"Greetings, foundlings, and salutations! You have decided to enter the mystical halls of the ’Brews, where you might learn some most astonishing mysteries and solve the most tangled of puzzles. Your task is to present us with something we haven't seen before, and have it make us look upon it with delight. You have but a few tendays to create your product and show it to us, so we suggest you get to work!"
- Meyonmon Merridith, Ex-Candlekeep Scholar
If this is your first time joining us, welcome. The purpose of this thread is to spread a little bit of fun in the form of a friendly competition! Your task: Create an item of homebrew (see below) that is totally original and makes us go “wow!” The end products will be rated by members of the community, and the victor of each category will help create the next Finest ‘Brew contest! The previous contests are linked below:
All competitions thus far have contained a multitude of spectacular and inspired entries, so I suggest you check them out if you haven't already. Now, onto the important stuff:
Entries must be submitted before midnight (MT) on Saturday, July 15th to be considered part of the competition.
Contest Categories
In each Finest Brew contest, there are three categories. These are so that people with skill in creating, say, monsters, don't end up stuck having to make dungeons. Each category is judged separately. There can only be one entrance per category per person. The category types are as follows:
DM Options: Things that provide tools for DMs to make encounters more interesting and rewards more enticing - such as dungeons/encounters, magic items, monsters, random tables, or even optional rules/mechanics.
PC Options: Things that help a player will build and develop their character - such as homebrew classes, subclasses, spells, feats, backgrounds or race/lineage/species options.
Interactive Options: Things that affect how characters interact with the world, exploring both its social structure and environment - such as NPCs, puzzles, stories/lore, terrain, traps/hazards or even institutions like shops or taverns.
This time, our category themes are:
DM Options: Fe Fi Fo Fum
An army of fire giants charge against their draconic enemy. An ancient Dwarven sage bestows the party with a powerful item of ornate stone giant craftsmanship. A character is afflicted by a runic curse with the dying breath of a cloud giant. With the announcement of Glory of the Giants, the concept of the colossal might and legacy of giants runs rampant in the minds of many. What giant-related homebrews can you bring into creation?
Player Options: Uncharted Adventuring
A conjurer brings to life that which the message on the map they brandish heralds: “Here There Be Monsters.” A ranger expertly leads their party through unmapped territory, all while steadily drawing with their cartographer’s tools. A sea captain gazes through their spyglass to the far horizon, their experienced eye quickly gauging their exact position on the map. No expedition is complete without one. What magics and abilities might make use of the creation and reading of maps? What unique peoples might have culture or specialties surrounding them?
Interactive Options: Cat and Mouse
A cat and mouse scenario involves constant pursuit, near captures, and repeated escapes as a more powerful foe chases, but never quite finishes off, its prey. Whose boots do you put yourself in? Are you the cat, stalking enemies through a jungle or harrying them from afar via political machinations? Are you the mouse, finding increasingly clever and daring ways to stay out of danger? Perhaps you're the matchmaker who finds a suitable mouse for a cat to toy with. A maze in which death always seems to be at the party's heels, a legend about a would-be Jerry who turned the tables on their Tom. What intense interactions might be created from the situations you create? (This theme was picked by @AntonSirius.)
Voting will start Monday July 17th (or thereabouts, once the survey is made) and will end at midnight (MT) on Wednesday July 26th. A Google Forms poll for each category will be posted on this thread, and all may vote on it - including and especially contestants. Contestants are encouraged to vote 5 and 5 on their own submissions; all scores will have 5 subtracted from both voting categories. Scores are assigned using a numerical value from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent).
Balance/Playability - This score is about how well the entry would run in game. If this entry is overpowered or underpowered, consider subtracting points. Also, consider subtracting points if it is poorly written or unclear, since that would make it a lot harder to understand and use in game.
Idea/Creativity- This score is about cool, interesting and unique the entry is. If someone's idea does not fit well into the contest category it is submitted for, consider subtracting points. If someone has put alot of extra work into the submission reflected by its length or artistic pieces, consider adding points
Written Feedback - You have the option to give written feedback, should you choose, for any entries on the forms. Written feedback does not factor into a contestants score.
We are hoping that by giving everyone more criteria to vote on for each entry, you will think about each aspect and not feel the need to cram all of your thoughts into a single number. We are also hoping that having multiple scores contribute to the total will make ties less likely to occur.
Please try to take the time to review and vote for every entry, except for your own, in the categories you vote in, as even one vote can easily sway a competition like this. If there's anything you feel very strongly about, also feel free to review it in the thread! Reviews won't count for anything, but it's nice to get feedback!
Determining Winners
Category Winners: Each of the two final scores will be added together to constitute the entry's total score, with the highest score determining the winner of each category.
The winner of each individual category will pick the theme for that category in the next competition. If there is a tie, then they can work together to come up with a theme. If you pick the theme for a category, then you cannot compete in it in the next competition.
Contest Winner: The entry with the highest individual score across the three categories will then be coronated as the contest winner and become the judge of the next competition. To clarify, this means that the highest of the 3 high scores is the winner.
If one person wins two or more categories, they win, regardless of if any of their individual scores are the highest.
If two or more entries are tied for highest score, the contestant with the highest total score for all of their entries will take the crown - so be sure to try and put something forward for every category to win a tiebreaker!
