and green leather backpack- also nicely styled with a ivy pattern. She has a serious expression, “My name is Cerlindriasi Illinarious, of the Towerwood Elven lands. You may call me Cerlinde. I am a scholar and wizard who has come to learn at the local libraries. A mentor there recommended I assist in some missions to gain experience and learn the local area. I am ready to serve.” She smiles. Her voice is soft with a subtle elvish accent- it seems she has practiced common carefully -and is trying hard to get it right.
Feeling she needs add more as to why the group should consider her worthy of the endeavor- she continues” I have been trained as a cartographer and scribe, so I can be of assistance to the mission for mapping resource locations, hazards, and landscape features. In a fight, I am pretty accurate with shooting bolts of fire, and have some other magical skills”
"Sargent, do you know elfish?" With a blank face staring at the teifling.
Sorry for the confusion- she’s speaking common but with an elvish accent. :). Maybe his comment was a joke - if it was, Cerlinde’s face flushes with embarrassment and she looks at the ground, not sure what to say..
*deep in thought, Ollezall does not notice everyone staring at him waiting for him to speak* "oh....uh my name is Ollezall, I've never found the value in fighting, my interests are more .....academic. however, I also do not like seeing people hurt so I guess my role is to prevent anyone from being brained" *a slight pause occurs before Ollezall starts whispering in celestial, causing the earth in the immediate area to tremble, but causing no damage to everyone* "I guess I might also have other talents that could be useful" *smiles politely before trailing off to silence*
OOC: I'm not pompous, if anything I'm a little bookish and awkward from being alone so long in Hermitage. I am frequently distracted by my own thoughts, and though I am very perceptive and insightful, I am also oblivious to my surroundings when I get distracted.
Without warning Sgt Modesty smacks Ollezall upside the head. She grabs him by the collar and drags him eye to eye with her. "I'm only going to tell you this one time 'brightboy', I don't care who your great, great (long stream of precisely enunciated swearing in Infernal) or whoever, you go out there not paying attention, it won't get you killed. It'll get ME killed, or him killed, preferably him, but you'll just walk away untouched and clueless. But that's not going to happen, is it? You're going to leave your studies here in the settlement. You're going remind yourself to see where you are, to see where your companions are, and remember the words I'm telling you right now because if you don't" the smile vanishes in an instant "I'll kill you myself" the smile returns in an instant "Ok-ay Sweetie?"
Modesty stands there waiting for Ollezall to say something.
Ollezall reels from the hit, taking a few seconds to let the stars leave his vision. Ollezall remarks to himself that Sgt Modesty must have unnatural speed to land a hit without Ollezall at least seeing , let alone having time enough to attempt to dodge out the way. Grey is a very unusual colouring, nighthag decent usually lends itself to blue skin, or demon ancestry to red. There is no denying it though, with hooves and height like hers, her (probably recent) lineage suggested a devilish ancestor over an extra-planar being....with the temper to go with it.
Still in pain, Ollezall speaks through his teeth, his eyes narrowing " I don't leave people behind".
Zhou is seen scowling at the Tiefling Sergeant when she has hit one of the newly recruits named 'Ollezall', but she pushes aside the frown immediately. Her left hand has subconsciously reached for the leather thigh-holster where the Shaolin Darts are neatly kept. Although she's disturbed by the encounter, she doesn't make any further move. She makes a mental note to be cautious while talking with the Sergeant.
"She meant that you pay attention, stay alert so that your comrades can return here unscathed. That's one of the core rules of survival".
The monk sends a suggestion for Ollezall, gently brushing her fingers through the white hair streaked with orange locks to let it rest on her left shoulder, just below the shaved part of her head.
The office of Captain Thoradin Kolar seems cozy but a bit constricted, Zhou admires her surrounding while rubbing the tip of her bandaged nose with a thumb. When there's been directive to follow Sergeant Modesty, she does so without any complaints after spending some time to adjust the bundle of ropes to the side of her rucksack and conceal the manacle from direct view.
"Call me Nilvén Zhou. It's pronounced as Zee-h-oh-u, not Chao or Ciao"- she attempts to introduce herself to the party in general, her fingers tracing the beads of her wooden necklace.
"And I think our captain is the richest person among us with his antique collection of weapons"- she glares briefly at one of her colleagues who declared herself/himself as good at stealing, then continues to ask, "I don't think you would like to steal from your employer, would you?"
