NOTE: You will need to setup a zendesk account (which is not your account, the team uses this 3rd party software). It's easy to do and your votes are needed!
A Medium/Large option for races, and/or changing the base size as part of a sub-race. I'm trying to tweak Minotaurs, and want to have the Theros & MM versions as 1 race entry. Could also have big Goliaths or other "almost but not quite Large" races have a sub-race that does cross the line.
Items with dropdown menus so not every possible option needs to be displayed at once. Notably the Exandria / Fizzban items which have multiple power levels or damage types would be much easier to use / understand at a glance, as well as be better integrated into the character sheet because they would have specific effects, rather than a list possible effects.
A Medium/Large option for races, and/or changing the base size as part of a sub-race. I'm trying to tweak Minotaurs, and want to have the Theros & MM versions as 1 race entry. Could also have big Goliaths or other "almost but not quite Large" races have a sub-race that does cross the line.
That is already possible with the “Size” and “Carrying Capacity” Modifiers.
Items with dropdown menus so not every possible option needs to be displayed at once. Notably the Exandria / Fizzban items which have multiple power levels or damage types would be much easier to use / understand at a glance, as well as be better integrated into the character sheet because they would have specific effects, rather than a list possible effects.
That wouldn’t be a “Modifier,” but some other mechanism.
A Medium/Large option for races, and/or changing the base size as part of a sub-race. I'm trying to tweak Minotaurs, and want to have the Theros & MM versions as 1 race entry. Could also have big Goliaths or other "almost but not quite Large" races have a sub-race that does cross the line.
That is already possible with the “Size” and “Carrying Capacity” Modifiers.
Items with dropdown menus so not every possible option needs to be displayed at once. Notably the Exandria / Fizzban items which have multiple power levels or damage types would be much easier to use / understand at a glance, as well as be better integrated into the character sheet because they would have specific effects, rather than a list possible effects.
That wouldn’t be a “Modifier,” but some other mechanism.
When I say Medium/Large, I mean like how there is currently a Small/Medium option for some races (like Harengon) & the homebrew dropdown. As in when each character is made, the player can pick a size. If there is a way to make those adjustable by subrace, I missed it (but I didn't dig too deep yet, admittedly).
The second part isn't a separate modifier, but it is a IMO better way to organize the modifiers we have, for official & homebrew items. For example, on Dragon’s Wrath Weapon, if there was a rarity dropdown, & a dragontype dropdown, it would make it easy to add just the abilities from that rarity, and the bonus damage from that dragon type integrated into the character sheet as effects / damage, rather than having a giant all-inclusive block of text under the item, and little to nothing changing on the sheet. Much better than us having to homebrew 4 rarities x 15 dragon breeds = 60 distinct items. So it's a modifier of modifiers?
A Medium/Large option for races, and/or changing the base size as part of a sub-race. I'm trying to tweak Minotaurs, and want to have the Theros & MM versions as 1 race entry. Could also have big Goliaths or other "almost but not quite Large" races have a sub-race that does cross the line.
That is already possible with the “Size” and “Carrying Capacity” Modifiers.
When I say Medium/Large, I mean like how there is currently a Small/Medium option for some races (like Harengon) & the homebrew dropdown. As in when each character is made, the player can pick a size. If there is a way to make those adjustable by subrace, I missed it (but I didn't dig too deep yet, admittedly).
To be honest, the creature size doesn’t really change much (or anything) in DDB’s system without the Carrying Capacity Modifier too. In fact that whole “small or medium” thing is (I believe) mainly for monster statblocks. But yes, you can totally just make the race Medium and then add Options to a trait attached to that race and have one of those Options use the Size and Carrying Capacity modifiers to make the PC Large instead. The reason that isn’t a thing normally otherwise is because no official races are designed to be Large because things start to break down in regards to movement and certain spell interactions for large creatures.
