I do vote yes on D&D Beyond having a code in the players handbook (or better in future source books for promotional purposes like they are trying to do for Theros) as it would be great site promotion. I am fairly new to DnD, and even newer to DnD Beyond. Like a lot of people, the thought of paying for information I already had at my fingertips in a book I already purchased seemed ridiculous. Until I used the site and saw that character sheets and creation is free. FREE character sheets digitally filled out with all the information you need in far less time than you could gather it pouring over your physical books.
You're not paying for the book, you're not paying for the text in the books, you're paying for the information to be quickly referenced, well organized, and easily plugged into incredible supplements for DMs and Players alike.
I have found this site and its incredible features beyond useful. (see what I did there?) so much so that I have purchased the legendary bundle and have not regretted it for a moment. It's worth it and the only reason Beyond should put codes in any books are for their own promotional purposes.
Not sure if this was covered, and frankly I'm too lazy to double check. But I thought for the longest time that this site was owned by WOTC... So with that mentality, the OPs request is perfectly reasonable.
To those hilarious sarcastic comments about "getting the DVD for the movie I just saw in theaters", that's not as far fetched as you might think. Regal frequently had offers to get the Digital copy of movies. Though it required seeing more than one. Like "See these 4 Sony films and get their digital release on us". You did have to be a rea ard s member though.
Also, you can totally put a code in a book that's supposed to be on display in a store. It's done all the time, you either attach in such a fashion that can't be seen without purchasing the book or leave it to the retailers to handle. Ideally the attached code does not ruin the book upon removal.
Serious question: Why'd my starter box come with a code for a free Beyond copy but not my Rock and Morty starter box? I'm guessing because of licensing fees. Or it's supposed and mine didn't... Or I lost it.
Not sure if this was covered, and frankly I'm too lazy to double check. But I thought for the longest time that this site was owned by WOTC... So with that mentality, the OPs request is perfectly reasonable.
To those hilarious sarcastic comments about "getting the DVD for the movie I just saw in theaters", that's not as far fetched as you might think. Regal frequently had offers to get the Digital copy of movies. Though it required seeing more than one. Like "See these 4 Sony films and get their digital release on us". You did have to be a rea ard s member though.
Also, you can totally put a code in a book that's supposed to be on display in a store. It's done all the time, you either attach in such a fashion that can't be seen without purchasing the book or leave it to the retailers to handle. Ideally the attached code does not ruin the book upon removal.
Serious question: Why'd my starter box come with a code for a free Beyond copy but not my Rock and Morty starter box? I'm guessing because of licensing fees. Or it's supposed and mine didn't... Or I lost it.
The site is owned by Fandom and it says this on every page at the bottom.
Codes in a book significantly increases costs, and I can't be bothered to explain that as I have done so on these forums too many times now. It's also licensing. D&D Beyond makes absolutely nothing from your physical book purchase and have to pay WotC to give you access. Why would they pay out and get nothing in return?
You got a code from the Essentials Kit because that was a special collaboration made between D&D Beyond and WotC, it is made at loss to generate potential future sales. It was also helped by the investment from Walmart who paid for the exclusive 'first sell' rights. It's one-off and is not a model that can be sustained for all products.
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Click ✨ HERE ✨ For My Youtube Videos featuring Guides, Tips & Tricks for using D&D Beyond. Need help with Homebrew? Check out ✨ thisFAQ/Guide thread ✨ by IamSposta.
You got a code from the Essentials Kit because that was a special collaboration made between D&D Beyond and WotC, it is made at loss to generate potential future sales. It was also helped by the investment from Walmart who paid for the exclusive 'first sell' rights. It's one-off and is not a model that can be sustained for all products.
You got a code from the Essentials Kit because that was a special collaboration made between D&D Beyond and WotC, it is made at loss to generate potential future sales. It was also helped by the investment from Walmart who paid for the exclusive 'first sell' rights. It's one-off and is not a model that can be sustained for all products.
Target if me remembers.
Ehh, one of them. I don't have either in my country so I get them confused a lot. XD
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Click ✨ HERE ✨ For My Youtube Videos featuring Guides, Tips & Tricks for using D&D Beyond. Need help with Homebrew? Check out ✨ thisFAQ/Guide thread ✨ by IamSposta.
Not sure if this was covered, and frankly I'm too lazy to double check. But I thought for the longest time that this site was owned by WOTC... So with that mentality, the OPs request is perfectly reasonable.