"Zee-h-oh-u" Modesty sounds it out slowly, making sure she has it and lights up at Zhou's mention of the Captains collection. "None, in fact are antiques" she says "it's his hobby, recreating weapons in the style of ancient Dwarven houses"
Brin walks in, feeling right at home in the size of the place, the dwarf trudges over to a chair and takes a seat. He nods as the others all introduce themselves. "Meself?" He asks when it is his turn. "I be Brin Irongear..." He pauses, clearly expecting someone to recognize the name, when no one does he simply shrugs. "Ye no be dwarfs, so guess ye no be knowing of me, no be a matter." He wears a three-quarters-length tunic, stout britches, and has a component pouch at his hip. At his other hip is a light crossbow, which he had to adjust as he sat down. He has thick black hair, an equally thick and black beard, and his eyes are deep gray.
"Me skills be that I be a crafter, fairly known among me own folk, but I be having spells and whatnot at my control as well." He clearly figures that is all that needs to be said, glancing to their host. "What it be ye be needing doing?"
"Very good question" Modesty says, starting to refocus "You heard from the Captain that we're getting hit by raids from Goblins and Kobolds, what makes them so effective is that they leave stores supplies, plunder, giving themselves easy access to everything they need to continue raiding without the need to return to their main nest. The Kobolds began doing this two years ago. The fact that the Goblins are now doing it is something that gives a lot of us nightmares. Our job is to find these supply stores, "disrupt" them and mark their locations. They are always small, heavily camouflaged and booby trapped. We will be traveling mostly by day so the chances of an engagement with raiders is unlikely."
"Zee-h-oh-u" Modesty sounds it out slowly, making sure she has it and lights up at Zhou's mention of the Captains collection. "None, in fact are antiques" she says "it's his hobby, recreating weapons in the style of ancient Dwarven houses"
Zhou decides to respond to the Sergeant with a quick nod and a silent smile, a closer inspection might reveal that she has oriental eyes and high cheekbones. Slightly loosening her lean muscular physique, she waits for Alukilia and Ollezall to respond to her comments.
Cerlinde, your skill in cartography will certainly come in handy. That vegetable cart they're unloading at the Mess Hall, He's headed back out afterwards. His farm is farthest north from the settlement and he's agreed to give up a ride, it's not luxurious travel, but it beats walking. We should arrive mid-afternoon. A few miles north from there is a ridge with water and lots of good places to make camp. If anyone has questions for myself or any of our compatriots, this would be a good time. .
Cerlinde replies “Thank you. Just one question- aside from goblins and kobolds, what other dangers should we prepare for- any other particular beasts out there nearby?”
You are shown to Capt Kolar’s office. The ceiling is a bit low, but then everything in the room scream Dwarf, from the style of the desk and chairs, to the forge looking fireplace, to the antique looking weapons displayed around the office, axes, hammers and picks, any of them looking deadly as a a weapon, yet at the same time, finely crafted tools capable of work. Sitting behind the desk in simple Town Guard uniform is Capt Kolar, short, stout, powerfully built. He’s older, his red hair streaked with gray, ringing his ruddy face. A large, south facing window behind Kolar overlooks the Town Guards makeshift Parade Ground. Kolar has an easy smile and gentle wave that belies his strength as he motions you into the room, to sit among those Adventurers who’ve already arrived and a small, older graying Gnome, dressed in black, smiling brightly.
“My name is Captain Thoradin Kolar. My job here is keeping Haven and it’s people safe. As some of you may have heard now that early harvest is upon us we’re getting hit by Goblin and Kobold raiding parties. They’re mostly hitting farms and some of our outlying buildings. While none of these attacks have been serious we believe that if they go unanswered, it will embolden these groups towards larger and more aggressive attacks. We don’t have the personal to cover Haven both internally and externally. We understand that you are all novice Adventurers and will not be asking anything of you that you are not capable of. By participating in these Patrols you are helping to insure the safety and security of your own home and that of your neighbors.”
“with that, I will be turning you over to a representative of the Exploration House, Gimbol Timbers. He will tell you a little of what they do there and how you can be of use to each other. Gimbol?”
“Thank you Captain. Now, we at the Exploration House have been given the task of guiding the development of Haven. In the two years since we were commissioned we’ve worked with Adventurers to map out a great deal of the local surroundings, including nests, water sources, game.”