WAIT! Before you see the 5th level Wall of Text in this FAQ’s* & Guides section, and decide not to submit to the competition because you don’t want to read it, remember that reading this section is COMPLETELY OPTIONAL. You do not need to read any of this to submit something for the competition, to pick a category, or to become the next judge. This is merely a helpful tool if you’re confused. You have no obligation to read or use it!
Guide for Competition & Category Winners.
Competition Winner: The competition winner becomes the next judge, they are responsible for doing the following:
They must start a private message thread between all the other category winners to figure out what themes the next categories will have. The judge must also pick the themes for all the categories they won. When possible, it is best to avoid reusing the same theme for the same category multiple times, though repeating themes for the same categories will be unavoidable eventually.
The judge must start the next competition thread. They can copy & paste most information from the previous competition thread, but must change the relevant information, such as dates and category themes. If you are the next judge and don’t know how long a given part of the competition, such as voting, should last, then just look at how long it lasted in the last competition, and have it be the same length for your competition. The judge should also update the “Contestants” section of their competition with links to each entry, and the name of the user who submitted it.
Once the time to submit entries ends, the judge is responsible for starting the google form for voting. If a judge doesn’t know how to do this, there will most likely be someone from the previous competition who would be willing to help if asked.
The judge should remove troll votes if there are any, and announce the scores and winners of the previous competition, after voting ends. It’s alright not to be able to do this immediately after voting ends, but the judge should try to do it as quickly as they can.
The judge, just like any other category winner, cannot submit anything to a category they created, or significantly impacted the creation of.
Category Winners: A category winner must do the following:
They must pick the next competition's theme for the category they won. Other category winners can help advise you or give you ideas for the theme, but ultimately, it’s up to you to pick it. The judge should start a private message thread with you and the other category winners, and that’s where you tell them your next category idea.
If you pick a category's theme, you cannot participate in it in the next competition. In addition, if you played a very, very significant role in picking another category’s theme, it is best for you not to participate in it. For example, if another contestant gives a list of their five ideas for the next competition and lets you pick it, then you probably shouldn’t participate in that category for when that theme comes up. However, if you just say something like, “Ooh, that sounds like a cool category idea,” or, “I like that idea but it is a little confusing, maybe you could word it differently?” Then you didn’t play that significant of a role in choosing that category, so you can still participate in it.
Mini FAQ* for competition contestants:
Q. Wait, how do I submit?
A. You just make a post in the competition thread with either a link to your entry, or your entry typed out in it. It helps to add what category you’re submitting to, but it is not strictly necessary since it’s pretty easy to figure out what type of category the entry is for.
Q. Can you vote on your own submission?
A. Yes. Contestants are encouraged strongly to vote, and to vote 5 & 5 on their own submissions, as 5 will be subtracted from each score while being calculated. This is to maintain fair voting while encouraging votes.
Q. Where can I find the forms for voting?
A. When the competition submission time ends, voting will start soon. You vote on a google form. The judge should link the forms near the voting section when they’re up, and they will probably also make a post on the thread announcing that voting’s started with the link.
Q. Can I have multiple submissions in the same competition?
A. Yes, you can have multiple submissions for the same competition. HOWEVER, as described in the “Contest Categories” section of this competition, you can only have one entry per category. For example, you can make something for the DM’s Options, PC Options, and Inspirational Options, but you can't make two things for PC Options and one for DM’s.
Q. I’ve already submitted something for X category, can I change my submission for it?
A. Yes, you can change your submission for a specific category as long as the deadline for submissions has not yet been reached. Do remember that if you’re changing your submission, it is best to edit your original post with your first submission to say that it is obsolete, and necessary to make a new one to announce & link your new submission. Also, do keep in mind that it does create a bit more work for the judges when you edit your submission, because they have to update the links. However, it is alright to do so.
Q. Is written feedback optional and does it effect an entries score?
A. Yes, written feedback is optional. No, it does not effect an entries score.
Q. Is the scoring by total score, or by average score?
A. The scoring is done by both average scores (Balance/Playability, Idea/Creativity) being added together for a final score. All scores have -5 when being calculated for reasons stated elsewhere.
Q. How do I know if my submission is more appropriate for the DM category or the Interactive category?
A. If it is not obvious which of the two categories your submission would make sense for, then it really comes down to which pillar of the game you seek to explore. DM Options are more closely tied to combat whereas Interactive Options are more closely tied to exploration and social encounters.
As an example, if you have an NPC with a stat block and you are not sure where to submit, consider whether the goal of incorporating the NPC into a game would be to fight the PCs or for the PCs to gather information from it. Its possible to write a strong, social-focused NPC who still has a stat block just in case things turn towards combat, but if your desire for the NPC is to interact with the PCs through roleplay, then it likely is more fitting for the Interactive Category. If your desire is for the NPC to maybe roleplay a little, but ultimately engage the party in combat, then it would be closer to a "monster" and fit in the DM category.
Removed Inspirational Category. Replaced with Interactive Category. Rearranged/introduced submission types for all three categories accordingly
The goal is to expand the non-DM, non-PC options to allow for more creativity and input without being bogged down in the traditionally lengthy options of designing dungeons, character builds, and lore. With the addition of things like NPCs, puzzles, terrain, and hazards, the hope is that there is more room in the third category now for more "bite sized" homebrewing
Added “5 & 5” clause encouraging contestants to vote 5 & 5 on their own submission, and all scores will have -5 when being calculated.
The idea is to encourage contestants to vote, and to prevent imbalance in the number of votes or unfair voting. The previous “don’t vote on yours” was wholly unreliable. This way, contestants will only be at a disadvantage if they do not vote or if they vote lower on their submission.
