"Greetings, foundlings, and salutations! You have decided to enter the mystical halls of the ’Brews, where you might learn some most astonishing mysteries and solve the most tangled of puzzles. Your task is to present us with something we haven't seen before, and have it make us look upon it with delight. You have but a few tendays to create your product and show it to us, so we suggest you get to work!"
- Meyonmon Merridith, Ex-Candlekeep Scholar
If this is your first time joining us, welcome. The purpose of this thread is to spread a little bit of fun in the form of a friendly competition! Your task: Create an item of homebrew (see below) that is totally original and makes us go “wow!” The end products will be rated by members of the community, and the victor of each category will help create the next Finest ‘Brew contest! The previous contests are linked below:
All competitions thus far have contained a multitude of spectacular and inspired entries, so I suggest you check them out if you haven't already. Now, onto the important stuff:
Entries must be submitted before Noon (Amsterdam time) on Monday, November 18thto be considered part of the competition.
Contest Categories
In each Finest Brew contest, there are three categories. These are so that people with skill in creating, say, monsters, don't end up stuck having to make dungeons. Each category is judged separately. There can only be one entrance per category per person. The category types are as follows:
DM Options: Things that provide tools for DMs to make encounters more interesting and rewards more enticing - such as dungeons/encounters, magic items, monsters, random tables, or even optional rules/mechanics.
PC Options: Things that help a player will build and develop their character - such as homebrew classes, subclasses, spells, feats, backgrounds or race/lineage/species options.
Interactive Options:Things that affect how characters interact with the world, exploring both its social structure and environment - such as NPCs, puzzles, stories/lore, terrain, traps/hazards or even institutions like shops or taverns.
This time, our category themes are:
DM Options: The Red Prison
Carceri’s halls are filled with those trapped by bonds stronger than steel—chains of despair, regret, and endless punishment. Prisoners from across the multiverse, from fallen gods to broken mortals, find themselves ensnared within, each trapped by their own sins and failures. Some of these chains take on a life of their own, becoming entities of malice or items cursed with the same hopelessness that binds the plane itself. The wardens here are not mere mortals but manifestations of the plane's unyielding hatred for freedom, enforcing the eternal imprisonment of all who enter. Yet, legends speak of forgotten keys—magical items or creatures that possess the faintest spark of escape. But these keys come at a terrible price, for they are as cursed as the prison they unlock, offering only the illusion of freedom. (This theme was picked with the help ofGnomarchy)
Player Options: Blessed be thy Ancestors
Ancient heroes, royal bloodlines, monstrous ancestry or just a really good dad. Adventurers are often marked by their ancestors. Be they good living parents, or parents slain in early childhood. So where do you come from? Is it the ancient blood of kings that drives you or the power of dragons coursing through your veins. Do you have faith in the ghosts of the past? Or is your path marked by revolt against their demands?
Interactive Options: Bandits, Outlaws and Scallywags
Legend is filled with the deeds of the robber. Dutch folklore tells us about the Buckriders, demonic highwayman that ride Goats. The English legends tell us of Robin Hood and his merry men stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. And Arabic mythology holds tales of Ali Baba and his forty thieves. There are stories of Ronin, Pirates and Western Gunslingers of equal worth. Be they the hero or the villain. There is something that pulls us to this darker side of life. So tell us now, who are your thieves? Who are the outlaws of the world? Or what are the places they reside? And which dark forces of luck protect them from the long reach of the law? Are they just misunderstood or beyond redemption?
Voting will start Wednesday November 20th (or thereabouts, once the survey is made) and will end at Noon (Amsterdam Time) on Thursday November 28th. A Google Forms poll for each category will be posted on this thread, and all may vote on it - including and especially contestants. Contestants are encouraged to vote 5 and 5 on their own submissions; all scores will have 5 subtracted from both voting categories. Scores are assigned using a numerical value from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent).
Balance/Playability - This score is about how well the entry would run in game. If this entry is overpowered or underpowered, consider subtracting points. Also, consider subtracting points if it is poorly written or unclear, since that would make it a lot harder to understand and use in game.
Idea/Creativity- This score is about cool, interesting and unique the entry is. If someone's idea does not fit well into the contest category it is submitted for, consider subtracting points. If someone has put alot of extra work into the submission reflected by its length or artistic pieces, consider adding points
Written Feedback - You have the option to give written feedback, should you choose, for any entries on the forms. Written feedback does not factor into a contestants score.
We are hoping that by giving everyone more criteria to vote on for each entry, you will think about each aspect and not feel the need to cram all of your thoughts into a single number. We are also hoping that having multiple scores contribute to the total will make ties less likely to occur.
Please try to take the time to review and vote for every entry, except for your own, in the categories you vote in, as even one vote can easily sway a competition like this. If there's anything you feel very strongly about, also feel free to review it in the thread! Reviews won't count for anything, but it's nice to get feedback!
