This thread was marked as Locked by LaTiaJacquise.
Site Update
This thread was marked as Locked by LaTiaJacquise.
Super excited to see it coming out much earlier than I expected, and the pricing so far seems reasonable. Still curious about the pricing of the subscriptions though, because I'm very interested in the master tier. Will the prices for that be reveales prior to the release date or just when it's released? Thanks :)
Perhaps I'm jumping the gun, but what will the Hero and Master subscription costs? Or is that forthcoming?
Edit: Thanks for the clarification!
This sounds great! Can you share more details on how much the subscription options will be, and what sort of payment options will be available?
EDIT: Thanks for clarifying. Those are super reasonable prices!
Hero is $3/Month, Master is $6/Month.
Sorry, all. BadEye edited and added those subscription pricings in.
A dwarf with a canoe on his back? What could go wrong?
What is meant by digital source book? Is this a document or just meaning that the content is available to be browsed/used in the builder and compendium?
Awesome, thanks for the info.
How do you get a one-armed goblin out of a tree?
Will there be a discount or offer if you want the physical books in addition to the digital sourcebooks?
Like say I want a book at the table for my players to flick through as well as sharing the content through DnD Beyond for them to prepare their characters or me a session as a DM. Are their plans for physical and digital bundles?
Sorry if this has been asked in other posts: If I've already purchased a physical copy of one of the books, is there a way to transfer that to the digital version?
Thanks for all the work you have put into this site. It's been a game changer so far!
"Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation."
― Oscar Wilde.
Grant K. Smith
A+, Network+, MCP x 2, BSIT/VC, MIS
Software Engineer & Dungeon Master
"Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger." - J. R. R. Tolkien
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup" - Anonymous
Original sourcebooks $50 apiece. Electronic access to the data they contain, an additional $20 to $30 apiece. I can't afford to take this hobby into the 21st century. Gonna have to play it 20th-century-style.
Awesome news!
Quick question though: What's gonna happen to all the homebrew stuff we've been submitting during this beta phase? Is it gonna get wiped? Or is D&D Beyond gonna keep all the current user-submitted homebrew content after it transitions to its full release state?
It'd be a bit of a pain if we all had to resubmit our custom content after the beta phase ends.
in the future will buying physical books unlock the content in d&d beyond?
How do you get a one-armed goblin out of a tree?
How does Unearthed Arcana fit into this? Is that considered official or more like homebrew level
Will there be sales on the books like the ones on the core books every once in a while? I'll prolly pick up the core books on launch (to supplement what I have now), and get the other modules as I go.
Also, any plans to do the Starter Kit and Lost Mines of Phandelver, maybe as an introductory setup?
I use summon instrument to summon my kettle drum, hold it overhead like Donkey Kong, and chuck it at the nearest kobold.