Items with dropdown menus so not every possible option needs to be displayed at once. Notably the Exandria / Fizzban items which have multiple power levels or damage types would be much easier to use / understand at a glance, as well as be better integrated into the character sheet because they would have specific effects, rather than a list possible effects.
That wouldn’t be a “Modifier,” but some other mechanism.
The second part isn't a separate modifier, but it is a IMO better way to organize the modifiers we have, for official & homebrew items. For example, on Dragon’s Wrath Weapon, if there was a rarity dropdown, & a dragontype dropdown, it would make it easy to add just the abilities from that rarity, and the bonus damage from that dragon type integrated into the character sheet as effects / damage, rather than having a giant all-inclusive block of text under the item, and little to nothing changing on the sheet. Much better than us having to homebrew 4 rarities x 15 dragon breeds = 60 distinct items. So it's a modifier of modifiers?
That would be more handled as Options attached to magic items which would not fall under the purview of this thread. (Not to mention we have been waiting for 5 years for them to finally add Actions to magic items which several official items have needed since the Basic Rules first dropped. Adding Options would be another whole ball of programming we might be waiting for for a long, loo—oong time.)
Options to enable the pact weapon and hex weapons features! For example, in HB subclass you can add an action and it can be configured as a weapon attack. It would be awesome to see that be able to be used with the pact/hex weapon feature.
Options to enable the pact weapon and hex weapons features! For example, in HB subclass you can add an action and it can be configured as a weapon attack. It would be awesome to see that be able to be used with the pact/hex weapon feature.
If you add a subclass feature named “Hex Warrior” to any subclass it will work just like it does for hexblades without the additional proficiencies.
And the ability to prevent tool proficiency or shield proficiency.
Depending on how you plan to grant the choice (race, subclass, or feat), you can already do that. It’s not possible with a feat because feat Options can’t have modifiers attached to them. However, with races or subclasses you can create a trait or feature that has two Options, one Option that has the modifier to grant shield proficiency attached and the other Option with the modifier to grant a choice of tool proficiency. If you need it, I gave a full walkthrough on how to properly set up trait/feature Options in the Subclass & Races FAQ #1: (
Responding to a thread on someone needing a selection of spellcasting abilities for their sub-race(s), and one modifier I'd like to see (and which I think would help DDB a lot with implementing new style races/feats etc.) is a "Spellcasting Ability" modifier.
The choices for this would be one of the six ability scores, or choices including "Choose from Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma", "Choose from Intelligence or Wisdom" (for the Order of the Profaned Soul Blood Hunter), "Choose from Intelligence or Charisma" and "Choose from Wisdom or Charisma" (to complete the set) and maybe "Choose any ability score" to allow an unrestricted choice if you want that for some reason.
What the modifier will do is then override the default spellcasting ability used for all spell entries attached to that homebrew. Spell entries that set a spellcasting ability will not be affected, nor will spells gained normally from a (sub-)class' spellcasting ability.
For example, lets say I'm creating a new version of Tiefling with the option to choose its spellcasting ability from INT/WIS/CHA. Currently I would need to create three options (one for each ability score) and add each spell to each one, setting the correct score to use and duplicating everything else, resulting in a lot of redundancy and making this much slower, more error prone and more annoying to do. With this new modifier I would instead add thaumaturgy, hellish rebuke and darkness as spells to the race as normal, but without specifying a spellcasting ability, then I add the modifier Spellcasting Ability -> Choose from Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma. When a player picks my version of Tiefling, they are asked to choose one of those three scores, and the three spells added to their sheet will use the chosen score (as they have no specific score, so it defaults to the modifier).
This would eliminate the need to create three options on all races capable of spellcasting, which is would make things so much easier to create and maintain both for homebrewers and DDB staff, rather than the current technique of lots of duplication and therefore more room for error (and three times the work to make changes).