To those hilarious sarcastic comments about "getting the DVD for the movie I just saw in theaters", that's not as far fetched as you might think. Regal frequently had offers to get the Digital copy of movies. Though it required seeing more than one. Like "See these 4 Sony films and get their digital release on us". You did have to be a rea ard s member though.
It does not matter even if Wizards owns Beyond. No company should be forced to bundle their products and no customer is entitled to any product bundles. If we flip the script around, how would you feel if your boss, customer, or client called you a lazy greedy worker for refusing to work overtime for half pay, since they argue that you should be offering them a discount for working more hours?
Regal Theaters does not offer every movie ticket a digital copy. And as you have mentioned, there is a higher cost associated with it since it requires you to pay more anyways. Bundles and deals do not come with every product, nor should it be that way.
It's 2 different products. It's not the same. You're not entitled to the digital copy just because you bought the analogue one. Also, different companies selling the product here.
It is easy to create digital copies of character sheets without using the DnD Beyond templates. What I would suggest here would be that you can insert other formats into DnD Beyond campaigns and other tools. If you were to buy the book twice in hard copy you wouldn't expect to get the second copy free, would you?
Ok, as has been pointed out by many, and will try not to sound like a broken record along with everyone else, if you buy the physical book from anywhere all you are going to have is the physical book. The only way you then would have a digital version for such is then if WotC themselves INCLUDES a code that allows you to goto THEIR website to download the digital version. That is not going to interact with this website at all since WotC dont own it, they just look to it for stuff that can fit into the game that is homebrewed, playtested to hell and back, and eventually brought out as UA and brought into books like Tasha's, that's my perspective there when it comes to UA so yes there might be a different way such is done.
Same goes when you are buying the books on the site, you are NOT buying the PDF or Physical books. You are buying a LICENSE to access those books, but on top of that you have the added feature that you can create characters without having to jump from one PDF/book to another, because of the hard work and dedication put in by the team to do such. This work isnt done by WotC.
The only issue I have with such a license agreement is that if you get yourself banned / blocked completely from the site whether through a fault or your own or a controlling IT department, you still should have access to the digital form of the books, through the app you use on android/mac/windows for DRM purposes. The reason I think you should still have access to the books is because even if you were to buy a digital version from somewhere, you would still have such an access to view digitally. Not to mention digital is cheaper than physical copy and eventually everything is going to go that way due to the material cost to make such, even if recycled is used. The issue with using DRM however is that you can only download it to one device at a time, unless they set it so you can do more than one device, I have seen people who have had issues with the DRM of one download and then not being able to redownload to a new device due to reinstalling the app. Since your account on here is linked to your Google/Apple/etc account the DRM should really be linked to there and makes it easier if you have to reinstall your phone/tablet/computer.
Back to this site however, when you buy a book on here, you are paying the same cost as the physical, if WotC are running a special on it on their Amazon page, Baldur's Gate for example is the same price right now on here, as it is on Amazon for the physical with it being at a special price. Now while I dont mind paying that cost with access to the website, that is because I am getting access also to the character creation side, I would still expect to have some form of access to the book I have purchased from the site, which goes back to the DRM above, example of such would be like DriveThruRPG with the purchase of pdf books there, I can still go back and even download books I bought from there I purchased back in 2018. Even if you are banned from using the site's services, you shouldnt be banned from what you have paid top dollar for. Now, dont get me wrong, I have no issues with how the team runs the site and how things are setup, but having access to read the books even banned from other services here should still be. Another reason also to keep such, even if someone is banned from accessing the site services, they are more likely to spend their money purchasing the digital access to new books on the site, than elsewhere because they have since its all in one place and not spread out all over the place. This can easily be setup as a 4th account option, outside the current Tiers in place, where a banned account could still access their books, but couldnt create characters, view homebrew, or post on the forum. It could even state on the forum page when they view a post that due to their account being banned they cant post.
I am also going to point out that the wording for such, that being the ownership side of the books shouldnt be hidden in the way it is in the Terms of Sale. Now one could argue it isnt, however not everyone understands legalise and having a simple line of "You are not buying digital versions of these books, but buying the rights to access a limited license to view, or download with our app. See section under D&D Beyond Policy for more information" Having such on the actual purchase page is also enough to have people scrolling to that section, that subject heading also is going to get missed by much, and such threads as this show that, because it doesnt look to be associated with any financial transaction side. Also using the wording "Congratulations, you own it all" on one's marketplace page would get confusing as well. Perhaps such reading "Congratulations, you have access to it all as per site terms." is more appropriate there.