Changed “account” to “person” in the passage under Contest Categories.
Just to ensure that submissions from alt accounts are counted under the same person.
If you want to view a submission from DM’s Guild, it is recommended that you input “0” for Pay What You Want, unless you wish to donate.
I was tempted to make a tiny giant. For now, I'll submit the Gnomish Inverter for the DM category. I'm happy to hear feedback.
Gnomish Inverter
Wondrous Item, very rare
These ingenius arcanomechanical devices were developed by gnomish military artificers tasked with finding a weapon to counter the raw might of their giant enemies in open combat. Unfortunately, in typical gnomish fashion, clever giants have repurposed these devices to infiltrate gnomish warrens and incapacitate their prey in clausterphobic tunnels.
As an action, you can hurl the inverter up to 120 feet, which explodes on impact. Each unwilling creature within 30 feet of the inverter when it explodes must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature's size is inverted for 1 minute. Everything worn or carried by an affected creature changes size with it. Any item dropped by an affected creature returns to normal size at once. To determine the new size of the affected creature, consult the following table.
New Size
For every category by which a creature's size increases, the creature's size doubles in all dimensions, and its weight is multiplied by eight. If there isn't enough room for the target to increase its size, the creature attains the maximum possible size in the space available. For the duration, the creature also has advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws. The target's weapons also grow to match its new size. While these weapons are enlarged, the target's attacks with them deal 1d4 extra damage for each size category.
For every category by which a creature's size decreases, the creature's size is halved in all dimensions, and its weight is reduced to one-eighth of normal. For the duration, the creature also has disadvantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws. The target's weapons also shrink to match its new size. While these weapons are reduced, the target's attacks with them deal 1d4 less damage for each size category (this can't reduce the damage below 1).
I'll reserve this post for the interactive category.
Deceased by Dawnbreak
Special Rules:
Each time a character is reduced to 0 hit points, they gain one level of exhaustion. An creature who gains levels of exhaustion in this encounter can reduce their level of exhaustion by 1 when they complete a short rest.
The relentless juggernaut loses the Multiattack action, and when it makes a melee attack or uses the Deadly Shaping action, it cannot take actions or reactions and its speed is halved until the end of its next turn.
A character with fewer than half of its hit point maximum has its speed halved.
Unless a character is in the relentless juggernaut's line of sight, they can use the Hide action as a bonus action.
A character that moves more than half of its speed in a round has disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to remain hidden from the relentless juggernaut until the beginning of its next turn.
As a Minotaur you have developed an innate sense for direction thanks to your people's long history with mazes. This helps you tremendously on exploration and makes you a natural guide for others.
Increase your Strength or Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
You gain advantage to all Wisdom (Survival) checks meant for tracking or navigating.
My entry for Player Options: Uncharted Adventuring - The Path of the Trailblazer
Barbarians who take the Path of the Trailblazer do so because they revel in the hunt, whether it's the pursuit of a sworn enemy who has fled justice or the search for a safe haven for their people deep in the wilderness. Skilled scouts and trackers, they also channel their fury into controlling a battlefield, disrupting enemy lines and allowing allies to avoid threats.
Branded Quarry
At 3rd level, when you enter a rage, you may mark one target you can see as your Branded Quarry. The first time you hit this target with a melee weapon on a turn, you deal an additional 1d6 damage and reduce the target's speed by 10 feet until the beginning of your next turn. This mark disappears when your rage ends.
Path Carver
At 3rd level, you gain proficiency in Survival and with cartographer's tools. These increase to expertise at 10th level. In addition, beginning at 10th level, any map you make grants a bonus to Survival checks made with it to navigate the terrain or area that it displays. This bonus is equal to one-third your barbarian level (rounded down) at the time the map is created.
Guiding Hand
At 6th level, any hostile creature within 5 feet of you has disadvantage on opportunity attacks made against any creature other than you, while any allied creature within 5 feet of you does not have their movement slowed by difficult terrain.
Unerring Tracker
At 10th level, you may cast locate animals or plants as a ritual. Once per long rest, you may also cast locate creature without needing concentration to maintain the spell.
Terrain Mastery
At 14th level, you gain tremorsense to 60 feet and blindsight to 10 feet while raging, provided you are in an area you are familiar with. An area around you in a 60-foot radius is considered familiar after 10 minutes of study, if it's not otherwise one you have previously mapped out or experienced. In addition, while raging in a familiar area, you gain advantage on your next attack after moving at least half your speed in a straight line. If this attack hits, it is an automatic critical hit that ignores resistance and treats immunity as resistance. You may also gain these benefits on an attack if it is against a creature that has made an opportunity attack against you since the beginning of your turn. You may gain these benefits on an attack only once per turn.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Active characters:
Carric Aquissar, elven wannabe artist in his deconstructionist period (Archfey warlock) Mardan Ferres, elven private investigator obsessed with that one unsolved murder (Assassin rogue) Xhekhetiel, halfling survivor of a Betrayer Gods cult (Runechild sorcerer/fighter)
My entry for DM Options: Fe Fi Fo Fum - The Longsword of Filing (updated)
Weapon (longsword), legendary
You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. When attacking with the Longsword of Filing, you score a critical hit when rolling a 19 or 20 on your attack roll.