Determining Winners
Category Winners: Each of the two final scores will be added together to constitute the entry's total score, with the highest score determining the winner of each category.
The winner of each individual category will pick the theme for that category in the next competition. If there is a tie, then they can work together to come up with a theme. If you pick the theme for a category, then you cannot compete in it in the next competition.
Contest Winner: The entry with the highest individual score across the three categories will then be coronated as the contest winner and become the judge of the next competition. To clarify, this means that the highest of the 3 high scores is the winner.
If one person wins two or more categories, they win, regardless of if any of their individual scores are the highest.
If two or more entries are tied for highest score, the contestant with the highest total score for all of their entries will take the crown - so be sure to try and put something forward for every category to win a tiebreaker!
Guides & Mini-FAQ* & Changelog
WAIT! Before you see the 5th level Wall of Text in this FAQ’s* & Guides section, and decide not to submit to the competition because you don’t want to read it, remember that reading this section is COMPLETELY OPTIONAL. You do not need to read any of this to submit something for the competition, to pick a category, or to become the next judge. This is merely a helpful tool if you’re confused. You have no obligation to read or use it!
Guide for Competition & Category Winners.
Competition Winner: The competition winner becomes the next judge, they are responsible for doing the following:
They must start a private message thread between all the other category winners to figure out what themes the next categories will have. The judge must also pick the themes for all the categories they won. When possible, it is best to avoid reusing the same theme for the same category multiple times, though repeating themes for the same categories will be unavoidable eventually.
The judge must start the next competition thread. They can copy & paste most information from the previous competition thread, but must change the relevant information, such as dates and category themes. If you are the next judge and don’t know how long a given part of the competition, such as voting, should last, then just look at how long it lasted in the last competition, and have it be the same length for your competition. The judge should also update the “Contestants” section of their competition with links to each entry, and the name of the user who submitted it.
Once the time to submit entries ends, the judge is responsible for starting the google form for voting. If a judge doesn’t know how to do this, there will most likely be someone from the previous competition who would be willing to help if asked.
The judge should remove troll votes if there are any, and announce the scores and winners of the previous competition, after voting ends. It’s alright not to be able to do this immediately after voting ends, but the judge should try to do it as quickly as they can.
The judge, just like any other category winner, cannot submit anything to a category they created, or significantly impacted the creation of.
Category Winners: A category winner must do the following:
They must pick the next competition's theme for the category they won. Other category winners can help advise you or give you ideas for the theme, but ultimately, it’s up to you to pick it. The judge should start a private message thread with you and the other category winners, and that’s where you tell them your next category idea.
If you pick a category's theme, you cannot participate in it in the next competition. In addition, if you played a very, very significant role in picking another category’s theme, it is best for you not to participate in it. For example, if another contestant gives a list of their five ideas for the next competition and lets you pick it, then you probably shouldn’t participate in that category for when that theme comes up. However, if you just say something like, “Ooh, that sounds like a cool category idea,” or, “I like that idea but it is a little confusing, maybe you could word it differently?” Then you didn’t play that significant of a role in choosing that category, so you can still participate in it.
Mini FAQ* for competition contestants:
Q. Wait, how do I submit?
A. You just make a post in the competition thread with either a link to your entry, or your entry typed out in it. It helps to add what category you’re submitting to, but it is not strictly necessary since it’s pretty easy to figure out what type of category the entry is for.
Q. Can you vote on your own submission?
A. Yes. Contestants are encouraged strongly to vote, and to vote 5 & 5 on their own submissions, as 5 will be subtracted from each score while being calculated. This is to maintain fair voting while encouraging votes.
Q. Where can I find the forms for voting?
A. When the competition submission time ends, voting will start soon. You vote on a google form. The judge should link the forms near the voting section when they’re up, and they will probably also make a post on the thread announcing that voting’s started with the link.
Q. Can I have multiple submissions in the same competition?
A. Yes, you can have multiple submissions for the same competition. HOWEVER, as described in the “Contest Categories” section of this competition, you can only have one entry per category. For example, you can make something for the DM’s Options, PC Options, and Inspirational Options, but you can't make two things for PC Options and one for DM’s.
Q. I’ve already submitted something for X category, can I change my submission for it?
A. Yes, you can change your submission for a specific category as long as the deadline for submissions has not yet been reached. Do remember that if you’re changing your submission, it is best to edit your original post with your first submission to say that it is obsolete, and necessary to make a new one to announce & link your new submission. Also, do keep in mind that it does create a bit more work for the judges when you edit your submission, because they have to update the links. However, it is alright to do so.
Q. Is written feedback optional and does it effect an entries score?
A. Yes, written feedback is optional. No, it does not effect an entries score.
Q. Is the scoring by total score, or by average score?
A. The scoring is done by both average scores (Balance/Playability, Idea/Creativity) being added together for a final score. All scores have -5 when being calculated for reasons stated elsewhere.
