So the Optional Class Options - Additional Spells only show PHB spells and spells from Tasha's, but above it, it says that Xanathar's also offers more spells. Why aren't those shown in the spell list? Just showing those also with a marking would help know which can be used for a class and which not. Really confusing.
The optional additional druid spells lists those in the PB, TCoE and says
"Xanathar's Guide to Everything also offers more spells."
but doesn't list out what those spells are from XGtE (I have a copy of the list from UA but shouldn't the list also be here ?)
The spells are listed in Xanathar’s Guide to Everything. There’s no need to list them in TCoE.
If you’re asking what happened to spells from XGtE that were added to spell lists in the UA, those spells have—sadly—been removed. I would imagine WotC would add them back through XGtE errata.
As I said earlier in the thread, DnDBeyond made a tweet earlier that the integration of things like the Class Feature Variants are being worked on and will be done by the end of the 17th.
Seeing as how I am disallowing over 80% of this book for use in games I DM, and seeing as how some of my players have purchased this book, content sharing needs to be fixed so I can block this book from being shared with the rest.
I don't know if this is a mistake or just worded differently, but in the describtion of the "Amulet of the Devout" it says "While you wear the holy symbol, you gain a bonus to spell attack rolls and the saving throw DCs of your spells." Compared to similar items like the "Arcane Grimoire" it does not specify that this increase only applies to the spells of a single class e.g. "While you are holding this leather-bound book, you can use it as a spellcasting focus for your wizard spells, and you gain a bonus to spell attack rolls and to the saving throw DCs of your wizard spells."
Public Mod Note(Stormknight): As long as your character is within the campaign where the sharing is active, it will work - however you need to wait until the CFO feature is deployed
Do I need to own the book personally to have the character options appear in the character creator, or s it enough to have the book shared with you? I can't see the options, but do have access to the source book.
Public Mod Note
As long as your character is within the campaign where the sharing is active, it will work - however you need to wait until the CFO feature is deployed
Apologies if this has been answered, but a search couldn't locate it.
Will the updates from Tasha's be applied to existing characters? I can see that spells have been updated, but I'm wondering whether additional class features e.g. Cleric's use of Channel Divinity to reclaim a spellslot are to be incorporated into existing characters or only those that are new?
Yes, Armor of Agathys could be added once you reach level 2. You could swap Alarm or Protection from Evil and Good for it when you level up. I feel like it would be easiest for it to be added in the same way 'Magical Secrets' works on the Bard, and restricted down to the correct levels, spell lists and spell schools. When you level up, you go back in character edit to adjust. Will see how D&D beyond do it though.
I still see the UA infusions, not the published ones. I don't have the Eratta update either, because I still don't have Homunculus Servant as an infusion yet for lvl 2.
Did your class get archived and potentially you have to re-select? I don't see the UA ones. Homunculus does currently seem limited to level 6.
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Checked the topic and have seen nobody reporting this:
Fighting Style has the new fighting styles, but Additional Fighting Style doesn't have them.
Edit: Found another bug with character frames. They cannot be changed on an already made character. New characters can change their portait frames.
Edit 2: Nevermind can't seem to replicate the frame bug. It just sometimes doesn't save.
The Tattoo IS a item. The items a needle that applies it.
So the Optional Class Options - Additional Spells only show PHB spells and spells from Tasha's, but above it, it says that Xanathar's also offers more spells. Why aren't those shown in the spell list? Just showing those also with a marking would help know which can be used for a class and which not.
Really confusing.
The spells are listed in Xanathar’s Guide to Everything. There’s no need to list them in TCoE.
If you’re asking what happened to spells from XGtE that were added to spell lists in the UA, those spells have—sadly—been removed. I would imagine WotC would add them back through XGtE errata.
As I said earlier in the thread, DnDBeyond made a tweet earlier that the integration of things like the Class Feature Variants are being worked on and will be done by the end of the 17th.
Pact of the Genie warlock doesn't allow you to add the wish spell as your 9th level Mystic Arcanum.
Fey Wanderer, Ranger's Fey Magic ability isn't giving additional spells but spell options and the text states they do not count against known spells.
I can't add Zephyr Strike to my spellbook despite having access to XGtE
Zephyr Strike is not a wizard spell.
Is Fiery Teleportation for the Wildfire Spirit supposed to not have a recharge? The UA version was on a short or long rest.
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I verified that the version we have accurately reflects the source - Fiery Teleportation no longer has wording regarding short rest/long rest usage.
Seeing as how I am disallowing over 80% of this book for use in games I DM, and seeing as how some of my players have purchased this book, content sharing needs to be fixed so I can block this book from being shared with the rest.
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I don't know if this is a mistake or just worded differently, but in the describtion of the "Amulet of the Devout" it says "While you wear the holy symbol, you gain a bonus to spell attack rolls and the saving throw DCs of your spells." Compared to similar items like the "Arcane Grimoire" it does not specify that this increase only applies to the spells of a single class e.g. "While you are holding this leather-bound book, you can use it as a spellcasting focus for your wizard spells, and you gain a bonus to spell attack rolls and to the saving throw DCs of your wizard spells."
Amulet of the Devout:
Arcane Grimoire:
Do I need to own the book personally to have the character options appear in the character creator, or s it enough to have the book shared with you? I can't see the options, but do have access to the source book.
Apologies if this has been answered, but a search couldn't locate it.
Will the updates from Tasha's be applied to existing characters? I can see that spells have been updated, but I'm wondering whether additional class features e.g. Cleric's use of Channel Divinity to reclaim a spellslot are to be incorporated into existing characters or only those that are new?
Yes, Armor of Agathys could be added once you reach level 2. You could swap Alarm or Protection from Evil and Good for it when you level up. I feel like it would be easiest for it to be added in the same way 'Magical Secrets' works on the Bard, and restricted down to the correct levels, spell lists and spell schools. When you level up, you go back in character edit to adjust. Will see how D&D beyond do it though.
Please select the version of the feat with the relevant ability score in the name.
e.g. "Telekinetic (Intelligence)"
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I can't see the spells that have been added to the Warlock spell list available at 5th level Mislead, Planar binding, Teleportation circle
It looks like all the brand new spells have been added - but the tags on these existing ones don't seem to contain Warlock?
Did your class get archived and potentially you have to re-select? I don't see the UA ones. Homunculus does currently seem limited to level 6.