Serious question: Why'd my starter box come with a code for a free Beyond copy but not my Rock and Morty starter box? I'm guessing because of licensing fees. Or it's supposed and mine didn't... Or I lost it.
Because WotC put a manufacturer’s rebate on the one, but they didn’t on the other.
This is a WotC decision, not a DDB decision. People should go bug them about it.
Why can't the PHB have a code anyways? Not all of us are comfortable with getting the digital one, so it makes no sense.
Because D&D Beyond is not WotC and have to pay WotC to give you access. If they give you for free - they go bankrupt. If WotC gives for free, they lost huge amounts of money and cannot work on new books, shows, and all the other stuff they do.
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Click ✨ HERE ✨ For My Youtube Videos featuring Guides, Tips & Tricks for using D&D Beyond. Need help with Homebrew? Check out ✨ thisFAQ/Guide thread ✨ by IamSposta.
Why can't the PHB have a code anyways? Not all of us are comfortable with getting the digital one, so it makes no sense.
Not many people understand how business works. It makes no financial sense to bundle digital codes with physical books if it does not generate a big enough profit to be worth it. Not only does someone have to foot the bill to build that infrastructure in the first place, there is also ongoing costs to maintain that infrastructure.
Why can't the PHB have a code anyways? Not all of us are comfortable with getting the digital one, so it makes no sense.
IZU_18 - For your benefit, and the benefit of those who stumble across this thread thinking it's easy to put in a digital code into the Player's Handook :) - Hardcover Books, D&D Beyond and You FAQ
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#Open D&D
Have the Physical Books? Confused as to why you're not allowed to redeem them for free on D&D Beyond? Questions answered here at the Hardcover Books, D&D Beyond and You FAQ
Looking to add mouse-over triggered tooltips to such things like magic items, monsters or combat actions? Then dash over to the How to Add Tooltips thread.
While Applying it to every book is most likely unreasonable. WoTC Could at least give D&D Beyond some Credit for Bringing in The Amount of Players to the game as they have. DDB is making D&D Incredibly Accessible to a wide audience that might not have given D&D a chance had it been limited to Dice and Paper.
I'd say giving full on "Free Book" codes is a poor business decision for WoTC BUT The least they could do is on the 3 Core Books: DMG, PHB and MM. If you own a physical version of the book, you can enter your Serial Number into DDB for a reasonable discount on the 3 Core Books only.
This would give incentive for many players to actually buy the digital content (Granted at a reduced price) and once they start using it and seeing how well it incorporates into the platform then they might not care so much that they have to buy the adventures or other source materials again, as they now know what they are getting.
The Free stuff on DDB does OK at showing you the platform but i feel like if they let you at least get the 3 core book at a discount then many more people would start using even more digital content. Overall I feel this would be a big win for DDB. It's pretty cheap compared to a traditional Marketing Plan and if they split the Discount with WoTC, both companies can still make money on each sale (Albeit a bit less)
There isn't really any reason to do this. DDB and WOTC has no motive to do this.
However, DDB does quite a few things to make things cheaper for you.
1. They give regular access to the tools in full for any of the SRD
1. You can buy just the pieces you need as a player if you want nonSRD products so for probably 10 bucks you can get everything you need to play a character for a whole campaign and it makes the whole product cheaper.
2. A GM level account about $6 a month lets them share everything everyone owns with more players than anyone needs.
3. DDB has regular sales so you can pick up the books when you feel like it.
4. If you have any of the bundles it gives you another discount that is applied on top of the sales.
Generally this request assumes everybody needs everything immediately so DND and WOTC should just give them the product. then its how about 75% off, then its 50% off.
When I first started playing I decided to get the subscription and there happened to be a 20% off coupon for new customers wandering around on facebook so I bought the PHB and the one Sorcerer source from one of the other books and one feat I needed from another book. right at $30 I made it a while with just that. a couple of games in I needed a little more magic item flexibility so I wound up spending another $10 on some of the magic items. I used the homebrew tools to add to that a little to flavor them.
It is completely possible to have a satisfying game just picking up the pieces you need when you need them and picking up the books/bundles when they are cheaper.
.... If you own a physical version of the book, you can enter your Serial Number into DDB for a reasonable discount on the 3 Core Books only.
In addition to the issues others have raised, there is this problem: books don't have serial numbers. They have ISBN numbers, but those are identical for every copy of the same book. (So, every copy of the Players Handbook has the same ISBN number). Because of this (and the fact that those numbers show up on Amazon and other book selling sites), the SIBN number is not a proof of purchase.