Former D&D Beyond Customer of six years: With the axing of piecemeal purchasing, lack of meaningful development, and toxic moderation the site isn't worth paying for anymore. I remain a free user only until my groups are done migrating from DDB, and if necessary D&D, after which I'm done. There are better systems owned by better companies out there.
I have unsubscribed from all topics and will not reply to messages. My homebrew is now 100% unsupported.
The ability to use class specific features in a magic weapon, armor, or item. For example, to give a item the Lay on Hands feature. If it is already in the system, how do I access it?
A thing which would be really nice is the possibility to add weapons, armor and equipment usable in my campaign world and which could be added to my campaign characters.
Much Obliged...
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A dungeonmaster since the 80's, I loved D&D ever since I bought my first book at a local hobby store, the 2nd edition Advanced Dungeon Master's Guide and since then, my life was forever changed. 'Nuff Said.
Additional Spell Slots at different levels.
Increases in resources in general (ki points, meta magic, superiority die, etc)
Want to see Virtual Table Top like no other before it built within Upvote the feature request. It's 2nd highest voted so far:
NOTE: You will need to setup a zendesk account (which is not your account, the team uses this 3rd party software). It's easy to do and your votes are needed!
A Medium/Large option for races, and/or changing the base size as part of a sub-race. I'm trying to tweak Minotaurs, and want to have the Theros & MM versions as 1 race entry. Could also have big Goliaths or other "almost but not quite Large" races have a sub-race that does cross the line.
Items with dropdown menus so not every possible option needs to be displayed at once. Notably the Exandria / Fizzban items which have multiple power levels or damage types would be much easier to use / understand at a glance, as well as be better integrated into the character sheet because they would have specific effects, rather than a list possible effects.
That is already possible with the “Size” and “Carrying Capacity” Modifiers.
That wouldn’t be a “Modifier,” but some other mechanism.
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When I say Medium/Large, I mean like how there is currently a Small/Medium option for some races (like Harengon) & the homebrew dropdown. As in when each character is made, the player can pick a size. If there is a way to make those adjustable by subrace, I missed it (but I didn't dig too deep yet, admittedly).
The second part isn't a separate modifier, but it is a IMO better way to organize the modifiers we have, for official & homebrew items. For example, on Dragon’s Wrath Weapon, if there was a rarity dropdown, & a dragontype dropdown, it would make it easy to add just the abilities from that rarity, and the bonus damage from that dragon type integrated into the character sheet as effects / damage, rather than having a giant all-inclusive block of text under the item, and little to nothing changing on the sheet. Much better than us having to homebrew 4 rarities x 15 dragon breeds = 60 distinct items. So it's a modifier of modifiers?
To be honest, the creature size doesn’t really change much (or anything) in DDB’s system without the Carrying Capacity Modifier too. In fact that whole “small or medium” thing is (I believe) mainly for monster statblocks. But yes, you can totally just make the race Medium and then add Options to a trait attached to that race and have one of those Options use the Size and Carrying Capacity modifiers to make the PC Large instead. The reason that isn’t a thing normally otherwise is because no official races are designed to be Large because things start to break down in regards to movement and certain spell interactions for large creatures.
If needed, I fully explained how to properly set up Options in the following thread, Post 1, Subclasses & Races FAQ #1: (
That would be more handled as Options attached to magic items which would not fall under the purview of this thread. (Not to mention we have been waiting for 5 years for them to finally add Actions to magic items which several official items have needed since the Basic Rules first dropped. Adding Options would be another whole ball of programming we might be waiting for for a long, loo—oong time.)
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I'd like to be able to add warlock eldritch invocations and artificer infusions, both number available to the character and options for selection.
Please check out my home-brewed Races, Spells, Feats, Magic Items, Backgrounds, and Subclasses.
Options to enable the pact weapon and hex weapons features! For example, in HB subclass you can add an action and it can be configured as a weapon attack. It would be awesome to see that be able to be used with the pact/hex weapon feature.
