Not sure if this fits here but ill post and ask for forgiveness about it
Trying to create a homebrew musket for a player but instead of using Str or Dex for the weapon i want to use INT since the character is an artificer and is allowed to use int instead, but have found no way to just create a musket with the Int stat as its usable stat.
I know this is pretty late in response to this, but you/the character can add a custom action to their sheet that will let you/them choose the stat. So while not homebrewing the actual item, you can give them the attack you're wanting there.
I know I'm WAY late in the game on this, but stumbled upon this thread as I was googling, so wanted to leave an answer for any other future wayward googlers. There's an easy way around this for Battle Smith Artificers, at least. If you add a Bonus - Magic modifier, it'll proc the switch from STR/DEX to INT for the weapon. If you don't want it to be a +1 weapon or whatever, just leave the Fixed Value blank.
I know I'm WAY late in the game on this, but stumbled upon this thread as I was googling, so wanted to leave an answer for any other future wayward googlers. There's an easy way around this for Battle Smith Artificers, at least. If you add a Bonus - Magic modifier, it'll proc the switch from STR/DEX to INT for the weapon. If you don't want it to be a +1 weapon or whatever, just leave the Fixed Value blank.
You have to use the modifier: Bonus - Magic Item Attack With Intelligence. But if you use this modifier then all magic weapons, including all homebrew weapons, will use INT instead of STR/DEX for attack and damage.
So this is really late but, a Battle Master artificer can use Int in place of Str/Dex with MAGIC weapons, so if you have a regular musket, so if you want to do it by the book find a magic one or use the repeating weapon infusion on it. Either one of those should switch it to INT without any fudging of the sheet
Not sure if this fits here but ill post and ask for forgiveness about it
Trying to create a homebrew musket for a player but instead of using Str or Dex for the weapon i want to use INT since the character is an artificer and is allowed to use int instead, but have found no way to just create a musket with the Int stat as its usable stat.
That’s because the weapon uses Dex by default. You would have to change things for the character, not the weapon.
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There isn't an option for this. Melee weapons use STR, ranged weapons use DEX, and no official item is otherwise, so there isn't a modifier for it.
The few subclasses that do are unique enough that rather than make modifiers for them, the features are hard coded so they don't break anything.
I know this is pretty late in response to this, but you/the character can add a custom action to their sheet that will let you/them choose the stat. So while not homebrewing the actual item, you can give them the attack you're wanting there.
I know I'm WAY late in the game on this, but stumbled upon this thread as I was googling, so wanted to leave an answer for any other future wayward googlers. There's an easy way around this for Battle Smith Artificers, at least. If you add a Bonus - Magic modifier, it'll proc the switch from STR/DEX to INT for the weapon. If you don't want it to be a +1 weapon or whatever, just leave the Fixed Value blank.
You have to use the modifier: Bonus - Magic Item Attack With Intelligence. But if you use this modifier then all magic weapons, including all homebrew weapons, will use INT instead of STR/DEX for attack and damage.
How to: Replace DEX in your AC | Jump & Suffocation stats | Build a (Spell & class effect buff system | Wild Shape effect system) | Tool Proficiencies as Custom Skills | Spells at higher levels explained | Superior Fighting/Martial Adept Fix | Snippet Codes Explored - Subclasses | Snippet Math Theory | Homebrew Weapons Explained
Check out my: FEATS | MAGIC ITEMS | MONSTERS | SUBCLASSES Artificer Specialist: Weaveblade
Dndbeyond images not loading A PERMANENT WORKAROUND!!! (thank you Jay_Lane)
So this is really late but, a Battle Master artificer can use Int in place of Str/Dex with MAGIC weapons, so if you have a regular musket, so if you want to do it by the book find a magic one or use the repeating weapon infusion on it. Either one of those should switch it to INT without any fudging of the sheet