Q. How do I know if my submission is more appropriate for the DM category or the Interactive category?
A. If it is not obvious which of the two categories your submission would make sense for, then it really comes down to which pillar of the game you seek to explore. DM Options are more closely tied to combat whereas Interactive Options are more closely tied to exploration and social encounters.
As an example, if you have an NPC with a stat block and you are not sure where to submit, consider whether the goal of incorporating the NPC into a game would be to fight the PCs or for the PCs to gather information from it. Its possible to write a strong, social-focused NPC who still has a stat block just in case things turn towards combat, but if your desire for the NPC is to interact with the PCs through roleplay, then it likely is more fitting for the Interactive Category. If your desire is for the NPC to maybe roleplay a little, but ultimately engage the party in combat, then it would be closer to a "monster" and fit in the DM category.
Removed Inspirational Category. Replaced with Interactive Category. Rearranged/introduced submission types for all three categories accordingly
The goal is to expand the non-DM, non-PC options to allow for more creativity and input without being bogged down in the traditionally lengthy options of designing dungeons, character builds, and lore. With the addition of things like NPCs, puzzles, terrain, and hazards, the hope is that there is more room in the third category now for more "bite sized" homebrewing
Added “5 & 5” clause encouraging contestants to vote 5 & 5 on their own submission, and all scores will have -5 when being calculated.
The idea is to encourage contestants to vote, and to prevent imbalance in the number of votes or unfair voting. The previous “don’t vote on yours” was wholly unreliable. This way, contestants will only be at a disadvantage if they do not vote or if they vote lower on their submission.
Changed “account” to “person” in the passage under Contest Categories.
Just to ensure that submissions from alt accounts are counted under the same person.
I love Carceri as a concept! Prison plane full of monsters, hoo-rah!
It's my favorite of the great wheel planes. I love the idea of the gods stashing their dirty secrets and unwanted progeny there, as well as other unkillable threats. In 4e, Carceri was constructed to hold abominations, which were created by the gods to fight in the dawn war. But when the war was over, the gods couldn't tighten the faucet on their abomination machine. There's so much potential for homebrew here, I hope!
I'm new to this contest: Can I create a linking homebrew creation in the same category?
I.e., I make a monster for DM options, and it wields a weapon. Can I add that weapon to the same post? Sort of like with Narzugons or Annis Hags from MMoM, with the Tacks and the Iron Scales?
I'm new to this contest: Can I create a linking homebrew creation in the same category?
I.e., I make a monster for DM options, and it wields a weapon. Can I add that weapon to the same post? Sort of like with Narzugons or Annis Hags from MMoM, with the Tacks and the Iron Scales?
I've done stuff like this, and will likely do it this time too. It's probably a bit fast and loose with the rules... but as I say this whole thing is an internet game for funsies.
Woah, I love that these are still happening. The last one I participated in was a full 10 cycles ago, in CotFB XIV. Thank you and good work to all those that kept it running. Who knows, maybe I will have the time to write a submission this time around.
Thanks everyone for their excitement! Let's make it a good one! As to Platyboss' question. Linked submissions are allowed, as long as each submission fits the theme.
Um are we allowed to submit soon? Like, today? Because I already started on something for a Chains of Carceri themed warlock a while ago.
Submissions are anytime from now to the due date. But one problem is that subclasses are PC options and the Carceri thing is DM option. I remember doing something similar and I don’t exactly remember what happened, but I’m pretty sure it was disqualified or something similar. Just giving my thoughts.
Um are we allowed to submit soon? Like, today? Because I already started on something for a Chains of Carceri themed warlock a while ago.
Submissions are anytime from now to the due date. But one problem is that subclasses are PC options and the Carceri thing is DM option. I remember doing something similar and I don’t exactly remember what happened, but I’m pretty sure it was disqualified or something similar. Just giving my thoughts.
Um are we allowed to submit soon? Like, today? Because I already started on something for a Chains of Carceri themed warlock a while ago.
Submissions are anytime from now to the due date. But one problem is that subclasses are PC options and the Carceri thing is DM option. I remember doing something similar and I don’t exactly remember what happened, but I’m pretty sure it was disqualified or something similar. Just giving my thoughts.
Like the idea though.
Well, this was actually not a PC option. It was for my DM to use if he wanted to bring my patron into the story. It's an environmental hazard.
Carceri, also known as Tarterus or The Red Prison, is almost impossible to escape. On the rare occasion that a creature almost escapes, even setting a single foot outside of Carceri, the plane itself surges to stop it, most likely succeeding in its task. However, the portal often remains long after the punished soul escaped, leading to the development of a dungeon to contain it. These dungeons become corrupted with red chains criss-crossing the walls, yugoloths wandering the corridors, and Echoes of long dead prisoners wailing. These dungeons are often vast, possibly tens of miles across, dominating the underground parts of a region. Oftentimes they spread through miners accidentally breaching the tunnels, subterranean creatures attempting to rule over and expand the dungeon, or natural disasters, such as landslides, hurricanes, and tectonic shifts changing the geography of a biome.