I do vote yes on D&D Beyond having a code in the players handbook (or better in future source books for promotional purposes like they are trying to do for Theros) as it would be great site promotion. I am fairly new to DnD, and even newer to DnD Beyond. Like a lot of people, the thought of paying for information I already had at my fingertips in a book I already purchased seemed ridiculous. Until I used the site and saw that character sheets and creation is free. FREE character sheets digitally filled out with all the information you need in far less time than you could gather it pouring over your physical books.
You're not paying for the book, you're not paying for the text in the books, you're paying for the information to be quickly referenced, well organized, and easily plugged into incredible supplements for DMs and Players alike.
I have found this site and its incredible features beyond useful. (see what I did there?) so much so that I have purchased the legendary bundle and have not regretted it for a moment. It's worth it and the only reason Beyond should put codes in any books are for their own promotional purposes.
Not sure if this was covered, and frankly I'm too lazy to double check. But I thought for the longest time that this site was owned by WOTC... So with that mentality, the OPs request is perfectly reasonable.
To those hilarious sarcastic comments about "getting the DVD for the movie I just saw in theaters", that's not as far fetched as you might think. Regal frequently had offers to get the Digital copy of movies. Though it required seeing more than one. Like "See these 4 Sony films and get their digital release on us". You did have to be a rea ard s member though.
Also, you can totally put a code in a book that's supposed to be on display in a store. It's done all the time, you either attach in such a fashion that can't be seen without purchasing the book or leave it to the retailers to handle. Ideally the attached code does not ruin the book upon removal.
Serious question: Why'd my starter box come with a code for a free Beyond copy but not my Rock and Morty starter box? I'm guessing because of licensing fees. Or it's supposed and mine didn't... Or I lost it.
The site is owned by Fandom and it says this on every page at the bottom.
Codes in a book significantly increases costs, and I can't be bothered to explain that as I have done so on these forums too many times now. It's also licensing. D&D Beyond makes absolutely nothing from your physical book purchase and have to pay WotC to give you access. Why would they pay out and get nothing in return?
You got a code from the Essentials Kit because that was a special collaboration made between D&D Beyond and WotC, it is made at loss to generate potential future sales. It was also helped by the investment from Walmart who paid for the exclusive 'first sell' rights. It's one-off and is not a model that can be sustained for all products.
Click ✨ HERE ✨ For My Youtube Videos featuring Guides, Tips & Tricks for using D&D Beyond.
Need help with Homebrew? Check out ✨ this FAQ/Guide thread ✨ by IamSposta.
Target if me remembers.
Guide to the Five Factions (PWYW)
Deck of Decks
Ehh, one of them. I don't have either in my country so I get them confused a lot. XD
Click ✨ HERE ✨ For My Youtube Videos featuring Guides, Tips & Tricks for using D&D Beyond.
Need help with Homebrew? Check out ✨ this FAQ/Guide thread ✨ by IamSposta.
It does not matter even if Wizards owns Beyond. No company should be forced to bundle their products and no customer is entitled to any product bundles. If we flip the script around, how would you feel if your boss, customer, or client called you a lazy greedy worker for refusing to work overtime for half pay, since they argue that you should be offering them a discount for working more hours?
Regal Theaters does not offer every movie ticket a digital copy. And as you have mentioned, there is a higher cost associated with it since it requires you to pay more anyways. Bundles and deals do not come with every product, nor should it be that way.
Check Licenses and Resync Entitlements: < https://www.dndbeyond.com/account/licenses >
Running the Game by Matt Colville; Introduction: < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-YZvLUXcR8 >
D&D with High School Students by Bill Allen; Season 1 Episode 1: < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52NJTUDokyk&t >
It's 2 different products. It's not the same. You're not entitled to the digital copy just because you bought the analogue one. Also, different companies selling the product here.
Altrazin Aghanes - Wizard/Fighter
Varpulis Windhowl - Fighter
Skolson Demjon - Cleric/Fighter
It is easy to create digital copies of character sheets without using the DnD Beyond templates. What I would suggest here would be that you can insert other formats into DnD Beyond campaigns and other tools. If you were to buy the book twice in hard copy you wouldn't expect to get the second copy free, would you?
Chilling kinda vibe.