In addition, when the Longsword of Filing is used to make an attack against any object or construct made of metal, stone, crystal, bone or other hard material, the attack automatically hits and is considered a critical hit, but only dice dealing slashing damage are doubled.
The Longsword of Filing is a sentient neutral weapon named Kanalon with an Intelligence of 13, a Wisdom of 13, and a Charisma of 16. It has hearing and darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
The weapon can speak, read, and understand Common and Giant, and can communicate with its wielder telepathically, speaking in a rapid, high-pitched patter. When used for its original purpose as a mani/pedi tool rather than a weapon of war, Kanalon adds its Charisma bonus of +3 to any Persuasion check made by its wielder to engage in small talk with the client.
Unimaginable horrors await the unwary when a giant removes their boots and socks, and the hardiest of souls have been driven mad by the sight and odor of their nasty, gnarly toes. While this item can be wielded as a longsword by smaller folks, that was not its original purpose. It was created by a long-forgotten wizard, who made a vast fortune before retiring by providing mani/pedi services to the ordning, manipulating the file via telekinesis to stay as far away from the funky foot smell as possible. The blade of the Longsword of Filing is made of adamantine, while one side of the blade is encrusted with diamond shards that never seem to wear down.
Carric Aquissar, elven wannabe artist in his deconstructionist period (Archfey warlock) Mardan Ferres, elven private investigator obsessed with that one unsolved murder (Assassin rogue) Xhekhetiel, halfling survivor of a Betrayer Gods cult (Runechild sorcerer/fighter)
My entry for DM Options: Fe Fi Fo Fum - The Longsword of Filing (updated)
Weapon (longsword), legendary
You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. When attacking with the Longsword of Filing, you score a critical hit when rolling a 19 or 20 on your attack roll.
In addition, when the Longsword of Filing is used to make an attack against any object or construct made of metal, stone, crystal, bone or other hard material, the attack automatically hits and is considered a critical hit, but only dice dealing slashing damage are doubled.
The Longsword of Filing is a sentient neutral weapon named Kanalon with an Intelligence of 13, a Wisdom of 13, and a Charisma of 16. It has hearing and darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
The weapon can speak, read, and understand Common and Giant, and can communicate with its wielder telepathically, speaking in a rapid, high-pitched patter. When used for its original purpose as a mani/pedi tool rather than a weapon of war, Kanalon adds its Charisma bonus of +3 to any Persuasion check made by its wielder to engage in small talk with the client.
Unimaginable horrors await the unwary when a giant removes their boots and socks, and the hardiest of souls have been driven mad by the sight and odor of their nasty, gnarly toes. While this item can be wielded as a longsword by smaller folks, that was not its original purpose. It was created by a long-forgotten wizard, who made a vast fortune before retiring by providing mani/pedi services to the ordning, manipulating the file via telekinesis to stay as far away from the funky foot smell as possible. The blade of the Longsword of Filing is made of adamantine, while one side of the blade is encrusted with diamond shards that never seem to wear down.
Keen Smell. The Cheshire cat has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Magic Resistance. The Cheshire cat has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Nondetection.The Cheshire cat can’t be targeted or detected by any divination magic or perceived through magical scrying sensors.
Pounce. If the Cheshire cat moves at least 20 feet straight toward a creature and then hits it with a claws on the same turn, that target must succeed on a DC 10 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone if it is a creature. If the target is prone, the Cheshire cat can make one bite attack against it as a bonus action.
Multiattack. The Cheshire cat makes two attacks with its claws, and one with its bite.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack:+2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) piercing damage.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack:+4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2 slashing damage.
Invisibility and Incorporealness. The Cheshire cat magically turns partially or wholly invisible and/or incorporeal until it attacks or until it looses concentration (as if on a spell). Any equipment the cat wears or carries is invisible and/or incorporeal with it. While incorporeal, the Cheshire cat has resistance to all damage types except force damage; psychic damage; radiant damage; and bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from magical attacks that aren’t silvered. In addition it can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.
Cheshire cats are larger fey felines with remarkably wide grins. They are so named due to a striking similarity to artwork adorning signs in the village of Cheshire, perhaps even being the inspiration for that artwork. Cheshire cats come in a variety of often garish colors, and usually sport either stripes or spots, and occasionally both. They are mischievous tricksters who are frequently known to engage folks in amusing but sometimes perplexing conversation, often raising philosophical points that annoy or baffle others. Though occasionally vexing or troublesome, Cheshire cats are also often known to aid travelers by indicating routs of safe passage, pointing out helpful items, or even tending to the injured.
Cheshire Cats can become invisible, often disappearing gradually until nothing is left but its grin before that too finally disappears. However, they can also make only portions of themselves disappear leaving only a head or sometimes just a smile visible for long periods of time. Cheshire cats can also become incorporeal, in whole or in part, allowing them to pass through objects or even people, as well as making themselves resistant to most forms of injury. Their powers include being resistant to most magics, especially scrying magic, allowing them to come and go undetected at will.
It seems to be more like a monster type than an interactive NPC or such. Perhaps you could narrow the creature into a specific character with roleplaying information, or you could incorporate the monster into a larger story.
It seems to be more like a monster type than an interactive NPC or such. Perhaps you could narrow the creature into a specific character with roleplaying information, or you could incorporate the monster into a larger story.
Okay, I can work on that. In my mind these were helpful “monsters,” so more interactive than combative, but I can work on bringing it more on theme. Thanks!! What do you think of the statblock as is though? Anything you would recommend I change?