Fiends such as mezzoloths, Vaaths, and Night Hags roam the dungeon. Razorvine is often growing along the walls, and Echoes (specter or poltergeist) haunt the corridors. Map a Chained Prison as a highly complex dungeon, with the portal to Othrys in the middle of it.
Mostly non-combat Enconter Table
The following is a non-combat encounter table for the dungeon:
A random whip in the dungeon becomes a +1 whip
A blast of cold, accompanied by whispers, assail the characters. They must succeed on a DC 20 Intelligence saving throw or take 4d10 psychic damage and 4d10 Cold damage.
A fiend in the dungeon suddenly becomes aware of the player's presence, and actively hunts them down. If there is no fiend, then a yugoloth from a randomly determined plane of existence teleports to a location within 1 mile of the players and actively hunts them down. This enmity cannot be ended in any way.
Whispers invade the players' thoughts, keeping them from resting well, and plaguing their thoughts with nightmares. The next time the players take a rest, they must succeed on a DC 20 Intelligence saving throw or take damage equal to the amount of hitpoints they would have gained. Either way, they do not regain hitpoints form taking the rest.
One player in the dungeon gains the ability to enchain others for 1 hour. as an action, they can cast hold monster without expending a spell slot and requiring no material components.
Echoes of the prisoners of Carceri attack the players. These echoes use the specter or poltergeist stat blocks. 1d8 appear, accompanied by eerie whispers. Upon death, the spirits take a more physical form and are restrained by giant, spectral chains.
A party of Yugoloth adventurers stumble upon the players. Their average level is 1d10 + 5, and are initially neutral towards the players.
Chains erupt from the ground, in the effect of the evard's black tentacles; however, the duration is indefinite, and the tentacles deals piercing damage instead of bludgeoning.
Haunted screams carry throughout the dungeon. All characters must make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw or take 10d10 psychic damage.
If a player has killed a creature within the last 1d10 hours, then they mut make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw or be restrained by what appears to be a matryoshka doll. While restrained in this way, the player is also paralyzed, blinded, and deafened, as well as not being able to breath. The player can be freed if the outside layers attempt to pull the shells off. This task can be done by achieving a DC 20 Strength check. You must make a separate strength check for each layer. The first shell appears to be red stone, and has the text Othrys on it. Upon successfully pulling it off, the player must make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or have their alignment inversely changed. The next shell appears to be made of red, sharp vines. Upon successfully pulling it off, the player must make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or have their Intelligence changed to 3 and their alignment changed to Unaligned. The third layer appears to be red, glowing sandstone. Upon successfully pulling it off, the player must make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or gain the following flaw: I must keep all the money I gain. The fourth layer looks as though it is a small red mountain. Upon successfully pulling it off, the player must make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or gain the following flaw: No one will believe the truth, so I have to lie. The fifth layer is a wet red orb, dealing 2d10 acid damage to the first player that touches it. Upon successfully pulling it off, the player must make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or gain the following flaw: No one gave me aid. Why should I give someone else aid? The sixth and final layer looks like a chunk of black ice with the trapped PC inside. Upon successfully pulling it off, the player must make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or gain the following flaw: I have no friends, only slaves to manipulate to my will.
Acid rain begins falling from the sky. It is red and salty, and any armor or clothing exposed to it burns away in 1d10 rounds.
A powerful fiend takes over the players' ambitions. The next time they level up, they have to take one level in Warlock.
A creature runs out from a hidden location, carrying a human carcass. Upon further inspection, the creature is actually discovered to be a humanoid that escaped the second later of Carceri.
For the next hour, the entirety of the dungeon is an antimagic zone, as if under the effect of an antimagic field.
A random item in a player's inventory turns into avicious weapon.
A random Warlock in the dungeon immediately replaces one of their known eldritch invocations with Chains of Carceri.
A massive portal to Othrys appears. It lasts for 1d10 rounds, and each creature within 100 feet of it must succeed on a DC 30 Strength saving throw or be sucked in.
Combat Encounter Tables:
The following is a combat encounter table for the dungeon:
d6 + d4
An avatar of death appears. It has half the hitpoints of the player in the party that has the most hitpoints and is a CR equal to half the average party level.
A coven of night hags, chanting a ritual, notice the players and attack.
A vampire spawn, crusted with ice, falls from the ceiling, no longer restrained by chains.
1d20 chains (use the constrictor snake stat block, except the attack reaches are 30 feet and it has 0 movement speed) burst from the walls and ground.
1 arcanaloth walks out of a library-like room, initially hostile towards the players unless they are evidently stronger than it.
A banshee appears, wailing about things she didn't do.
Um are we allowed to submit soon? Like, today? Because I already started on something for a Chains of Carceri themed warlock a while ago.
Submissions are anytime from now to the due date. But one problem is that subclasses are PC options and the Carceri thing is DM option. I remember doing something similar and I don’t exactly remember what happened, but I’m pretty sure it was disqualified or something similar. Just giving my thoughts.
