Rules & Game Mechanics

For discussion of races, spells, magic items, monsters, backgrounds, and feats
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Page References: D&D Beyond to Core Rules >>
by fohswe
51 27,939
Official Wizards of the Coast errata >> (1 Viewing)
by Stormknight
32 83,043
The essential kit has sidekick cards, how do I use them? >>
by Trtlman
1 5
So monsters can't make Attacks of opportunity. >> (1 Viewing)
by Taenx
28 328
Proficient in all skills by level 7! >>
by Dbacon
8 573
What happens on a succesful save against Contagion? >>
by nicclnucnaxi
12 83
Stealth & Invisibility 2024; my rules taking comments on my Stealth & Invisibility Clarification >>
by BasharTegMiles
2 46
Does Shadow Blade work with Weapon Mastery? >>
by Natrel
5 87
What equipment/items can I give my Pact of the Chain familiar and what can they do with them? >>
by Natrel
11 87
Autumn Eladrin Fey Step and social interactions >>
by Xeyd
4 38
I'm new to this, what is the initiative stat on my character? >>
by Trtlman
3 46
Magic Stone + Sling >>
by kdgain
82 32,629
New Dire Wolf automatically knocks prone on hit?? >> (1 Viewing)
by wizardDr25
17 440
Monster Actions - Is it "either / or?" or "all" or "dealer's choice" >>
by CraigGoddard
5 83
2024 Major nerf to True Polymorph >>
by David42
49 1,588
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