It seems to be more like a monster type than an interactive NPC or such. Perhaps you could narrow the creature into a specific character with roleplaying information, or you could incorporate the monster into a larger story.
Okay, I can work on that. In my mind these were helpful “monsters,” so more interactive than combative, but I can work on bringing it more on theme. Thanks!! What do you think of the statblock as is though? Anything you would recommend I change?
It’s not quite a unique statblock. Its 70 HP and 14 AC, as well as its incorporeality are the only things keeping it at CR 2; its defenses are the only thing that make it challenging. Its damage output is on average 5 per round (assuming hits) because its claw attack deals only 2 damage and its bite deals only 1d6
Both attacks are weirdly formatted besides. The bite has a +2 to hit, but there is no way for it to have a +2 unless the attack uses Constitution. The claw attack, also, has a different +4 to hit, which would make sense if it used Dexterity, but the attack still only deals 2 damage, and if it used Dexterity, it would deal at least 3 (1 base damage + 2).
It seems to be more like a monster type than an interactive NPC or such. Perhaps you could narrow the creature into a specific character with roleplaying information, or you could incorporate the monster into a larger story.
Okay, I can work on that. In my mind these were helpful “monsters,” so more interactive than combative, but I can work on bringing it more on theme. Thanks!! What do you think of the statblock as is though? Anything you would recommend I change?
It’s not quite a unique statblock. Its 70 HP and 14 AC, as well as its incorporeality are the only things keeping it at CR 2; its defenses are the only thing that make it challenging. Its damage output is on average 5 per round (assuming hits) because its claw attack deals only 2 damage and its bite deals only 1d6
Both attacks are weirdly formatted besides. The bite has a +2 to hit, but there is no way for it to have a +2 unless the attack uses Constitution. The claw attack, also, has a different +4 to hit, which would make sense if it used Dexterity, but the attack still only deals 2 damage, and if it used Dexterity, it would deal at least 3 (1 base damage + 2).
I can’t tell why it has proficiency in Medicine.
Like I said, it’s not really intended to go into combat with PCs, it’s realistic meant more to help them or otherwise interact with them. Kinda like in Alice in Wonderland. That’s why its damage output is so low. It’s enough to kill a standard commoner though.
The Claws attack does use Dex, hence why the attack bonus is +4, but I wanted it to do less damage than the Bite attack, so I left it as only doing Dex mod damage. I wanted the Claws to be more likely to hit with lower damage, and the Bite to be less likely to hit but with more damage. And I wanted it to be dangerous enough to something like a commoner so they could still be considered “dangerous” by most people, but not really a threat to an adventurer.
It’s got proficiency in Medicine because in the extended universe of Alice in Wonderland, the Cheshire Cat even tended to the wounded.
It seems to be more like a monster type than an interactive NPC or such. Perhaps you could narrow the creature into a specific character with roleplaying information, or you could incorporate the monster into a larger story.
Yeah, I would agree with that, as far as the contest is concerned. Maybe focus your entry on the town of Cheshire in some fashion, with the stat block as an add-on?
As a monster, it's probably not one I would ever plan on using in combat as a DM if I was doing a Lewis Carroll riff, so the actual numbers are kind of secondary to the concept
Carric Aquissar, elven wannabe artist in his deconstructionist period (Archfey warlock) Mardan Ferres, elven private investigator obsessed with that one unsolved murder (Assassin rogue) Xhekhetiel, halfling survivor of a Betrayer Gods cult (Runechild sorcerer/fighter)
Your size category increases two sizes, up to a maximum of Gargantuan. Anything you are wearing or carrying is enlarged along with you.
You have resistance to nonmagical bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage.
Your reach increases by 10 feet.
You have advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws, and disadvantage on Dexterity checks and Dexterity saving throws.
When you make a melee weapon attack with Strength and hit, you can roll one additional damage die, or four dice if the hit was a critical hit.
When you make a melee weapon attack, regardless of whether you hit or miss, all creatures you choose within 5 feet of the target creature must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw (DC 8 + your Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus) or take half the attack's damage.
You should put in a caveat in case there is insufficient room in which to grow.
This is not something actually common to giants.
It should increase your reach to 10 feet, not by 10 feet.
Why disadvantage on Dex?
You could simplify this to just adding 1 damage die for every size category you grow.
The Competition of the Finest Brews I - Judged by Yamana_Eajii. (Thread accidentally deleted)
The Competition of the Finest Brews II - Judged by Thauraeln_The_Bold.
The Competition of the Finest Brews III - Judged by TabaxiRogueFighterClericWarlock
The Competition of the Finest Brews IV - Judged by Kaboom979
The Competition of the Finest Brews V - Judged by ThorukDuckSlayer
The Competition of the Finest Brews VI - Judged by Semako
The Competition of the Finest Brews VII - Judged by MilestoGo_24
The Competition of the Finest Brews VIII — Judged by Heartofjuyomk2
The Competition of the Finest Brews IX— Judged by IamSposta
The Competition of the Finest Brews X — Judged by Kaboom979
The Competition of the Finest Brews XI - Judged by BoringBard
The Competition of the Finest Brews XII- Judged by ThorukDuckSlayer
The Competition of the Finest Brews XIII - Judged by Kaboom979
The Competition of the Finest Brews XIV- Judged by MilestoGo_24
The Competition of the Finest ‘Brews XV - Judged by IamSposta
All competitions thus far have contained a multitude of spectacular and inspired entries, so I suggest you check them out if you haven't already. Now, onto the important stuff:
Entries must be submitted before midnight (MT) on Saturday, July 15th to be considered part of the competition.
