Fun fact: if you don’t want to pay for Sposta’s homebrew, you have that option. The fact that they put all of their homebrew into a different format from some is not cause for concern, especially if it’s completely free.
Fun fact: if you don’t want to pay for Sposta’s homebrew, you have that option. The fact that they put all of their homebrew into a different format from some is not cause for concern, especially if it’s completely free.
Which it is, completely free I mean. One doesn’t even need to have an account with DM’s Guild to view it as a preview if you don’t want to. See:
There is absolutely no reason to complain about my choice of publisher.
Okay, look. He’s CR 30. That means you can make him as strong as you please and he’ll be CR 30 anyway. That doesn’t mean he can be just outright stronger than Tiamat and have a direct advantage over her, not to mention having a legendary action that can instantly kill anything that attacks, casts a spell, or so much as says “the sky is purple” — no attack roll, no saving throw, nothing at all. Just 0 hit points. Not to mention, a creature like Tiamat has no means with which to kill him: he’s immune to her high-damage breath weapons and she can’t deal necrotic damage to him, meaning he’ll always regenerate if she somehow strikes him down. And that is an “if”: she has 600 HP, he has 1400 and can heal both himself and everyone around him with a flick of his tail. So for this blatant disrespect for Our Lady the Scale Tyrant, I curse thee with -idea and creativity points. Also -balance because with those healing capabilities, there’s no way in heaven or any of the hells that a party can kill him.
Just read this criticism to my Bahamut statblock. You should not compare him to official Tiamat from RoT. Of course not, he would wipe the floor with her. I actually made my Tiamat statblock, which has the exact same HP as Bahamut and is in fact what I based Bahamut on in terms of numbers. This Tiamat also can deal necrotic damage to shut Bahamut's regeneration off.
Also, Sword of Judgment has a Charisma saving throw, if you succeed, the sword does not appear. Although, to be fair, adding a second saving throw for when the sword strikes could be a good idea.
Of course if a party wants to have a chance in a battle against Bahamut (or Tiamat), they should prepare themselves and bring their best equipment. Shutting off Bahamut's healing, shutting off healing in general, that is rather easy. Chill Touch, Spirit Shroud, some summons... all work.
Fun fact: if you don’t want to pay for Sposta’s homebrew, you have that option. The fact that they put all of their homebrew into a different format from some is not cause for concern, especially if it’s completely free.
Which it is, completely free I mean. One doesn’t even need to have an account with DM’s Guild to view it as a preview if you don’t want to. See:
There is absolutely no reason to complain about my choice of publisher.
Come on, just post screenshots or paste the text of your DMs Guild submissions, that just requires a few seconds of time and makes your submissions as accessible as any others. Yes, you can read them in the preview, but the big red text overlay is quite annoying.
Fun fact: if you don’t want to pay for Sposta’s homebrew, you have that option. The fact that they put all of their homebrew into a different format from some is not cause for concern, especially if it’s completely free.
Which it is, completely free I mean. One doesn’t even need to have an account with DM’s Guild to view it as a preview if you don’t want to. See:
There is absolutely no reason to complain about my choice of publisher.
Come on, just post screenshots or paste the text of your DMs Guild submissions, that just requires a few seconds of time and makes your submissions as accessible as any others. Yes, you can read them in the preview, but the big red text overlay is quite annoying.
No. They are just as accessible as anyone else’s. And there are two, not one, but two types of preview you could use.
Just a reminder; nowhere in the guidelines of the competition is it required that the brew must be presented on DDB. DMs Guild is just about as official as it gets for another source, and I believe we've had folks submit things from GM Binder or Homebrewery as well. But practically, this affects neither the balance, nor the creativity of the build.
Heya folks. Just responding to the feedback for my submissions.
First, the shard:
Interesting lore tidbit. However, you should include what is required to break the shard, and it’s not clear why the creature become insulated against cold, of all things, and why it would matter over the course of only 1 minute. Overall, a nice buff, but I’m unsure of whether it should be Very Rare or a lower rarity.
Wording could hav been better, shard shedding light vs you.
Like it, but it does not specify the cost for breaking it - is it an action, a bonus action, a "free action"...?