Like the idea though.
Well, this was actually not a PC option. It was for my DM to use if he wanted to bring my patron into the story. It's an environmental hazard.
Hazards go under Interactive options. But if you made it for your DM, then I guess it’s fine.
The Competition of the Finest Brews I - Judged by Yamana_Eajii. (Thread accidentally deleted)
The Competition of the Finest Brews II - Judged by Thauraeln_The_Bold.
The Competition of the Finest Brews III - Judged by TabaxiRogueFighterClericWarlock
The Competition of the Finest Brews IV - Judged by Kaboom979
The Competition of the Finest Brews V - Judged by ThorukDuckSlayer
The Competition of the Finest Brews VI - Judged by Semako
The Competition of the Finest Brews VII - Judged by MilestoGo_24
The Competition of the Finest Brews VIII — Judged by Heartofjuyomk2
The Competition of the Finest Brews IX— Judged by IamSposta
The Competition of the Finest Brews X — Judged by Kaboom979
The Competition of the Finest Brews XI - Judged by BoringBard
The Competition of the Finest Brews XII- Judged by ThorukDuckSlayer
The Competition of the Finest Brews XIII - Judged by Kaboom979
The Competition of the Finest Brews XIV- Judged by MilestoGo_24
The Competition of the Finest ‘Brews XV - Judged by IamSposta
The Competition of the Finest ‘Brews XVI - Judged by MilestoGo_24
The Competition of the Finest ‘Brews XVII - Judged by ZomblesKlein
The Competition of the Finest ‘Brews XVIII - Judged by Gnomarchy
The Competition of the Finest ‘Brews XIX - Judged by Dragon_Shark
The Competition of the Finest 'Brews XX - Judged by The_Lost_Leg
The Competition of the Finest 'Brews XXI - Judged by AntonSirius
The Competition of the Finest 'Brews XXII - Judged by ZomblesKlein
The Competition of the Finest 'Brews XXIII - Judged by MinMaxxed
All competitions thus far have contained a multitude of spectacular and inspired entries, so I suggest you check them out if you haven't already. Now, onto the important stuff:
Entries must be submitted before Noon (Amsterdam time) on Monday, November 18th to be considered part of the competition.
Contest Categories
In each Finest Brew contest, there are three categories. These are so that people with skill in creating, say, monsters, don't end up stuck having to make dungeons. Each category is judged separately. There can only be one entrance per category per person. The category types are as follows:
This time, our category themes are:
DM Options: The Red Prison
Carceri’s halls are filled with those trapped by bonds stronger than steel—chains of despair, regret, and endless punishment. Prisoners from across the multiverse, from fallen gods to broken mortals, find themselves ensnared within, each trapped by their own sins and failures. Some of these chains take on a life of their own, becoming entities of malice or items cursed with the same hopelessness that binds the plane itself. The wardens here are not mere mortals but manifestations of the plane's unyielding hatred for freedom, enforcing the eternal imprisonment of all who enter. Yet, legends speak of forgotten keys—magical items or creatures that possess the faintest spark of escape. But these keys come at a terrible price, for they are as cursed as the prison they unlock, offering only the illusion of freedom. (This theme was picked with the help of Gnomarchy)
Player Options: Blessed be thy Ancestors
Ancient heroes, royal bloodlines, monstrous ancestry or just a really good dad. Adventurers are often marked by their ancestors. Be they good living parents, or parents slain in early childhood. So where do you come from? Is it the ancient blood of kings that drives you or the power of dragons coursing through your veins. Do you have faith in the ghosts of the past? Or is your path marked by revolt against their demands?
Interactive Options: Bandits, Outlaws and Scallywags
Legend is filled with the deeds of the robber. Dutch folklore tells us about the Buckriders, demonic highwayman that ride Goats. The English legends tell us of Robin Hood and his merry men stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. And Arabic mythology holds tales of Ali Baba and his forty thieves. There are stories of Ronin, Pirates and Western Gunslingers of equal worth. Be they the hero or the villain. There is something that pulls us to this darker side of life. So tell us now, who are your thieves? Who are the outlaws of the world? Or what are the places they reside? And which dark forces of luck protect them from the long reach of the law? Are they just misunderstood or beyond redemption?
Voting will start Wednesday November 20th (or thereabouts, once the survey is made) and will end at Noon (Amsterdam Time) on Thursday November 28th. A Google Forms poll for each category will be posted on this thread, and all may vote on it - including and especially contestants. Contestants are encouraged to vote 5 and 5 on their own submissions; all scores will have 5 subtracted from both voting categories. Scores are assigned using a numerical value from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent).
Written Feedback - You have the option to give written feedback, should you choose, for any entries on the forms. Written feedback does not factor into a contestants score.