Contest Categories
In each Finest Brew contest, there are three categories. These are so that people with skill in creating, say, monsters, don't end up stuck having to make dungeons. Each category is judged separately. There can only be one entrance per category per person. The category types are as follows:
This time, our category themes are:
DM Options: Fe Fi Fo Fum
An army of fire giants charge against their draconic enemy. An ancient Dwarven sage bestows the party with a powerful item of ornate stone giant craftsmanship. A character is afflicted by a runic curse with the dying breath of a cloud giant. With the announcement of Glory of the Giants, the concept of the colossal might and legacy of giants runs rampant in the minds of many. What giant-related homebrews can you bring into creation?
Player Options: Uncharted Adventuring
A conjurer brings to life that which the message on the map they brandish heralds: “Here There Be Monsters.” A ranger expertly leads their party through unmapped territory, all while steadily drawing with their cartographer’s tools. A sea captain gazes through their spyglass to the far horizon, their experienced eye quickly gauging their exact position on the map. No expedition is complete without one. What magics and abilities might make use of the creation and reading of maps? What unique peoples might have culture or specialties surrounding them?
Interactive Options: Cat and Mouse
A cat and mouse scenario involves constant pursuit, near captures, and repeated escapes as a more powerful foe chases, but never quite finishes off, its prey. Whose boots do you put yourself in? Are you the cat, stalking enemies through a jungle or harrying them from afar via political machinations? Are you the mouse, finding increasingly clever and daring ways to stay out of danger? Perhaps you're the matchmaker who finds a suitable mouse for a cat to toy with. A maze in which death always seems to be at the party's heels, a legend about a would-be Jerry who turned the tables on their Tom. What intense interactions might be created from the situations you create? (This theme was picked by @AntonSirius.)
Voting will start Monday July 17th (or thereabouts, once the survey is made) and will end at midnight (MT) on Wednesday July 26th. A Google Forms poll for each category will be posted on this thread, and all may vote on it - including and especially contestants. Contestants are encouraged to vote 5 and 5 on their own submissions; all scores will have 5 subtracted from both voting categories. Scores are assigned using a numerical value from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent).
Written Feedback - You have the option to give written feedback, should you choose, for any entries on the forms. Written feedback does not factor into a contestants score.
We are hoping that by giving everyone more criteria to vote on for each entry, you will think about each aspect and not feel the need to cram all of your thoughts into a single number. We are also hoping that having multiple scores contribute to the total will make ties less likely to occur.
Please try to take the time to review and vote for every entry, except for your own, in the categories you vote in, as even one vote can easily sway a competition like this. If there's anything you feel very strongly about, also feel free to review it in the thread! Reviews won't count for anything, but it's nice to get feedback!
Determining Winners
Guides & Mini-FAQ* & Changelog
WAIT! Before you see the 5th level Wall of Text in this FAQ’s* & Guides section, and decide not to submit to the competition because you don’t want to read it, remember that reading this section is COMPLETELY OPTIONAL. You do not need to read any of this to submit something for the competition, to pick a category, or to become the next judge. This is merely a helpful tool if you’re confused. You have no obligation to read or use it!
Guide for Competition & Category Winners.
Competition Winner: The competition winner becomes the next judge, they are responsible for doing the following:
Category Winners: A category winner must do the following:
Mini FAQ* for competition contestants:
Q. Wait, how do I submit?
A. You just make a post in the competition thread with either a link to your entry, or your entry typed out in it. It helps to add what category you’re submitting to, but it is not strictly necessary since it’s pretty easy to figure out what type of category the entry is for.
Q. Can you vote on your own submission?
A. Yes. Contestants are encouraged strongly to vote, and to vote 5 & 5 on their own submissions, as 5 will be subtracted from each score while being calculated. This is to maintain fair voting while encouraging votes.
Q. Where can I find the forms for voting?
A. When the competition submission time ends, voting will start soon. You vote on a google form. The judge should link the forms near the voting section when they’re up, and they will probably also make a post on the thread announcing that voting’s started with the link.
Q. Can I have multiple submissions in the same competition?
A. Yes, you can have multiple submissions for the same competition. HOWEVER, as described in the “Contest Categories” section of this competition, you can only have one entry per category. For example, you can make something for the DM’s Options, PC Options, and Inspirational Options, but you can't make two things for PC Options and one for DM’s.
Q. I’ve already submitted something for X category, can I change my submission for it?
A. Yes, you can change your submission for a specific category as long as the deadline for submissions has not yet been reached. Do remember that if you’re changing your submission, it is best to edit your original post with your first submission to say that it is obsolete, and necessary to make a new one to announce & link your new submission. Also, do keep in mind that it does create a bit more work for the judges when you edit your submission, because they have to update the links. However, it is alright to do so.
Q. Is written feedback optional and does it effect an entries score?
A. Yes, written feedback is optional. No, it does not effect an entries score.
Q. Is the scoring by total score, or by average score?
A. The scoring is done by both average scores (Balance/Playability, Idea/Creativity) being added together for a final score. All scores have -5 when being calculated for reasons stated elsewhere.
Q. How do I know if my submission is more appropriate for the DM category or the Interactive category?
A. If it is not obvious which of the two categories your submission would make sense for, then it really comes down to which pillar of the game you seek to explore. DM Options are more closely tied to combat whereas Interactive Options are more closely tied to exploration and social encounters.