Ok, as has been pointed out by many, and will try not to sound like a broken record along with everyone else, if you buy the physical book from anywhere all you are going to have is the physical book. The only way you then would have a digital version for such is then if WotC themselves INCLUDES a code that allows you to goto THEIR website to download the digital version. That is not going to interact with this website at all since WotC dont own it, they just look to it for stuff that can fit into the game that is homebrewed, playtested to hell and back, and eventually brought out as UA and brought into books like Tasha's, that's my perspective there when it comes to UA so yes there might be a different way such is done.
Same goes when you are buying the books on the site, you are NOT buying the PDF or Physical books. You are buying a LICENSE to access those books, but on top of that you have the added feature that you can create characters without having to jump from one PDF/book to another, because of the hard work and dedication put in by the team to do such. This work isnt done by WotC.
The only issue I have with such a license agreement is that if you get yourself banned / blocked completely from the site whether through a fault or your own or a controlling IT department, you still should have access to the digital form of the books, through the app you use on android/mac/windows for DRM purposes. The reason I think you should still have access to the books is because even if you were to buy a digital version from somewhere, you would still have such an access to view digitally. Not to mention digital is cheaper than physical copy and eventually everything is going to go that way due to the material cost to make such, even if recycled is used. The issue with using DRM however is that you can only download it to one device at a time, unless they set it so you can do more than one device, I have seen people who have had issues with the DRM of one download and then not being able to redownload to a new device due to reinstalling the app. Since your account on here is linked to your Google/Apple/etc account the DRM should really be linked to there and makes it easier if you have to reinstall your phone/tablet/computer.
Back to this site however, when you buy a book on here, you are paying the same cost as the physical, if WotC are running a special on it on their Amazon page, Baldur's Gate for example is the same price right now on here, as it is on Amazon for the physical with it being at a special price. Now while I dont mind paying that cost with access to the website, that is because I am getting access also to the character creation side, I would still expect to have some form of access to the book I have purchased from the site, which goes back to the DRM above, example of such would be like DriveThruRPG with the purchase of pdf books there, I can still go back and even download books I bought from there I purchased back in 2018. Even if you are banned from using the site's services, you shouldnt be banned from what you have paid top dollar for. Now, dont get me wrong, I have no issues with how the team runs the site and how things are setup, but having access to read the books even banned from other services here should still be. Another reason also to keep such, even if someone is banned from accessing the site services, they are more likely to spend their money purchasing the digital access to new books on the site, than elsewhere because they have since its all in one place and not spread out all over the place. This can easily be setup as a 4th account option, outside the current Tiers in place, where a banned account could still access their books, but couldnt create characters, view homebrew, or post on the forum. It could even state on the forum page when they view a post that due to their account being banned they cant post.
I am also going to point out that the wording for such, that being the ownership side of the books shouldnt be hidden in the way it is in the Terms of Sale. Now one could argue it isnt, however not everyone understands legalise and having a simple line of "You are not buying digital versions of these books, but buying the rights to access a limited license to view, or download with our app. See section under D&D Beyond Policy for more information" Having such on the actual purchase page is also enough to have people scrolling to that section, that subject heading also is going to get missed by much, and such threads as this show that, because it doesnt look to be associated with any financial transaction side. Also using the wording "Congratulations, you own it all" on one's marketplace page would get confusing as well. Perhaps such reading "Congratulations, you have access to it all as per site terms." is more appropriate there.
Because WotC put a manufacturer’s rebate on the one, but they didn’t on the other.
This is a WotC decision, not a DDB decision. People should go bug them about it.
Creating Epic Boons on DDB
DDB Buyers' Guide
Hardcovers, DDB & You
Content Troubleshooting
Why can't the PHB have a code anyways? Not all of us are comfortable with getting the digital one, so it makes no sense.
Because D&D Beyond is not WotC and have to pay WotC to give you access. If they give you for free - they go bankrupt. If WotC gives for free, they lost huge amounts of money and cannot work on new books, shows, and all the other stuff they do.
Click ✨ HERE ✨ For My Youtube Videos featuring Guides, Tips & Tricks for using D&D Beyond.
Need help with Homebrew? Check out ✨ this FAQ/Guide thread ✨ by IamSposta.
Not many people understand how business works. It makes no financial sense to bundle digital codes with physical books if it does not generate a big enough profit to be worth it. Not only does someone have to foot the bill to build that infrastructure in the first place, there is also ongoing costs to maintain that infrastructure.