We are hoping that by giving everyone more criteria to vote on for each entry, you will think about each aspect and not feel the need to cram all of your thoughts into a single number. We are also hoping that having multiple scores contribute to the total will make ties less likely to occur.
Please try to take the time to review and vote for every entry, except for your own, in the categories you vote in, as even one vote can easily sway a competition like this. If there's anything you feel very strongly about, also feel free to review it in the thread! Reviews won't count for anything, but it's nice to get feedback!
Determining Winners
Guides & Mini-FAQ* & Changelog
WAIT! Before you see the 5th level Wall of Text in this FAQ’s* & Guides section, and decide not to submit to the competition because you don’t want to read it, remember that reading this section is COMPLETELY OPTIONAL. You do not need to read any of this to submit something for the competition, to pick a category, or to become the next judge. This is merely a helpful tool if you’re confused. You have no obligation to read or use it!
Guide for Competition & Category Winners.
Competition Winner: The competition winner becomes the next judge, they are responsible for doing the following:
Category Winners: A category winner must do the following:
Mini FAQ* for competition contestants:
Q. Wait, how do I submit?
A. You just make a post in the competition thread with either a link to your entry, or your entry typed out in it. It helps to add what category you’re submitting to, but it is not strictly necessary since it’s pretty easy to figure out what type of category the entry is for.
Q. Can you vote on your own submission?
A. Yes. Contestants are encouraged strongly to vote, and to vote 5 & 5 on their own submissions, as 5 will be subtracted from each score while being calculated. This is to maintain fair voting while encouraging votes.
Q. Where can I find the forms for voting?
A. When the competition submission time ends, voting will start soon. You vote on a google form. The judge should link the forms near the voting section when they’re up, and they will probably also make a post on the thread announcing that voting’s started with the link.
Q. Can I have multiple submissions in the same competition?
A. Yes, you can have multiple submissions for the same competition. HOWEVER, as described in the “Contest Categories” section of this competition, you can only have one entry per category. For example, you can make something for the DM’s Options, PC Options, and Inspirational Options, but you can't make two things for PC Options and one for DM’s.
Q. I’ve already submitted something for X category, can I change my submission for it?
A. Yes, you can change your submission for a specific category as long as the deadline for submissions has not yet been reached. Do remember that if you’re changing your submission, it is best to edit your original post with your first submission to say that it is obsolete, and necessary to make a new one to announce & link your new submission. Also, do keep in mind that it does create a bit more work for the judges when you edit your submission, because they have to update the links. However, it is alright to do so.
Q. Is written feedback optional and does it effect an entries score?
A. Yes, written feedback is optional. No, it does not effect an entries score.
Q. Is the scoring by total score, or by average score?
A. The scoring is done by both average scores (Balance/Playability, Idea/Creativity) being added together for a final score. All scores have -5 when being calculated for reasons stated elsewhere.
Q. How do I know if my submission is more appropriate for the DM category or the Interactive category?
A. If it is not obvious which of the two categories your submission would make sense for, then it really comes down to which pillar of the game you seek to explore. DM Options are more closely tied to combat whereas Interactive Options are more closely tied to exploration and social encounters.
As an example, if you have an NPC with a stat block and you are not sure where to submit, consider whether the goal of incorporating the NPC into a game would be to fight the PCs or for the PCs to gather information from it. Its possible to write a strong, social-focused NPC who still has a stat block just in case things turn towards combat, but if your desire for the NPC is to interact with the PCs through roleplay, then it likely is more fitting for the Interactive Category. If your desire is for the NPC to maybe roleplay a little, but ultimately engage the party in combat, then it would be closer to a "monster" and fit in the DM category.
Removed Inspirational Category. Replaced with Interactive Category. Rearranged/introduced submission types for all three categories accordingly
Added “5 & 5” clause encouraging contestants to vote 5 & 5 on their own submission, and all scores will have -5 when being calculated.
Changed “account” to “person” in the passage under Contest Categories.
DM Options: The Red Prison
Player Options: Blessed be thy Ancestors
Interactive Options: Bandits, Outlaws and Scallywags
I am also here.
Am snek.
I love Carceri as a concept! Prison plane full of monsters, hoo-rah!
Come participate in the Competition of the Finest Brews, Edition XXV?
My homebrew stuff:
Spells, Monsters, Magic Items, Feats, Subclasses.
I am an Archfey, but nobody seems to notice.
Extended Signature
It's my favorite of the great wheel planes. I love the idea of the gods stashing their dirty secrets and unwanted progeny there, as well as other unkillable threats. In 4e, Carceri was constructed to hold abominations, which were created by the gods to fight in the dawn war. But when the war was over, the gods couldn't tighten the faucet on their abomination machine. There's so much potential for homebrew here, I hope!
Got some ideas flowing. Can’t wait.
Hi, I’m DrakenBrine, here’s my Sig and characters
I am The Grand Envisioner!
Creative wheels are spinning. Excited to get to work.
Very interesting premises. I'm leaning towards a gishy sorcerer, but I see a lot of bard potential too.