Thanks for the complement! And thank you for the constructive criticism, I appreciate it. I specifically didn’t give the shard an AC & HP or anything so it couldn’t be accidentally or maliciously broken. Breaking it is just an item interaction. The cold insulation is because of the “warm glow” you get by breaking the shard, it’s mostly there as a flavor ribbon. The rarity is less to do with the power of the item and more to do with how hard they are to come by.
No, the shard doesn’t glow, the breaker does. They are suffused with a warm glow of “celestial light.”
I figured that breaking the shard would be an Item Interaction. So it might be free, or it might cost an action depending on whatever else the person does that turn.
Now, the Progeny:
Pretty interesting, as species go. You do go on for a bit when describing the range of colors for hair and complexion, so I would recommend cutting that down if you can. Also, I don’t think you should have so many features for the species that have limited resource; between Death Sense, Spiritual Medium (x2), and Manifest Ancestral Shade, it’s a lot to keep track of. I also think it should be more clear that you choose which benefit you’re using each time you cast Spare the Dying with Spiritual Medium, and that there’s too much going on with Manifest Ancestral Shade: between Frightening, Aiding, and Attacking, all compacted into one feature gained simply from reaching 5th-level as a Progeny. It’s a lot.
I dont think is appropriate that a site moderator is using contests to promote their entries as something to buy. Consider adding rules that entries need to be on a sheet or remain on DND Beyond. Very disappointed in IamSposta for this, Rules need to be included to keep this from happening again.
A lot of weak and situational features. Also, Also I dislike the heavy use of bonus actions on a race, it means the race does not really work with most character builds.
Thanks for the constructive criticism, I appreciate it. Yeah, I probably did go a little overboard with the physical description section. That’s fair. I personally like having lots of stuff to track, it makes me happy. But I can see how it might be too much for some folks. I suppose I could have been clearer about the spare the dying spell, that’s on me. I originally had Manifest as a simpler trait, just the frightened condition and the damage, similar to the new Aasimar’s Necrotic Shroud trait, but I added the assistance to it based on feedback I got from someone else who said it was kinda lame that’s all the shade did. 🤷♂️
First off, I am NOT a moderator. I never claimed to be a moderator. Do you see an orange effing sword next to my username? No, you don’t. Not a moderator. Second, nobody has to purchase any of my contest submissions. Not a one. I specifically make them all absolutely, 100% free for the contest. No purchase necessary whatsoever. So what the eff are you complaining about?!? Finally, you must be the person who gave me a 1 in both categories for my submission. You specifically trolled my submission. I am formally asking that your vote not be counted when tallying my results.
Thank you for the constructive criticism, I appreciate it. I’ll have to consider it for the next species I design. I didn’t think the traits at all weak. What about them do you consider weak? I ask so I can improve things in future. Y’know, I usually find myself wishing I had more options to do with my bonus action, so I designed this species to provide more options in that regard. But then again I don’t do “builds,” I make characters. So that might be part of the reason I didn’t see it the way you see it. So thanks for the perspective.
I remember seeing these questions pop up a bunch of times in the surveys a while ago, and have never seen them said non-anonymously. My guess is that these are gifts from the forum Troll.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
BoringBard's long and tedious posts somehow manage to enrapture audiences. How? Because he used Charm Person, the #1 bard spell!
He/him pronouns. Call me Bard. PROUD NERD!
Ever wanted to talk about your parties' worst mistakes? Do so HERE. What's your favorite class, why? Share & explainHERE.
A reminder for everybody that does vote to vote on every submission, and to vote 5 & 5 on your own submission for fairness. Currently the votes are unevenly submitted for some reason.
To respond to a piece of feedback for my Shawl of the Gods:
"every known god" makes this a bit unbalanced because it being common vs having an ace-in-the-hole for rolls for any situation is too unbalanced. Cool concept could've been ruled different though.
I don't see how "every known god" is relevant here, it's basically flavor text. It's a single instance of advantage once per long rest. It was a bit hard to balance, I guess, since most common items don't really have mechanics, but I'd say it's about as good as a Clockwork Amulet. I dunno, it just seems like it'd be too weak for uncommon. Even if it is slightly too powerful, I don't think that warrants a 1 for balance. (Not sure if the person who gave me a 1 and who made the comment are the same, but still.)