There is a knock at the door. Kolar motions an unhappy looking, light gray female Tiefling into the room. She is very tall and has to squat down to enter.
“I swear he does this to me on purpose.” she mutters under her breath
“Do you have something to add Sargent?” Kolar asks her
The look at each other for several long seconds. A smile flashes between them, like there is some private joke.
“No sir” she answers
“Very well. Gimbol, please continue”
“We want you to consider us as your partner in Adventuring. We are happy to provide valuable information and hope to get actionable intelligence from you in return. We do pay, in some cases handsomely for it. Thank you for your attention”
“Very well” Kolar says “I leave you in the capable hands of Sgt Modesty.
The Tiefling leads you downstairs and out to the makeshift Parade Grounds.
“LISTEN UP people!’ Modesty’s voice booms out “One at a time, I’d like you to tell us who you are, a little bit about yourself and what you feel you bring to the group”
(OOC also give a description of your character including attitude you project, if any)
The Worlds of Pphost a community of DMs and Players making PbP better
Malichi, Tiefling Rogue - Worlds of Pphost- The Amazing Teleportation Machine
DM Worlds of Pphost - Haven 'A Few Days at a Tavern'
Extended Signature
I'm Alukilia and I'm good at stealing. I only have one question, who's the richest?
I exist sometimes, especially when I'm DMing Curse of Strahd.
*deep in thought, Ollezall does not notice everyone staring at him waiting for him to speak* "oh....uh my name is Ollezall, I've never found the value in fighting, my interests are more .....academic. however, I also do not like seeing people hurt so I guess my role is to prevent anyone from being brained" *a slight pause occurs before Ollezall starts whispering in celestial, causing the earth in the immediate area to tremble, but causing no damage to everyone* "I guess I might also have other talents that could be useful" *smiles politely before trailing off to silence*
OOC: I'm not pompous, if anything I'm a little bookish and awkward from being alone so long in Hermitage. I am frequently distracted by my own thoughts, and though I am very perceptive and insightful, I am also oblivious to my surroundings when I get distracted.
The office of Captain Thoradin Kolar seems cozy but a bit constricted, Zhou admires her surrounding while rubbing the tip of her bandaged nose with a thumb. When there's been directive to follow Sergeant Modesty, she does so without any complaints after spending some time to adjust the bundle of ropes to the side of her rucksack and conceal the manacle from direct view.
"Call me Nilvén Zhou. It's pronounced as Zee-h-oh-u, not Chao or Ciao"- she attempts to introduce herself to the party in general, her fingers tracing the beads of her wooden necklace.
"And I think our captain is the richest person among us with his antique collection of weapons"- she glares briefly at one of her colleagues who declared herself/himself as good at stealing, then continues to ask, "I don't think you would like to steal from your employer, would you?"
InkedBee (Undead_Analyst)
Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts - Jenviel Tsumara: Fallen Aasimar- Monk|Crimson Sands of Time - Navarra Iltazyara: Human- Druid/Warlock| Bleak Prospect - Ermasnietsz: Reborn- Clockwork Soul Sorcerer
Brin walks in, feeling right at home in the size of the place, the dwarf trudges over to a chair and takes a seat. He nods as the others all introduce themselves. "Meself?" He asks when it is his turn. "I be Brin Irongear..." He pauses, clearly expecting someone to recognize the name, when no one does he simply shrugs. "Ye no be dwarfs, so guess ye no be knowing of me, no be a matter." He wears a three-quarters-length tunic, stout britches, and has a component pouch at his hip. At his other hip is a light crossbow, which he had to adjust as he sat down. He has thick black hair, an equally thick and black beard, and his eyes are deep gray.
"Me skills be that I be a crafter, fairly known among me own folk, but I be having spells and whatnot at my control as well." He clearly figures that is all that needs to be said, glancing to their host. "What it be ye be needing doing?"
Sgt Modesty is remarkably tall, not helped by the lift from her cloven hooves or her gazelle like horns, from tip to toes coming in just short of 8 feet. Her appearance, however is a chorus of monotone, from her light gray skin to her medium grey hair and eyes and lips. There are two long white parallel, jagged scars down her left cheek. While her complexion tends to mute her whole existence, she compensates by extravagant body language and voices as well as volume.
