I am back from a dnd hiatus and I have reactivated my subscription. I went to a fresh new campaign and attempted to create a character. For some reason I have a BUNCH of odd homebrew in my inventory that not only did I not put there. I don’t want any of it.
under races the list is as follows:
.hack// fire genasi
alert High elf
animated medium armor
copy of envoy
copy of wildhunt
copy of wood elf
ethereal shanagar
razorclaw shifter
servant palico
before you ask yes I checked my homebrew collection and it’s not there. Please help I want this stuff out of my account.
Further more, I can now select any homebrew subclass from ANY class. Selecting a subclass that doesn’t belong will change the character’s entire class to match the new selection. I’m starting a new campaign soon and I have a half dozen people that I’m bringing to DNDBEYOND, there is no way I can let them see this mess. Please help!
I have created a few different homebrew subclasses for specific classes and for whatever reason they show up as options under every single class. Warlock patrons showing up under wizard subclasses, bardic colleges showing up under artificer, etc. Anyone have a fix for this bug?
Thank you so much. As I said before I am bringing 6 new players into DnDBeyond and I don’t want them to get the wrong impression. Please contact me anytime for more information. I’ve created a support ticket. You have full permission to mess with the campaign and the unnamed character on my account to see what I’m talking about.
I'm having an issue, and have scoured the internet for a fix but nothing has worked. I created a Homebrew race with 4 subraces, but they are not showing up in the character builder. I have the box selected that says "Has Subraces?". I even tried removing the subraces, but the parent race still doesn't appear. I tried creating a new race just called "Test" and that doesn't appear either. I have created plenty of other races and haven't had the issue before; those races still show up. I have the "Homebrew Content" slider set to on.
I know that the parent race isn't available to select when it has subraces (much like Elves) but the subraces themselves aren't appearing. Not sure if I'm just missing something, but this is quite frustrating.
I'll link the race, the test race, and the empty character (I'll add random values) that are giving me trouble.
I'm seeing this too. All of my homebrew subclasses are showing up in the character builder in the drop down for subclass. If I select a subclass for a different class than I'm currently looking at, it changes to the class for that subclass.
For example I'm looking at my Ranger in the charter builder and I check the drop down under 3rd Level Ranger Archtype and I can now see an Arcane Tradition homebrew for a Wizard I made. If I pick that Arcane Tradition, the character builder immediately changes me into a Wizard. It does not reset my level, I am whatever level Wizard that I was as a Ranger.
Yes I see that the subclass promlem is fixed. Scared me too because I thought I might have to redo all my stuff. Looks like the wierd homebrew races are still in but great job so far bug team!!!
Welp looks like the wierd races are gone! Great job bug smashers! You guys rock! Stay safe guys, I appreciate your help here. I’ll post back here if this pops up again.
This is happening in my campaign now with races. I am seeing only a fraction of our homebrew races, and some races that have never been created by our DM...
And I have never been in any other DnDB campaign, so I know it's not coming from anywhere that I have been before...
On top of this issue, many of our actual homebrew races are unavailable! What is going on??
This Subclass cannot be shared with the community for the following reasons:
This homebrew Subclass does not have the necessary class features with the correct required levels.
Remember, private homebrew is automatically shared with other users in your campaigns and does not need to be shared with the community for players to access.
I verified I have the appropriate levels. It's not that I want to publish my homebrew. I strive to be error free and these didn't have this error yesterday. It's only the Fighters
At least the subclass issue has been fixed. This is a really weird bug. When I go to details on any of these races it says 404. I mean .hack// fire genasi? Wtf
Nobody “messed up” more than likely. They are upgrading the homebrewer for us, and there are bound to be a few hiccups before they’re done.
I would argue that if people, like myself, are seeing homebrew races that are not even connected to their campaign, there's obviously a bug somewhere meaning someone messed something up, no?. I am not trashing on the devs -- I work in software and understand that this stuff happens -- so there is no need to get defensive on their behalf. I get that sometimes with new features there are hiccups, but the lack of clear response is frustrating to some, even if it doesn't bother you.
