Adohand’s Kitchen

For all things random or unrelated to D&D or DDB - Adohand is STRONG!
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Dragon Slayers Club! >>
by DrummerBoyDragonSlayer
143 656
Anything BUT whatever dumb ass 💩 WotC has recently done or is currently doing, literally ANYTHING >>
by IamSposta
5,509 32,840
Sanctuary - A Home Hidden from the World >>
by SalemTheArtificer
157 396
Thread >>
by tarasque2897
20 205
Goodbye >>
by EJODM18604
15 98
What are some interesting homebrew races/classes? >>
by ValCer0
7 1,380
Armageddon (inspired by rebirth) >>
by drizztlonedruid
6 69
Prisoners of the Demonweb >>
by MonksAreGreat70
1,643 3,466
WoodWitch way >>
by Fry_Doodles
1,360 2,293
The Towering Tower of Lore! >>
by TheSunkenSailor
76 463
Kobolds With Cannons >>
by Platyboss
343 1,261
by Capatin_Crunch
0 15
DND Memes! >>
by ninxon
0 32
How would I play a frog Cleric >>
by JesterofLaughs
18 53
Regarding One Ring RPG and 5E adaption. >>
by ninxon
2 30
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