My Homebrew: Subclasses, Monsters, Feats, Backgrounds, Magic Items
Migrating to 2024 and releasing new Homebrew regularly.
Feedback and play-testing appreciated!
This is still 2014 5e homebrew right?
BoringBard's long and tedious posts somehow manage to enrapture audiences. How? Because he used Charm Person, the #1 bard spell!
He/him pronouns. Call me Bard. PROUD NERD!
Ever wanted to talk about your parties' worst mistakes? Do so HERE. What's your favorite class, why? Share & explain
HERE.My last entry was a 2024 monster. I would personally be okay with either.
I'm new to this contest: Can I create a linking homebrew creation in the same category?
I.e., I make a monster for DM options, and it wields a weapon. Can I add that weapon to the same post? Sort of like with Narzugons or Annis Hags from MMoM, with the Tacks and the Iron Scales?
KOBOLDS WITH CANNONS! A RP thread about Small humanoids with Huge weapons.
Proud member of the EVIL JEFF CULT! PRAISE JEFF!
Homebrew Races: HERE Homebrew Spells: HERE Homebrew Monsters: HERE
MORE OF ME! (And platypodes/platypi/platypuses) (Extended signature)
I've done stuff like this, and will likely do it this time too. It's probably a bit fast and loose with the rules... but as I say this whole thing is an internet game for funsies.
Woah, I love that these are still happening. The last one I participated in was a full 10 cycles ago, in CotFB XIV. Thank you and good work to all those that kept it running. Who knows, maybe I will have the time to write a submission this time around.
I am an average mathematics enjoyer.
>Extended Signature<
Thanks everyone for their excitement! Let's make it a good one! As to Platyboss' question. Linked submissions are allowed, as long as each submission fits the theme.
I am also here.
Am snek.
Looking forward to trying to have a go with this one! Time to do some research and see what I'm supposed to be working with!
Make your Artificer work with any other class with 174 Multiclassing Feats for your Artificer Multiclass Character!
DM's Guild Releases on This Thread Or check them all out on DMs Guild!
DrivethruRPG Releases on This Thread - latest release: My Character is a Werewolf: balanced rules for Lycanthropy!
I have started discussing/reviewing 3rd party D&D content on Substack - stay tuned for semi-regular posts!
Oooh. I think I have a fun idea for the player category. Gotta really mull over the other two
Three-time Judge of the Competition of the Finest Brews! Come join us in making fun, unique homebrew and voting for your favorite entries!
Um are we allowed to submit soon? Like, today? Because I already started on something for a Chains of Carceri themed warlock a while ago.
KOBOLDS WITH CANNONS! A RP thread about Small humanoids with Huge weapons.
Proud member of the EVIL JEFF CULT! PRAISE JEFF!
Homebrew Races: HERE Homebrew Spells: HERE Homebrew Monsters: HERE
MORE OF ME! (And platypodes/platypi/platypuses) (Extended signature)
Submissions are anytime from now to the due date. But one problem is that subclasses are PC options and the Carceri thing is DM option. I remember doing something similar and I don’t exactly remember what happened, but I’m pretty sure it was disqualified or something similar. Just giving my thoughts.
Hi, I’m DrakenBrine, here’s my Sig and characters
I am The Grand Envisioner!
Like the idea though.
Hi, I’m DrakenBrine, here’s my Sig and characters
I am The Grand Envisioner!
Well, this was actually not a PC option. It was for my DM to use if he wanted to bring my patron into the story. It's an environmental hazard.
KOBOLDS WITH CANNONS! A RP thread about Small humanoids with Huge weapons.
Proud member of the EVIL JEFF CULT! PRAISE JEFF!
Homebrew Races: HERE Homebrew Spells: HERE Homebrew Monsters: HERE
MORE OF ME! (And platypodes/platypi/platypuses) (Extended signature)
Dm options: The Red Prison
The Chained Prison
Dungeon Template
Carceri, also known as Tarterus or The Red Prison, is almost impossible to escape. On the rare occasion that a creature almost escapes, even setting a single foot outside of Carceri, the plane itself surges to stop it, most likely succeeding in its task. However, the portal often remains long after the punished soul escaped, leading to the development of a dungeon to contain it. These dungeons become corrupted with red chains criss-crossing the walls, yugoloths wandering the corridors, and Echoes of long dead prisoners wailing. These dungeons are often vast, possibly tens of miles across, dominating the underground parts of a region. Oftentimes they spread through miners accidentally breaching the tunnels, subterranean creatures attempting to rule over and expand the dungeon, or natural disasters, such as landslides, hurricanes, and tectonic shifts changing the geography of a biome.
Fiends such as mezzoloths, Vaaths, and Night Hags roam the dungeon. Razorvine is often growing along the walls, and Echoes (specter or poltergeist) haunt the corridors. Map a Chained Prison as a highly complex dungeon, with the portal to Othrys in the middle of it.