"who's the richest?" she repeats in a mock puzzled voice "the richest, perhaps of my friends or my huge extended family here?" with each step towards Alukilia the sarcasm is her voice deepens "Maybe the richest of the people who took me in, gave me a home when I was literally in hell?" she comes nose to nose with Alukilia, her large, lidless soft gray eyes taking up most of his field of vision. The sarcasm vanishes from her voice and what's left is hard and cold like dagger "perhaps you mean the richest of the people I've sworn my life to protect?"
Modesty pulls herself up to full height with a quickness that is a little disorienting.
"Listen up people! There is an individual in this community we refer to as "Crab". He is a hateful, evil little monster, but for reasons at the time they decided to overlook that and give him the opportunity of being part of this community and that meant living within certain rules, or in his case an acceptable subset of those rules he was able to understand and deal with" she adds sounding at the end like she's reading off a list.
"Back then, this was mostly 'toilet habits' and, by the way, there some epic stories of Crab's early days. The other thing was stealing. This was something his mind could not grasp. He worked on it for weeks. He had these little blocks he's move around trying to figure out the concept and one day he did. He realized that nobody would touch his stuff if he kept his hands of their stuff. Turns out that once he understood the concept, he became a big fan. Not because he's now "good". He isn't, but because it means people would leave his stuff alone. So this hateful, evil little monster is managing to be a good citizen. I expect no less from any of you."
She looks again at Alukilia. "I understand what you're looking for" she says "I save up my time off so I can go out there with some friends and explore, it can be very profitable and we've just scratched the surface of the wealth of this world and it's all just waiting for people with talents, like you. But if you decide you would rather just steal from the other members of your community, one of us Guard, hopefully me, will boot your ass to the outside, where I predict you won't last a day."
Modesty stands there looking at Alukilia, waiting for him to respond.
The Worlds of Pphost a community of DMs and Players making PbP better
Malichi, Tiefling Rogue - Worlds of Pphost- The Amazing Teleportation Machine
DM Worlds of Pphost - Haven 'A Few Days at a Tavern'
Extended Signature
Without warning Sgt Modesty smacks Ollezall upside the head. She grabs him by the collar and drags him eye to eye with her. "I'm only going to tell you this one time 'brightboy', I don't care who your great, great (long stream of precisely enunciated swearing in Infernal) or whoever, you go out there not paying attention, it won't get you killed. It'll get ME killed, or him killed, preferably him, but you'll just walk away untouched and clueless. But that's not going to happen, is it? You're going to leave your studies here in the settlement. You're going remind yourself to see where you are, to see where your companions are, and remember the words I'm telling you right now because if you don't" the smile vanishes in an instant "I'll kill you myself" the smile returns in an instant "Ok-ay Sweetie?"
Modesty stands there waiting for Ollezall to say something.
The Worlds of Pphost a community of DMs and Players making PbP better
Malichi, Tiefling Rogue - Worlds of Pphost- The Amazing Teleportation Machine
DM Worlds of Pphost - Haven 'A Few Days at a Tavern'
Extended Signature
"Ok then, no money jokes. Fine"
I exist sometimes, especially when I'm DMing Curse of Strahd.
(sorry I think I posted to the wrong thread- happy to join)
Cerlinde of Towerwood Is an attractive redhaired elf girl with fair skin with a slightly golden cast to it. Clad in green and brown elvish-style traveling clothes with a forest green cloak and high soft boots. She carries a staff and green leather backpack- also nicely styled with a ivy pattern. She has a serious expression, “My name is Cerlindriasi Illinarious, of the Towerwood Elven lands. You may call me Cerlinde. I am a scholar and wizard who has come to learn at the local libraries. A mentor there recommended I assist in some missions to gain experience and learn the local area. I am ready to serve.” She smiles. Her voice is soft with a subtle elvish accent- it seems she has practiced common carefully -and is trying hard to get it right.
"Sargent, do you know elfish?" With a blank face staring at the teifling.
I exist sometimes, especially when I'm DMing Curse of Strahd.
Feeling she needs add more as to why the group should consider her worthy of the endeavor- she continues” I have been trained as a cartographer and scribe, so I can be of assistance to the mission for mapping resource locations, hazards, and landscape features. In a fight, I am pretty accurate with shooting bolts of fire, and have some other magical skills”
Sorry for the confusion- she’s speaking common but with an elvish accent. :). Maybe his comment was a joke - if it was, Cerlinde’s face flushes with embarrassment and she looks at the ground, not sure what to say..