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I am back from a dnd hiatus and I have reactivated my subscription. I went to a fresh new campaign and attempted to create a character. For some reason I have a BUNCH of odd homebrew in my inventory that not only did I not put there. I don’t want any of it.
under races the list is as follows:
.hack// fire genasi
alert High elf
animated medium armor
copy of envoy
copy of wildhunt
copy of wood elf
ethereal shanagar
razorclaw shifter
servant palico
before you ask yes I checked my homebrew collection and it’s not there. Please help I want this stuff out of my account.
Further more, I can now select any homebrew subclass from ANY class. Selecting a subclass that doesn’t belong will change the character’s entire class to match the new selection. I’m starting a new campaign soon and I have a half dozen people that I’m bringing to DNDBEYOND, there is no way I can let them see this mess. Please help!
Dungeon Master for Heroes of Agarra
I have a growing library of Homebrew: Subclasses | Races | Feats | Items
You check out my newest Homebrew: Doctor - The Survey Corps - Order of the Shadow Master
Upon further investigation. I have deleted all my campaigns and the races disappeared. The class problem however persists.
Dungeon Master for Heroes of Agarra
I have a growing library of Homebrew: Subclasses | Races | Feats | Items
You check out my newest Homebrew: Doctor - The Survey Corps - Order of the Shadow Master
and now that time has passed all the wierd races are back too. Please help.
Dungeon Master for Heroes of Agarra
I have a growing library of Homebrew: Subclasses | Races | Feats | Items
You check out my newest Homebrew: Doctor - The Survey Corps - Order of the Shadow Master
I deleted all my campaigns, and none were sharing at the time
Dungeon Master for Heroes of Agarra
I have a growing library of Homebrew: Subclasses | Races | Feats | Items
You check out my newest Homebrew: Doctor - The Survey Corps - Order of the Shadow Master
I am also having the issue with all my homebrew subclasses showing up for each class. Has anyone addressed this issue yet?
I have created a few different homebrew subclasses for specific classes and for whatever reason they show up as options under every single class. Warlock patrons showing up under wizard subclasses, bardic colleges showing up under artificer, etc. Anyone have a fix for this bug?
Thank you for your report! The team is looking into this issue.
Thank you so much. As I said before I am bringing 6 new players into DnDBeyond and I don’t want them to get the wrong impression. Please contact me anytime for more information. I’ve created a support ticket. You have full permission to mess with the campaign and the unnamed character on my account to see what I’m talking about.
Dungeon Master for Heroes of Agarra
I have a growing library of Homebrew: Subclasses | Races | Feats | Items
You check out my newest Homebrew: Doctor - The Survey Corps - Order of the Shadow Master
I'm having an issue, and have scoured the internet for a fix but nothing has worked. I created a Homebrew race with 4 subraces, but they are not showing up in the character builder. I have the box selected that says "Has Subraces?". I even tried removing the subraces, but the parent race still doesn't appear. I tried creating a new race just called "Test" and that doesn't appear either. I have created plenty of other races and haven't had the issue before; those races still show up. I have the "Homebrew Content" slider set to on.
I know that the parent race isn't available to select when it has subraces (much like Elves) but the subraces themselves aren't appearing. Not sure if I'm just missing something, but this is quite frustrating.
I'll link the race, the test race, and the empty character (I'll add random values) that are giving me trouble.
Any help is appreciated!
I'm seeing this too. All of my homebrew subclasses are showing up in the character builder in the drop down for subclass. If I select a subclass for a different class than I'm currently looking at, it changes to the class for that subclass.
For example I'm looking at my Ranger in the charter builder and I check the drop down under 3rd Level Ranger Archtype and I can now see an Arcane Tradition homebrew for a Wizard I made. If I pick that Arcane Tradition, the character builder immediately changes me into a Wizard. It does not reset my level, I am whatever level Wizard that I was as a Ranger.