Look at what you've done. You spoiled it. You have nobody to blame but yourself. Go sit and think about your actions.
Don't be mean. Rudeness is a vicious cycle, and it has to stop somewhere. Exceptions for things that are funny. Go to the current Competition of the Finest 'Brews! It's a cool place where cool people make cool things.
How I'm posting based on text formatting: Mod Hat Off - Mod Hat Also Off (I'm not a mod)
I remember seeing these questions pop up a bunch of times in the surveys a while ago, and have never seen them said non-anonymously. My guess is that these are gifts from the forum Troll.
No doubt.
To the person who made that comment, as well as the new comments that seem to have mysteriously popped up since: it isn't self promotion to submit your work to a competition. It doesn't make sense to hold responses to (shitty) "feedback" against a submission's scores. There's no reason to restrict all submissions to homebrew created on Beyond.
If you want to discuss/whine further, grow a pair and do it here. I won't check your feedback again, and I encourage Sposta and others to do the same.
Look at what you've done. You spoiled it. You have nobody to blame but yourself. Go sit and think about your actions.
Don't be mean. Rudeness is a vicious cycle, and it has to stop somewhere. Exceptions for things that are funny. Go to the current Competition of the Finest 'Brews! It's a cool place where cool people make cool things.
How I'm posting based on text formatting: Mod Hat Off - Mod Hat Also Off (I'm not a mod)
To post a comment, please login or register a new account.
Quick question:
If I have a last minute submission can I still put it in today?
Ahh, if you don’t have a subscription it won’t load because it uses the new faces update. It’s in testing currently and only available to subscribers.
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I believe yesterday was the cutoff
Creating Epic Boons on DDB
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Content Troubleshooting
That’s a shame
Next time!
Gnomarchy, what’s the status on both adding my submission to the list and on the survey?
Come participate in the Competition of the Finest Brews, Edition XXV?
My homebrew stuff:
Spells, Monsters, Magic Items, Feats, Subclasses.
I am an Archfey, but nobody seems to notice.
Extended Signature
Will create the survey tonight! Adding submission now.
Well done on another successful competition! Please find the voting form linked below. Before starting, I just want to make a few comments:
Vote Here
Hey Gnomarchy, can you make it so we can see the results of the poll?
Come participate in the Competition of the Finest Brews, Edition XXV?
My homebrew stuff:
Spells, Monsters, Magic Items, Feats, Subclasses.
I am an Archfey, but nobody seems to notice.
Extended Signature
Of course. Can you see it now?
Fun fact: if you don’t want to pay for Sposta’s homebrew, you have that option. The fact that they put all of their homebrew into a different format from some is not cause for concern, especially if it’s completely free.
Come participate in the Competition of the Finest Brews, Edition XXV?
My homebrew stuff:
Spells, Monsters, Magic Items, Feats, Subclasses.
I am an Archfey, but nobody seems to notice.
Extended Signature
Which it is, completely free I mean. One doesn’t even need to have an account with DM’s Guild to view it as a preview if you don’t want to. See:
There is absolutely no reason to complain about my choice of publisher.
Creating Epic Boons on DDB
DDB Buyers' Guide
Hardcovers, DDB & You
Content Troubleshooting
Just read this criticism to my Bahamut statblock. You should not compare him to official Tiamat from RoT. Of course not, he would wipe the floor with her. I actually made my Tiamat statblock, which has the exact same HP as Bahamut and is in fact what I based Bahamut on in terms of numbers. This Tiamat also can deal necrotic damage to shut Bahamut's regeneration off.
Also, Sword of Judgment has a Charisma saving throw, if you succeed, the sword does not appear. Although, to be fair, adding a second saving throw for when the sword strikes could be a good idea.
Of course if a party wants to have a chance in a battle against Bahamut (or Tiamat), they should prepare themselves and bring their best equipment. Shutting off Bahamut's healing, shutting off healing in general, that is rather easy. Chill Touch, Spirit Shroud, some summons... all work.