Ollezall reels from the hit, taking a few seconds to let the stars leave his vision. Ollezall remarks to himself that Sgt Modesty must have unnatural speed to land a hit without Ollezall at least seeing , let alone having time enough to attempt to dodge out the way. Grey is a very unusual colouring, nighthag decent usually lends itself to blue skin, or demon ancestry to red. There is no denying it though, with hooves and height like hers, her (probably recent) lineage suggested a devilish ancestor over an extra-planar being....with the temper to go with it.
Still in pain, Ollezall speaks through his teeth, his eyes narrowing " I don't leave people behind".
Zhou is seen scowling at the Tiefling Sergeant when she has hit one of the newly recruits named 'Ollezall', but she pushes aside the frown immediately. Her left hand has subconsciously reached for the leather thigh-holster where the Shaolin Darts are neatly kept. Although she's disturbed by the encounter, she doesn't make any further move. She makes a mental note to be cautious while talking with the Sergeant.
"She meant that you pay attention, stay alert so that your comrades can return here unscathed. That's one of the core rules of survival".
The monk sends a suggestion for Ollezall, gently brushing her fingers through the white hair streaked with orange locks to let it rest on her left shoulder, just below the shaved part of her head.
InkedBee (Undead_Analyst)
Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts - Jenviel Tsumara: Fallen Aasimar- Monk|Crimson Sands of Time - Navarra Iltazyara: Human- Druid/Warlock| Bleak Prospect - Ermasnietsz: Reborn- Clockwork Soul Sorcerer
"Zee-h-oh-u" Modesty sounds it out slowly, making sure she has it and lights up at Zhou's mention of the Captains collection. "None, in fact are antiques" she says "it's his hobby, recreating weapons in the style of ancient Dwarven houses"
The Worlds of Pphost a community of DMs and Players making PbP better
Malichi, Tiefling Rogue - Worlds of Pphost- The Amazing Teleportation Machine
DM Worlds of Pphost - Haven 'A Few Days at a Tavern'
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"Very good question" Modesty says, starting to refocus "You heard from the Captain that we're getting hit by raids from Goblins and Kobolds, what makes them so effective is that they leave stores supplies, plunder, giving themselves easy access to everything they need to continue raiding without the need to return to their main nest. The Kobolds began doing this two years ago. The fact that the Goblins are now doing it is something that gives a lot of us nightmares. Our job is to find these supply stores, "disrupt" them and mark their locations. They are always small, heavily camouflaged and booby trapped. We will be traveling mostly by day so the chances of an engagement with raiders is unlikely."
The Worlds of Pphost a community of DMs and Players making PbP better
Malichi, Tiefling Rogue - Worlds of Pphost- The Amazing Teleportation Machine
DM Worlds of Pphost - Haven 'A Few Days at a Tavern'
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Zhou decides to respond to the Sergeant with a quick nod and a silent smile, a closer inspection might reveal that she has oriental eyes and high cheekbones. Slightly loosening her lean muscular physique, she waits for Alukilia and Ollezall to respond to her comments.
InkedBee (Undead_Analyst)
Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts - Jenviel Tsumara: Fallen Aasimar- Monk|Crimson Sands of Time - Navarra Iltazyara: Human- Druid/Warlock| Bleak Prospect - Ermasnietsz: Reborn- Clockwork Soul Sorcerer
"I know a few words" she says, then adds with a grin "mostly profanity, but I can usually make myself understood"
The Worlds of Pphost a community of DMs and Players making PbP better
Malichi, Tiefling Rogue - Worlds of Pphost- The Amazing Teleportation Machine
DM Worlds of Pphost - Haven 'A Few Days at a Tavern'
Extended Signature
Cerlinde, your skill in cartography will certainly come in handy. That vegetable cart they're unloading at the Mess Hall, He's headed back out afterwards. His farm is farthest north from the settlement and he's agreed to give up a ride, it's not luxurious travel, but it beats walking. We should arrive mid-afternoon. A few miles north from there is a ridge with water and lots of good places to make camp. If anyone has questions for myself or any of our compatriots, this would be a good time. .
The Worlds of Pphost a community of DMs and Players making PbP better
Malichi, Tiefling Rogue - Worlds of Pphost- The Amazing Teleportation Machine
DM Worlds of Pphost - Haven 'A Few Days at a Tavern'
Extended Signature
Cerlinde replies “Thank you. Just one question- aside from goblins and kobolds, what other dangers should we prepare for- any other particular beasts out there nearby?”