As an example, if you have an NPC with a stat block and you are not sure where to submit, consider whether the goal of incorporating the NPC into a game would be to fight the PCs or for the PCs to gather information from it. Its possible to write a strong, social-focused NPC who still has a stat block just in case things turn towards combat, but if your desire for the NPC is to interact with the PCs through roleplay, then it likely is more fitting for the Interactive Category. If your desire is for the NPC to maybe roleplay a little, but ultimately engage the party in combat, then it would be closer to a "monster" and fit in the DM category.
Removed Inspirational Category. Replaced with Interactive Category. Rearranged/introduced submission types for all three categories accordingly
Added “5 & 5” clause encouraging contestants to vote 5 & 5 on their own submission, and all scores will have -5 when being calculated.
Changed “account” to “person” in the passage under Contest Categories.
If you want to view a submission from DM’s Guild, it is recommended that you input “0” for Pay What You Want, unless you wish to donate.
DM Options: Fe Fi Fo Fum
Player Options: Uncharted Adventuring
Interactive Options: Cat and Mouse
Here’s the survey of the CotFB XVI!
Come participate in the Competition of the Finest Brews, Edition XXV?
My homebrew stuff:
Spells, Monsters, Magic Items, Feats, Subclasses.
I am an Archfey, but nobody seems to notice.
Extended Signature
Here's my DM Options submission: Potion of Giant Prowess! What are everyone's opinions?
Excited. Gotta update my signature on here with the new link
Three-time Judge of the Competition of the Finest Brews! Come join us in making fun, unique homebrew and voting for your favorite entries!
I was tempted to make a tiny giant. For now, I'll submit the Gnomish Inverter for the DM category. I'm happy to hear feedback.
Gnomish Inverter
Wondrous Item, very rare
These ingenius arcanomechanical devices were developed by gnomish military artificers tasked with finding a weapon to counter the raw might of their giant enemies in open combat. Unfortunately, in typical gnomish fashion, clever giants have repurposed these devices to infiltrate gnomish warrens and incapacitate their prey in clausterphobic tunnels.
As an action, you can hurl the inverter up to 120 feet, which explodes on impact. Each unwilling creature within 30 feet of the inverter when it explodes must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature's size is inverted for 1 minute. Everything worn or carried by an affected creature changes size with it. Any item dropped by an affected creature returns to normal size at once. To determine the new size of the affected creature, consult the following table.
For every category by which a creature's size increases, the creature's size doubles in all dimensions, and its weight is multiplied by eight. If there isn't enough room for the target to increase its size, the creature attains the maximum possible size in the space available. For the duration, the creature also has advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws. The target's weapons also grow to match its new size. While these weapons are enlarged, the target's attacks with them deal 1d4 extra damage for each size category.
For every category by which a creature's size decreases, the creature's size is halved in all dimensions, and its weight is reduced to one-eighth of normal. For the duration, the creature also has disadvantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws. The target's weapons also shrink to match its new size. While these weapons are reduced, the target's attacks with them deal 1d4 less damage for each size category (this can't reduce the damage below 1).
So, this isn’t the submission?
Come participate in the Competition of the Finest Brews, Edition XXV?
My homebrew stuff:
Spells, Monsters, Magic Items, Feats, Subclasses.
I am an Archfey, but nobody seems to notice.
Extended Signature
Player Options: Uncharted Adventuring
Labyrinthine Senses
Prerequisite: Minotaur
As a Minotaur you have developed an innate sense for direction thanks to your people's long history with mazes. This helps you tremendously on exploration and makes you a natural guide for others.
I am also here.
Am snek.
My entry for Player Options: Uncharted Adventuring - The Path of the Trailblazer
Active characters:
Carric Aquissar, elven wannabe artist in his deconstructionist period (Archfey warlock)
Mardan Ferres, elven private investigator obsessed with that one unsolved murder (Assassin rogue)
Xhekhetiel, halfling survivor of a Betrayer Gods cult (Runechild sorcerer/fighter)
My entry for DM Options: Fe Fi Fo Fum - The Longsword of Filing (updated)
Active characters:
Carric Aquissar, elven wannabe artist in his deconstructionist period (Archfey warlock)
Mardan Ferres, elven private investigator obsessed with that one unsolved murder (Assassin rogue)
Xhekhetiel, halfling survivor of a Betrayer Gods cult (Runechild sorcerer/fighter)
Hilarious! Big “giant’s knife” energy.
Come participate in the Competition of the Finest Brews, Edition XXV?
My homebrew stuff:
Spells, Monsters, Magic Items, Feats, Subclasses.
I am an Archfey, but nobody seems to notice.
Extended Signature
Oh dang. my campaign involves fighting giants - Imma have to wrap up what I've got for this one!
Make your Artificer work with any other class with 174 Multiclassing Feats for your Artificer Multiclass Character!
DM's Guild Releases on This Thread Or check them all out on DMs Guild!
DrivethruRPG Releases on This Thread - latest release: My Character is a Werewolf: balanced rules for Lycanthropy!
I have started discussing/reviewing 3rd party D&D content on Substack - stay tuned for semi-regular posts!
Here is my submission for the PC Options category: (https://www.dmsguild.com/product/442566/Arcane-Sleuth--3-New-Spells?affiliate_id=3811156). It’s not specifically about maps per se, but it is all about finding stuff, including unknown locations, so I think it’ll count.