Check Licenses and Resync Entitlements: < https://www.dndbeyond.com/account/licenses >
Running the Game by Matt Colville; Introduction: < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-YZvLUXcR8 >
D&D with High School Students by Bill Allen; Season 1 Episode 1: < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52NJTUDokyk&t >
Sure, if you're ready to pay 25$ extra for the physical book, which is then given by the bookstore to Dndbeyond.
Altrazin Aghanes - Wizard/Fighter
Varpulis Windhowl - Fighter
Skolson Demjon - Cleric/Fighter
IZU_18 - For your benefit, and the benefit of those who stumble across this thread thinking it's easy to put in a digital code into the Player's Handook :) - Hardcover Books, D&D Beyond and You FAQ
#Open D&D
Have the Physical Books? Confused as to why you're not allowed to redeem them for free on D&D Beyond? Questions answered here at the Hardcover Books, D&D Beyond and You FAQ
Looking to add mouse-over triggered tooltips to such things like magic items, monsters or combat actions? Then dash over to the How to Add Tooltips thread.
Site Info: Wizard's ToS | Fan Content Policy | Forum Rules | Physical Books | Content Not Working | Contact Support
How To: Homebrew Rules | Create Homebrew | Snippet Codes | Tool Tips (Custom) | Rollables (Generator)
My Homebrew: Races | Subclasses | Backgrounds | Feats | Spells | Magic Items
Other: Beyond20 | Page References | Other Guides | Entitlements | Dice Randomization | Images Fix | FAQ
While Applying it to every book is most likely unreasonable.
WoTC Could at least give D&D Beyond some Credit for Bringing in The Amount of Players to the game as they have.
DDB is making D&D Incredibly Accessible to a wide audience that might not have given D&D a chance had it been limited to Dice and Paper.
I'd say giving full on "Free Book" codes is a poor business decision for WoTC BUT The least they could do is on the 3 Core Books: DMG, PHB and MM.
If you own a physical version of the book, you can enter your Serial Number into DDB for a reasonable discount on the 3 Core Books only.
This would give incentive for many players to actually buy the digital content (Granted at a reduced price) and once they start using it and seeing how well it incorporates into the platform then they might not care so much that they have to buy the adventures or other source materials again, as they now know what they are getting.
The Free stuff on DDB does OK at showing you the platform but i feel like if they let you at least get the 3 core book at a discount then many more people would start using even more digital content. Overall I feel this would be a big win for DDB. It's pretty cheap compared to a traditional Marketing Plan and if they split the Discount with WoTC, both companies can still make money on each sale (Albeit a bit less)
There isn't really any reason to do this. DDB and WOTC has no motive to do this.
However, DDB does quite a few things to make things cheaper for you.
1. They give regular access to the tools in full for any of the SRD
1. You can buy just the pieces you need as a player if you want nonSRD products so for probably 10 bucks you can get everything you need to play a character for a whole campaign and it makes the whole product cheaper.
2. A GM level account about $6 a month lets them share everything everyone owns with more players than anyone needs.
3. DDB has regular sales so you can pick up the books when you feel like it.
4. If you have any of the bundles it gives you another discount that is applied on top of the sales.
Generally this request assumes everybody needs everything immediately so DND and WOTC should just give them the product. then its how about 75% off, then its 50% off.
When I first started playing I decided to get the subscription and there happened to be a 20% off coupon for new customers wandering around on facebook so I bought the PHB and the one Sorcerer source from one of the other books and one feat I needed from another book. right at $30 I made it a while with just that. a couple of games in I needed a little more magic item flexibility so I wound up spending another $10 on some of the magic items. I used the homebrew tools to add to that a little to flavor them.
It is completely possible to have a satisfying game just picking up the pieces you need when you need them and picking up the books/bundles when they are cheaper.
They do - its called the opportunity to have a business that allows them to have a paid staff...that's what DDB gets for bringing players to the game.
Guide to the Five Factions (PWYW)
Deck of Decks
In addition to the issues others have raised, there is this problem: books don't have serial numbers. They have ISBN numbers, but those are identical for every copy of the same book. (So, every copy of the Players Handbook has the same ISBN number). Because of this (and the fact that those numbers show up on Amazon and other book selling sites), the SIBN number is not a proof of purchase.
Trying to Decide if DDB is for you? A few helpful threads: A Buyer's Guide to DDB; What I/We Bought and Why; How some DMs use DDB; A Newer Thread on Using DDB to Play
Helpful threads on other topics: Homebrew FAQ by IamSposta; Accessing Content by ConalTheGreat;
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