How to: Replace DEX in your AC | Jump & Suffocation stats | Build a (Spell & class effect buff system | Wild Shape effect system) | Tool Proficiencies as Custom Skills | Spells at higher levels explained | Superior Fighting/Martial Adept Fix | Snippet Codes Explored - Subclasses | Snippet Math Theory | Homebrew Weapons Explained
Check out my: FEATS | MAGIC ITEMS | MONSTERS | SUBCLASSES Artificer Specialist: Weaveblade
Dndbeyond images not loading A PERMANENT WORKAROUND!!! (thank you Jay_Lane)
Looks like someone fixed this. Kudos support team!
How to: Replace DEX in your AC | Jump & Suffocation stats | Build a (Spell & class effect buff system | Wild Shape effect system) | Tool Proficiencies as Custom Skills | Spells at higher levels explained | Superior Fighting/Martial Adept Fix | Snippet Codes Explored - Subclasses | Snippet Math Theory | Homebrew Weapons Explained
Check out my: FEATS | MAGIC ITEMS | MONSTERS | SUBCLASSES Artificer Specialist: Weaveblade
Dndbeyond images not loading A PERMANENT WORKAROUND!!! (thank you Jay_Lane)
Yes I see that the subclass promlem is fixed. Scared me too because I thought I might have to redo all my stuff. Looks like the wierd homebrew races are still in but great job so far bug team!!!
Dungeon Master for Heroes of Agarra
I have a growing library of Homebrew: Subclasses | Races | Feats | Items
You check out my newest Homebrew: Doctor - The Survey Corps - Order of the Shadow Master
Welp looks like the wierd races are gone! Great job bug smashers! You guys rock! Stay safe guys, I appreciate your help here. I’ll post back here if this pops up again.
EDIT: They’re back... lmao
Dungeon Master for Heroes of Agarra
I have a growing library of Homebrew: Subclasses | Races | Feats | Items
You check out my newest Homebrew: Doctor - The Survey Corps - Order of the Shadow Master
This is happening in my campaign now with races. I am seeing only a fraction of our homebrew races, and some races that have never been created by our DM...
And I have never been in any other DnDB campaign, so I know it's not coming from anywhere that I have been before...
On top of this issue, many of our actual homebrew races are unavailable! What is going on??
All my Fighters are giving the warning:
I verified I have the appropriate levels. It's not that I want to publish my homebrew. I strive to be error free and these didn't have this error yesterday. It's only the Fighters
How to: Replace DEX in your AC | Jump & Suffocation stats | Build a (Spell & class effect buff system | Wild Shape effect system) | Tool Proficiencies as Custom Skills | Spells at higher levels explained | Superior Fighting/Martial Adept Fix | Snippet Codes Explored - Subclasses | Snippet Math Theory | Homebrew Weapons Explained
Check out my: FEATS | MAGIC ITEMS | MONSTERS | SUBCLASSES Artificer Specialist: Weaveblade
Dndbeyond images not loading A PERMANENT WORKAROUND!!! (thank you Jay_Lane)
At least the subclass issue has been fixed. This is a really weird bug. When I go to details on any of these races it says 404. I mean .hack// fire genasi? Wtf
Dungeon Master for Heroes of Agarra
I have a growing library of Homebrew: Subclasses | Races | Feats | Items
You check out my newest Homebrew: Doctor - The Survey Corps - Order of the Shadow Master
Seems like there are some serious homebrew related issues going on right now. Someone messed something up good.
Nobody “messed up” more than likely. They are upgrading the homebrewer for us, and there are bound to be a few hiccups before they’re done.
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My test race is now working. Subraces are still not appearing. If it's just maintenance, I'm willing to be patient. Just a confusing issue.
I would argue that if people, like myself, are seeing homebrew races that are not even connected to their campaign, there's obviously a bug somewhere meaning someone messed something up, no?. I am not trashing on the devs -- I work in software and understand that this stuff happens -- so there is no need to get defensive on their behalf. I get that sometimes with new features there are hiccups, but the lack of clear response is frustrating to some, even if it doesn't bother you.