Come on, just post screenshots or paste the text of your DMs Guild submissions, that just requires a few seconds of time and makes your submissions as accessible as any others. Yes, you can read them in the preview, but the big red text overlay is quite annoying.
No. They are just as accessible as anyone else’s. And there are two, not one, but two types of preview you could use.
Creating Epic Boons on DDB
DDB Buyers' Guide
Hardcovers, DDB & You
Content Troubleshooting
Just a reminder; nowhere in the guidelines of the competition is it required that the brew must be presented on DDB. DMs Guild is just about as official as it gets for another source, and I believe we've had folks submit things from GM Binder or Homebrewery as well. But practically, this affects neither the balance, nor the creativity of the build.
Heya folks. Just responding to the feedback for my submissions.
First, the shard:
The cold insulation is because of the “warm glow” you get by breaking the shard, it’s mostly there as a flavor ribbon. The rarity is less to do with the power of the item and more to do with how hard they are to come by.
Now, the Progeny:
I suppose I could have been clearer about the spare the dying spell, that’s on me.
I originally had Manifest as a simpler trait, just the frightened condition and the damage, similar to the new Aasimar’s Necrotic Shroud trait, but I added the assistance to it based on feedback I got from someone else who said it was kinda lame that’s all the shade did. 🤷♂️
Second, nobody has to purchase any of my contest submissions. Not a one. I specifically make them all absolutely, 100% free for the contest. No purchase necessary whatsoever. So what the eff are you complaining about?!?
Finally, you must be the person who gave me a 1 in both categories for my submission. You specifically trolled my submission. I am formally asking that your vote not be counted when tallying my results.
I didn’t think the traits at all weak. What about them do you consider weak? I ask so I can improve things in future.
Y’know, I usually find myself wishing I had more options to do with my bonus action, so I designed this species to provide more options in that regard. But then again I don’t do “builds,” I make characters. So that might be part of the reason I didn’t see it the way you see it. So thanks for the perspective.
Creating Epic Boons on DDB
DDB Buyers' Guide
Hardcovers, DDB & You
Content Troubleshooting
I remember seeing these questions pop up a bunch of times in the surveys a while ago, and have never seen them said non-anonymously. My guess is that these are gifts from the forum Troll.
BoringBard's long and tedious posts somehow manage to enrapture audiences. How? Because he used Charm Person, the #1 bard spell!
He/him pronouns. Call me Bard. PROUD NERD!
Ever wanted to talk about your parties' worst mistakes? Do so HERE. What's your favorite class, why? Share & explain
HERE.A reminder for everybody that does vote to vote on every submission, and to vote 5 & 5 on your own submission for fairness. Currently the votes are unevenly submitted for some reason.
Come participate in the Competition of the Finest Brews, Edition XXV?
My homebrew stuff:
Spells, Monsters, Magic Items, Feats, Subclasses.
I am an Archfey, but nobody seems to notice.
Extended Signature
To respond to a piece of feedback for my Shawl of the Gods:
Look at what you've done. You spoiled it. You have nobody to blame but yourself. Go sit and think about your actions.
Don't be mean. Rudeness is a vicious cycle, and it has to stop somewhere. Exceptions for things that are funny.
Go to the current Competition of the Finest 'Brews! It's a cool place where cool people make cool things.
How I'm posting based on text formatting: Mod Hat Off - Mod Hat Also Off (I'm not a mod)
No doubt.
To the person who made that comment, as well as the new comments that seem to have mysteriously popped up since: it isn't self promotion to submit your work to a competition. It doesn't make sense to hold responses to (shitty) "feedback" against a submission's scores. There's no reason to restrict all submissions to homebrew created on Beyond.
If you want to discuss/whine further, grow a pair and do it here. I won't check your feedback again, and I encourage Sposta and others to do the same.
Look at what you've done. You spoiled it. You have nobody to blame but yourself. Go sit and think about your actions.
Don't be mean. Rudeness is a vicious cycle, and it has to stop somewhere. Exceptions for things that are funny.
Go to the current Competition of the Finest 'Brews! It's a cool place where cool people make cool things.
How I'm posting based on text formatting: Mod Hat Off - Mod Hat Also Off (I'm not a mod)