If you add a subclass feature named “Hex Warrior” to any subclass it will work just like it does for hexblades without the additional proficiencies.
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Nothing for the pact weapon though?
No, as that’s a base class feature and we don’t have access to those.
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Natural armor that does not grant an additional AC from shield use.
And the ability to prevent tool proficiency or shield proficiency.
Depending on how you plan to grant the choice (race, subclass, or feat), you can already do that. It’s not possible with a feat because feat Options can’t have modifiers attached to them. However, with races or subclasses you can create a trait or feature that has two Options, one Option that has the modifier to grant shield proficiency attached and the other Option with the modifier to grant a choice of tool proficiency. If you need it, I gave a full walkthrough on how to properly set up trait/feature Options in the Subclass & Races FAQ #1: (
Creating Epic Boons on DDB
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I'm confused by the second part. You want to block a character from getting tool / shield proficiency?
It's to allow for non humanoid player races. In fact both are.
Oh wait, prevent their use?!? I missed that originally.
Creating Epic Boons on DDB
DDB Buyers' Guide
Hardcovers, DDB & You
Content Troubleshooting
Responding to a thread on someone needing a selection of spellcasting abilities for their sub-race(s), and one modifier I'd like to see (and which I think would help DDB a lot with implementing new style races/feats etc.) is a "Spellcasting Ability" modifier.
The choices for this would be one of the six ability scores, or choices including "Choose from Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma", "Choose from Intelligence or Wisdom" (for the Order of the Profaned Soul Blood Hunter), "Choose from Intelligence or Charisma" and "Choose from Wisdom or Charisma" (to complete the set) and maybe "Choose any ability score" to allow an unrestricted choice if you want that for some reason.
What the modifier will do is then override the default spellcasting ability used for all spell entries attached to that homebrew. Spell entries that set a spellcasting ability will not be affected, nor will spells gained normally from a (sub-)class' spellcasting ability.
For example, lets say I'm creating a new version of Tiefling with the option to choose its spellcasting ability from INT/WIS/CHA. Currently I would need to create three options (one for each ability score) and add each spell to each one, setting the correct score to use and duplicating everything else, resulting in a lot of redundancy and making this much slower, more error prone and more annoying to do. With this new modifier I would instead add thaumaturgy, hellish rebuke and darkness as spells to the race as normal, but without specifying a spellcasting ability, then I add the modifier Spellcasting Ability -> Choose from Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma. When a player picks my version of Tiefling, they are asked to choose one of those three scores, and the three spells added to their sheet will use the chosen score (as they have no specific score, so it defaults to the modifier).
This would eliminate the need to create three options on all races capable of spellcasting, which is would make things so much easier to create and maintain both for homebrewers and DDB staff, rather than the current technique of lots of duplication and therefore more room for error (and three times the work to make changes).
Former D&D Beyond Customer of six years: With the axing of piecemeal purchasing, lack of meaningful development, and toxic moderation the site isn't worth paying for anymore. I remain a free user only until my groups are done migrating from DDB, and if necessary D&D, after which I'm done. There are better systems owned by better companies out there.
I have unsubscribed from all topics and will not reply to messages. My homebrew is now 100% unsupported.
The ability to use class specific features in a magic weapon, armor, or item. For example, to give a item the Lay on Hands feature. If it is already in the system, how do I access it?
Zarod aka Gerrart Roncherac "The Poet", Luur "The Lethal" and Clockwork Watcher 3 (C-Dub3) "Dub"
Would like your feedback on my Homebrew: Backgrounds Magic Weapons
A thing which would be really nice is the possibility to add weapons, armor and equipment usable in my campaign world and which could be added to my campaign characters.
Much Obliged...
A dungeonmaster since the 80's, I loved D&D ever since I bought my first book at a local hobby store, the 2nd edition Advanced Dungeon Master's Guide and since then, my life was forever changed. 'Nuff Said.
The ability to add spells to the character sheet and class spell list on a character sheet.