Mostly non-combat Enconter Table
The following is a non-combat encounter table for the dungeon:
A random whip in the dungeon becomes a +1 whip
A blast of cold, accompanied by whispers, assail the characters. They must succeed on a DC 20 Intelligence saving throw or take 4d10 psychic damage and 4d10 Cold damage.
A fiend in the dungeon suddenly becomes aware of the player's presence, and actively hunts them down. If there is no fiend, then a yugoloth from a randomly determined plane of existence teleports to a location within 1 mile of the players and actively hunts them down. This enmity cannot be ended in any way.
Whispers invade the players' thoughts, keeping them from resting well, and plaguing their thoughts with nightmares. The next time the players take a rest, they must succeed on a DC 20 Intelligence saving throw or take damage equal to the amount of hitpoints they would have gained. Either way, they do not regain hitpoints form taking the rest.
One player in the dungeon gains the ability to enchain others for 1 hour. as an action, they can cast hold monster without expending a spell slot and requiring no material components.
Echoes of the prisoners of Carceri attack the players. These echoes use the specter or poltergeist stat blocks. 1d8 appear, accompanied by eerie whispers. Upon death, the spirits take a more physical form and are restrained by giant, spectral chains.
A party of Yugoloth adventurers stumble upon the players. Their average level is 1d10 + 5, and are initially neutral towards the players.
Chains erupt from the ground, in the effect of the evard's black tentacles; however, the duration is indefinite, and the tentacles deals piercing damage instead of bludgeoning.
Haunted screams carry throughout the dungeon. All characters must make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw or take 10d10 psychic damage.
If a player has killed a creature within the last 1d10 hours, then they mut make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw or be restrained by what appears to be a matryoshka doll. While restrained in this way, the player is also paralyzed, blinded, and deafened, as well as not being able to breath. The player can be freed if the outside layers attempt to pull the shells off. This task can be done by achieving a DC 20 Strength check. You must make a separate strength check for each layer. The first shell appears to be red stone, and has the text Othrys on it. Upon successfully pulling it off, the player must make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or have their alignment inversely changed. The next shell appears to be made of red, sharp vines. Upon successfully pulling it off, the player must make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or have their Intelligence changed to 3 and their alignment changed to Unaligned. The third layer appears to be red, glowing sandstone. Upon successfully pulling it off, the player must make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or gain the following flaw: I must keep all the money I gain. The fourth layer looks as though it is a small red mountain. Upon successfully pulling it off, the player must make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or gain the following flaw: No one will believe the truth, so I have to lie. The fifth layer is a wet red orb, dealing 2d10 acid damage to the first player that touches it. Upon successfully pulling it off, the player must make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or gain the following flaw: No one gave me aid. Why should I give someone else aid? The sixth and final layer looks like a chunk of black ice with the trapped PC inside. Upon successfully pulling it off, the player must make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or gain the following flaw: I have no friends, only slaves to manipulate to my will.
Acid rain begins falling from the sky. It is red and salty, and any armor or clothing exposed to it burns away in 1d10 rounds.
A powerful fiend takes over the players' ambitions. The next time they level up, they have to take one level in Warlock.
A creature runs out from a hidden location, carrying a human carcass. Upon further inspection, the creature is actually discovered to be a humanoid that escaped the second later of Carceri.
For the next hour, the entirety of the dungeon is an antimagic zone, as if under the effect of an antimagic field.
A random item in a player's inventory turns into avicious weapon.
A random Warlock in the dungeon immediately replaces one of their known eldritch invocations with Chains of Carceri.
A massive portal to Othrys appears. It lasts for 1d10 rounds, and each creature within 100 feet of it must succeed on a DC 30 Strength saving throw or be sucked in.
Combat Encounter Tables:
The following is a combat encounter table for the dungeon:
d6 + d4
A coven of night hags, chanting a ritual, notice the players and attack.
A vampire spawn, crusted with ice, falls from the ceiling, no longer restrained by chains.
1d20 chains (use the constrictor snake stat block, except the attack reaches are 30 feet and it has 0 movement speed) burst from the walls and ground.
1 arcanaloth walks out of a library-like room, initially hostile towards the players unless they are evidently stronger than it.
A banshee appears, wailing about things she didn't do.
1d6 invisible stalkers attack the players.
1d8 specters and 1 poltergeist attack the players. However, the specters are invisible.
Remember, feedback always helps!
KOBOLDS WITH CANNONS! A RP thread about Small humanoids with Huge weapons.
Proud member of the EVIL JEFF CULT! PRAISE JEFF!
Homebrew Races: HERE Homebrew Spells: HERE Homebrew Monsters: HERE
MORE OF ME! (And platypodes/platypi/platypuses) (Extended signature)
Hazards go under Interactive options. But if you made it for your DM, then I guess it’s fine.
Hi, I’m DrakenBrine, here’s my Sig and characters
I am The Grand Envisioner!