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And here’s the working version of my submission for the Interactive Options category:
Keen Smell. The Cheshire cat has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Magic Resistance. The Cheshire cat has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Nondetection. The Cheshire cat can’t be targeted or detected by any divination magic or perceived through magical scrying sensors.
Pounce. If the Cheshire cat moves at least 20 feet straight toward a creature and then hits it with a claws on the same turn, that target must succeed on a DC 10 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone if it is a creature. If the target is prone, the Cheshire cat can make one bite attack against it as a bonus action.
Multiattack. The Cheshire cat makes two attacks with its claws, and one with its bite.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) piercing damage.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2 slashing damage.
Invisibility and Incorporealness. The Cheshire cat magically turns partially or wholly invisible and/or incorporeal until it attacks or until it looses concentration (as if on a spell). Any equipment the cat wears or carries is invisible and/or incorporeal with it.
While incorporeal, the Cheshire cat has resistance to all damage types except force damage; psychic damage; radiant damage; and bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from magical attacks that aren’t silvered. In addition it can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.
Cheshire cats are larger fey felines with remarkably wide grins. They are so named due to a striking similarity to artwork adorning signs in the village of Cheshire, perhaps even being the inspiration for that artwork. Cheshire cats come in a variety of often garish colors, and usually sport either stripes or spots, and occasionally both. They are mischievous tricksters who are frequently known to engage folks in amusing but sometimes perplexing conversation, often raising philosophical points that annoy or baffle others. Though occasionally vexing or troublesome, Cheshire cats are also often known to aid travelers by indicating routs of safe passage, pointing out helpful items, or even tending to the injured.
Cheshire Cats can become invisible, often disappearing gradually until nothing is left but its grin before that too finally disappears. However, they can also make only portions of themselves disappear leaving only a head or sometimes just a smile visible for long periods of time. Cheshire cats can also become incorporeal, in whole or in part, allowing them to pass through objects or even people, as well as making themselves resistant to most forms of injury. Their powers include being resistant to most magics, especially scrying magic, allowing them to come and go undetected at will.
Creating Epic Boons on DDB
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Hardcovers, DDB & You
Content Troubleshooting
Any feedback for my Cheshire Cat?
Creating Epic Boons on DDB
DDB Buyers' Guide
Hardcovers, DDB & You
Content Troubleshooting
It seems to be more like a monster type than an interactive NPC or such. Perhaps you could narrow the creature into a specific character with roleplaying information, or you could incorporate the monster into a larger story.
Come participate in the Competition of the Finest Brews, Edition XXV?
My homebrew stuff:
Spells, Monsters, Magic Items, Feats, Subclasses.
I am an Archfey, but nobody seems to notice.
Extended Signature
Okay, I can work on that. In my mind these were helpful “monsters,” so more interactive than combative, but I can work on bringing it more on theme. Thanks!! What do you think of the statblock as is though? Anything you would recommend I change?
Creating Epic Boons on DDB
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Content Troubleshooting
It’s not quite a unique statblock. Its 70 HP and 14 AC, as well as its incorporeality are the only things keeping it at CR 2; its defenses are the only thing that make it challenging. Its damage output is on average 5 per round (assuming hits) because its claw attack deals only 2 damage and its bite deals only 1d6
Both attacks are weirdly formatted besides. The bite has a +2 to hit, but there is no way for it to have a +2 unless the attack uses Constitution. The claw attack, also, has a different +4 to hit, which would make sense if it used Dexterity, but the attack still only deals 2 damage, and if it used Dexterity, it would deal at least 3 (1 base damage + 2).
I can’t tell why it has proficiency in Medicine.
Come participate in the Competition of the Finest Brews, Edition XXV?
My homebrew stuff:
Spells, Monsters, Magic Items, Feats, Subclasses.
I am an Archfey, but nobody seems to notice.
Extended Signature
Like I said, it’s not really intended to go into combat with PCs, it’s realistic meant more to help them or otherwise interact with them. Kinda like in Alice in Wonderland. That’s why its damage output is so low. It’s enough to kill a standard commoner though.
The Claws attack does use Dex, hence why the attack bonus is +4, but I wanted it to do less damage than the Bite attack, so I left it as only doing Dex mod damage. I wanted the Claws to be more likely to hit with lower damage, and the Bite to be less likely to hit but with more damage. And I wanted it to be dangerous enough to something like a commoner so they could still be considered “dangerous” by most people, but not really a threat to an adventurer.
It’s got proficiency in Medicine because in the extended universe of Alice in Wonderland, the Cheshire Cat even tended to the wounded.
Does any of that make sense?
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Content Troubleshooting
Yeah, I would agree with that, as far as the contest is concerned. Maybe focus your entry on the town of Cheshire in some fashion, with the stat block as an add-on?
As a monster, it's probably not one I would ever plan on using in combat as a DM if I was doing a Lewis Carroll riff, so the actual numbers are kind of secondary to the concept
Active characters:
Carric Aquissar, elven wannabe artist in his deconstructionist period (Archfey warlock)
Mardan Ferres, elven private investigator obsessed with that one unsolved murder (Assassin rogue)
Xhekhetiel, halfling survivor of a Betrayer Gods cult (Runechild sorcerer/fighter)
Creating Epic Boons on DDB
DDB Buyers' Guide
Hardcovers, DDB & You
Content Troubleshooting